sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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Cam is not quite interpreting distressed noises at the moment.

(Miranda's upstairs, the Fëanáros are upstairs, most of the others are in the backyard or out in Hogwarts -)


The Dementor does not enter the bar, just stops curiously at the doorway. The cloak is moving as if in a wind, though Muggles can't see that, and no one around has ever been happy, in their whole lives, and everything they will ever experience from now on is the worst moment of their life, over and over -



Cam is indestructible.

Pity, that.


- and here's an Elf who did mass installations of sewage and water treatment systems back when they were needed in Valinor, and volunteered to come here and help develop plans to do the same on Earth, and the worst moment of his life is not quite bad enough to be incapacitating (the moment they learned the war was over was not a happy moment, but it was not a hopeless one, either) -

- "uh, Security?" he says, "uh, Curufinwë - whatever your name is - Curufinwë, wake up -" 

- and a moment later there's a loud knock on Miranda's door - "you're a wizard, right, something's gone wrong, fix it -"


"Witch," reflexively, then, "what, what is it -?"


"- mind control spell or something but not the one that's supposedly pleasant, it was really terrible, couldn't get not-prince-Curufinwë to wake up -"


She steps out into the hall and makes for the stairs. "Terrible how -"


"- it seemed like everything that had ever happened was terrible, and everything would be terrible no matter what so there was no point in doing anything about it -"


"...they're not supposed to be in the building - I know the spell but - is Michael still around, I know the spell but I've never been able to make it work -"


"I don't know where he is and none of you people have chips if you know his room we can go find him -"


"Did you try Security?"


"I said 'Security' - don't know how to get their attention - how do people without chips even do anything ever -"


Miranda snaps at her dictation quill, "If you know the Patronus charm main bar area immediately otherwise send for help" - and flicks a wand at the paper so it will go find Michael -

- and heads down the stairs.


Everything is terrible! Everything in her life was terrible, and everything always will be!


Is that fucking so.

She descends the last couple stairs - Minor twitching in his sleep, Cam staring glassily into space looking like tears would be an insult to his grief -

She knows the wand motion and she knows the incantation and she is in a timestopping bar that reaches into a gazillion other universes full of strange magic and opportunities and people and "Expecto Patronum!"


And it's - gone. 




...wait, really?


He shudders violently, wakes up - "wha-"


The glowing figure is still standing in the doorway directly over him.

"Minor! Are you okay?"


"I -" blink - "yeah - what happened - hey, I didn't know you had a Patronus - I didn't know you could have a humanoid Patronus either - what happened to Cam -"


"A dementor happened to Cam but I think I killed it and I didn't have one before but I guess I do now." She goes over to Cam and puts her hand on his shoulder. He doesn't stir. ...She waves her Patronus over with her wand and it does the same thing. That doesn't help either.


He comes down the stairs holding her note - "is everything okay -"


"I think I killed it? But - I don't know what to do about Cam -"


"Uh, if he wasn't apparently you I'd say this is the situation for cheering charms? But I vividly remember you flipping out about those - uh - Stupefy?" - because Cam still looks like he's in an awful lot of pain -


That works.

For about forty seconds, then - well, he doesn't move, but you can kinda tell -

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