sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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"It's the same principle that makes me so fond of the people who care about elephants - having enough resources that you can give the prisoners visits with their mothers and the nightmare things ethically-sourced happiness and everyone who might even potentially matter careful moral consideration - that you don't have to compromise, ever again..."


"I read your books."


"Were they very confusing?"


"Whenever they were very meticulous about using a concept of 'gender' that does not correspond to anything I could figure out I got a little lost but the rest I could piece together."


"If you want context on that one I could find something but it's not actually applicable here far as I know."


"I will probably familiarize myself before we're in a position to be setting policy, because if it is a thing that will matter to people then we should get it right to start with, but it didn't seem especially urgent, no."




"Did I convince you on the age differences thing when we were discussing Michael, because that was mentioned too -"


"...pretty much but I do feel compelled to point out the irony of you calling your cousin who is two years younger than you 'a kid'."


"He is. It's not exactly an age thing but it is a thing which matters. I wasn't a kid at fifteen but I also wouldn't have said anything to you."


"...what is the thing you're pointing at then?"


"Hmm, I think - whether a relationship would compromise either person's ability to notice if they were happy and if they endorsed what was going on? Which is partially a maturity thing but not entirely, and I don't think people who don't have that figured out should necessarily avoid relationships but I wouldn't date them because - well, that much responsibility for someone's wellbeing given there are any circumstances under which I mess up -"


"Fair enough."


"I think I handle pressure better than Elf me who grew up in paradise but I do not want to assume I am perfect at it and I find it very reassuring that if I were careless you'd notice."


"Yeah, I am more of a pushover in standard conversational modes than I used to be but I don't think that will extend that far."


Kiss. "That might have been part of my motive for insisting really vehemently that it was reasonable to believe yourself entitled to me specifically taking you as seriously as before -"


"I did actually buy your explicit argument for that so you can't get out of it if you dump me."


"It was a correct argument," he says smugly. "I don't want out of it and I intend to point it out to other people it reasonably applies to."




Yes, more of that. 



And then he will go tell his brother and his cousin that thank-you-very-much-for-covering-for-him-lately there's a magic time-stopping bar if they want to study for their O.W.L.s. Which they do.


Fredrick stares at Maitimo kind of a lot. Timothy makes a point of mentioning, as he arranges rooms for them, that Maitimo is a thousands-of-years old Elf and Elves are weird and in particular they are going to be mourning this war that just happened for the next few decades, isn't that funny, it came up because this girl who was dating Michael was interested in dating the Elf Michael but the Elf Michael is not dating people for the next. Several. Decades. And neither is Maitimo. 

Fredrick still stares at Maitimo kind of a lot. Maitimo gets him a computer and talks excitedly at him for several hours about proposals to handle Muggle disease outbreaks. This does not help at all. Maitimo can be presumed to know how much this is not helping so Timothy refrains from saying anything. The proposals are very well-thought-through.

Eventually they all decide they have studied enough for their exams, and float a napping Minor over to the door so they can actually take them.


"Good skill, as they say in Arda."


"- huh. I like it." Off for exams! They involve turning some kittens into teapots; he inquired about bringing his own kittens and was told that wouldn't be an acceptable solution because of the potential for cheating somehow. 



The Ministry has stationed Dementors on the Hogwarts grounds to help in the search for the Azkaban escapees. They are too far away to interfere with the exams, but he gets a glimpse through the window and pleasantly anticipates boxing them and sending them off far away.


Cam hangs out in the main bar with a glass of lemonade and some reading material, watching Minor to make sure he doesn't roll away from the door in his sleep.


He is a very stationary napper, except when he mumbles in his sleep about electricity. 



He also makes a sort of distressed noise when a Dementor approaches down the hallway, but Cam cannot see Dementors and could not possibly interpret that as anything but a nightmare, at least not at first.

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