It's the morning of your first lift-off, perhaps it's too early to call it morning, it's still pretty dark out. As is traditional, you've been camped out under the stars right next to the launch tower. But as you wakeup, you see something you've never seen before. The ancient Nomai space station in orbit of Giant's Deep lit up bright blue and then it exploded. Nobody was ever able to get inside it when it was intact, maybe now you can get into one of the pieces. If only you didn't need to get the codes from Hornfels at the observatory before you could lift off.
Slate grumbles a bit but is grabbable. "An emergency then? Something to do with the weird color of the sun?"
Entering the code goes fast and the elevator zooms up. Their spaceship awaits.
"Supernovas... everywhere and our sun is expanding. We are trying to find a way to evacuate..."
"How can I help?"
There's two seats in the spaceship though with the grav crystal people should be able to manage even when they aren't strapped down, at least so long as they don't crash.
Once they're strapped in does Heli aim for Brittle Hollow or The Ember Twin?
Heli aims for Brittle Hollow, putting him away from the sun, if that's at all possible. "I-I don't know. We need to get people away from the thing."
After liftoff, Slate speaks "Let me take the controls for a minute, you two should get your suits on I reckon. I can't get out of the ship without one. As for how we can get away... I don't rightly know. Seems like a long shot hoping we can get this bit of Nomai tech working when we never have before but I'll help however I can."
"Yes..." He starts saying, but honestly he is not sure, and having a task to do helps. So they go on getting their suits.
"Well, would you look at that. Wonder if that's related somehow." If they look out the cockpit window they'll see that large chunks of Brittle Hollow's surface have fallen into the black hole at it's center. Slate sets them down next to the gravity catapult. "There's a bit of a drop to get to what we think are the controls but you should be able to manage with your jetpacks, it'll be a lot faster than taking the stairs."
"At least we trained..." Heli says, trying to understand the magnitude of the situation.
It's a bit of a jump but they can make it down to the controls platform though it might be a bit of a rough landing.
There are three bits of Nomai text waiting to try their translator on. Two next to the mech cage thing and one ring floating off to the side. There's also the wire mesh itself which can be investigated.
The ring says: The shuttle is currently resting at the Quantum Moon.
The text on the right says: Activate the gravity cannon
The text on the left says: Call the shuttle home
If Heli glances at the sphere at the base of the wire mesh structure it lights up with purple light.
Heli will call the shuttle home and communicate his findings to Slate, while investigating the mesh more closely.
Experimenting with the sphere reveals that it moves around the mesh cage following Helix's gaze. If it moves all the way up on the right a Nomai spaceship is warped back onto the platform using the same mechanism as Hearthian Little Scouts just in a larger scale. It has a gravity lift.
Heli reports this. "Maybe we can use it to escape?" He tries to figure out how far the thing might go.
"Maybe, I suppose that depends what it looks like on the inside."
There isn't a good way to estimate the speed the shuttle will be launched at without launching it with a little scout or a person inside it to track it's position.
A quick jetpack jump takes them to the shuttle's Grav lift and then into the interior. There's what seems to be a control console at the front of a very spacious interior. The shuttle has breathable air inside and there's a scroll of Nomai text which probably isn't urgent but might make for interesting reading if they're stuck there for a while.