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The order seems to be:

First, Cedric Diggory against the Swedish Short-Snout.

Second, Elodie Delacour against the Common Welsh Green.

Third, Victor Krum against the Chinese Fireball.

Fourth, Ellie Potter agains the Hungarian Horntail.

Bagman goes over the procedures and rules again with them, and then he and the other judges step out, informing the champions to emerge when their names are called and not to peek out before.


Nothing to do but wait.


"Feeling confident, cherie?" Elodie asks her.


Shrug. "More or less."


"Is that so? What is your intended approach?"


"You'll have to wait and see."


She laughs. "And count myself fortunate that I am able to do so, I suppose."


Cedric Diggory is called out not too long after. 

He takes a deep breath and steps out. 

There's some roaring - dragon, you don't need to be a Parselmouth to get 'angry' though interestingly the exact stream of curse words is easier to understand than most dragon speech. The dragon seems to be cursing about some 'scavenger' getting too close to her eggs - there's some sounds of large fires - a second scavenger - more fire, a human shout (hurt), then an announcement that Cedric Diggory has completed his task as the dragon roars more then falls quiet. 

There's another gap before Elodie is called out. 


She exits the tent with a smile on her face. The Welsh Green was a good pick for what she has in mind, much less aggressive than the Horntail.

She gives a wave to the crowd, easily picking out where her sisters are sitting, before turning to face the dragon.


The dragon crouches over her eggs, wings folded up near her body. She's watching the crowd warily, tail rattling against the ground, but her gaze moves to Elodie when the girl emerges. She's making a low rumbling noise, a far more subdued warning than what the Swedish Short-Snout greeted Cedric Diggory with. Still, her nostrils are flaring, her teeth parting a bit as she hisses. There's a bit of a haze around her.


Eye contact is good, it makes the contact easier. She starts humming a lullaby, swaying side to side to keep the dragon's interest as she pushes the quality of sleep at it. After the first stanza she brings her wand into the movements, augmenting her power.

(Her mother would not need the wand, but she's not her mother.)


The dragon does not like feeling woozy and shoots a gout of flame at her about this!


She casts a shield in front of her to break the flames and continues her song, louder than before.


The dragon's head weaves -

And lowers as she slowly falls asleep. She fights it, spitting fire, but her flames have no real direction, just make the area right around her more dangerous. 


Elodie keeps the song going as she walks forward to collect the egg. No sense in taking chances.


Avoiding the small lashes of flame might take some cleverness - or very prompt shielding - but the golden egg is fortunately not trapped under the dragon's bulk.


She skips forward easily enough and retrieves the egg, then retreats off the field.


The crowd cheers enthusiastically! The judges take notes as well, but it seems she'll be waiting to see her score.

She's called off to the side, to sit near the judges - there's a seat for Diggory, but he's not in it - and told to keep hold of her egg. There's another delay as her dragon is removed from the field, and the Chinese Fireball is brought forth, staged, and woken up.

And then Victor Krum is called out.

He tests the Fireball a bit, running around some - then aims a spell at its eyes. The dragon rears back, roaring in pain - and then snaps her head forward just as Krum's darting for her eggs, filling the field apparently at random with massive fireballs as she hunkers over her eggs. Her head sweeps back and forth, mouth open - Krum weaves in between her flames, cursing - she can't see him, but his movement's disturbing the air from her fires...

She turns to snap at him when he gets too close to her eggs - he hits her open mouth with a blasting curse, and she coughs out a fireball, flinching back - Krum grabs the egg, and then her tail catches him in the chest, throwing him free as she follows up with more fireballs.

Krum has the egg, but he's definitely not going to be joining Elodie in the spectator area right away. The crowd's pretty worked up, though (agitating the dragon more, of course).

Getting the Chinese Fireball off the field takes a lot longer than the Common Welsh Green had - enough for Diggory to emerge from the medical tent and sit gingerly next to Elodie - and then the Hungarian Horntail is being set up, woken -

And Ellie Potter is called onto the field.


And here she is.


The Horntail's mantling over her eggs, hissing very angrily - a mixed challenge and warning, it sounds like, though Parseltongue alone is mostly picking up on tone here.


Right. Angry mom.


She transforms.


The Horntail rears back, clearly surprised, while the crowd gasps.

Then, the Horntail sniffs, moving her head closer to Ellie and swaying about - "Where is your mother?!?!" Her accent's very thick, but basically understandable. 


"She sent me to get the fake egg that was left in your nest."


She tilts her head, eyes narrowing and mouth gaping open a bit. "A fake egg?"

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