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you had me at "let's burn down wizarding britain"
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Tentatively - the ruins of an old fort. It's pretty much just a tower and some rocks vaguely resembling a wall, now, and it was under a pretty strong ward hiding it that just recently began to falter. 


Certainly worth sparing an evening for.


Does her Lady want Bellatrix's company?


Not on this particular excursion. She would like Bella to continue her focus on the Cartwright matter.



She'll see her Lady for dinner after, then.


It is a date. Quick kiss, and she's off.


The fort is isolated, the single tower leaning slightly where the hill it once crowned has shifted. It overlooks a cold, desolate moor. The diadem's exact location within or around it is unknown, and with how deep into winter they are it's threatening to get dark soon, the sun already sulking near the horizon.

Also... There's some scuffs in the moss and dirt on the broken steps up the hill. They don't look quite like they were left by animals, and they look recent.


She casts a series of detection charms.


Somebody very good at covering their tracks, but not as good as she is at sniffing them out - a human wizard has passed by recently, and... Is still in the tower, on one of the upper floors.


Company. And here she thought she'd have a head start on this one.

She flies up to the top of the tower in the smoky billow of her modified Apparition.


There's enough of a gap into the level of the tower her opponent's on to slip through...

And to get hit in the face with a swirl of black flame right as she manifests, an ice ward flaring under her feet at the same time.


She folds back into a full Apparition to cross to the other side of the room.

"One would almost think you are not happy to see me," she says as her wand falls into her hand, flicking the ice shards that burst from the ward into launching themselves at Fay.


"Oh, I'm delighted," she says, and the shards turn into birds that wheel about, attacking the Dark Lady, as the floor under her softens and starts trying to suck her in.


"You expressed the sentiment very differently to my dear Bella." She repeats the flame trick from the Prophet's office on the icebirds and Vanishes the entire floor they're standing on, slowing her own fall with a levitation charm.


"Well, Bella," she says, like that explains anything, as she somehow manages to leap to the gaping hole in the wall above their heads. A barrage of spells chase the Dark Lady down.


She sets the stones up there on fire as she parries the spells coming her way.


A scattering of the spells she parries change as she interacts with them - exploding, or turning into spreading webs, or summoning liquid -

Fay freezes the flames around her.


"Oh, very good," she calls up, dealing with the few effects her personal shields do not handle on their own.


She laughs -


And flips into a tiger, sprinting out across the frozen flames, spears lancing down at the Dark Lady, as she bounces up to a higher ledge. 


She dodges and hooks a wide summoning charm out around the tiger, pulling it down to her level.


To human to land, rolling with the summoning charm and using it to force spells to home in on the Dark Lady as long as the force on her is active. 


A tiny black dot appears in front of her and sucks all the spells in.

"Why are you even here?"


"I could ask you the same thing."

She sends a blast of fire at the Dark Lady - quietly transmuting the stone behind her into reaching vines.


The black dot sucks the fire up too, then winks out.

"I fancied an evening stroll around this historic ruin."

The dot reappears behind Fay and begins discharging all the spells it captured.

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