It's the morning of your first lift-off, perhaps it's too early to call it morning, it's still pretty dark out. As is traditional, you've been camped out under the stars right next to the launch tower. But as you wakeup, you see something you've never seen before. The ancient Nomai space station in orbit of Giant's Deep lit up bright blue and then it exploded. Nobody was ever able to get inside it when it was intact, maybe now you can get into one of the pieces. If only you didn't need to get the codes from Hornfels at the observatory before you could lift off.
“I'm using my signalscope to pick up sounds from distant planets. It's set to the Outer Wilds Ventures frequency so I can pick up the travelers' music. Last night I heard Riebeck's banjo coming from Brittle Hollow. I hope that means they're safe. I can hear different planets, too! it depends on what time of day or night it is, since different planets are in the sky at different times. Signalscopes are cool.”
"Knowing Riebeck, they're probably exploring places that seem safe. They're not one for taking risks. If it wasn't for their fascination with Nomai ruins they probably wouldn't have ever left Timber Hearth."
"Well based on the fragments from other statues we know they have a lot of computing hardware in them but nobody knows what it uses all that for."
"Me? Just the pretty sights. I am mostly going because Henry wants to do archeology in the name of The Noble Pursuit of Science."
The observatory beckons. The Statue Gabbro brought back is positioned prominently in the entrance, directly on their path to Hornfels.
Oh, Heli pauses for a moment to give it a closer look. He has seen it, but failed to give it proper attention.
As Heli approaches, the statue's eyes open and glow purple. Heli is unable to move or even close their eyes as what appears to Heli to be strands of symbols that might be Nomai writing flow out of the statue.
Those stands aren't visible to Gabe but they might notice Heli going completely still.
And then Helix's memories of the past 12 minutes playback on rapid rewind. All told the process takes maybe thirty seconds before the statue's eyes stop glowing and Heli is able to move again.