"So," says Bella to Rúmil one afternoon, "a few weeks ago I told myself that if in a few weeks I had not come up with an actually good way to bring up a thing I would just mention it anyway on the grounds that if it came up somehow later and I had not done so that would be weird."
"Thank you," she tells Sibyl. "Do we still need someone to teleport around or can he do that, too..."
"...I would offer to accompany you for moral support but it's probably not a good idea for me to go out of neighborhood. Do you want to borrow Alex or one of my alts or something?"
"They get along fine, they don't have magic system interactions down yet and both expect it to take a while but should know in a day or two if it's doable."
"Okay. I don't think I need backup, then, thanks - did we actually tell Boots that her Maia tagalong does some interesting stuff in the standard trajectory or did she just learn it in precog, she'll probably want to know -"
"Okay!" And she goes off to actually orchestrate the meeting and is back an hour fifteen minutes later to tell Sibyl about it.
"They'd be doing terrible things anyway so it's not like fewer people'd be horribly tortured if we were all safe and dead and it's not like it's better for other people to be horribly tortured."
"I said I'd been kind of hoping for something different and he suggested I ask my evil rapist alt."
"...is that as rude as it sounds, alts are sort of a weird ettiquette case."