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...Okay cold approaching the prettiest and most intimidating girl around to ask her to a dance right after realizing she's into girls is probably not the brightest idea Anathema's ever had, but she feels committed now, so.

"Uh, hey," she says, smiling and hoping how extremely awkward and embarrassed she is won’t be obvious and ahhhhh is the 'this girl is so fascinating I want to talk to her' feeling attraction ahhhhh okay stop it with the gay panic and act like a normal human being, Anathema. "Do you have - a moment?"


"Why yes, many of them."


Behave! Normally! Suave and not a disaster. No blushing.

Maybe a teensy bit of blushing.

"So - I know the Champions need to have a date for the first dance of the Yule Ball, and - okay honestly I was gonna ask Ellie, she's my best friend, but Krum asked her and she's going with him instead and um - "

"...You're extremely intimidating and very pretty and like really smart and you can do magic music and I'm kind of being dumb right now, but uh. Do you want to go to the Yule Ball with me? I won't - be any weirder about it than I am right now. Hopefully less weird."

"...Probably I should not just say I want to make my friend jealous, because you are really cool, but I don't like - misleading anyone."

Also she's going to say no now because that was a disaster and then Anathema will have to come up with a different idea.


Elodie laughs.

"I have to say, I rather thought you and Mademoiselle Potter were already, ah, an item. We hardly ever see one of you without the other."


Blush!!! But she's grinning about it. (People think she and Ellie are dating - they're not but people think they are - )

"Ah. We're - not. We're just best friends right now."

Also gosh that's a pretty laugh.


"I see."

"Very well, then. But I have one condition."


"Um! Okay! What?"


"My younger sister Gabrielle wishes to attend. However, she is not of age to attend on her own recognizance. I was going to use my invitation to allow her entry. As that is now no longer an option, you must secure her a replacement."


"Okay." She hums. "Don't think I'll have too much trouble with that." Grin. "Thanks so much for accepting. And I'll - let you know when I find someone who agrees to get her in?"


"And also what colors you intend to wear."


"Bronze and blue! Pretty similar to the Ravenclaw colors, actually - I've got a dress and jewelry already and all, I can show you it."


"Yes, it would not do for us to clash."




"And we must do something about that hair as well..." She clucks her tongue. "Come back and see me again when you have things arranged."


"...Should I try to manage the hair on my own, too?"


"No, I have seen enough of what you British call style. I will deal with that."


She giggles. "I won't inflict that on you, then."


"Good." She flicks her fingers. "Off with you, then, else you shall give the game away before it starts."


"I'll be discreet, then."

She heads off, grinning a bit like a loon. Only a bit.

First thing - say hi to Ellie, of course, and since curfew's approaching it should be pretty easily to find her roommates - Sue Li and Mandy weren't going with anyone, last Anathema checked - Padma isn't either, but that seems to be very a 'yet' since she's expressed wanting a boy who'll dance with her properly...

(Probably she should try to corner - Mandy, probably, she's discreet - in private so there's no gossip about Anathema and Elodie...)


It doesn't actually take her long - Mandy's easy to corner, and is alright with helping a younger student into the dance since she isn't interested really in dancing herself - Mandy asks why Anathema's looking for a 'date' for Gabrielle specifically, which gets Anathema blushing, which gets Mandy prying -

So Mandy gets to promise secrecy about the Elodie date - she's clearly surprised at first, then after a few moments of thinking settles in to 'teasing.' Which, embarrassing, but better than friend rejection or something...

The next day, also after classes, Anathema makes sure her dress is still okay in its bag, and still fits her - she hasn't had a growth spurt since getting it, good - and wraps up and packs her jewelry and the makeup and temporary hair dyes she likes and was considering using, then goes to find Elodie again.


"You have met with success, I trust?"


"Yeah. My roommate Mandy - uh, Amanda Brocklehurst - is cool with inviting your sister. She didn't really have free time today, but I can introduce you guys later."


"Please do. Now. Your outfit?"


She pulls her dress out and holds it up in front of her. "I also brought the jewelry and all."


Elodie hums. "Yes, I believe we can work with this. And the rest?"

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