Griffie is checking on the Winterbite Mint, harvesting shears out.
"All right. You can get on the shuttle Cornelia and Arete, and we will convert the place into a beacon. I want you to stay quarantined, and to expose some animals to–right, need to make sure they don't make evil deities. I'll add friendly animals to the list. Those… may be trickier than plants."
"I can stay in quarantine. Maybe one where people can get closer to the outside of the space, though? And in my opinion we can wait a while on the positive energy exposure tests, unless you're concerned about wanting it tested so it's a potential backup option for injured crewmembers? I'm not leaking very much positive energy."
"Hm… I do want to get you out of quarantine, but I don't want any evil gods or indestructible plagues. You said you could cure diseases. Can that apply to other things? I would want to test it on… hm. A healthy sample, a sample sick with one of our diseases, and a sample sick with one of your diseases. Plants and then animals."
"The disease-curing spells are actually also based on positive energy. It might be better to do tests with the spell 'Diagnose Disease', it just checks whether a thing is diseased or not and doesn't heal it at all. Sometimes clever diseases can hide from it, but yours shouldn't have had any pressure to develop such an ability."
"I see. Oh, speaking of plants, how would this work with modified plants? Would something domesticated be more friendly to us, or make some sort of mutating things deity?"
"You're really overstating the effects of one plant's soul worth of quintessence. For domesticated plants that were modified to be more friendly to you in a way that isn't hostile to the plant's genetic line … that should produce friendlier to you quintessence? To the extent that mutating-things would be involved it'd be friendly mutations?"
"Yes. I've done containment procedures when growing plants from distant environments before."
"Are you confident that just because one weak deity forming where there are lots of competing deities couldn't rapidly rise to become a major power doesn't mean that they couldn't in the absence of any competition?"
"I give off orders of magnitude more quintessence than a plant. If there's anything forming it should be from me. A deity of communication and carefully staying in place and conserving resources and warning people about things, haha, which … I really think we would notice if it existed?"
"…fine. I'll have them send in the current chamomile version. Do you want to be moved to the ship before or after that?"
"Wow, that's one impressive ship. Your people seem quite good at building things without magic."
"Yep! I'm ready to expose plants to positive energy in the lowest dose that I'm used to distributing."
Griffie positions themself near the sample. "Ready to perform the first exposure when you are."
"I'm not seeing any result with my senses either. This result would be unsurprising with plants from my own world, save for how this one appears lifeless. The amount of energy I used there is significantly greater than the background amount I'm leaking, so I think we can be less concerned about that."
"I could prepare several instances of that disease-diagnosing spell, and we could consider this plant a baseline plant sample?"