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Julie has a medical emergency. And several other emergencies.
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- this is also within his expectations of how this might go. Sure. 


:- Naomi! I was - guarding - Leareth, distracted - prisoner's gone, can you, cameras–: 


"Yeah - we're on it - though actually it might be helpful to have one of you people take him down with that psychic paralysis thing, can you do that from anywhere?"

She is in the decontamination shower and very irritated about it.


"He's in comms," he announces, and goes to kill the power to comms.


(Leareth is, at this point, still very out of commission.) 


Gaaaaaaah does she need to cause any "random" electronic malfunctions - she can but she would prefer not to, where's the spy at with getting the message broadcasted - 


He's close but he's had to override a bunch of things and he doesn't think it's out yet and also he'd like to say more than just the thing that'll be dumped from his eye, he has some useful context on it -


- all right fine she's going to cause a random electrical malfunction then! One which is both vaguely-plausibly-related to the spell that was just aborted - the magic is still dissipating, she doesn't think this is too implausible - and will both disrupt Alex's attempt to shut down power, and also keep all his systems and sensors busy with lots of random noise for the next fifteen seconds or so. 


Leareth has been given a sedative and, as a result, stopped having a seizure. 



Also he's deeply out enough that he isn't, currently, breathing. 


The Healers are so freaked out and alarmed! 

:Naomi what's the autodoc saying what should we DO -: 


"I'm going to get the escaped prisoner before he tells our enemies exactly where to find us! Ask Julie!"


This is the WORST PLAN and they are never going to approve Leareth doing something like this EVER AGAIN.

:Julie! Help!: 


Is the eyeball-recording message being transmitted yet. 


Yep! It's on its way!


"It wants you to hook up an, uh, machine that'll breathe for him - not my oxygen mask it's more involved than that -"


Wow, Leareth is super going to hate that! (....He really really deserves it thought.)

They follow the instructions. They're pretty good at it, at this point. 


....All right. The bare minimum is done, now. 

Nayoki stops attempting anything in particular to delay entry to the comms area or stop people from shutting down the power supply, and sprints toward the medbay. 


The crew of the Roci goes and finds their spy and sticks him in an airlock and has an argument. 


Leareth's staff listen in on the argument via Thoughtsensing. 


(Leareth is not currently up for participating in any of this and probably won't be for a while! He's heavily sedated, on a ventilator, and the Healers are letting the autodoc do whatever it wants in order to get him stabilized.) 


Nayoki is going to inform Holden and his crew that Leareth will almost certain have thoughts and opinions on the strategic considerations around what to do with the spy, and so they should wait until he's recovered enough to talk to them??


"Respectfully, I'm not sure I give a shit about Leareth's thoughts and strategic considerations. You people are the reason he got a message off."


"Can you use your psychic powers to tell whether he's telling the truth about who he messaged and what he told them?"


"I am telling the truth!" the spy says tearfully from inside the airlock. "I was trying to protect us. The UN will straight-up destroy this ship if they think you're their enemy."


"I'm sure they'll try."


Nayoki currently hates everything about this stupid mission. 

She can confirm that the spy is telling the truth, at least. 

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