Griffie is checking on the Winterbite Mint, harvesting shears out.
Griffie draws a happy Griffie in a glass box with no bubble and happy humans and other-humanoids outside the box writing with styluses on tablets.
Griffie sorts the video where the humans and other-humanoids put Griffie in a large glass box as safe for everyone.
Griffie draws a series of images with arrows from one to the next, left to right and then top to bottom.
First: Griffie is gardening. Griffie is smiling. Griffie is not surrounded by a bubble.
Second: The space in the garden where Griffie was is on fire, but the fire looks weird.
Third: Griffie is in space. Griffie looks very very scared. Bits of Griffie are disintegrating at the edges.
Fourth: Griffie, still in space, is making some kind of weird gesture and mouth shape. A few different images of the hands and arms overlap each other, as if to indicate motion. A dotted-line bubble appears around Griffie.
Fifth: Griffie is in a solid-line bubble in space and looks less scared, but they are frowning.
Sixth: Griffie is writing things on a tablet connected to a sphere-construct, and is frowning less.
Seventh: Griffie is inside a glass box inside the humans' and other-humanoids' large metal structure. Griffie is not in a bubble and is smiling.
Leonarda had never had three mercurial blades pointed at her at once, and the one poking her carotid artery actually hurt a little.
"I'm not planning to just abandon the creature, but the creature is clearly functioning fine and has been for over a day at our estimate."
Mercurials. It was the truth, it wasn't like she had been planning to leave the creature out there on a whim, but being told at the point of a sword that if she left the creature out there… no, remember your training, be fair to them. They weren't saying anything stronger than if she did it without giving them a good reason she would be killed, and it wasn't like they were very likely to kill her even if she didn't cooperate. They knew the sword at her throat was not actually likely to make a difference to the fate of the creature, it wasn't like there was a button she could press to kill it in some desperate race between human and mercurial speed. They were just… being the way they are. Though with the less familiar mercurial involved… well, it wasn't like she was someone making first contact with them. She had training.
"The expressions of the creature match humans and mercurials, and given that we found each other, that is hardly unprecedented. Look at those drawings. The danger we were concerned about isn't this creature, this creature is one who was hit by it and left in the void."
"That does seem to match the claims, yes, but even taking it for granted, the creature clearly has... something like a spacesuit. Bringing it on board is not urgent. The creature itself brought up risks–"
"We still must reciprocate somehow. Ask the creature what we can do for it, if you won't accept immediately taking it on board. Captain, I insist on this."
"…fine. Boyd, ask Arete how she feels about a shuttle, and Fee about what options we have for constructions that don't bring it on board. Is that acceptable?"
"And I'm not planning to murder it! Why would I even do that? Even excluding moral issues, can't you at least appreciate that it would be pragmatically stupid?"
Arithnu moves his blade to slightly push back against the one against Leonarda's throat.
"Leonarda is my friend, you judge humans too harshly based on the actions of a few throughout their history. It is not as though our history is pure. Her concern for all rational and moral factors is a virtue, not a vice, and for you to suggest otherwise is–"
The screen transitions again. There is a video of a human, a wall that can be seen over, another human, and behind that human a shelf containing two different kinds of objects, one elaborate with gears, the other simple bricks.
The first human points to one of the elaborate objects, and a not photorealistic line appears from the pointing to the object.
The second human takes the object and tosses it gently over the wall, where the first human catches it and looks at the camera with a wide smile as they begin turning a crank.
The scene repeats again, except this time the second human tosses one of the bricks over, the first human catches it and looks at it, then purposefully drops it.
Then there is a scene where only the first human is there, holding one of the elaborate objects, but then drops it and it breaks, and the human frowns dramatically.
The videos are then placed in circles like in the sorting tasks, and a photorealistic picture of Griffie gardening (though the plants are all wrong) appears.
Well, Griffie sketched the plants pretty roughly in that scene, it makes sense that they couldn't identify matches. Griffie gardening goes in the category with the smiling human who got the object they pointed to.
The screen transitions to a line with the three videos from before, in the order 'item breaks' 'get brick' and 'get item'.
At the 'item breaks' end of the line is an exaggerated face of a human frowning, and at the 'get item' end there is an exaggerated face of a human smiling.
Another video appears on the screen, showing the first human pointing to an item, the second human trying to pick it up but finding it attached to the shelf, then the first human sighing dramatically and pointing to another elaborate item, which then gets passed over the wall.
An image of a human hand, finger extended, then drags that video to between 'get brick' and 'get item', closer to 'get item'.
At the bottom right, there is another ring like the previous ones.
This looks like preference ranking? And the human prefers getting a brick to having their item break, because if they get a brick the item is still there? Griffie taps the bottom-right ring.
The videos vanish, and the pictures of the human smiling and frowning are replaced with images of Griffie smiling and frowning.
The images of Griffie aren't quite right, their face doesn't work quite like that.
Many videos appear below the line, waiting to be dragged.
- Griffie gardening without a bubble.
- Griffie in space without a bubble.
- Griffie in space with a bubble.
- Griffie in space with a bubble and a drone with a touch screen.
- Griffie in a glass box in the spaceship.
- Griffie in a glass box in the spaceship with people around.
- Drones flying and assembling a glass box around Griffie, after which the bubble around Griffie vanishes.
- Drones flying and assembling an opaque box around Griffie.
- Drones flying and assembling a glass box around Griffie (with the bubble vanishing), then a closed metal structure around the box, then humans coming in to the structure and standing outside the box.
Finally, there is a parchment-space off to the side.
Griffie draws a glassy image tablet in the parchment space. They would like to indicate a preference for communication options. "Life support outside the bubble, but no communications" and "communications, but no life support besides the entirely-reliable-thus-far bubble" are things they are not sure how to weight against each other.
The screen turns dark for a bit, and then lights back up with a smaller image of a tablet to the side. A sample Griffie hand shows dragging the tablet, which promptly duplicates, leaving one where it started and one to be dragged to one of the videos of Griffie in a glass box, and a tablet appearing in it, then it reverts to just the tablet image off to the side and the video the way it was.
Using the tablet-adding option, Griffie creates the following ordering:
- Griffie with an exaggerated fake smile.
- Griffie without a bubble in a glass box in the big metal structure with a tablet and with people near the box.
- Griffie gardening without a bubble.
- Sphere-constructs assembling a glass box around Griffie and a tablet, with the bubble vanishing, then a closed metal structure being built around the box with humans entering the structure and not the box.
- Griffie in the big metal structure with a tablet and with people further from the box.
- Sphere-constructs assembling a glass box around Griffie, after which the bubble vanishes.
- Griffie in space with a bubble and a sphere-construct with a tablet.
- Griffie in space with a bubble and nothing else around.
- Griffie in space without a bubble.
- Griffie with an exaggerated fake frown.
The image of Griffie in the opaque box remains unsorted.