sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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"Wait, so you want to move all the Muggles to Mars? That's even harder."


"We were thinking more 'let Muggles emigrate to Mars', which would hopefully inspire Earth governments to try a little harder to be good places to live."


"Oh, that makes sense."


"I can think of people who might kink on the curse, if that's an acceptable form of consent."


" - can you recommend me a book or something on - 2179 social norms or something -"


"...not off the top of my head..."



"....yeah, okay, that's - consent-y enough."


"I'm not sure about any given one and could sound them out by letter, or we could pretend it's a drug trial or something."


"Your call, I haven't met any of these people yet."


"It's mostly a matter of timing, letters take longer but it'd be easier to be very precise about what information we give 'em."


"Could it plausibly pass as a drug test? I don't know what future drugs can do or how they affect daeva."


"Oh, it couldn't at all, but you could describe a drug as having the effects in question and get as far as 'sign me up' before revealing that there was magic involved, so you didn't explain magic prematurely to half a dozen people only one of whom wound up wanting to try it."


"Sure, let's do that, we're not pressed for time exactly."


Cam nods and starts composing a letter.


He returns to his reading and takes notes on development interventions.


Eventually Miranda has quizzed Bar to her temporary satisfaction, found representative future textbooks from several worlds similar to theirs to hand off to Finis for closer investigation, and made an itinerary for finding elderly and sickly Muggles of her acquaintance as soon as they can be sure of the door enough to go all the way to London.


He is calling in some favors to arrange for that.


"I'm not sure how we convince all these people to pretend to be from 2179."


"What goes wrong if demons learn about this world? - or we could only summon angels, that'd substantially delay the demons finding out..."


"...means that Revelation finds out sooner or later, means it gets a little harder to pay them with whatever media effect wizards have had but magic items would still probably work, means Arda finds out sooner or later because the non-Elf species are using summoning as an immortality measure now..."


"Are any of those bad things? - and we're going to be leaning on magic much more than media - can you fly a broomstick? That's worth checking."


"Get me one to try, then. They're not particularly bad. Demons knowing that there's not just one extra world but a whole proliferation, though, that might make it awkward if anything came up they really shouldn't know about which didn't happen to be encrypted right."


" -"


"I don't know - memetic virus? Nonmagical artificial womb?"


"...we should probably not ask Bar about memetic viruses. Could ask about artificial wombs - Bar, are there nonfiction books with those mentioned -"

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