sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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"You were gone for eight hours."


"Goblins are, like, nocturnal or something."


"That's great. I had to come up with a cover story and you're on duty and then going to bed. You could've written."


"...I can go back to Milliways, right?"


"Yes, of course, you're not one of my students and no one has any reason to hold me accountable for whatever you get up to. Did you have a fun trip?"


"It was great!" she beams. "I got so much stuff! There was currency involved! I saw a dragon and later we're going to a preserve!"


"Don't bother the dragons too much until we've double-checked that magic fire doesn't affect you more than regular fire."


"Makes sense. Still, though. Dragon!"


"They're pretty cool."


"Night. Unless, you know, you wanted to insist I miss my scheduled hall duty shift, I think there's a binding magic contract involved and my brother couldn't do anything about it."


"I would but technically if you stiff me that just weakens my binding, it doesn't actually do anything directly. I don't think I'd be very convincing if I threatened you really."


"Timothy could probably tell whether you meant it," he says regretfully, and kisses her goodnight.


Mwah. "Will the thing on my wings wear off, it's kind of weird."


"Will, or I can remove it." He does that.


Mwah. "Later!" And she attempts to retrace her steps to the door.


Finis is there reading. He looks up, blinks at her, and goes back to reading.


Amriac traipses with her trunkful of swag to the backyard to mess with it.


He patrols the corridors of Hogwarts for Azkaban escapees. There are none, of course. Their cells contain instructions on how to communicate with Cam, but he'd probably better get some people up there to make sure they're eating and everything. He debates internally who at St. Mungos could be trusted. He sends Michael to bed with a scolding about how of all the days to miss dinner to find some nook with some girl, not today, when everyone was on edge; Michael rejoins that he did that on lots of other days, too, to be fair.

Timothy takes ten points from Slytherin out loud and awards the two of them thirty, in his head, for some fantastic acting. 

After breakfast he goes up to the fourth floor corridor that winds behind the astronomy tower. His father is sitting in the doorway, reading. Cam is sitting over at the bar, also reading. He looks - okay. Amriac didn't spend the night scolding him about the planet, at least. She didn't seem the type but he'd nonetheless worried. 

And there are footsteps behind him. 

He turns around and illusions a stone wall between him and Milliways. It's not the alcove that is actually usually there - that'd be too hard to get the perspective right - and it's one-directional but hopefully his father and Cam are too smart to go walk through it. "Professor Kneedling."

"Mister Way."

                "You have a very good attendance record here."

"I take great pride in it."

              "It made your absence all yesterday afternoon and evening, and Minor's, and Michael's, and your father's - he cancelled all his appointments, did you know? - all the more surprising."

"Michael takes less pride in his attendance; he was off with a girl. I watched the Quidditch practice, you can ask -"

                "I am sure I can ask literally dozens of people."

Timothy smiles. "That's right."

               "Do you have any insight you could lend the Ministry on the Azkaban breakout?"


               "Do you think the Ministry will hesitate to imprison people simply because Azkaban has been attacked?"

" - Professor. What I heard of the incident was that the island was neatly picked up, moved a fathom away, neatly set back down, and demolished layer by layer, all the Dementors and prisoners removed without a trace. All within three minutes."


"If you had any idea who'd done something like that, wouldn't it be very unwise to pick a fight with them?"

                A long pause. "Who can confirm you were at the Quidditch practice?"

Timothy cheerfully lists two dozen names. He waits for Professor Kneedling to leave.

And he steps into Milliways and closes the door.



"I hope no one picks a fight with you. You might have to produce your spectacular powers."


"I won't be provocative at people who might respond by being provoked. I have a tentative list of healers who'd be cooperative with being dropped off on the Moon to help out - I don't know how good angelic healing is, is that worth employing also?"


"It won't do anything for psychological problems but it's great for physical ones if you get a well-trained angel. There's lists."


"Yay, more interviews." He's grinning broadly. "This magic system was, like, designed to delight me personally - what've you been up to, get anywhere useful..."


"Talked to the person working security on the grounds that anybody who could arrest all of us at need would need cool powers. The cool power is stopping time but the bar is letting him cheat a nasty side effect so he can't reasonably be sent on errands."


"Nasty side effect?"

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