this is getting out of hand
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She holds onto Ellie, too.

The grounds have been set up for this - lots of pretty landscaping, lots of ice sculptures, lots of little hidden nooks and crannies for couples and grounds to drift off to. The Ball hasn't been going for long, yet, so there doesn't seem to be anyone else out here, and it's easy enough to step aside into a little bower with stone benches.

"You're fun," she says, softly. "I - don't know everything I feel, or what my emotions keep doing, or - why I feel - weird, sometimes, and I don't know how to say everything in my head. But you're fun, you're good, I - I love you, so much. You make me happy, too, and - "

"I just. I didn't want - there to be questions. Because I feel like my head's all messed up and I - don't know I can say the right things. I feel like I'm saying all the wrong things..."


"...I didn't like seeing you dancing with Delacour. If- if you wanted to dance like that with someone it should have been me."


Shy smile. "I like dancing with you. And I want to dance with you more."

"I - but - "

Ahhhh why is this hard.

"I love you most and - if you want I'll stop talking to her ever, and I won't - dance or anything with someone I feel silly like that about ever, but - "

That would really suck and Anathema really hopes Ellie doesn't want that. She - isn't sure how she'd feel if Ellie wants that, but the repeating loop in her brain seems scared of it so it'd probably be bad.

"I - you're warm and cozy and you make me feel safe, and if I'm scared around you it's only because I'm - scared of myself being wrong, or scared for you, and - she's terrifying and exhilarating and it's - different. I don't - feel like I'm tripping over my own feet trying to talk to you. ...Usually, I - feel like my tongue's all wrong right now."




Kiss!!! Anathema has no idea what she's doing, but, kiss!


That makes two of them!!


Giggling seems to be involved.


It does. And hugs seem indicated as well.


An excellent innovation. (Hug!)


-Breathing is also a thing that has to happen.

"I love you too."


Breathing does help, yeah.


She wiggles. "I love you - and. I was. Uh. Actually trying to make you jealous when I asked her to the ball, I just - didn't anticipate actually liking her so much..." Sheepish smile. 


"Well, you succeeded on the first part. You should have just said something. I would have ditched Krum."


"Yeah Fay told me that, just - "

"I was - getting ready to ask you out when you told me Krum had asked you out, and - I proceeded to be very silly, I guess? I wanted you to ask me out without me saying anything..."


Soft kiss.

"Silly. We're doing Occlumency, not Legilimency."


Giggle kiss.

"...It'd be great if you could read my mind though. Kinda - scary maybe. But great."


She hums thoughtfully.



"I guess it'd be one way to get me - excitedly nervous around you." Quick kiss.


"Seems like I've got you that way already..."


Lean. "I just feel - silly right now..." Kiss and a sly grin. "Don't think you can do 'intimidating,' though."


"Is that a challenge?"


She hums. " - Guess it actually depends on - if you mind me tripping over myself at scary girls? I... Actually really like that you're - always safe. But I... Like being intimidated, too, sometimes, and... I do think it's - probably possible for someone to be intimidating sometimes and safe sometimes?"


"Hmm. I want- I want you to be my girl, I think?



"Okay. I can be your girl."





"Is it - alright if I'm still friends with - girls I'm kinda attracted to? I - don't know I'll be good at never tripping over myself at other girls, but - as long as I'm yours, is that okay?"

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