sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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"I was anonymous for safety, which did not work, and have stayed that way because there was no productive way to deanonymize afterwards and no reason to unproductively do so, and now I feel like it would come off as trying to compensate for the thing where I holed a planet so I'm just privately deriving some comfort from being net positive in lives saved."


"It sounds like the Arda decision was that all by itself. But - well, congratulations anyway, I would personally be very annoyed about having to do the most important things anyone had ever done anonymously."




"Should we check if summoning works now, or did you want to read the rest of the magic books first?"




"I kind of want to know so I can meaningfully start planning."


"Sure. I will be happy to make most of a circle for you. How conspicuously weird looking is your hallway..."


"Not weird, I don't think." He opens the door. 


It is obviously the inside of a large and old stone building, but it could easily be a museum or cathedral or just a fancy estate. Except for the fact that the people in the portraits move and gawk curiously at them.



"The paintings," Cam observes neutrally.


" - oh, right. In that case we might as well go all the way off-grounds, reduce the potential for interference - Minor, will you hold the door -"


Minor scoots doorward without looking up from his book.



"I am reluctant to go away from the door while there are Elves I have not put back."


"Fair. I can do it myself if you give me notes -"


"...You're also dressed funny."


" do people in 2179 dress?"


Cam hands him an outfit.


"Uh, Bar, is there somewhere I can change -"


You may rent a room, or the restroom is available to your right.


"I will probably eventually get a room, we're going to have lots to do - Cam, do you mind paying for it, I might want to spend my money on projects and counterfeit won't do for those -"


"Yeah, no problem." He drops a sack on Bar. It clinks, then vanishes. She provides a key and a napkin reading Room 5688.


And after some bewilderment at pants he comes downstairs looking not especially remarkable for 2179. "You will also have to tell me what to say, I can copy your mannerisms and maybe your accent if mine're suspect but I don't know what the conventional requests would be -"


"Don't disguise your accent, she'll get your dialect anyway and might notice if you aren't using it. It's not that far off. Tell her you got her name off Davidson's Demons List, take this," he hands him a little chip, "don't show it to her in advance or indicate that it's on your person, tell her you've got a song you guarantee isn't in circulation and you want a - pick something she could reasonably make you?"


"- do books even still exist - magic things probably won't go -"


"Magic things won't go. Books are not unheard of and that's actually even a reasonable thing to ask for since physical books are kind of niche in 2179. It'd have to be something you'd have a plausible reason to want in book form even if you assume you can get the contents trivially off the extranet though."


"If I asked for, like, a replica of the throne room of King George the III, because I am a historical enthusiast - that'd also let us tell whether conjuring makes things from your world or from mine by default, because ours has a point of contact with the wizarding minister -"


"Yes, that works. Specify a scale and how you want it boxed or whatever, I don't think she'd hurt you even sans binding but she might think it was funny to make it full size in the middle of whatever nowhere you use."

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