sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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"Costs him lifespan. At a very steep exchange rate."


"Can the Elves pick it up? Can daeva?"


"If they were under five and got dunked in a magic fountain maybe."


"I guess we might have a hard time finding under five Elf volunteers for dunking. How are we on things to do while the door to Arda's open -"


"Get ahold of your mother's alt, send a drone to Endorë in case they're not conjuring their mail to ask for attention to the interworld transit problem and personnel for modernizing your world and others similar, I think that's all on the list."


"World with the time-stopper need any help?"


"It has even less technology than yours and lots of profoundly disabled people who overused the other sorts of magic that don't just outright kill you. Also the existing power structures have mages on retainer."


"That sounds delightfully challenging and probably a terrible place to start."


"Pretty much, yeah."


"I will check the Arda to-do list with everyone, see if there's anything we're missing."


"I'll be spending the intervening time resurrecting people" obviously "but I can spare a bit after the drone's been gone five days to conjure a reply and it's loosely possible they'll be busy enough at home to prefer to be forked instead of coming entire."


"Sounds good. Can you speed up the resurrecting any by doing all the chips in here-"


"Yeah. Can I get one of those bags that's bigger on the inside? It's enough to be hard to haul around, five days' worth."


"Of course. I'll grab one from supplies next time I open the door - did anyone in Azkaban write -"


Checking again... "Not yet. Wizards are mostly literate, right...?"


"Some come to Hogwarts not knowing how to write but they get caught up quick enough. You - mostly - can't commit the sort of crime that lands you in Azkaban without years of school. They're probably just - out of it."


"Are they even going to eat? How were they kept alive?"


"People drop by every day, check there's no signs of trouble. They feed them. There's food you don't have to eat much of to stay alive, and wizards starve much slower than Muggles. I don't know if they'll eat now. Assembling the angels and therapists is probably worth doing before we open the door again."


"Yeah. ...How did they get anyone volunteering for that job on the island with the avatars of psychological torture?"


"Oh, we can defend ourselves, there's a charm for it. It's still not the most fun job in the world, but it pays well, and some people like seeing their former enemies tortured and so on."




"I'm honestly a little surprised humanity grows out of that one."


"Oh, you know, people assign high status to being magnanimous and too cool to care about revenge and so on."


"Oh, yes, of course that'd be the way to do it." Sigh. "What'll the therapists do -"


"That kinda depends on whether you can sell them on the necessity of prison in the first place, I think I mentioned Elves spontaneously die if locked up?"

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