It's the morning of your first lift-off, perhaps it's too early to call it morning, it's still pretty dark out. As is traditional, you've been camped out under the stars right next to the launch tower. But as you wakeup, you see something you've never seen before. The ancient Nomai space station in orbit of Giant's Deep lit up bright blue and then it exploded. Nobody was ever able to get inside it when it was intact, maybe now you can get into one of the pieces. If only you didn't need to get the codes from Hornfels at the observatory before you could lift off.
“Heyo, hatchlings! I hear you're leaving us to seek adventure amongst the stars. When you return, let's you, me, and Gossan open up a bottle of the Good Stuff.”
Gneiss is sitting in front of their house strumming on their banjo a bit off the path to the observatory if Heli and Gabe want to make a small detour.
"Hey, Gneiss! Taking care of the banjo?" Gabe says, taking a closer look at the decorations he painted.
"Course I am. I made it afterall, made all the explorer's instruments too, I suppose I've already told you about that though."
"If you happen to meet them, make sure they're taking care of them, taking care of themselves too for that matter. That goes for you too. Take care of each other out there."
"Heli can't get rid of me that easily." Gabe says giving Heli a side-hug. "I am sure we will see you soon."
"See ya..."
They don't meet Tephra and Galena next, right? Even if they do, this must be the usual spot to find them, right!?
However did he guess? They're usually off making mischief in various places but when they're taking a break Galena's porch isn't an unusual place to find them.
"Hullo, astronauts!" says Tephra.