can't we please have a quiet school year just once
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Anathema nods, and -

"You changed your memory. You asked me to tell you that. When it was a bit between questionings."


She goes still, expression distant -

Then raises a hand to her forehead.

"Ah," she says, softly. "Well, it seems I was successful, there."



"Grim's okay. I checked on him before bed last night."

They'd also been asked to call Sirius 'Grim' in front of Professor Reynolds for the next while, and for a bit before the fight - to reduce the amount she has to edit at different times.


She ruffles Anathema's hair. "You did well." She glances over to Ellie then.





"They believed me," she says, stroking Ellie's hair.


"It's still stressful."


Pat. "I know."

"It'll get better, but... I know."


The kettle whistles. Ellie goes to pour a cup.


Professor Reynolds sits with them, eating breakfast.

They don't visit Sirius at first - just to be safe, though snakes bring Anathema news sometimes. The Dementors are withdrawn from Hogwarts' grounds, though they still lurk out past the boundary. The message in the Prophet shifts to 'investigation ongoing; the Aurors are managing it.' Fay alters her memories for a second round of questioning that weekend - alters them back -

The Ministry, or at least the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, seems to agree that Sirius Black appears to be dead. They seem to agree, even, that he's the entire reason they put the Dementors in place. They -

Don't seem to agree they now need to remove the Dementors, though they won't explain why.

The Prophet's being largely mum as well, moving on entirely from discussing the investigations into light hearted topics.

The Dementors remain at a distance, and their shadow remains over Hogwarts' grounds.




Well, now at least they can go out to their cottage to sulk.

Anathema kicks at the ground angrily.

"Why isn't it over," she demands, scowling. "The Ministry has their body - it should be over. We should - everything should go back."


"Probably because everything is terrible and nothing is ever allowed to be good at Hogwarts."


Grumble. "Maybe we should move. Professor Reynolds didn't go to Hogwarts..."


"As long as the trouble didn't follow us."


Huff. "It hasn't always been about us..."


"Grim was at least a little bit about us. The Chamber thing was Serpens but also kind of us. Quirrell was about us."


She flops, making a frustrated noise. "It's all that stupid Voldemort's fault," she snaps. "Just - why - " She makes another half-scream. "I hate him, why do I have to be his kid, why can't everything just stay done - and past and - "

"Why does it have to be us?"


A stick clatters to the ground outside, and there's a startled 'mrow!'


Must be a cat.

Ellie flops next to Anathema.


Anathema rolls over, snuggling her.

It's getting dark kinda quickly - always does in the winter - and kinda really cold, though they're bundled up in their robes plenty. Anathema... Pretty much the last thing she wants is to go in, though.


There's a soft sound, near the door - a small cracking, the thin layer of snow and ice that the two girls haven't trampled out of existence, that got past the awning and the leaning trees, crunching underfoot.


"-Do you hear that?"



Anathema pushes herself up, twisting around to look over at the door - and stills.


What is it?

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