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Time for notetaking.


They know a lot of it already - or at least things tangential to it. The wizarding world's knowledge base isn't so large they can go off on strange tangents without picking up the central basics. Still, there's a decent amount they're missing - they'll have to work with some of the other professors for a few of these, but Professor Reynolds can make a study plan for Defense, and a preliminary one for Charms and Transfiguration...


They're basically already self-studying History.


Their education's been so erratic... She's heard the current professor's decent, but she also probably lacks enough familiarity with their existing progress.


Shrug. Better than Lockhart.


A concussed goldfish would be better than Lockhart.


She's not wrong.


Be that as it may... Still, the History OWL doesn't tend to be objectively hard - many students do struggle with it, but only because of teaching irregularities, especially any in their OWL year. It mostly requires basic knowledge and understanding of major historic events and movements, focused almost entirely on the United Kingdom. 


Not too bad.

That just leaves Potions, of the core curriculum.


And Herbology - still, both professors should be willing to help, as should their elective professors if they want to jump ahead on those as well. 


Oh right. She forgot about gardening class. In her defense, the practical applications are basically just Acoustic Potions.


She snorts despite herself.

"There are wider applications than that - Divination actually gets into a lot of them - but Hogwarts sadly doesn't teach as much witchcraft as it should."


Anathema shrugs. "It's useful to do well in the OWL on, since we ever use Potions - but I don't think it's really central to what we're doing right now? I'd rather go for NEWTs in Charms, Transfiguration, and Defense, and maybe trying to speed through some of the other electives... I don't think I have enough for a Music OWL from just self study and clubs, but I might be able to place in with the fourth or fifth years next year - and I bet I could actually take the Ancient Runes OWL this year. Me and Ellie have been keeping up with each others' classes there."

(The only two classes Ellie and Anathema don't share are their magical and their language electives - Anathema's in Ancient Egyptian and Arithmancy, while Ellie's in Old English and Ancient Runes. They do, however, share Art as well as Cultures of the World.)


"Yeah, since electives only go up to OWL anyway we can free up some slots early."


"More free time would be nice... Gives us more space for our own projects."


"You'll have a capstone project, anyways - that can be a good opportunity to start making contacts in the community, too, either locally or internationally, since it's effectively guided self-study."




"We can just do something generic like 'spell development,' especially since I don't really wanna do an internship or anything..."


"Runes is all right, but I don't want to, like, specialize in that."


"At this point I really just want to learn everything."


"Alright. You might also be able to submit your Animagus transformations if you just want time to pursue a little of everything - I know a couple of students who've done that as a capstone before."


"That sounds like a handy shortcut."


"Yeah. I might still want to like sign up for some international correspondence courses, but I'd rather not have it be a Hogwarts graduation thing."


"Or just do things that are specifically offered here instead."


"Yeah. We can always get the distance and international stuff when we're globe trotting." 

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