Griffie is checking on the Winterbite Mint, harvesting shears out.
"We are well aware of your willingness to go along with immoral and dishonorable things, yes. I would offer you a list of some of the more horrific cases we have heard about, except they are just the ones we managed to find out about, you likely know worse."
"Preparing to analyze the water sample with your, uh, 'lightning dot' microscope? Sounds like a good idea to me. If anyone wants to fight someone on my behalf they can ask me first."
While Cornelia is setting up sensors around Griffie's box, she frowns "Up close as well..." the translation software causing Griffie to hear her words in Sylvan, though her mouth movements remain unchanged.
"Are you cold?"
"Greetings, probably-Cornelia! What's going on up close? I don't feel cold, 'Life Bubble' maintains a comfortable temperature for me."
"Yes. Inside or outside the bubble? It will go on the floor at least mostly outside the bubble, unless you want it inside a container."
"Outside the bubble. I'll give you a bowl."
She uses machinery to put a metal bowl into the quarantine box.
Griffie walks over to the bowl. It looks like a normal metal bowl, if very well made. Griffie casts Create Water, causing Water to appear in the bowl.
Griffie rummages through their backpack, and eventually pulls out a much cruder-looking metal bowl, with a hole through it, and some dining utensils attached to a string.
"I wouldn't mind heating heating any of these, but if I'm not holding a piece and it's not in a container I've managed to cast 'Life Bubble' on either, it's probably going to disintegrate quickly, and if I am holding a piece, I don't want it to be too hot because then it will hurt me."
Cornelia thinks "You claim that fire is a specific, single, substance. If I gave you some fuel, could you make fire?"
"I can make fire without using any of your fuel or burning any of my belongings. It might look threatening but I won't touch the surfaces of the box with it. I will need to meditate for a little while first, and then when I am ready I will tell you, and you can say when you are ready for me to make a fire sample."
"All right. I would like you to make fire, and try to ignite or heat a few samples I provide."
She sends in some metal, a strange extremely black material, and some bowls of liquids. All are on little stands fitted to them.
Griffie meditates, then stands up and approaches the objects. "I am ready for the fire tests."
Griffie casts Flame Blade, with the beam pointed away from the objects. They hold the blade like an experienced combatant.