this is getting out of hand
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"Anathema... If you went to the Ball with her, there'd be rumors you and her were dating instead."

"And it sounds to me like Ellie already has someone who thinks the world of her, and really likes her, and wants to be with her a lot, and wants to be serious and have fun."





She gives an encouraging smile, waiting patiently.


"...I - don't want anyone thinking Ellie's dating someone, or Ellie actually dating someone, 'cause..."

"I - I'm jealous. I like her."

"I think I want her to date me."


Soft smile.

"I must admit I'm not surprised at all."


She pulls a couch pillow over her blushing face, rolling back and forth and kicking her legs a bit.

Why!!! Embarrassment should not!!!

"She's so good though! Funny and smart and nice and clever and - pretty - "



She successfully suppresses a laugh.

"You can just talk to her, you know. Krum can find another date."




"Oh? Why not?"


"'Cause!" Flail. "I hadn't noticed and now I've noticed and that'd be so awkward and she might say no and that'd be terrible!"


"Uh huh."

"You can wait a day or two - or a week even - before asking. There's still nearly a month until the dance, you know. I suspect Krum can find someone else even on short notice."

"And Anathema... I don't think she'd say no, or that if she did it'd be terrible. A bit awkward, maybe, but - Ellie's a steady sort, and she loves you."


She makes a noise rather like a tea kettle. (Her face will not be emerging from under this pillow any time soon.)

"But - I - just noticed - and she might not like me like that, and - "

She bites her lip.

"I - don't want her to say yes just to make me happy. Because - she does love me, and she might take me to the Ball just 'cause I want it, and - "

"I want her to ask me out."


Voice gentle: "Alright. You have time, Anathema, and the Ball is hardly a deadline on any confession. You can wait, see how you feel once your brain settles - and then see if flirting with her or dropping hints gets her to notice. I can talk to her for you - without mentioning your interest. See what she thinks."



"Don't want you to ask her... That'd be awkward..."


"Alright. Then I won't."


She sighs, tossing the pillow off her face and slumping.

She stares at the ceiling for a bit, poking her brain -

Then sits upright suddenly.




"I had an idea! I won't ask Ellie to dump Krum 'cause that'd be awkward and I'd have to explain why, but I don't have a date yet - I bet if I ask someone really pretty to the Ball Ellie would get jealous, and maybe then she'd try to get me for herself..."

Without stopping to let Fay get a word in edgewise: "And y'know Elodie's the prettiest person here - I mean Ellie's also really pretty but uh - I mean. Also she does music magic and the sleep spell against the dragon was actually super cool, so even if she can't dance we'd have something fun to talk about, and if Ellie's gonna get jealous of anyone..."


"...Well that sure is one idea."


"It's great! And I bet Elodie doesn't know anyone here yet, either, and it hasn't been too long since the announcement so she might not've picked anyone to go with, and she's gonna be graduating and going back to France so it's not a big deal if we go to the Ball together."


"...Well, I won't tell you to not."

Teenagers. They'll work themselves out eventually. At least it's extremely unlikely this'll lead to any broken bones...

(Fay might've made some decisions and also choices at their age herself.)


"Okay, cool! Now I just need to figure out a good opportunity to talk to her..."

They don't have any classes or clubs or anything together, do they... Well maybe Anathema can manage a hallway ambush.


"Uh huh."

"Good luck."



And then - well, first to chat with Fay some about non-dating-related decisions, and pick up a book, and then - she's totally gonna run out of nerves to do this, so next to go see if she can't figure out real quick where Elodie's hanging out...


Elodie is not that hard to find, in the grand scheme of things.

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