Griffie is checking on the Winterbite Mint, harvesting shears out.
Boyd sighs. "I hope you don't take it the wrong way if I don't reciprocate. Orders from above. You know some of ours though."
Leonarda swallows "I… am still not fully sure what all of that actually means. 'Fusing deaths'… is not on any list of war crimes I have ever seen."
"This gets into complicated stuff about souls. It's a form of taking advantage of people dying. How about I talk about the more concrete stuff first? Uh. Szuriel … where to start."
"Here's a concrete thing. She taunted us about Kenchlo's death at her servant's hand, saying 'Tell me how much you care about this victim. Enough to lie to try to start a war in the outer planes, or not that much?'. …I said this was an unfair question, my friend said that she would prefer to somehow turn Szuriel to the side of good rather than destroy her. Szuriel then went on, saying 'To stop me from doing it again or whatever, because I will. Did you think war was limited to killing combatants?' Those are direct quotes of her, by the way."
"During the incident where her servant killed Kenchlo, some other daemons, 'bibliodaemons', were also present, and tried to destroy our memories and some books we had. Charon said these were Szuriel's servants, and asked her to explain their presence. She said 'I have found it always a good idea to make sure that those committing genocide get enough of their target's books and records. It reduces how much people try to stop them in the future, among other benefits.' We asked if they were for destroying evidence of genocides. She responded 'Not the evidence. The victim’s more sympathetic writings, typically.'. Those are also direct quotes."
Griffie looks increasingly agitated, but pauses to breathe.
"Your people have a lot of traditions around checking for truth and intervening in atrocities and avoiding the common pitfalls, do they not?"
"…I would like you to arrange for beginning however it is you do that, and if this isn't the most impressive and audacious propaganda I've heard of, I will personally join in on the inevitable mercurial demand for support from us humans. We humans may be slower than you to put our lives on the line and dive into battle, but… wherever I put that line, this crosses it."
"…thank you Captain. That means more than you know." Arithnu says, beginning to tap on his tablet with tears running down his face.
"I'm still concerned about the tech issues, but… if this is true, and we can actually make a difference… well… you know I love those movies of yours, and as reasons to live one go… I can't say an actual goddess of war and war crimes had crossed my mind before."
"And she called Kencho 'daemon-bait'! She taunted us, saying 'To be clear, the only one who could confirm or deny your claims in a way not easily faked is the bard who was left trapped in a circle as daemonbait?'! He was an artist and historian, and he had been helpful to us at a point where he could have hurt us quite a lot, and we had him in a comfortable containment area because he was also still kind of in the service of someone who wanted to invade my world, and we were treating him well, and we had him guarded by people who were told to use nonlethal containment methods if he tried something, and we were going to have him talk to the deities who want to help people about Charon's plans, and I was going to try to take him to parties and find him people who wanted to hire him to paint things for them, and Szuriel said Kenchlo was daemonbait. Because she and Charon have made up this story where we try to capture lots of daemons and use their soul-damage-manipulation abilities to heal people instead of hurt them. I wanted Kenchlo to live! I wasn't in any way expecting to be ambushed by incredibly powerful daemons that we only managed to mostly defeat due to incredible luck! I was expecting to bring Kenchlo home with me and show him the world!"
Griffie is out of breath and crying.
"I probably can't breathe your 'air' anyway, so how much benefit is there to having me outside of quarantine, beyond getting useful information?"
"I don't know, Art. If Griffith isn't made of even the same matter, and stuff from where Griffith comes from can't even exist here without their spell, it would seem safe. On the other hand, I'm only taking their suggestion that the quarantine box even helps, for all I know all their diseases are transported by simply seeing someone who is infected and we are all going to die in the next few days."
"I haven't heard of a disease with that mechanism of transmission. There are such things as 'gaze attacks', but all the ones I know of are distance-dependent. Though some of them work through scrying. I've never heard of a transmissible gaze attack disease, there's a place that might have them but I've never been there. Though, uh, I also radiate heat, which you apparently find concerning? And my bubble constantly produces air for me, and it probably leaks a little, and my air will disintegrate, but possibly not until after you've inhaled it? And when I was suggesting the box … I thought you were normal humans, who ran on the same physics I do. Also at the time I was only worried about causing an allergic reaction for the mercurials, sometimes people have weird allergies, I've been near plenty of humans and they were fine. I have spells for testing for and curing my world's kind of diseases."
"So. Uh. I could talk more about medicine. I actually am pretty great at field medicine for people in my world. I might be good at it for your people if you use bandages and stitches and chemicals? But I wouldn't use my kit with you obviously. I've also done research at major medical libraries and volunteered at their hospitals, my talents are useful there and it's a good place to use my extra positive energy capacity on any given day. Wait, do you know what Positive Energy is?"
"We do not, other than it is involved in 'souls' and medicine, the former of which before today I would have thought were pure fiction. A lot of what you speak of are things I would have thought were fiction."
Leonarda pauses and turns back to Griffith. "Oh, and we do use bandages, stitches, and chemicals."
"They can keep specific secrets just fine. Passwords, exact numbers of weapons. Mercurials get… excited, however. If you can raise the dead, and don't want anyone to know, I somehow doubt Art will be able to keep that he knows someone who can do so to himself."