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The first - and only mandated - song comes to a slow, rocking close.

Anathema's pulled in close to Elodie, and she doesn't seem very eager to pull away before the next dance.

(She's having fun, a different type of fun than dancing with random people, a different type of fun than hanging out at the edge of the crowd and chatting with Ellie - she can chat with Ellie whenever - )


"Is this your way of asking for another dance?" Elodie whisper into her ear.


"Yeah," she whispers back. "May I have this dance?"


"Of course, cherie."


Anathema turns beet red again - but doesn't duck her head this time, just grins up at Elodie as a more energetic reel starts up.

After - another dance, this one slow and intimate, best for swirling close together.


After the first dance, Ellie takes a plate of appetizers and a cup of punch over to the side to wait for Anathema.


When Anathema looks to keep dancing, Ellie sets her cup aside and heads back out to the dance floor. "Excuse me," she says. "Might I have the next dance?"


She turns, eyes widening a bit in surprise - glances reflexively at Elodie -

"With me?"




"Yeah - of course, yes, you can have this dance - "

She giggles, glancing at Elodie again - whose arm she's still resting her hands on. Feeling suddenly really awkward: "Ah - will you be alright on your own, Elodie?"


"Indeed I will. I am sure my sister desires a portion of my attention as well. You two have fun."


Ellie is maybe frowning a bit as Elodie glides away.


"Have fun!" she calls at Elodie, then turns back to Ellie, stepping close to her.

"Hi," she says, a grin that sure feels silly on her face.

Oh no why is Ellie frowning.

"Are you - okay?"


"Fine, yeah." Her face clears as turns back to Anathema and offers her arms. "Shall we dance?"


Soft, happy smile as she leans into Ellie, placing her hands carefully.

"I'd love to."





Anathema's a good enough dancer to make up for Ellie's slight awkwardness - and she's got plenty enough energy in her for a couple more dances before she'll have to take a break.

"Enjoying the ball?" she asks, leaning in close during a slow song, so Ellie can hear her over the music.


"It's getting better."


"...Sorry I got caught up earlier. Didn't - mean to leave you without a dance partner."


"You didn't tell me you were going with Delacour."


" - Ah."

"Uh. I probably should have, but - "

Awkward shrug as they do another turn, glancing down and away.

"I don't know. It's - I should've told you."


They dance quietly for a few moments.

"You looked happy."


"Dancing's a lot of fun. And - she's pretty and smart and funny - " Awkward shrug. "It's - nothing serious. But she's fun."

Gah she's screwing all this up.

"I guess it felt - like it'd be less fun if I had to think about it."


"What's that mean? Am I not fun?"


"No! You are! I - "

She stops dancing. This - why is her brain being dumb, she should be complimenting Ellie and seducing her, why are her emotions doing things, they should stop - 

"I - can we step outside a bit, maybe? It's - loud in here."

There's a lot of lights, a lot of colors and movement and sound and people, and she hadn't been - noticing early, when she was floating and absorbed and distracted, but now it's. Much. A lot of much.


"Yeah, let's."

Ellie keeps hold of Anathema's arm on the way out.

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