Griffie is checking on the Winterbite Mint, harvesting shears out.
"Fee, what options do we have for figuring out if and how we need to recalibrate the subspace drive?"
"We have some components, I might have to take some from our replacement parts supply. This about Griffith?"
"Hey captain. Mind if I use the jelly we found to see about building something to check how subspace drives and Griffith interact?"
"Granted. Even from a purely research perspective, the loss of the jelly components is easily worth the reduced risk of losing track of Griffith, and adding in moral concerns only makes it more trivial."
Leonarda hesitates a bit more at that. "I don't want us getting stranded this far out. Try to avoid using any of the parts that we would want for a communications amplifier."
"All right. Mending seems… pretty predictable at this point. How about that last spell? Planetarium, you called it?"
"Yes, 'Planetarium'. It only lasts less than a minute after I stop focusing on it, so I may not be able to answer particularly complicated questions during testing. I can place it anywhere in here, and have a sphere of smaller radius so the whole thing actually fits. How about you send in one of those hover-capable constructs with visual sensors and I center the illusion on it? I will want a peek too, but I'd block the image some, so maybe the construct should get a view without me first."
The spell fizzles, the error reporting to Griffie that the underlying stellar interaction field fails to extend to the targeted location, likely because they are on a plane without a sky.
"Huh. Didn't work. Apparently the stellar interaction field that 'Planetarium' references doesn't extend to my location. This spell works deep underground, and so the error message suggests that I'm likely on a plane 'without a sky'. …we should put some qualifiers on that, the surroundings of this ship do in fact look skylike."
"Your stars apparently only glow with, what was it that you called it, 'Heat of Motion', and you've never before seen positive energy? Our stars may glow some with our heat, but they primarily glow with positive energy. Which could be what the spell is looking for? I could analyze it if that's somehow the best use of our time, though I doubt it. …and on the subject of our stars being different, my planet once had a Day of Three Suns after terrorist activity on the positive energy plane. I … should have mentioned that earlier. Probably your stars … don't do that. People in your world who like things being orderly and making sense must like that."
"…yes, I would like to hear more about this. Also the captain may wish to hear about the terrorist activity."
"This now makes the second issue you thought I should talk to the Captain about. Is she available?"
"Griffith has various… political things to talk about. About both our politics and their world's politics. Is now a good time?"