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Ellie Potter and the Hunting Star
can't we please have a quiet school year just once
Permalink Mark Unread

Anathema bounces back from all the stresses of second year over the last month of school, as Professor Reynolds returns to work and the entire mess unravels. Things aren't back to normal yet - won't be back to normal until next September, as far as she's concerned, when they can go back to Hogwarts - but they're getting increasingly sure of the Chamber's security and how much of a threat the basilisk is or isn't (not to them unless Anathema decides to violently overthrow Hogwarts' administration). Hagrid's been released from Azkaban and is recovering, though he's still often shaky. The five petrification victims all recover entirely before school lets out - Professor Reynolds most slowly, though she puts on a brave face in front of the students. Their roommate Lisa spends the last month fretting over catching up on everything she missed this year.

Anathema's very, very glad when it's time to go back to their house, though. She spends an entire day curled up in her big comfy bed, petting Scarlet, and another day running amok through the house and the fields and the woods.

And then she joins Ellie in knuckling down to study the Animagus transformation. They've gotten most of the general theory by now, and it's - really nice, sitting with Fay and working intently on this one project. (Minus weekly outings, of course, and Fay's insistence they get out and fly at regular breaks...) Anathema asks to go to the world's nicest zoo for her birthday, so she can squint at all the animals and dream about being them. She also, hesitantly, starts talking to the snakes in the reptile house, at first when no one's looking and then more boldly as it becomes obvious that most muggles just think a young girl hissing at snakes is cute, not weird.

There's other fun things, too - Jurassic Park comes out in July, firmly cementing Anathema's conviction that movies are the coolest thing ever. (Also that Ellie should be a velociraptor.) There's letters and small birthday gifts from their roommates. Lisa and Mandy arrange a trip to an amusement park for their whole group, and Anathema gets herself sick on cotton candy and roller coasters. Their history textbook this year reveals a professor at least decent at thinking through what is or isn't effective learning material.

The most fun thing, though -

They get really, really close to cracking the Animagus transformation. They're not there yet - but Anathema's nearly bouncing in frustration when school time rolls around again, because she can almost taste victory. (She's excited to go back to Hogwarts of course, but, well, Hogwarts isn't turning into a velociraptor-lion-wolf-tiger-falcon-shark-jay-panther-fox-snake, is it? (Anathema's attempts to find an animal she identifies with the most have not particularly narrowed the field.))

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According to Ellie's preliminary projected schedule, they're on track to finish before next summer, accounting for increased demands on their time and lack of opportunity for meditation sessions under observation. Maybe even by winter break, if things go well. (Ellie still feels more like a dragon than any non-magical creature. Maybe an eagle or a hawk, but those are second choices.)

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She laughs.

This winter break might not be a bad time to aim to finish the final month-long step, too - the two weeks off from school will be nice. And Ellie would be the prettiest dragon, definitely.

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Absolutely she would be.

Maybe Anathema will be a chimaera, since she can't decide.

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Maybe she'll be the first person ever to get a variable animagus form.

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That would fit surprisingly well. Even if it is completely theoretically batshit, which also fits surprisingly well.

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Typical of both magic and Anathema!

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It's good they're so excited - even though not everything leading up to Hogwarts is the most excellent news. There's a very quiet, almost hushed up, breakout from Azkaban that the Ministry swears up and down they'll address. It takes a while for the actual name of who escaped to leak, once the Aurors reluctantly admit they're not finding the man - Sirius Black, a convicted Death Eater.

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Well. That's not good.

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Maybe he'll go bother somewhere else...

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Is one quiet year at school to much to ask? Ellie puts forth that, no, it should not be.

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Well, the nonsense is starting sooner and sooner. Maybe someday it'll be over before the end of summer break.

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That would be nice.

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It'd mean sacrificing some of summer, but there's something to be said for efficiency, there...

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If they could spend the whole school year actually doing school things...

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There'd be no stopping them, given how much they've been getting done even with all these distractions.

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The world would tremble before them.

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Maybe all the nonsense is just a conspiracy to hold them back.

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Orchestrated by rogue enemy time travelers, desperate to hold back their inevitable glory.

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She nearly falls over laughing at that. (Well, clearly since none of their allies are traveling back, their enemies can't do anything but fail.)

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They're not very clever enemies.

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Nah, Ellie and Anathema are just that awesome.

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Suppose that works too.

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Makes for a better story later.

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No doubt that will please their biographers to no end.

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An important consideration. Can't have bored biographers.

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Otherwise they'll just make stories up wildly.

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So Ellie and Anathema need to get ahead of that. Seize the narrative.

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Carpe narratus.

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She giggles.

All in all, despite the news about Sirius Black, Anathema's in a pretty good mood by the time they make it to the Hogwarts Express. Even her mild bad mood about delaying being Animagi has faded.

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There's always a little bit of anticipation that comes with the train, making the day seem brighter.

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They end up running a bit late, and the only mostly empty compartment ends up having an older man in it, apparently asleep. He looks a bit shabby, but he's wearing robes like their professors.

Anathema squints at him. "Wonder if he's our new History Professor..."

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"Don't they usually Apparate or Floo in?"

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She shrugs. "Fay does..."

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She knocks on the door to the compartment.

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He jerks awake, blinking. He looks exhausted. Still, he calls, "It's open."

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"Is it all right if we join you?"

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He rubs at his face. "Ah, yes, of course." 

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"Thanks." Inside and to a seat, then.

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Anathema sits next to Ellie, and the man resettles himself, leaning against the windowsill again.

"...Who're you?" Anathema asks.

The man blinks, yawns, and says, "Ah, I'm Remus Lupin. I was asked to be the History Professor this year..."

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"Nice to meet you, Professor. I'm Ellie Potter."

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"I'm Anathema Canta," Anathema says.

He smiles a little bit. "Fay's girls?"

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"That's us."

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Anathema nods.

"Well, then I expect quite a lot from you two," he says, chuckling, and then yawns again - "Ah, sorry, I didn't sleep..."

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"We'll try to be quiet, if you want to nap."

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He nods, slowly. "Thank you. I wouldn't mind more rest..."

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Ellie retrieves one of the textbooks, a notebook, and a pencil from her bag and sets to work.

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Anathema settles in with a book as well, reading silently as the train's whistle blows and it jerks into motion.

Their new professor goes back to sleep, apparently fairly deeply.

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- And, about thirty minutes from when they'd normally get to Hogwarts, the train shudders to a slow stop. They don't seem to be near any stations.

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That's... odd. Ellie puts her book down and looks up.

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Anathema does too. The sky outside's overcast, the air dimming as the sun sets somewhere unseen, and there's sounds from the other compartments - seems everyone's confused - and a few doors opening. 

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"Wonder if they ran out of coal or something."

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"I think the train runs on magic..."

It's getting cold, pretty quickly, and the lights seem almost dingy. Anathema shivers.

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"The other reasons I can think of are pretty bad, so."

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She nods, peering at the door.

"Should we wake up the professor?"

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"Might be a good idea..."

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Anathema nods, standing and turning toward him, as the door rattles and slides open.

It's - cold - 

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Ellie is facing the door, and she collapses with a whimper.


'-take Ellie and run, I'll hold him off!'

-a flash of green light-

-'Stand aside, foolish woman. For you I am not come, only the girl.'-

-a flash of green light-

-a pale face, bloodless lips sneering, cold snake eyes-

-a flash of green light-

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Anathema screams.

A voice in her head, teasing, smooth, her wand pointed at Ellie - she's screaming in her head and can't stop - he's her father - cold ice down her back - fingers running through her soul - 

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Silver light bursts over them, a dog baying - a shadow hisses, pulling back from where it had bent over Anathema as she clung to the seat - the dog savages its robes, a shabby man with a pale face with his wand raised, forcing the shadows back step by step - 

The shadows waver and flee, chased down the hall by a furious silver hound.

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There's a hand on Ellie's shoulder. Someone's shaking her, gently.

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She opens her eyes blearily.

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It's their new professor, looking rather stressed. "Miss Potter, can you hear me?"

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He sighs, relieved, and turns to wake up Anathema, who stirs, shaking and crying - but nodding when he asks if she can hear him.

"Is it alright if I cast a Cheering Charm?" he asks. "It'll help with the after-effects."

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Anathema nods too, making a miserable noise.

Their professor casts, and the cloud of misery over them lifts a bit. "The driver's contacted the castle," he says. "Are you two alright going to the Hospital Wing?"

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"What was that?"

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Anathema leans against Ellie, muttering something affirmative.

"Dementors," the man says. "Horrid things. They're gone, right now."

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"Why were they here at all?"

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"Ministry officials stopped the train and said they were looking for Sirius Black." There's an edge of anger in his expression. "Which... I should go keep an eye on them."

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He stands and helps Anathema get settled on the seat once she's feeling well enough to sit up. Someone comes to the door - one of the upper years, a Prefect by her badge - and says she got the chocolate he asked for (and also no one else fainted). He passes the chocolate to both girls, explaining that chocolate can also help relieve some of the emotional effects, especially longer term, and then reminds the Prefect to make sure all the students get at least an option for some. She nods, and he sweeps off, up the train.

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Ellie takes a bite of the chocolate, chewing slowly.

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Anathema scarfs her first bit, then eats the rest more slowly. (She's shaking, still, making small noises.)

There's a few loud cracking sounds in the distance.

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She flinches, just a little.

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A few minutes later, Professor Reynolds appears in the doorway.

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"Let's get you two to Hogwarts," she says, softly.

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"We were trying..."

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She squeezes Ellie, stroking her hair. "I know." She pulls Anathema in tight as well, and Apparates them all to the edge of Hogwarts' grounds.

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Professor Reynolds is really good.

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She keeps hold of at least their hands as she gets them to the Hospital Wing. Madam Pomfrey has an assortment of potions and charms for them (and praises Remus's quick thinking with the Cheering Charm and chocolate), but she mostly recommends 'do something fun, that makes you happy' for feeling better.

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Anathema's quiet and pale the entire time.

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Ellie is having a bit of trouble thinking of fun things at the moment.

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They end up all seated on one bed so Fay can hug them both.

"A game might be fun," she says. "Something simple. And flying, later, once you both feel steadier."

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"...Yeah. Sounds good."

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She talks to Madam Pomfrey before taking them back to her suite to get set up and play. (Thirty minutes later, she checks if they want to go down to the opening feast or just eat in her rooms.)

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Ellie thinks she could manage the feast.

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...Anathema'd kind of like to not.

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Ellie will try to head off questions then, how about?

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Anathema bites her lip.

"I - wanna stay with you."

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Nod. "We'll stay here, then."

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She leans against Ellie. "Thanks."

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The house elves bring them really nice food for dinner, at least.

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And Fay leans forward a bit at one point and says, "I can teach you two the Patronus, too - hopefully it won't be relevant again, but I don't know if Fudge is going to try more surprise raids places..."

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"That would be good. The Patronus, not raids."

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Small smile. "It's a tough spell, but - you two are very excellent students."

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"...Should you- teach other people too?"

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She nods. "How much I'll prioritize it in class depends on what happens going forward - Dumbledore's spitting mad at Fudge, and Fudge doesn't have the authority to interfere with Hogwarts' grounds without authorization from the Wizengamot... But politics have been shifting, lately."

"But even if Dumbledore wins this one, I'll offer learning the Patronus and general anti-Dementor defense as an extracurricular on the weekend. If Fudge wins... I'll put it more centrally in the curriculum, though I'll have to do so in a way most of the students each year can actually keep up with. The Patronus is usually a seventh year NEWT spell, though I think most fifth years could learn it. For the lower years, I'd want to prioritize other defenses, and offer advanced and determined students extra training."

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"I don't like Fudge."

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"Me neither."

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Fay sighs, nodding. "I never have. Though I didn't used to dislike him this much."

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"He's breaking new ground all the time."

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Let's talk about something else. Like whether Gryffindor is going to trial another new Seeker this year.

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Anathema has more opinions about that, at least - she heard someone mentioning one of the second years is being eyed for Seeker...

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And their captain's graduating too, isn't he? They'll need to replace Keeper as well then...

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Yeah. Though that's all gonna be concerns for Ravenclaw, too - Captain Sam Hayes graduated last year, so they're down a Chaser... Captain Roger Davies isn't too bad, and they'll have him for a bit 'cause he's fifth right now, but Felicity and Isaac (their Keeper and Beater) are graduating this year... (Anathema briefly gets distracted wondering if Isaac's finally going to marry his "rival" over in Hufflepuff, or if they'll move to different countries so they can be on different professional Quidditch teams and keep trying to beat each other up.)

Oh, maybe Anathema can replace Isaac as Beater next year - she's gonna be Chaser this year, though she's hoping whoever their new backup is will be willing to let her temp into other positions while they take Chaser if there's a player out sick... She's good at all the positions, but Chaser's kind of her least favorite.

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They have seniority now as third years, so they can always just intimidate the reserve into doing what they want.

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Giggle. Though 'easily intimidated' might not be the best trait in a player, especially against Slytherin...

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True, true.

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Still, it shouldn't be too hard to find someone who'll acknowledge their authority.

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A fine young broomsperson, of clear sight, fine morals, and skill upon the pitch.

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They might have to steal from Hufflepuff for the 'fine morals' part.

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Victory, at whatever cost.

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She laughs.

Maybe they can find someone smart enough to pretend to have morals, at least when the coach is looking.

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That might be easier. And then they would also necessarily be smart enough to follow along with the plays.

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They'll have to make sure Roger pays attention to the right traits at try-outs.

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They will subtly mold the team into their own image.

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Setting the stage for becoming Captain themselves, of course.

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They'll be gracious dictators.

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It's all for the best, really.

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Necessary sacrifices for the best Quidditch team ever.

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And then, the world.

Or something.

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Well... They have to start somewhere, after all. Practice before working their way up.

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Suppose so.

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She leans against Ellie, smiling.

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"Want to head for the dorm?"

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"Yeah." To Fay: "Thanks, Professor."

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"You're both quite welcome. Have a good night, and I'll see you in the morning."

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"Good night, Professor."

Off to Ravenclaw Tower.

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Off to Ravenclaw Tower.

They beat their housemates back.

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They have time to get settled in, then.

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Yeah; their stuff's beaten them back to the dorm, too, so that's nice...

Their roommates do get up eventually, mostly expressing some concern about not seeing them at the feast, then dropping it with some continued concern over 'we had a bad reaction to the Dementors, but we're fine now.'

They have a few days before the first day of classes - at this point, Anathema's mostly just looking forward to seeing if the new History Professor's any good...

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He seemed pretty competent on the train, at least. Whether that translates to teaching, well.

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He was also super tired. She's curious what was up with that...

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Stressful summer, maybe?

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Yeah. Or just bad luck with insomnia. 

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Hopefully he can catch up a bit before classes start.

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Yeah. He has until Monday, so.

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Plenty of time.

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Speaking of...

Anathema yawns. 

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Time to not fall behind on their own sleep.

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Anathema pulls her curtains and snuggles up in her blankets, drifting off to sleep. 

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Anathema has some uneasy nights, but mostly does okay. They get the news Fudge has asked the Wizangamot to force Hogwarts to accept 'protection' from Sirius Black, describing him as a dangerous mass murderer and throwing Dumbledore's failure to protect students last year around as proof of incompetence. The Daily Prophet is apparently only publishing the easiest to mock letters to the editor written in Dumbledore's defense, to the point a couple muggleborn students complain about wanting a different newspaper.

(History class Monday - which goes well, Professor Lupin is an engaging teacher who apparently believes in hands on lessons with their relevance to the current day made clear - reveals that there aren't any, apparently, because between three and two decades ago the Ministry started allowing suits for publishing lies, as determined by the Ministry, and then started fining newspapers for publishing lies, and created a Ministry seal of approval for legitimate newspapers. All but two British newspapers closed their doors, and the second, The Quibbler, survived by branding themselves as a newspaper-themed work of fiction and winning the court case that they're clearly therefore not a newspaper subject to the restrictions. The lesson then segues neatly into the history of news and communications throughout both the magic and muggle worlds.)

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Professor Lupin is much better than Lockhart. Probably better than Quirrell, even without the whole... thing.

What sort of 'protection' are they getting?

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...It sounds like Fudge wants to surround the castle with dementors.

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What the fuck.

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What the fuck!!!

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So about that Patronus Charm.

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Professor Reynolds has their first class on Dementors and general anti-Dementor defense - they feed on despair in the same way plants feed on the sun, and so their presence causes horrible memories to surface in those around them. They also suppress positive emotions, and long term exposure can damage a person's ability to remember anything with a mostly positive association, as well as to form new happy memories or feel joy. Pleasurable emotions are toxic to them, joy the most intensely. They tend to avoid happy people, preying preferentially on the angry and despairing. There's no known way of destroying them, though their populations seem to vary - as far as anyone can tell, more exist when people as a whole are unhappy. The Ministry has a way of controlling them and made a deal to keep them confined mostly to Azkaban, where they can feed on the prisoners.

Dementors ignore non-sapient animals and very small children. No one's entirely sure why, since animals and babies can have emotions, but it's possible Dementors require their victims understand despair. They'll ignore transformed Animagi, though, even though Animagi have human minds. They're less aggressive toward unconscious humans, but they still represent a threat, and knocking yourself out won't dissuade a focused Dementor.

The greatest threat from a Dementor is the Dementor's Kiss. They're supposed to only use it nowadays when pre-authorized by the Ministry of Magic to execute a prisoner. It leaves the victim a breathing, mentally empty husk, also destroying any memories they've ever stored in a pensive or similar measures. The Ministry denies this involves destroying the victim's soul, though theorists, especially outside of the United Kingdom, overall agree that's the most accurate description of what happens.

Cheering Charms (which Professor Flitwick is reviewing with all years) will reduce the after effects of their presence and will discourage them from approaching you, as will other magics that induce joy or pleasure. If you expect to be near Dementors, there's several plants you can wear or chew, and potions you can drink (which they're going over in the relevant classes). However, the best and most consistent defense against them is the Patronus charm. The Patronus charm is an external expression of joy - it's advanced magic, and she'll be teaching it on Saturdays and Sundays to anyone interested. She suggests at least trying; the meditative skills used as a foundation are generally useful to casting emotion-based magics, even if you don't manage or have a use for the full Patronus. (She demonstrates her Patronus, a large silver bird, and explains that the charm can also be used to send messages, to fight a few other magical creatures, to drive out possessions, and to verify the caster's identity - your Patronus can change over time, but adults' do so rarely.)

There's an additional way to fight Dementors, some mostly relevant on Hogwarts' grounds - Thestrals, a horse-like magical creature, are immensely hostile to Dementors. Thestrals are usually rare and migratory, but there's a large herd that lives in the Forbidden Forest year round. They're usually invisible to most people, though some of the students might've caught a glimpse of the younger ones, who pull the carriages at the start of the school year and who are easier to see than the older Thestrals. She's talking to their Care of Magical Creatures professor (Hagrid, starting this year) about seeing if the Thestrals could be convinced to come when summoned - or at least move closer to the school - if the Ministry does win the fight to station Dementors on Hogwarts' grounds. Some other creatures can at least hold Dementors at bay briefly (they're wary of Kneazles; the class jokes a bit about hiding behind Scarlet if they see one).

She runs the class through a refresher on 'calling for emergency help' at the end.

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Professor Reynolds remains very good. Ellie plans to attend Patronus lessons. (Between that and Animagus self-study, free time is looking perilously thin. When Quidditch practices start back up, she'll re-evaluate which seems to offer the best defense against Dementors soonest, and prioritize accordingly.)

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Their first weekend is clear of Quidditch, at least, so they don't have any problem attending both teaching sessions (Professor Reynolds does make it clear she'll be giving the same lecture at both, though, but if people want to attend both to practice under supervision they can.)

They already have the basics of the Patronus Charm down, actually, given all their meditation (and Anathema's near obsessive practice with Occlumency). The most powerful way to form a Patronus is to hide your unhappy emotions and memories behind Occlumentic shields, using joy, determination, pleasure, and love to form your outer focus. You can practice this in your spare time very easily - even just walking between classes, if you're able to meditate and walk at the same time.

She mentions the fastest way to attain mastery of the Patronus is usually practicing it against a boggart that's shaped itself as a Dementor - boggarts aren't able to summon the same despairing offense Dementors can, but their aura of fear can provide a similar challenge while not suppressing happy emotions or risking long term damage. Still, that requires someone be in the room with a deep fear of Dementors - there's at least one person like that who does Auror training and who sometimes helps with her NEWT classes during their usual Dementor module, so she'll see if he can come in on his off time at least once.

The incantation is Expecto Patronum, and a successful cast creates a silver mist. A very successful cast creates a corporeal Patronus in the shape of an animal. She also answers a few more light hearted questions about a corporeal Patronus's shape - the shape's something you associate with joy or feeling safe, as far as anyone can tell. The Patronus's shape has no actual correlation with its powers or effectiveness. It can change over time, though adults' Patronus forms tend to settle significantly over time. You can't mimic someone else's Patronus. Someone asks if the shape changes when you fall in love. Professor Reynolds says that it sometimes does, though not as often or exclusively as romance novels would have you believe - her Patronus reminds her of her father, and she's known a few people whose Patronus changed after the birth of their first child. The idea that your Patronus takes the same shape as your true love's Animagus form is a myth - if you associate that form with intense joy or safety, it can be your Patronus, but that's hardly a constant.

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Oh good, practice is starting to pay off in related fields. That's a sign they're on the path to getting good, Ellie feels.

So she needs to decide on a memory to focus on. Maybe... Last Christmas, at Hogsmeade in the snow. Wrestling Professor Reynolds with Anathema.

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That's Anathema's, too - she takes to smiling while practicing.

(They don't get the Patronus right away, of course - the memory's hard to hold firmly enough in the forefront, especially while also shaping the spell itself - but they seem to need less help than the other students. There's a sort of... Warm echo, when they get the wand motion and incantation right.)

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It's a bit of progress. Ellie will keep working at it.

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Yeah. And 'have a lot of fun' is a great class assignment, really.

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As these things go, certainly. Better than eight inches on Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile contest.

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"Don't remind me. That's, like, an anti-Patronus."

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Ellie groans. "I knoooow."

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"Professor Lupin's doing well so far, though."

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"Yeah, he's good."

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She nods.

Off to practice more?

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No sense in wasting time.

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That drive proves useful two weeks later, when the Wizengamot rules to allow the Ministry to 'contribute to the defense of Hogwarts in exceptional circumstances.' There's further court battles - Dumbledore opposes the idea that Dementors will contribute to defense, that it's necessary to interfere in the sovereignty of Hogwarts to contribute to defense, that Dementors do not pose a risk to students, that access to grounds is necessary, that an exceptional circumstance exists, and also on several increasingly technical and nit-picking details. The Ministry gets away with doing distant patrols with Dementors escorted by Aurors a few times, though Dumbledore apparently ties every attempt up in red tape. That awkward push and pull remains the status quo for another month and a half - the Ministry winning, but only inch by inch, increasing external patrol frequency and permitting Aurors not accompanied by Dementors on grounds.

And then the Fat Lady, the portrait guarding the entrance to Gryffindor Tower, is slashed over Samhain - the Fat Lady herself escapes, but she claims it was too dark to see the culprit. Someone tall, though, an upper year or adult. The Ministry claims this was an attack by Sirius Black. Dumbledore claims there was no evidence it was anything more than high spirits among students. The Daily Prophet shrieks about threats to students; The Quibbler mocks everyone involved rather roundly, but especially the Ministry, claiming there's been an outbreak of murderous art critics.

The Ministry manages to push for Dementors on Hogwarts' grounds after that, though - not even requiring Auror supervision, since the Ministry argues such requirements are burdens on its administration. Dumbledore wins the argument that they need Auror supervision to come within five hundred meters of anywhere students gather. The Ministry starts pushing for a probable cause exemption, and then starts pushing for sanctions against anyone who attacks a Dementor during the course of its duties after shrieking Thestrals begin harassing the creatures. Dumbledore dares Fudge in open court to deliver a court summons to a Thestral, and then lambasts him about preventing students and professors from protecting themselves. The Ministry claims the innocent have nothing to fear - Ellie and Anathema's names end up in the papers a lot around then, as the courts argue whether the incident on the train represented an attack on students or simply two young girls being dramatic.

It's a political mess, and no one's particularly happy.

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Ellie contemplates the virtues of writing a letter to the editor suggesting that the Ministry use Dementors to ward the personal homes and estates of Wizengamot members, since it's clearly so necessary that they be at Hogwarts.

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Anathema thinks she should. Maybe to The Quibbler, too, so it'll actually get published.

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She'll work up a draft, then, and ask Professor Reynolds to proofread it.

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She's rather happy to help, and to help Ellie anonymize the source so it can't be traced to her (good practice, if nothing else).

(The Quibbler publishes Ellie's letter rather quickly. The Daily Prophet doesn't, even the more subtle variant Professor Reynolds suggests.)

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Bah. Well, she did write it. And dwelling on it won't help her cast a Patronus, so she tries her best not to.

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Their classes progress even outside of Dementor-related concerns, of course. Defense this year focuses a lot on the dangerous but relatively easy to learn how to handle magical creatures - the module they're moving into after Samhain is the less dangerous creatures that feed on emotions. Dementors are obviously an example of the broader category, but they're an unusually threatening and normally unusually rare one.

Most such creatures can't actually inspire the emotions they harvest - boggarts are the only ones you'll meet in the British Isles, other than Dementors, that can, so they spend a whole class period on those.

The practical half's a bit different than usual - the TA comes in to supervise the bulk of the class in work on general tactics for capturing and moving creatures (and knowing when to contact the relevant department) while Fay calls students across the hall one by one and in alphabetical order, where she has a wardrobe with a boggart locked in it set up.

It'll show what it thinks is your worst fear, she explains, though they're not always very good at it - if your worst fear is something abstract, it'll try to approximate that, even if the approximation makes you feel less afraid than a concrete representation of something less deeply terrifying would. (She jokes that a truly efficient boggart would just always turn into a spider, unless it's facing Hagrid, making the class chuckle.) Boggarts can't stand laughter or bravery, and the usual way to handle them is the Riddikulus spell, cast by imagining the boggart turning into something funny - ideally with some connection to what it originally turned into.

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Seems like that might be a bit difficult, with some fears.

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You can also try to confuse it - they get disoriented if there are multiple people nearby. But, yes, one of the great difficulties with boggarts, especially older, more clever ones, is that fears are often hard to laugh at. Many boggarts, especially as they get older, can also produce a fear aura, and they can sometimes trigger flashbacks.

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So probably they should try to think about what their greatest fear is in advance?

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She nods - as well as things you find funny, especially if you can think of ways to turn what you're afraid of into something humorous.

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Anathema goes before Ellie, of course, as one of the first in their class. She comes back pouting a bit.

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"All right?"

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"Stupid thing turned into a dementor... I guess I wasn't surprised, at least."

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Bump. "That sucks. Did you manage the charm?"

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"Yeah. Tried the Patronus first and got a bit of a shimmer, too! And then I turned it into a dancing vampire cloak. With paper fangs." 

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"That does sound funny."

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"Yeah! It wasn't a very good dancer, though I guess that makes it funnier."

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"I dunno what I'll do for mine."

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"Do you know what it is?"

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She shakes her head.

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"Guess that's harder to figure out... You could always put whatever it is in a silly hat, I guess?"

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"A classic. Or give it cat ears, maybe."

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"Cats aren't funny," she says, mock serious. "They are elegant, vicious murder beasts."

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"Right, so it's the juxtaposition that makes it amusing."

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Giggle. "True."

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"I'll find a way to make it work."

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"I believe in you."

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Her chance to prove herself comes soon enough.

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Here goes. Deep breath.

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The wardrobe's at the opposite end of the usual sparring ring from the door. It's sealed shut with magic, rocking a bit. 

"I'll stay in the room in case something goes wrong," Professor Reynolds says, "But I can turn my back, if you'd like."

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"...No, I think I'd prefer if you watch."

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She squeezes Ellie's shoulder. "Alright."

"Let me know when you're ready to begin."

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She collects herself for a moment, then nods. "Okay. I'm ready."

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She steps back and waves her wand, spelling the wardrobe open, and the boggart rushes out in a whirlwind, settling nearly immediately in front of Ellie.

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And it shifts into a copy of Ellie, younger, smaller, dirtier, curled into a ball and mewling pathethically, pawing at a pair of snapped twigs.

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"Riddikulus!" she snarls.

The boggart morphs into a small fat boy, still wearing the same clothes, eyes screwed up as if to cry. "Wanna-wanna sweetie!"

Ellie sneers at it.

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The boggart shimmers, a bit, then retreats into its wardrobe, snapping the doors behind it.

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Professor Reynolds steps forward again, squeezing her shoulder. "You did well."

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She leans into the touch a little.

"Thanks, Professor."

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Small smile. "The fastest time so far, actually."

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"My door's open if you want to talk about it," she says, voice more gentle.

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"Maybe- maybe later."

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Small hug.

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Then back out to the others.

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"How'd you do?"

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"Fastest time yet, I'm told. No cat ears, though."

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She giggles. "I bet I only lost 'cause I was practicing my Patronus some."

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"I'd have done the same thing if I got a Dementor."

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"Maybe we can talk to Professor Reynolds about using my boggart to practice against..."

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"Probably better than waiting on that Auror. If you're okay with it."

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She shrugs. "I wanna get good against real Dementors. So, yeah, I guess."

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"All right." Shoulder bump. "Thanks."

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"No problem."

Class rolls on fairly easily - their first Quidditch match is soon, too, and Ravenclaw's in the fall semester match this year, versus Hufflepuff...

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Isaac should appreciate that, anyway. Though Ellie's looking forward to a proper game too.

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Yeah. It'll be a nice break.

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And they'll get to play together.

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Yeah! Anathema's first game as a full member. It's gonna be great.

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They'll take the pitch by storm.

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The day of the Quidditch match - mid November - is cold and windy and a bit overcast, but Anathema's grinning broadly enough for anyone. Hufflepuff mostly look cold and like they're trying to take this seriously.

Anathema sets into an easy rhythm with the other two Chasers once the signal goes to start, weaving around and laughing. Hufflepuff's Captain and Seeker flies loops around the pitch, fairly high in the air, scanning intently - Cedric Diggory's really good and basically Ellie's only true competition, but he hasn't been Captain in previous years, so it's possible she'll have an advantage with his attention split now.

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Ellie tries to get between Diggory and the plays when possible with her own search pattern. If he has to work around her too to keep his views, that can only help.

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They're doing really, really well, all things considered.

Shame if something were to happen to that streak.

Like... Oh, a cloud of dark shapes, converging toward the Quidditch Pitch. Ellie seems to have been the first to spot them.

It's maybe getting colder and dimmer than it should be.

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She draws her wand and tries to summon up a Patronus charm.

It's harder in the air than on the ground.

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Cedric's been following her gaze on and off - and follows it when he sees her drawing a wand -

He shouts a warning, reaching for his own wand -

The Dementor swarm nears the gaps between the stands.

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Barely in Ellie's peripheral vision -

Anathema's broom drifts to a stop, and she sways -

And collapses off her broom, fingers numb.

The Dementors are already on the pitch, even as the professors all leap to respond.

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Ellie wrenches her broom around and dives sharply for Anathema. She points her wand straight ahead of her and summons Occlumantic clarity. They will not have her.

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" A brilliantly argent tiger leaps out of the tip of her wand to crash in to the Dementors below.

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The Dementors break and scatter, especially as the other Quidditch players dive after Ellie, those who can summoning their own Patronus - a swift, barely corporeal, a chicken, a mist vaguely in the shape of an elephant, two clouds of diffuse silver glow -

Silver shapes tear through the Dementors, the creatures shrieking - or possibly that's just the screaming in Ellie's head -

Anathema slows as she approaches the pitch, of course, the protections against falling are still there - and Ellie can catch up to her before she gets too close to the crashing waves of darkness.

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She grabs her with both hands, steering to level and away with just with her knees.

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Anathema's crying, shifting restlessly. The aura of the Dementors is stronger, closer to them - but Ellie's got a pretty steady broom, and can get them well away fairly quickly.

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All the way up to the castle, if no one stops her. They can get to the infirmary through the window.

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No one stops her - in fact, both Isaac and Cedric seem to be making sure Dementors stay away from her flight path.

Madam Pomfrey rushes to open the window as Ellie approaches, gesturing to a bed she can put Anathema on and asking what happened.

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"Dementors attacked the game. She was closer than I was. I got a Patronus up in time." The broom clatters to the floor as Ellie moves over to the bed to lay Anathema down.

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"Oh dear."

Madam Pomfrey summons a quick Patronus of her own, apparently to call for her assistant, and sets to casting Cheering Charms on both girls while moving to take down some anti-gloom potions.

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Anathema stirs fairly quickly, at least.

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Ellie is perched at the edge of her bed.


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"That's me. Do you- remember anything?"

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" - We were playing Quidditch, and then," she shivers, sitting up to lean into Ellie. "...There were Dementors, weren't there."

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"A whole fucking flock." Hug.

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"I - it was - "

She shivers.

"Really bad."

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"I've got you now."

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She snuggles Ellie pretty aggressively, even as Madam Pomfrey pulls the privacy curtain around them in preparation for other students (all just shaken, none who fainted entirely so far) trickling in for a quick potion dose.

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Professor Reynolds steps in after a little bit, talking to Madam Pomfrey in low tones and then stepping through the curtain over to their bed.

"Hey," she says, softly.

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"Hi Professor."

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She sits on Anathema's other side. "Hey Ellie, Anathema. Are you two doing alright?"

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"Getting there, I think."

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Anathema nods. "Yeah..."

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Hug. "Madam Pomfrey thinks you should both be alright to leave, if you'd like."

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"Up to you," she says to Anathema.

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She nods. "Yeah... Maybe back to your rooms? I'm fine going back to the dorm for the night, just..." She shrugs.

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"I'm alright with that."

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And back to Professor Reynolds' suite.

Anathema sighs, a bit grumpily, as they settle in. She keeps leaning against Ellie, shifting just enough for Scarlet to climb in her lap.

"...I don't like that I fainted again," she grouches.

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"I don't think any of us liked it."

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" - You were okay, though?"

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"I was up higher. And then I cast a Patronus."

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She grins for the first time since the Dementors showed up. "A corporeal one?"

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"A tiger."

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"Cool! Can I see?"

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She squares up to cast it again, trying to get the same feeling.

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The way Anathema's leaning against her smiling may or may not help - more background joy, perhaps, less fierce pressure.

(It's easier, though, after the first time.)

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"Expecto Patronum."

The tiger blossoms out again.

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"Oh, wow!" Anathema leans forward a bit, reaching out to rub the tiger's ears (as best she can, given it's not actually solid). "It looks like Professor Reynolds."

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"Yeah, I guess it kinda does."

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"Very well cast," she says, smiling softly and examining the Patronus.

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"I'm gonna have to catch up, now," Anathema says, teasingly.

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"I'm not going to swan dive into a pit of Dementors for you. Just going to draw the line there."

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"...Good. You shouldn't."

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Shoulder bump.

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"Do we know what'll happen with Quidditch rematches?" she asks.

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"I haven't heard. The game got canceled - they might follow the usual league rules for disrupted matches, though."

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"I hope they don't release the Snitch ahead of time..."

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"Don't want to give us Chasers more time to shine?"

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"I do have to actually try to beat Diggory, you know. He's pretty good."

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"I think you're up to the challenge."

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"Thank you for your faith, but you can play a scrimmage if you want the Chasers to decide when the game's over."

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She laughs. "I think I'll stick to angling for Beater."

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"Fair enough."

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"It'd be less fun to play without you, anyways."

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She leans against Ellie, then winds the conversation into any mental tricks for summoning a Patronus.

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Ellie can try to explain as much as she can.

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Anathema pays fairly close attention, practicing the Patronus a few times - she gets a faint mist, but doesn't seem to have the trick of a corporeal one yet.

Of course, eventually it's time to go back to their dorm and reassure their roommates (and teammates) they're both alright, and to prepare for the game to continue, and to go back to class eventually...

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Maybe the kids with parents on the Board of Governors can raise a stink about the Dementor attack.

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That does seem to be happening, and even kids without more powerful parents are writing (and getting their parents to write) a flood of extremely concerned letters to the Daily Prophet, and Howlers directed at the Minister (or variously less guarded departments within the Ministry). None of the students were permanently hurt, but everyone's shaken enough to be intensely aware of what could've happened.

Dumbledore wins an at least temporary removal of Dementors from Hogwarts grounds, until 'procedures can be reviewed.'

Anathema's been feeling really, really cooped up, what with their movement being pretty much limited to the castle, the Quidditch pitch, and the Hogwarts greenhouses. They have a break of Dementors on grounds - she wants to go explore again. Maybe visit that run down cottage they claimed first year...

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They should take advantage of this while they can.

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Yeah. Work on most of their studying outside for a bit, maybe.

Their cottage is still intact, if looking a bit unloved, when they head out between classes that Monday. Anathema sets her bags down and starts clearing some of the little saplings that've grown up where they don't want, enjoying the chance to exercise a bit.

"Wonder if we could build a nice den and convince some snakes to move here," she comments, off-handed. They do sometimes find snakes passing through, but there's not currently a lot of good places to really nest compared to the rest of the grounds.

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"I don't see why not. Bet it'd help keep other people out too."

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Giggle. "Then maybe we should get a lot of snakes."

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"As long as they all get along."

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Nod. "Yeah, it'd be pretty important to check for that... Especially 'cause snakes don't range very far, we'd have to make sure there was enough food, too, especially in the summers when we're not here."

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"We could ask Hagrid, maybe. He's the groundskeeper and now he's teaching Care of Magical Creatures, so he must like animals."

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"Yeah! I heard from Mandy that he's been breeding a new sort of magic snake, too."

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They'll need some rocks to build a den.

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Possibly some wood, too, and a few digging spells... And maybe some way to attract mice... And set up some nice sunning rocks, too, that's important.

She sets to examining the area right around them, cheerfully speculating on this or that location's suitability.

A dog wanders by to watch them at one point, mostly just lurking in the edge of the grove.

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Hello dog.

Hang on, that's not Fang. Who's dog is that?

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Could be from Hogsmeade - dogs don't usually bother squeezing through the gate, but they're in walking distance of the village... Maybe Fang has a girlfriend.

(The dog woofs a little, laying down.)

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Doesn't seem to have a collar... But eh. It's being polite enough.

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Yeah. Sad they don't have any treats, but, eh.

Anathema goes back to investigating the cottage for places to keep snakes - though she does throw a stick a few times for the dog after finding a particularly throwable one. The dog seems only vaguely interested in stick chasing, though, but goes along with it good-naturedly.

Alas, eventually they have to go back to class (Anathema does get some reading in first). She straightens up the last of their beginning snake preparations and waves goodbye to the dog.

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Goodbye, strange dog. Perhaps they will meet again.

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Maybe. (The dog follows them a short way, tail wagging, but wanders off before they get close to the castle.)

They do see the dog pretty often over the next week, mostly hanging out near their cottage. It doesn't always approach them, instead fairly often seeming to just be passing through, though Anathema discovers it'll come when called, just never into grabbing range.

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Maybe they should give it a name.

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"We could name it Grim."

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"Like the church dog? It is as quiet as one, I guess."

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"The right color, lurks around kind of spookily..."

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"How about it, Grim?" She calls over to the dog.

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Woof? Woof.

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"I think that's a yes."

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"Good Grim!" She laughs. "Do you want to help us find sticks?" The dog puts its head on its paws, staring at them.

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"Or snakes, maybe?"

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"Grim might scare any snakes away, though."

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"Could scare them towards us."

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"They might be mad about that, though. No way to start a working relationship."

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"Good point. But it seems like any snakes we bring in will have to deal with Grim being around at all."

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"Well, maybe they can just sniff some out, and we can explain to everyone about sharing."

To Grim: "Hey boy, do you know how to find snakes?" 

Grim looks up, woofing and wagging his tail a bit. 

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"Do you know how to find them without hurting them?"

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"Yeah. No poking them until they bite."

The dog woofs again, standing up somewhat stiffly.

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"Lead the way."

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Grim bounds across grounds, sniffing sometimes, and does successfully find some very alarmed and annoyed snakes! Who are less alarmed but usually not much less annoyed when Anathema starts hissing at them. 

(The dog jumps the first time Anathema hisses at a snake, and prances a bit when Ellie does. Still, he seems smart enough to know to give snakes a very wide berth, especially snakes that're actively cussing at him.)

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Does the offer of a new den sway any opinions?

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A few, especially the very young snakes who've been struggling to find somewhere not already claimed. The young snakes are a lot more wary and jumpy, but they're also more willing to live near each other, so long as there's food and no one else starts a fight. 

(They would like to not wake up to dog nose ever, though. Anathema promises she'll keep her giant furry monster under control, and when she calls out to Grim to confirm he won't bother the snakes gets a friendly woof and a tail wag.)

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It's good everyone can be friendly.

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For now, at least. 

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They'll have to talk to Hagrid about the summer, now that they have tenants.

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Yeah. Since he's here all year, he can also probably keep an eye on everyone, too.

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Shall they go do that, then?

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Grim peels off before they get to Hagrid's - Anathema waves to him as he lopes toward the Forbidden Forest - and then on to Hagrid's. (Hagrid is very willing to look after their snakes, and he asks if Ellie wouldn't mind helping him figure out if all of his snakes are happy with their enclosures.)

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She can definitely do that.

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A couple have minor complaints, especially about wanting more interesting food and more chances to explore, but they're pretty content overall.

Grim follows them nearly to Hogwarts on the way back, then runs off again. Anathema laughs and says, "Wonder if he'll watch our game tomorrow." (The Quidditch match is indeed being restarted with the same point totals as it stopped with, though the snitch is alas being released early.)

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"Maybe. He does seem pretty interested."

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"As long as he doesn't try to chase any of the balls, I guess it's fine."

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Getting to go back to the game's gonna be fun, though it's annoying the disruption threw off their schedules...

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Can't let them win.

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Not in the slightest.

The game day dawns much sunnier than the last one, though it's still pretty cold and windy - especially high up in the air. Everyone seems pretty determined when they resume, though the stands are a bit quieter. Still, Anathema's a bit more energetic than last game, and the Ravenclaw Chasers are doing really well.

The Snitch is being annoyingly hard to find, though.

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That happens when it has a head start. Ellie keeps up with her distracting-Diggory tactics in the meantime.

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Those seem to be going pretty well - especially as Ravenclaw pulls into a clear lead over Hufflepuff, meaning more and more of Cedric's attention is being consumed with trying to get his team (unfortunately involving two new Chasers this year) to actually score some goals.

(There's no sign of Grim watching them.)

A bit into the game, Ellie spots a flash of gold in the distance.

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Ellie tries out one of the complicated feints she's been working on before going after it.

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Cedric falls for it extremely briefly before zooming to catch up with her, shouting instructions to his Beaters - but she's got a lead on him, now, and Anathema's in between the Beaters and Ellie and takes a Bludger meant for her, sinking to the ground while laughing at the frustrated Beater as Isaac swoops in to cut off his girlfriend.

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Now this is Quidditch.

She pulls everything out of the broom that she can, racing for the Snitch-

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It tries to get away -

But she's too fast for it.

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She closes her fist around it with a whoop of triumph.

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The crowd cheers, loudly, Ravenclaw most enthusiastically of course. Anathema laughs, punching the air, as everyone lands and the game is declared for Ravenclaw.

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Time to celebrate.

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Everyone's in good spirits the rest of the day - less so Hufflepuff, though Cedric earnestly compliments Ellie on playing a good game and expresses a desire for a rematch. One of Ellie's classmates starts teasing her a bit about Cedric being cute (resulting in Anathema sticking her tongue out at them).

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She didn't really notice, to be honest. She was too busy catching the Snitch.

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"Much more important," Anathema says.

Their classmate laughs and says they think Cedric might like Ellie.

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Oh, so they're suddenly all Legilimens now? Good to know.

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Their classmate laughs. (He acts like he does, silly.)

(Do you like him?)

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Not... particularly? Can we go back to talking about the actual game?

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It was a very fun game! Anathema had a lot of fun playing Chaser, actually, even if she's hoping for Beater next year...

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Yeah, if she gets an actual bat she won't have to use her body to whack the Bludgers.

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Giggle. "You're worth it, though."

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"Victory," she says seriously, "at any cost."

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Shoulder bump. "Gotta help you achieve your greatness."

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"Yep," she says smugly.

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The celebrations extend throughout the rest of the day, though they get lower key pretty quick. Anathema goes to bed glowing with happiness, pretty much.

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It's not the House Cup, but still. Winning the first game of the season is pretty cool.

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Puts them one pretty big step closer, at least.

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Hopefully Dumbledore can keep the Ministry from putting the Dementors back, too...

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That'd be nice.

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The Ministry, sadly, is not very nice.

They get another week of playing, before the announcement goes out that the Ministry will be reinstating on-grounds Dementors, with effective protections for students this time (they swear). The claim is that there's no proven threat to the students from the Dementors, since no one got hurt during the disrupted Quidditch match, but that Sirius Black is a far more pressing threat.

Anathema goes out to their cottage to huff around and flop, upset and on the verge of tears.

(It's only three weeks until winter break - but just two weeks off here or there doesn't seem like enough, especially when she still hasn't mastered the Patronus.)

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Yeah. It's tough.

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Grim trots into their cottage, snuffling, as Anathema curls up with her arms around her legs. "I hate Dementors. It's not fair."

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"It's completely stupid, and the people doing it don't even understand what they're doing."

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"They're horrible and evil and even if you're using them to catch some crazed murderer, that's just - "

"I'd rather be murdered than gotten by a Dementor, I'd rather someone walk up and stab me than have to be around those things again - "

She buries her face in her knees, making an upset noise. Grim whines, inching closer to Anathema and nudging her hand with his ears back and his tail between his legs - the first time he's come within arm's reach of either of them.

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Ellie wraps her arms around her.

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She nuzzles into Ellie, reaching out to pet Grim as he keeps whining. "I just wish they'd go away."

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"Me too. They really- Things like them shouldn't exist."

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"Yeah. Ever."

"But... I don't want them here, now. No one should be - left to Dementors - "

She shivers.

"I just want a normal school year..."

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"Just for once. You'd think with seven tries we'd have a pretty good shot..."

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"Uh-huh. Or even just not always getting worse." Nuzzle. And, quietly: "No one deserves Dementors but I wish they'd stop looking here and everything could just - go back."

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"Dunno why they think he's here..."

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"Because Fudge has it in for Dumbledore, probably. I hate this whole thing."

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She nods, miserably, as Grim whines a bit more, wiggling some.

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Ellie casts her Patronus quietly.

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Grim makes a curious noise, and Anathema smiles, softly, reaching out to pet the silver tiger. "Well, at least we have this," she says, quietly. She leans against Ellie more. "You - do such a good job protecting me..."

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"You're important."

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"So're you. The most important."

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"I wanna keep you safe, too, though."

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"You helped with Snape. First year."

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Smile. "Yeah. Guess I did." Nuzzle.

Grim woofs, softly.

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"And you blocked that Bludger with your face."

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She giggles. "The sacrifices I make for you..."

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Shoulder bump.

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"There was also that basilisk... You probably would've had trouble talking her down."

(Grim makes such an alarmed doggy noise.)

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"It's okay, Grim. The basilisk listen to Anathema now. Everything's fine."

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"She's pretty friendly, yeah."

Grim whines, ears back, but lays his head down again.

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"Maybe we should have given her a name too."

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"I can ask if she wants one, I guess."

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"Or maybe she has one already."

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"Yeah. Slytherin might've given her one."

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"Over the weekend, maybe?"

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 "Maybe after they put the Dementors back. It'll give us something to do inside the castle..."

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She sighs, snuggling into Ellie. "Well, we can spend as much time out here as we can. And maybe ask Professor Reynolds if there's stuff we can do to keep the Dementors away more..." She frowns. "Wonder if she'd be up for walking out here with us, at least on the weekends... It'd make me feel a bit safer. Though that'd be - different, I guess, than just us."

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"Probably not every time, but I bet she'd do it some."

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"Yeah. And hanging out with her's its own kind of fun."

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"It is. Though she might have to be doing grading or something."

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"Aww... Well, it'd be fun anyways."

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"And let us see Grim ever," she says. "Though he might stop coming around if there's bunches of Dementors." She rubs his ears. "Do you wanna come back to the castle with us, boy?"

He whines.

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"Will you be retreating to Hogsmeade, then? Or the forest?"

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Lower whine.

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"Going to stay here?"

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Softer whine, almost a groan or hum.

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Pat. "Well, let us know if you figure it out."

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He seems smart enough to take care of himself, anyway.

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A pretty smart boy, yeah. And a very good dog. (Scritches.) (Grim's tail wags.)

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She laughs.

"You'll be careful about Dementors though, right boy?" she asks him, getting a 'woof' in return.

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"They don't usually care about animals, but still."

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"Don't think they're pleasant for anyone. Especially smart dogs like Grim."

He woofs again.

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She sighs and glances out at the sky. "We should probably head in soon..."

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"Yeah. Bye, Grim."

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He woofs, and follows them almost all the way back to Hogwarts, pausing and staring rather than loping off. Anathema waves at him.

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Ellie waves as well. He must be nervous about the Dementors coming back.

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He doesn't leave by the time they're inside, the doors closing behind them.

"Kinda feel bad for him... He's on the grounds kind of a lot."

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"He is, yeah. Not sure what we could do... Maybe ask Hagrid to keep an eye out for him along with the snakes?"

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"Yeah. Might do him good to make friends with Fang." He's been avoiding Hagrid's cottage by a pretty wide margin every time they've gone to visit.

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"Get out and socialize a bit."

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"Yeah. Meet more people than just us and some sulky snakes."

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"They're not sulky, they're just cold."

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"Maybe we can learn how to enchant some heated rocks for them, then."

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"That would be a sure hit."

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"I bet, yeah. Might not be too hard, either..."

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"I'll add it to the research list."

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"Probably after Animagus... Though I think we're pretty close on that."

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"Hard to tell until you actually get there... but yeah. I think we are too."

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"The final step's a month long... If we wanna see if it's finished by the end of winter break we should probably start soon..."

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"We'll have to set things up with Professor Reynolds."

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She nods, humming.

This weekend might be the best time to start, and Fudge'll probably have the Dementors back by then anyways...

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Sounds like a plan.

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They're able to get a bit more outside time before the Dementor patrols resume, allowing them to set up their snakes for their absence, but Grim's nowhere in sight, and when Professor Reynolds takes them out to Hagrid's hut (wandering entirely off the student-trod paths is dangerous, sadly) they see what might be him only in passing, a dark shape in the eaves of the Forbidden Forest staring forlornly at them.

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Ellie gives a small wave.

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Grim stares at them, still, and then melts into the forest.

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Oh well.

Really, she's got too many other things to worry about right now.

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Like end of semester midterms, and homework, and the omnipresent feeling of gloom and depression that rapidly settles over the castle...

And also Professor Reynolds asking the house elves to pass them a request to meet up one day, a week before break. It doesn't sound like a social call. It doesn't sound urgent or like they should rush, but the general timeframe is 'sometime today after classes, please.'

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That's only a little bit ominous, huh.

Before dinner?

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That works for Anathema.

Before dinner, then, up to Professor Reynolds' suite.

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She waves the door open for them, closing it behind them right away. She's sitting on her usual couch, but her gaze flickers only briefly to both girls.

Instead -

She seems to be mostly focusing on Grim, laying on the couch across from her, his posture distinctly guilty.

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Scarlet is supervising from the couch back above Grim, staring a bit more intently than Professor Reynolds. They do give the two girls a friendly chirp, though.

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"...I honestly don't know the best way to handle this mess..." she says, softly, briefly rubbing at her temples. "First: I don't believe you two are in any threat right now. Second: your friend Grim is not a dog. He's an Animagus." She glaces at 'Grim' again, expression neutral. He looks like he wants to sink further into the couch cushions.

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"An Animagus?"

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Anathema flinches a bit as she realizes she'd been speaking Parseltongue in front of another human.

And. Talking. And - being so vulnerable, she'd cried in front of him -

"Who is he, then?" she demands, closing in on herself.

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"That's - the harder part." She frowns, staring at him. "He hasn't told anyone about anything he witnessed while being 'Grim,'" she says, first off. "Partially because - I do believe he's unlikely to, and also the three of us are the only human contact he's had in months." Stare. "He's not a student, or anyone you'd met before, Anathema."

Sigh. "But he is someone Ellie's met before - as an infant, at least." Before either girl can question her: "Like ripping off a band aid, I guess..." She crosses her arms. "He's Sirius Black. He's provided me credible evidence he's innocent of the crimes he was accused of, and that he did not receive even a show trial at the time of his arrest and incarceration."

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"Sirius Black," Ellie repeats. She glares at Grim.

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...Anathema's brain has come to a screeching halt.

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'Grim' slinks off the couch, tail between his legs, ears down, head hanging, and flows into a human form. He looks shabby - simple black robes frayed, expression exhausted, underfed, skin clinging so tightly to his bones it almost looks like someone shrink wrapped a depressed skeleton. There are deep bags under his eyes, stress lines in his face, grey shot throughout his hair. He should be Ellie's parents' ages, if they'd lived - he should be something like ten years younger than Professor Reynolds.

He looks much older.

His posture's an almost exact match for 'Grim' at his most guilty-dog. His head's down, arms closed in, body drooping.

"I'm sorry," he says, biting his lip. "I - I can't say - how sorry I am - "

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Ellie hugs Anathema protectively. "You should try anyway. Professor Reynolds believes you, but you still lied to us."

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"I shouldn't have lied to you. I shouldn't have - hung around, when you didn't - know who I was - I shouldn't have come to Hogwarts at all, I put you in so much risk - I was - I wanted to know you were okay, to see you happy - you were the most amazing thing I ever saw the first time Lily showed you to me, I'd turn into Padfoot and you'd laugh while you threw your toys for me - "

Deep, shaky breath. "I didn't - remember that. At first. Because - because I couldn't remember anything good had ever happened - I came here because I realized the man who betrayed Lily and James, who sold them out like a sniveling coward, was hiding here - and no one'd ever notice, he's a rat Animagus, and you can spend forever shifted - "

"But I don't want anything bad to happen to you, I don't want you to be afraid of people knowing your secrets - or afraid of those monsters, you should never have been around Dementors ever - "

" - I turned myself in to Professor Reynolds because I didn't know what to do, didn't know how to fix this, I keep failing to corner that bloody rat and the Dementors are here and they're not going away - and she's always been - competent and terrifying and ruthless - so I figured she'd - do whatever it took to protect you - "

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"Yeah. She would."

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He nods a little and chuckles self-deprecatingly. "She promised to kill me if she didn't like my explanation. Made it - clear I wasn't going back to Azkaban."

"That's still on the table," she says, flatly. "I won't let the Ministry use the Dementor's Kiss against you, if nothing else."

"You're nicer than you pretended to be in the war," he says to her, cheerfully.

"You'll note I also didn't leave Death Eaters to be damned to that place," she says, examining both him and the girls. To Ellie and Anathema: "I can share the proof that convinced me. But - I suspect your objections are mostly elsewhere?"

Sirius's expression goes a bit grave. To Anathema: "I know I wronged you, too. Put you - near those things. Listened to your secrets. I haven't shared anything, and I'd take an Unbreakable Vow to not."

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She's - taken aback.

"I... Don't know. If I want that," she says.

Sirius nods, frowning a bit.

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"I don't know you. You might have known me when I was a baby, but I'm not a baby anymore."

"I want to see the proof, and I want you to help Professor Reynolds get rid of the Dementors. And then maybe after that you can introduce yourself again."

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He nods. "I - hope that if I turn over the actual culprit, maybe the Ministry will. Believe that. Admit they fucked up. Take Pettigrew, leave Hogwarts alone - leave me alone." He frowns, staring at his shoes. "I used to - believe we were fighting for a good society. A - good world. That the assholes could just be - beaten up and removed from."

"...I don't think the Ministry doing the right thing's very likely," he concludes, glumly. "My other idea was showing up somewhere else in the Isles, so they think I'm not at Hogwarts - or better, in Europe..."

Professor Reynolds leans forward. "That's unideal, though, because they'll keep looking." She pauses, focusing briefly, and: "The best way - in the short term, not anticipating any regime changes to our benefit - will be to fake his death. On Hogwarts' grounds, at my hand - let Fudge get the little victory of being right about where he was, let Dumbledore get the larger victory of 'the Dementors did nothing, and in fact hindered our Professors in searching the grounds.' Turning over a body's tricky with modern forensics - a fake can trick casual inspection, but not an autopsy. Easiest would be to fake destruction of the body with enough genetic material left on the scene for identification. The Ministry will likely question me about if he actually died, but I can fake a pensieve memory well enough that even the best international experts would have trouble identifying it."

"You say that like it's so easy..." Sirius mumbles, slumping.

She sighs. "I've done it before, including with investigation by a specialist team. The Ministry's Aurors aren't nearly that good at detecting fake memories, and Fudge is less willing to call in foreign experts than Minchum ever was."

Sirius shifts and nods. "I'm willing to help with that. Or - whatever way works. Any way."

Professor Reynolds nods, standing. "The main thing's a pensieve memory," she says. "There's also Pettigrew - he's been captured, confirmed to be a rat Animagus masquerading as a student's pet as Black claimed, and his Legilimentic shields were weak enough I was able to corroborate Black's story. You'll have to take my word for it that neither man's memories have been cleverly tampered with, though, and the Legilimency to check Pettigrew's mind yourself can't be mastered in an afternoon - but I can put my memories of Pettigrew's mind in a pensieve as well, and you can see him in person. Pettigrew additionally has a Dark Mark, though that only confirms he was a Death Eater, and Black's lack of one is not conclusive that he was never in Voldemort's employ."

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Slow nod.

"I'd like to see the memories... But I trust you."

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Anathema nods. "Yeah. You're - you." She shrugs, awkwardly.

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Small smile. "And we can add Legilimency and discerning true memories from false to your summer projects, if you'd like - it'll help your own Occlumency, if nothing else."

She tells Sirius to stay in the living room with Scarlet, then leads Anathema and Ellie into her smaller, private office. There's several bottles with odd, swirling lights in them, and a strong-smelling potion in a glassy stone bowl. Professor Reynolds idly describes what's what - the bottles contain several of Sirius's memories, checked for authenticity and kept separate. The stone bowl is a pensieve. The potion is specifically for clearing psychic residues from a pensieve between uses. She walks both girls through responsible pensieve use, and how to pull yourself back out, and explains that the contents of the memories may be distressing.

She pulls memories out of her own head with a twist of her wand, after they get through Sirius's, though she puts them back into her head, while Sirius's return to their bottles.

The parade of memories paints - a disturbing picture. Many of Sirius's memories seem damaged, almost, the color faded, parts worn thin - usually a pensieve memory allows you to observe things the originator didn't notice, but most of those parts look like they were rubbed out of Sirius's head. Exactly typical of long-term exposure to Dementors, Professor Reynolds explains, which is hard enough to mimic it makes the memories seem more likely to be true. False memories are also almost immediately destroyed by Dementors, making it very unlikely any alterations date to before Azkaban.

Sirius was James and Lily's best friend - he seems familiar in their house, with them, in the discussions shown. All three look stressed in the memories - Lily pregnant, speaking about a prophecy - Lily with an infant Ellie in her arms, standing and pacing and bouncing her, worrying if the Fidelius will be enough, with how often Sirius is putting himself at risk of capture - with how vital he is to the war effort.

That discussion goes on for a bit. James suggests changing the Secret Keeper. Sirius balks. Lily wonders 'to who.' They shoot down Dumbledore immediately. They shoot down Remus, James noting he's been reclusive, lately, objecting to the treatment of werewolves as the war's been spiraling - James seems suspicious, Sirius sides with Remus, says of course the laws are ridiculous, not all werewolves are Greyback - Lily ends the argument, pointing out that Remus is risky for similar reasons to Sirius, anyways. Too exposed. Too vulnerable. They shoot down a few other names - Fay, Kingsley, Minerva - for the same reason they're hesitant for Sirius. Peter Pettigrew is Lily's idea - 'I hardly think anyone remembers you were friends in school, but you all always seemed so inseparable...' James is enthused. Sirius is still insisting he can keep himself out of Death Eater hands - 'I'll damn well suicide before I let them take me, and you two can hide in a forgotten house until the war's over.' James objects; the argument fades, skims forwards, to a snatch of conversation with a short, twitchy man - Peter - as he promises to be the a trustworthy Secret Keeper, he never goes near the fights anyways, he's in logistics so he's not at risk -

Flash skim over Sirius learning of the Potters' deaths. Flash skim, confronting Pettigrew. Pettigrew turning to him, immediately accusing him of betraying their friends - Sirius doesn't even have his wand up as Pettigrew blows up the crowded street -

Flash skim. An earlier point, Sirius much younger, standing with James and Peter and Remus, showing clearly Peter shifting to rat form, Sirius shifting to dog form, James to a large stag -

Pettigrew's memories. He'd been Voldemort's man since before accepting the Secret Keeper position. A mole, slipping reports on funding and provisions and the like to Voldemort - nothing vital, of course, he told himself, he always told himself, it wasn't like he was relaying troop movements or bases - his intelligence of course unattached to the Death Eater's repeated successes in hunting down the Order of the Phoenix, in finding their identities and murdering their families -

He hesitated, after being made Secret Keeper. He learned - Voldemort had received a prophecy, about a newborn destined to eventually defeat him, and wished to nip the problem in the bud - prophecies name but one world, he'd said, and that one will be destroyed in its cradle. Voldemort promised a handsome reward to anyone who revealed one of several families to him, all with recently born children who might fit the prophecy. He followed through - he killed each family and child personally, and the riches rolled in to his informants -

Pettigrew flipped on the Potters, the most well hidden of Voldemort's enemies. Voldemort had been closing on the Longbottoms. He decided to go after the Potters instead, with such a ripe opportunity.

Pettigrew knew he screwed up, when he heard Voldemort had died. He knew he'd really screwed up, when Sirius caught up to him. So he did what he's always done - he lied and hid, away from any threat of retaliation, making his way eventually into a wizarding family's keeping as their pet rat. A flash - he'd been considering trying to probably resurrect Voldemort after he heard rumors about Professor Quirrel. He'd been very sure being a rat was miserable, and he wanted something more - the reward for not only the best information, but the most faithful servant -

He'd been seriously calculating whether he should make a run out of Hogwarts before winter break, or if he should abandon the wizarding family when the kids went home and flee from there.

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Ellie is not sure if she wants to rage or cry when she gets out of the memories.

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Anathema seems to have settled on 'quietly upset.'

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Fay settles her hand on Ellie's shoulder, quietly offering a hug.

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Anathema leans in, too.

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"...I don't know what to think," she says.

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"It's complicated. But - you can have time to process."

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Hug. "I can tell Black to hang out somewhere out of sight, if you want."

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She ducks out to do that, leaving the living room free for them. 

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"I just-"

"I don't understand why it has to matter! It all happened before I can even remember except when the stupid Dementors show up but it won't go away."

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Hug. "It's unfair. You didn't cause any of the problems. It's - everyone who was supposed to make things right didn't. Who was supposed to make a kinder world for you."

"And it's wrong that you have to deal with our mistakes."

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"I know. But that still doesn't help."

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"I'll be here to help, as much I can."

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"I know."


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She strokes Ellie's hair a bit, humming softly. 

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Anathema settles on Ellie's other side, cuddling her a bit aggressively. 

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"What do you think we should do?"

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"About Black?"

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"About everything."

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"First: fake Black's death. The best time for that might be after winter break - it'll take me a bit to set the stage to pull it off ideally."

"Next: that should get the Dementors withdrawn. That'll be my job and Dumbledore's, mostly - I'll be testifying in court a lot."

"I'll handle Pettigrew. Quite frankly - the less you know about that, the better."

"I'll ask Black to hide out for a bit. We might actually put him in the Chamber of Secrets until the search calms down. You two are the only ones who can get in and out of it, and no divination magics can find it or its contents. After that... If you're okay with it, we can hide him at our house until summer break begins, and reconsider then."

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"I think I'm okay with that, if Anathema is."

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"I am."

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"Then let's do it."

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"Alright," she says, squeezing Ellie's shoulder. 

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She takes care of things the rest of the semester. Sirius Black stays out of Anathema and Ellie's way - Professor Reynolds leaves him with a selection of her books and a stack of newspaper back issues to go through, as well as enough food and water he won't be in trouble for a few weeks even if they can't return easily, and does have Anathema help him learn just enough Parseltongue to get in and out. (She also has Anathema explain very thoroughly to the basilisk 'do not kill the dog man.')

Professor Reynolds gets Ellie and Anathema home when winter break starts, then arranges to sneak Sirius back out of Hogwarts and to her house - she explains to the girls that he can stay in the woods while they're home if they prefer, but that it's safer not to leave him behind.

Professor Reynolds seems stressed, working near constantly, but -

Coming home is like the first glimpse of sunshine in months. No Dementors have been lurking here - no misery has settled into the walls. Just - joy, and family, and comfort.

Yule's about a week after winter break starts, Christmas another half week from that - after helping them with the arithmancy, they'd timed the final stage of their Animagus test for the exact time of the winter solstice. An auspicious moment, Fay said, though not an essential one. Something to look forward to, in amidst the general pleasure of being home.

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(It's really good to be home. Even putting aside the Dementors it just- feels right.)

Ellie is super excited for the solstice and finishing the Animagus work.

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They should have a feast! And a little party, just them!

(...Does Ellie want to invite Sirius to Yule? Or - too soon?)

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If Anathema's okay with it. He was... nice enough, as Grim.

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Anathema is if Ellie is.

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Then yeah, he can come to Yule.

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It'll be fun.

Mostly becoming an Animagus, but -

She's looking forward to it. And to learning what Ellie's form is.

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Anathema's form is probably the bigger mystery here!

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She laughs. "I've been feeling wolfy lately, though."

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"Oh well then mystery solved. We probably don't even need to actually do the ritual anymore."

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She sticks her tongue out. "But then I couldn't transform!"

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She laughs. 

She also spends a lot of the days leading up outside - flying, running through the woods, asking Fay to take her into London... Her cabin fever clearly hasn't gotten any better. 

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Best to take advantage of it while they can.

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Yeah. Though things should be nicer at Hogwarts soon, too.

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Assuming everything goes to plan, yeah.

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Fay's taking care of it, now. That - makes Anathema feel a lot better.

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Yeah. She's good at taking care of things.

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She nods.

Everything big being in competent hands leaves Anathema and Ellie free to plan the really important stuff - like their Yule party!

Sirius slinks in as Grim the morning of, posture a bit sheepish.

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At least he's not late.

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He seems determined to spend most of the day as a dog, in fact, except for meals which he acts awkwardly at.

Anathema overcomes some of that with persistent cheerfulness, her excitement bleeding over into every movement. She ends up eating while standing because she's fidgeting too hard to stay in a chair long, constantly bouncing, tapping her feet, flapping her arms. Still - she does manage a lot of the Yule-specific ceremony stuff, and the lunch feast is amazing (given Anathema's been learning to channel her excited restlessness into cooking and baking; the house elves have been remarkably tolerant of her desire to learn while cooped up in the castle).

The exact moment of truth is late in the afternoon, before it's really evening - Anathema watches the clock anxiously leading up, counting down to the best moment to try and turn for the first time.

It's a spell, at this point - they've done all the witchcraft already. Not so much a Transmutation as an activation of the magics already swirling about them from their work over the last few months, heady with potential.

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Ellie's preferred method of dealing with anxiety is meditation, so she's outwardly a little more calm than Anathema in the minutes leading up to the appointed time.

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Anathema watches Ellie closely - she wants to time their transformations to match -

The appointed minute ticks over, painfully slowly.

And - the spell.

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Ellie casts-

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-and shifts.

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Anathema shifts in the same moment and immediately starts prancing. She tries to exclaim about how Ellie looks so cool and it comes out as a deep satisfied rumble.

She then starts trying to see as much of her body as she can, twisting around, lifting her paws, running in circles a bit.

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Fay laughs, clapping, and conjures a mirror for them both.

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Ellie makes a sound that's half chirp, half growl, and trips over her forelegs a bit trying to get to the mirror.

Four legs- check. Scales- check. Sharp teeth- check. Wings- uncheck. Darn. She's also only about the size of a deer, which is good for not breaking the house, she guesses.

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Excited tiger noises!

...Wow not having human vocal chords is inconvenient.

She does not want to stop being a tiger which means she has no way at all to yell 'you're a DINOSAUR.'

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Ellie squawks again, and noses Anathema.

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Headbutt! She tries to indicate 'playfulness' through body language alone, jumping back and forth some.

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Yes! Nod nod.


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...They do not have opposable thumbs. Ellie could probably manage a lever door handle, but not a knob.

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Fay laughs and spells the door open.

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Before shifting into a tiger herself.

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Time to play!!

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Anathema breaks into a sprint across the yard, before bouncing off a tree and proceeding to run around - testing her agility, her speed, her ability to climb trees, to jump -

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Fay chases after her, showing her some tricks, especially for jumping and climbing.

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Scarlet comes out too, ears up playfully, watching the movement like they're seriously considering ambushing the next Animagus to get into claws' reach.

...Which turns out to be Sirius-Grim, who starts bouncing around the edges of the yard a bit, tongue lolling out of his mouth up until some very sharp claws lance into his heel. He yelps, and Scarlet sprints away, clearly amused and checking for if Grim is giving chase.

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Ellie is less agile than the cats, but she can still put up a fair turn of speed and is decent at jumping. Not good at climbing or being in trees, though.

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She's a lot faster than Anathema when they're both running in a straight line - and she can figure out with jumping a way to curl her feet forward a bit to bring a disproportionately massive claw (among a foot full of wickedly sharp and long claws) to bear.

Anathema, of course, keeps any play challenges where her own strengths are, playfully pouncing on Ellie from above several times.

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This is very rude of her.

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Anathema's not always as best she can be at running away after, though.

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Ellie tackles her.

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Anathema yowls, wiggling, and goes down in a tangle of fur and limbs.

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Victory chirp.

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Dramatic groan.

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Heh heh heh.

She stretches out on top of Anathema.

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Wiggle!!! Get off!!!

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Hmmmmm no.

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She tries and fails to roll over, huffing.

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Ellie decides her lesson has been sufficiently taught, and lets Anathema up.

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She headbutts Ellie, apparently immediately forgiving her.

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Shoulder bump.

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She starts rubbing her body - especially her cheek - along Ellie, rumbling contentedly. 

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This is nice.

But she's getting a bit cold, so back inside?

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Anathema's less cold, but she's fine going in. 

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And change back!

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She bounces back to human after Ellie does, laughing.

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"We did it!"

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She hugs Ellie.

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"You're not a wolf, either. Or a chimaera."

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Giggle. "Yeah. Tiger's really nice, though. But you're a dinosaur!"

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"I wasn't expecting that."

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"It's neat, though."

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"It suits you, I think. Though 'dragon' would've been better."

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"Maybe I am actually a baby dragon. We should look up pictures and compare."

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"Yeah! I think we have some books on that, too..."

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There's the general magical creatures books, of course, though they don't always include pictures of juvenile forms - but Anathema pulls out a book entirely on dragons, sitting down to flip through it.

Ellie doesn't look exactly like any of the dragon babies, though - all of them have wings, for one, and while her face is kinda similar to some, dragons mostly have longer snouts.

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Maybe she can figure out how to grow wings. Like an additional step of self-Transfiguration.

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Yeah! That'd be super cool.

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No sense in getting only halfway to a dragon, after all.

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"You could become a whole new kind of dragon, too, I bet."

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"The Greater British Potter."

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Giggle. "We'd need a prettier name..."

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"If there's only one of me, I could just be a myth to people."

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"We could make up all sorts of fun stories..."

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"Wizarding society will be dancing in our palm."

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"That'd make it easier to pretend not to be Animagi, too, if we don't wanna register."

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"I might want to ever have people acknowledge that I'm a dragon, though."

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She hums, semi-seriously. "A complicated matter..."

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"People don't check the registry on a regular basis, right? So I could be registered and still mysterious."

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"I dunno..."

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"The Ministry and Aurors check it, and many Aurors have parts of it memorized - there aren't that many registered Animagi in the Isles. The registry is public, though, which can have drawbacks - neither of your forms can pass for local, so you can't go unnoticed easily with them, but being unregistered can give you some ability to disguise yourself. I didn't register until a few years after the war ended because of that, even though tigers are obviously not native here," Fay says. "But it'll also be obvious you're unregistered if you're seen - and the Ministry can come down on that fairly severely."

Sirius shrugs. "I never registered at all. Most people don't."

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"I'll think about it, I guess."

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She nods. "There's no rush."

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"Maybe I could register as a dinosaur and then just not tell anyone about the wings when I work them out."

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She nods. "You might get caught if your appearance doesn't change that much, but also if you mostly stay away from other wizards they're unlikely to look too closely."

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Anathema stretches. "We can worry about that later. I'm hungry, now!"

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"Let's eat, then."

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And, after dinner (once they've digested a bit): more running around! (Anathema is a tiger and this is amazing.)

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It is pretty cool.

Though she might need another round of dinner afterwards.

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They're growing girls. It makes perfect sense.

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Indeed, indeed.

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The rest of winter break involves so much running around as a tiger. Anathema gets in her studying, of course - gets her Patronus working one time she's reminded to, laughing even before she casts - it's Ellie's Animagus form, though it's still misty and indistinct at times.

But -

She's starting to see a lot of the reasons why someone might not like school hemming them in. This is so very, very nice.

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Ellie starts research on what she'd need to turn into a full dragon. It looks like a lot of wordless wandless magic, tricky and not really taught at Hogwarts. She can get texts from other traditions though, and study on her own.

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Fay helps Ellie's studies a lot - especially in finding resources. A lot of it's hard to order internationally, but she has friends all over, especially in academia. The turn around isn't instant, but works do start trickling in. Fay's college roommate sends Ellie a massive bundle of journal articles; another friend sends a copy of an unpublished dissertation and copies of several reference works. Someone else sends over a stack of papers in Mandarin with an attached note apologizing for these not being in English (as translated by Fay), and a letter to Fay that she reads with a soft smile. A librarian from her alma mater sends copies of a few rarer documents, and a letter saying she hopes to see Fay's girls at her university someday.

She doesn't neglect Anathema either, of course, though Anathema's not very interested in further enhancing her tiger shape - instead, Fay sits her down to talk about fun magic systems, teasing out a childhood fascination with sung magic. Fay suggests Anathema join the chorus club and offers to arrange vocal lessons over the summer, finding her resources much like she does for Ellie on magical music.

Spring semester arrives all too soon, with the pall of the Dementors falling over them - but Fay has a fairly firm plan, now, for faking Sirius's death, and a calm certainty it'll be over soon enough.

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Ellie spends a lot of time curled up as a dinosaur in the dragon room, trying to work on wandless magic.

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Anathema joins her a lot, though she's usually in her human form so she can read. She does join the beginner's chorus, though, taking up some of her weekend free time.

She's tense a lot. Waiting.

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Sirius's faked death is very hard to miss. It's timed carefully for when Dumbledore's at the Ministry - the largest delay -

Fay stages the fight along the lake, away from where the Dementors have been bothering to go - no emotional humans to lurk around, here. Fast and brutal, Sirius facing her -

The fight ends with an explosion, before Dumbledore can return, before the Dementors can reach them. Fay goes flat; Sirius, hidden by the roiling clouds of debris, shifts into a dog and slips into the lake and to a tunnel into the lowest reaches of the Chamber of Secrets they'd preemptively opened.

The other professors get there in time to help Fay hold the Dementors back until Aurors can arrive and force them to retreat. Classes are cancelled for the day, and the students are barred from leaving the castle as more and more investigators come to the site.

Fay stands to the side, quietly, answering questions with a stony expression. She hands over her wand when asked; it'll have no suspicious activity, even to the most powerful Priori Incantatum.

By the time the Aurors are escorting her off grounds to give her testimony, she's already wandlessly altered her surface memories, resorting her mind and locking the truth in deep.

It takes a while for the news to trickle back to the students. Professor Reynolds is unhurt; she claims she apprehended Sirius Black, fighting and ultimately killing him when he resisted arrest. The Aurors are verifying this.

None of the professors are sure when the Dementors will be removed, or even when Professor Reynolds will be allowed to return.

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All they can do is wait.

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Anathema's unhappy and stressed the entire wait - she'd helped some with the set up, with opening the tunnel and instructing the basilisk on when to close it, with gently encouraging any snakes in the possible blast radius to relocate.

But now it's just... Waiting.

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Professor Reynolds doesn't return before a special evening edition of The Daily Prophet, reporting that a professor at Hogwarts has claimed to have killed Sirius Black. It feels less - polished, edited, than their usual. Rawer. There's a new picture of Professor Reynolds, looking exhausted.

Aurors are scouring the scene still, the Prophet reports, searching for signs of Black's presence and death. The professor has agreed to undergo questioning under Veritaserum and to share her memories via pensieve with 'a panel of Britain's greatest experts.' Still, the paper cautions they might not know much until tomorrow at the earliest - and some questions might remain unanswered for days or weeks.

Following that is some hasty speculation, some reports of notable reactions, but - it's a thinner edition than usual.

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She doesn't get back to Hogwarts before curfew - or even before a reasonable time to go to sleep, or even an unreasonable time to stay up anxiously until.

Still - she's back before sunrise, and a house elf delivers a quiet message to Ellie and Anathema that she's returned.

Classes are still canceled, so there's nothing really holding the two girls up from going to seek her out.

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Which of course they do.

Ellie brings her tea set and a hug.

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Anathema mostly has hugs to bring - though she does stop to let the house elf know they'll all probably be eating in Professor Reynolds' rooms.

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"Ellie, Anathema, come in," she says when they knock. She's slouched a bit on her couch, petting Scarlet. She looks extremely tired.

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"Hello, Professor." Anathema can have the first hug while Ellie sets up the brew.

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The house elves slip in with food and slip out, and Anathema glances at the closed door -

"Are you done with questioning and stuff?"

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"For now," she says. "It'll be another few days at the least before they call me in - probably the weekend, so... In four days."

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Anathema nods, and -

"You changed your memory. You asked me to tell you that. When it was a bit between questionings."

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She goes still, expression distant -

Then raises a hand to her forehead.

"Ah," she says, softly. "Well, it seems I was successful, there."

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"Grim's okay. I checked on him before bed last night."

They'd also been asked to call Sirius 'Grim' in front of Professor Reynolds for the next while, and for a bit before the fight - to reduce the amount she has to edit at different times.

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She ruffles Anathema's hair. "You did well." She glances over to Ellie then.

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"They believed me," she says, stroking Ellie's hair.

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"It's still stressful."

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Pat. "I know."

"It'll get better, but... I know."

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The kettle whistles. Ellie goes to pour a cup.

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Professor Reynolds sits with them, eating breakfast.

They don't visit Sirius at first - just to be safe, though snakes bring Anathema news sometimes. The Dementors are withdrawn from Hogwarts' grounds, though they still lurk out past the boundary. The message in the Prophet shifts to 'investigation ongoing; the Aurors are managing it.' Fay alters her memories for a second round of questioning that weekend - alters them back -

The Ministry, or at least the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, seems to agree that Sirius Black appears to be dead. They seem to agree, even, that he's the entire reason they put the Dementors in place. They -

Don't seem to agree they now need to remove the Dementors, though they won't explain why.

The Prophet's being largely mum as well, moving on entirely from discussing the investigations into light hearted topics.

The Dementors remain at a distance, and their shadow remains over Hogwarts' grounds.

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Well, now at least they can go out to their cottage to sulk.

Anathema kicks at the ground angrily.

"Why isn't it over," she demands, scowling. "The Ministry has their body - it should be over. We should - everything should go back."

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"Probably because everything is terrible and nothing is ever allowed to be good at Hogwarts."

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Grumble. "Maybe we should move. Professor Reynolds didn't go to Hogwarts..."

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"As long as the trouble didn't follow us."

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Huff. "It hasn't always been about us..."

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"Grim was at least a little bit about us. The Chamber thing was Serpens but also kind of us. Quirrell was about us."

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She flops, making a frustrated noise. "It's all that stupid Voldemort's fault," she snaps. "Just - why - " She makes another half-scream. "I hate him, why do I have to be his kid, why can't everything just stay done - and past and - "

"Why does it have to be us?"

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A stick clatters to the ground outside, and there's a startled 'mrow!'

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Must be a cat.

Ellie flops next to Anathema.

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Anathema rolls over, snuggling her.

It's getting dark kinda quickly - always does in the winter - and kinda really cold, though they're bundled up in their robes plenty. Anathema... Pretty much the last thing she wants is to go in, though.

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There's a soft sound, near the door - a small cracking, the thin layer of snow and ice that the two girls haven't trampled out of existence, that got past the awning and the leaning trees, crunching underfoot.

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"-Do you hear that?"

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Anathema pushes herself up, twisting around to look over at the door - and stills.

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What is it?

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A woman - unfamiliar, older. She's staring at them. Her face is in shadow, but - her expression is frozen, strange.

" - Mintaka?"

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Anathema scrambles to her feet, drawing her wand -

"How do you know that name?" she demands, somewhere between angry and scared.

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The woman steps back, startled.

"I - "

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"Expecto Patronum!"

"Professor Reynolds," she says hurriedly to the tiger, "the cottage, hurry," and sends it off.

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Her gaze flickers - almost hungrily - to the Patronus.

"He didn't have any others," she says, voice distant. "I would've known. So - you - must be Mintaka - "

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"I'm not," Anathema snaps, wand trained on the woman. "Not since I got away - I'm Anathema, now, and I won't be anyone else - and if you're gonna go back whining to Tara - I won't let you -"

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"...Rabastian's wife. They left you with - her?"

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Anathema wavers, lowering her wand a bit.

" - How do you know that name and - not know that - "

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"She hurt you."

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Anathema takes a step back, unsure.

"Of course. Why do you care?"

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"Who are you." Ellie positions herself to be more between the woman and Anathema.

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"I'm her mother," she says, voice strange and thin.

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"You shouldn't be here."

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"Why not?"

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"This isn't your place."

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"Then where is?"

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"Not here. You need to leave."

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"What gives you the right to say that?" she asks. "If Mi - Anathema wants me to leave, she can say so, can't she?"

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Anathema lowers her wand, frowning.

"...Why do you care if my aunt hurt me?" she asks, slowly. "She said you'd do much worse, anyways."

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"Never." Her hands twitch as her expression twists. "That bitch shouldn't count as anything - you were supposed to go to Andy."

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She stares at the woman.

Then: "If the Ministry knows you're here they'll send Dementors closer to Hogwarts again. It won't be safe. So you need to not be here."

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The woman examines her, quietly, something distant in her eyes.

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"There. She said it."

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She doesn't seem to be moving.

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Anathema bites her lip.

"...But they're not - really watching out in Hogsmeade, and no one's out on the far side. If you - can stay hidden. We have a Hogsmeade weekend on Saturday."

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...She nods, slowly.

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 - There's a crunch of snow in the distance, approaching.

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She flows into a small black cat, vanishing almost immediately into the night.

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Ellie lets out a breath.

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And Professor Reynolds arrives a few moments later, wand out.

"What happened?" she asks, immediately, scanning their surroundings.

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"Bellatrix Black was here."

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"Nothing - " Anathema tries to say at the same time. She stops, though, when her brain processes what Ellie's saying.

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Professor Reynolds goes very tense. "Did she threaten you?"

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"Not directly."

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"She didn't," Anathema says. "She was concerned about me."

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"And she's an Animagus. Black cat."

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Anathema frowns at Ellie. "But she ran off when I told her Dementors would come back if she hung around so she should leave."

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"She seemed... less lucid than Grim."

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"Yeah. She was - confused. Or... Out of it."

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"Dementors can do that," she says, absently. "Grim's unusually functional."

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"What should we do?"

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"Well, it seems the Ministry's been covering up her escape from Azkaban... I can talk to some Auror friends who would be more willing to share with me if directly questioned, though - the Ministry's response wasn't helpful with catching Grim, but a few less dumb Aurors could help keep watch..."

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"No," Anathema says, immediately and fiercely. "We don't need to tell any Aurors."

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"It's fine. She didn't threaten us - "

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"No, just your former caretaker. What happens when she sees us roughhousing and decides to curse my face off?"

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"My former caretaker," she spits the term, angrily, "Was nowhere near roughhousing."

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"I don't trust her to know the difference!"

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"Then you don't have to go around her! But you're my favorite, I'll tell her that, she'll know not to hurt you."

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Ellie looks to Professor Reynolds.

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Deep breath, and she puts her hand on Anathema's shoulder. "Anathema..." she says, voice gentle, "I know you don't believe she'd hurt you or anyone you care about. But people, especially very scared and hurt people, can make mistakes. I've hurt people I love. You're hurting someone you love right now."

"I know she's your mother, and you feel - a connection to her. But she's very, very scared, and very, very hurt, and violence came easily to her even before Azkaban."

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Her face scrunches up, tears gathering in the corners of her eyes.

"Violence comes easily to you."

"...It comes easily to me."

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She hugs Anathema. "I know. But I know when to stop. And your temper is - colder, than hers. Easier to grab. Less scared."

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"But it'd be wrong, setting Dementors on her. Putting her back there."

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"There's- steps between Azkaban and nothing. Aren't there?"

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"...Death, arguably. Wizards are - very hard to put in jail, though."

"We could maybe lock her in the Chamber of Secrets - it has anti-Apparition wards, is invulnerable to most spell damage, and is locked via Parseltongue. But that'd be... Isolating, and wouldn't solve breaks. And we'd have to get her there."

"There's - rehabilitative justice, but that's basically at this point 'she agrees she wants to stop being harmful to others and seeks out therapy.' Which seems... Very, very unlikely."

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"Hogwarts isn't the only place with anti-Apparition wards," Anathema says, sulkily. "Couldn't we just talk to her?"

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"...We could try."

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"I want to."

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"But we need to be safe about it."

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"Like how?"

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"Like Professor Reynolds is there. Or at least watching. With maybe some of her Auror friends on standby, if we can manage that without necessarily telling them why."

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"If we brought them near her, she might notice and freak out."

"I'm - unsure how she'd react to me. We fought fairly often in the war, but... She was often - in some ways friendly with her enemies, and I don't know how that would influence her behavior now, or if old lessons carry forward."

"She might at least know I wouldn't hand her to the Dementors - I stopped taking prisoners at all after the first escaped and the second was Kissed. I don't know if she'd be nervous about me killing her, though."

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"She ran away when she heard you coming just now. I don't know if that was because of you specifically or just-" Shrug.

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"...I could ask her if it's okay. And you could just - be kinda nearby. But not really in sight."

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She sighs. "If she tried to kidnap you, I'd want to be near enough to react in time."

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Anathema glances away.

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"Portkey? As a ring or something?"

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"She could disable that if she was paying attention..."

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"Or just - stand with me, hand away from wands and everything. So she doesn't feel tricked. And then she'll come up or she won't."

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Fay nods, a little.

"I still feel this is risky, but..." She squeezes Anathema's shoulder. "I do want to find a good solution, too."

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"Should I be there?"

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"If you want..." Anathema says.

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"If there's a fight, it might be a bit harder to protect two people. But, neither of you is helpless, and you could look after each other."

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"I'll be there," she decides.

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Anathema nods, shuffling a bit awkwardly. 

"...I'm sorry I snapped at you."

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"It's okay. I'm just- scared for you." Hug?

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"Yeah... Everything's just - really upsetting right now."

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"Stupid Dementors don't help."

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"I've been - scared. All year."

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She starts crying. 

"I just - want everything to stop being bad - want - want something to end okay for once, not even good but not - not more terrible than we started - "

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Pat. "Me too."

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"I'll be careful. I promise."

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"I don't want to lose you."

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"You won't."

"But - I gotta. Be able to do - things I want. Take risks. And I know this is a risk, a really big one, but - it's important to me. And I think not taking it'd be worse."

"Like - going into the Chamber last year was the biggest risk and we both could've died really easily but we had to, not - not 'cause we thought there was anyone to rescue, 'cause we didn't know Malfoy was down there, and - not to be safe. But 'cause we had to be us."

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Hug hug.

"All right."

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"I don't wanna lose you ever, either."

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"Guess we'd better stick together then, huh?"

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Small smile. "Yeah. And take any risks together."

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Professor Reynolds puts her hand on Ellie's shoulder. "Why don't we all go inside?" she says, softly.

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And back to the castle. Professor Reynolds brings them up to her room to at least get them warmed up some, and give them time to really calm down before heading back to their dorms.

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They shouldn't be too suspicious, after all. That would just make things worse in every direction.

Ellie does have a couple questions about wandless magic she's been meaning to ask, though...

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(A good way to take their minds off things.)

Professor Reynolds answers them cheerfully and in a good amount of depth, drawing Anathema into the discussion as well - until it's very nearly curfew.

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"We should be getting back. Thanks, Professor."

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"You're welcome."

"Stay safe, all right? And stay sensible."

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"I'll leave 'sensible' to Ellie. She's good at it."

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She elbows Anathema. "I'll do my best."

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"I'll try not to make it too hard."

She gives Professor Reynolds a quick hug before heading off to the dorm, and then - to bed! Today's been long.

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It surely has.

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Hopefully the days will get less long...

(...Metaphorically, not literally, it would be very alarming if the days started growing physically shorter before summer solstice.)

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Probably that would be a sign of some ritual gone very wrong.

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"I'll swear I had nothing to do with it."

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"You ought to say that either way."

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Giggle. "I'll try to avoid the question ever coming up, then, since I'm so bad at lying."

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Nod nod.

"Very sensible."

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Hug. "Goodnight, Ellie."

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"Good night, Anathema."

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The next day goes alright. There's no sign of Bellatrix Black, or of the Dementors coming in, or of the Ministry pushing Dumbledore, even when the girls venture back out to their cottage.

The morning after next, The Daily Prophet's front page reports in lurid detail on the violent death of Tara Lestrange née Selwyn, not discovered until late the evening before. The perpetrator is unknown and presumed at large.

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Not entirely unexpected.

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Anathema keeps a stony face until the end of breakfast - doesn't read past a glimpse of the headline - takes the paper with her to the Dragon Room basically immediately -

Tara Lestrange died in her home, which was destroyed in a fire after, removing much of the evidence. There are signs she was tortured - the Prophet talks about it sensationally but non-specifically, but it's not hard to draw conclusions about the injuries she suffered. Tara Lestrange's niece and ward, Mintaka Lestrange, is believed dead, the child's bedroom having been utterly destroyed by what officials suspect may have been fiendfyre. Her house elves appear to have been left unharmed, the binding spells on them shattered - only one's been recaptured, the Prophet reports, and while the Ministry is tracking the others they appear to have fled fairly far. The recaptured elf's memories do support the idea that Mintaka Lestrange died in the house, though the house elf didn't see the perpetrator directly. There's photographs of the burned out shell of the house, of Tara Lestrange smiling and laughing at some society function years ago (the Prophet notes that no one was able to find any images of Mintaka Lestrange), of a grim Auror waving his wand over some ashes...

The two are survived by Tara Lestrange's husband (in Azkaban) and Mintaka Lestrange's parents (also in Azkaban). Tara Lestrange's mother and brother are also still alive, though both refused to answer inquiries from the press. The Aurors don't have any firm conclusions about the motive for the murder, right now, though given the family connection to three notorious Death Eaters, the attack may have been a delayed retaliation.

Anathema collapses against one of the couches, laughing hysterically.

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"Are.. you okay?"

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"She's - she's dead, and everyone thinks - the old me is too - "


"She can't get me ever again - I almost want to crash the funeral so I can make sure they put her in the ground - "

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It's not like Ellie doesn't understand the feeling.

"That wouldn't be very sensible."

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"Yeah. And I did just promise to be safe..."

She laughs again, still somewhat hysteric. "I won't. I don't think - I don't think there's any chance right now she isn't dead."

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"No, this looks- a lot like some of the reports from the last war. She was always thorough."

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"Yeah." She grins.

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"It was deserved. This time."

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She nods, seriously. 

"We need to make sure she doesn't go after people who don't deserve it, yeah."

"She left the house elves alive this time, though, and the one who got recaptured was the one who was always mean to me..."

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"I guess that's a kind of progress."

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"Yeah. And probably I could use it to talk to her more about - lots of people don't deserve all that?"

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"That's important."

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She nods.

"Well, hopefully we'll see her Saturday..."

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Nothing to do but wait... Anathema gets caught up on her studying beforehand, of course, but mostly practices the Patronus a lot, especially when they're in the Dragon Room. It makes her smile, if nothing else.

The Hogsmeade weekend dawns clear but bitter cold, with a fresh layer of snow over everything. Anathema's gotten a bit sick of snow by now, but she tries to keep her mood up as they trudge into the wizarding village with Professor Reynolds.

Hogsmeade isn't huge, fortunately, so they're able to get to the far side and out of sight of the town without too much trouble. It seems colder out here, a thick patch of woods drawing close to the snowed in fields. There's no one waiting openly for them.

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"So we just... wait?"

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"I suppose," Professor Reynolds says, scanning the area around them.

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Waiting's a bit nervous-making.

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Anathema steps away from the other two a bit, mostly looking toward the forest.

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And after a little bit a woman steps out from the trees, walking toward them. There's a wand sort of awkwardly tied to her waist, though it looks strange - like she cut an only mostly straight branch off a tree and shaped it into a wand herself. It still has its bark along the length, and a gentle curve from a lightly carved handle.

She's easier to see now that it's daylight. She seems to have found a heavy cloak somewhere, though her clothes are actually fairly muggle - loose pants and several layers of shirts and worn jackets and threadbare sneakers.

She's also being followed by a thestral a few paces back, its coat a smoky grey. It seems a bit smudgy, maybe, but both girls can fairly clearly see it as it pauses at the edge of the forest, turning its head this way and that to regard the group with empty eye sockets.

"Hello Anathema," she says, voice guarded. "Who are - your friends?"

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"Ellie," she says.

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"Fay Reynolds," she says. "Did you forget about me, Bellatrix?"

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She turns, squinting, wary. "I - it's all. Foggy."

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"Hi," Anathema says, softly. "And Professor Reynolds has been taking care of me, since - since I left that person."

"Thanks, for - making sure that person couldn't take me back."

"And - thanks for not hurting the house elves. They didn't deserve being hurt."

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She nods, slowly. "...You don't - need to thank me. She shouldn't exist. She hurt you."

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"Still." She shrugs, shifting awkwardly.

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Ellie doesn't say anything. Her gaze flits to the thestral. Wonder what it's doing. They don't usually follow people around, she thought.

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The thestral seems to be under the impression that grazing snow is a Perfectly Normal Horse Activity. No weirdness here!

Bellatrix turns her gaze back to Fay, squinting, seeming a bit uneasy. "I... Think I should know you."

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Fay smiles, a little. "You said I was your only decent challenge, once."

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She blinks - and laughs.

"I'd - forgotten. Like a shadow was pulled over everything."

"We never got that second date, did we?"

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"Attempted murder rather kills the romance, I've found."

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"Only if you're very vanilla."

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Ellie startles, a little bit.

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W h a t.

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Bellatrix laughs again, a bit wildly.

"I - came here to get to know my daughter, though. Not - catch up on the weird old times."

Her gaze drifts to Anathema.

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She shifts.

"I mean... I don't really - know you at all. Just. News reports. And... When we just met, and that you - I guess wanted to protect me."

She glances at Ellie, unsure.

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Ellie steps closer to Anathema, slowly.

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She turns toward Ellie some, shifting.

"I guess, just..."

She bites her lip.

"You - used to work for Voldemort. He - called you his favorite lieutenant."

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She shrugs. "I did. He gave me something the rest of this trash fire of a society didn't."

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"...Like what?"

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"Not be - trapped."

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"...He killed people. And - they were people who didn't deserve it. Kids and random muggles and people's parents who just - wanted a better world for their kids."

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She tilts her head. "And you care?"

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"Of course! You can't just - say you'll only hurt people who really really deserve it, who hurt people you care about, because - because if you start hurting only some people then it's easy to hurt everyone, including people who matter, and who don't deserve it - and even if you never hurt the wrong person, if you're somehow perfect and never screw up, everyone'll try to hurt you back - I got dumped with her because you couldn't stop hurting people. You couldn't even just - go to ground like a sane person until the law decided it'd done enough for the lazy people on top to look like they were being effective, you couldn't just - pick me up and run to somewhere that wouldn't extradite you, which is everywhere because Britain is completely isolationist - you just had to go torture some Aurors until you got caught - "

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Oh no she does not want to be crying right now. Why is she crying.

"And Voldemort kept hurting me, he hurt me so much worse - it's not even my aunt I see when the Dementors get close, even though - even though all that was a nightmare - it's him, he clawed his way back as a stupid spirit and possessed me and tried to force me to kill Ellie, and he said - he said it was the only reason I existed, that I'd been made for it - and everything about him keeps coming back to mess everything up today - "

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She pulls in on herself, quiet.

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Ellie hugs Anathema.

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She leans pretty aggressively into Ellie.

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"Don't. Or - didn't. Have people I cared about. My sisters were - grown up. Cissy was - on his side anyways. And Andy was - she got out. She could look after herself."

"So I didn't - care."

"I never - killed anyone who didn't have a wand in their hand and know how to use it. That's where the fun is. But I never cared what he did." She shrugs.

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"I care. Not - a ton, about people I've never met, I guess. It kind of feels like they don't really exist. But..." She snuggles into Ellie. "It was - not caring about random people that made my aunt hurt me. 'Cause I wasn't one of hers so I didn't matter. But she - should have cared about me."

"And I don't ever - want to realize I've hurt someone I shouldn't have. And I don't want - to be around people who think there's - acceptable groups of people to hurt, because - because they always decide I'm one of those people or I sympathize too much with those people, sooner or later, or - it feels like they might."

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"...Caring about more than a few people just sounds - exhausting. And - doesn't worrying about whether you're hurting this or that random person - just leave you trapped more and more and more?"

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"It's tiring," Fay says. "And it's hard. Things you're choosing to do aren't - traps, though."

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"People who start insisting you have a choice are usually lying."

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"Sometimes, yes."

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"I don't - actually know what the choices are here. But I don't - want to give you none."

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"...You got yourself out," she says. "It's - different, when you can do that."

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"I don't think they let you out of Azkaban on purpose. So you got yourself out, too."

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She doesn't seem sure what to do with that.

Behind her, the thestral raises its head a bit, flicking its mane and stamping some.

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"It's better than when people tell you that you have no choices at all."

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"Then you just kill them."

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"You always have more choices than people give you."

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"So why is pointing that out more of a problem?"

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"I don't like liars. Especially people who pretend to be friendly and say you have choices, but they'll only accept one of them. People who say 'do this or I'll hurt you' are fine, since I always kill them first."

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"That sounds like a way to end up in a lot of fights."

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"I like fights."

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She nods. "And... You can't be yourself if you - bow your head."

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She shuffles.

"...But if you get into lots of fights then you - hurt people who don't deserve to be hurt, and you risk getting me hurt if you're - getting into lots of fights around me."

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She falls silent.

The thestral straights, wings fluttering a bit, and cranes its head to look over at another patch of trees nearer Hogwarts.

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What does it see?

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Bellatrix looks over too, her expression promptly flipping to 'terrified.'

There's nothing distinct, but - darkness. Spreading. An uneasy feeling.

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Professor Reynolds draws her wand.

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Ellie casts her Patronus.

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Fay casts hers, eyes widening only slightly when it comes out not as her usual large bird but as Ellie's Animagus form, hissing a warning at the oncoming cloud.

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Anathema manages hers after two false starts, shivering, eyes wide. It's more diffuse than the last time she cast, wavering.

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Bellatrix draws her wand, but - apparently can't case a Patronus.

Several more thestrals flow out of the forest, stamping. Many of them are paler, harder to see, vague indistinct shapes in the corner of Ellie's vision.

The cloud of Dementors draws closer rapidly.

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"We have to go."

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"Ellie, your invisibility cloak - it might hide you and Anathema," she says, turning to the thestrals and making brief eye contact with Bellatrix.

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- Who nods, swallowing, as the horizon darkens, and raises her strange wand. One of the thestrals stops beside her.

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She pulls the cloak out of her pouch and tosses it over the pair of them. Obviously if an escaped murderer is known to be in the area and have a personal interest in your friend, you carry your invisibility cloak around.

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- The world goes grey, and they can suddenly see far more thestrals, paler and paler and increasingly more like someone had a horrific nightmare about the idea of a horse than anything as explicable as 'skeletally thin horse with wings and clawed hooves.' You could maybe, if you were very determined, lie to yourself that some of these are just odd blurry skeletons. The Dementors - they can see through their cloaks, almost, to a strange void at their hearts.

The thestrals all turn to look at them, something red like embers glowing in their empty sockets. The one Bellatrix called to a stop - thankfully vaguely resembling a normal creature that's supposed to exist - snorts and walks over to the two girls.

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"Get on the thestral, both of you," Fay says, voice soft and firm. "We'll follow."

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"Ellie, now." She pours more strength into her Patronus, which joins the thestrals in harassing the nearest Dementors.

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Onto the thestral. With Anathema.

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The cloak slips a bit as they climb up - Anathema's shaking - but they can get it in place, and the thestral takes off as soon as they're settled, running a few paces at a gap in the Dementors steadily circling them before taking off into the air with a few powerful wing beats.

Their Patronuses stay behind, at least, following their creators' last orders.

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Riding a thestral bareback is a lot different than a broom. Not as uncomfortable as she would have thought, though.

Maybe they can- get Dumbledore, or something.

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Behind them, in the tightening circle of Dementors -

Speaking is too slow for this. But Legilimency happens as fast as you can think, and requires only a connection, and permission if your target is good at keeping you out -

She meets Fay's gaze again.

'They'll keep chasing me. They can fly. They just don't like to.'

(Layered in with the thought, because Legilimency is nothing like speaking at all, nothing like clean telepathy, it's melding into someone else's brain so you know where you begin and they end but you're as exposed to each other as you'll allow, and Bellatrix doesn't have the trick of hiding herself - layered in. Fear. Memory. Shadows. Anathema. Diving into her sister-in-law's mind - )

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'I know.'

Her thoughts are happy. Gloriously, determinedly, angrily so, pouring into the brightest Patronus she's ever conjured. The ghostly reflection of Ellie is holding the Dementors at bay, for now, keeping the rolling tides of despair merely lapping at her walls.

Ellie. Anathema. They're the greatest things in her life. Right now. Ever. Laughing in the snow, not far from here. The girls turning into Animagi for the first time, playing in their yard. Ellie's first Quidditch game. Anathema mastering a hard spell.

Love turned aside Death, once. She stares at non-existence, emptying her mind of anything else.

They need to get out of here.

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'They'll chase my daughter if we Apparate out. If I'm not here. They're faster than that thestral's going.'

And Apparation requires so much focus - so much hard, hard focus. Nearly impossible, with Dementors bearing down on you, panic and despair rising howling in your mind.

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'I know.'

It hasn't been even a heartbeat, but the answer is obvious - don't Apparate out. Flee in the opposite direction. Get enough distance the girls can make it back to Hogwarts before the two women remove themselves to safety.

Or at least hold on long enough the girls are farther from danger. There's adult wizards in Hogsmeade - there's more students in Hogsmeade, and she's briefly unsure - a crack in her walls, despair slipping in - she's briefly unsure whether the Dementors, this many, this worked up, so far from the control they were supposed to be under, might threaten the village too.

The other professors need time to get here. The Aurors need time to be alerted to the problem. Back up's pretty far out.

Any back up won't tolerate Fay playing fast and loose with the rules around Bellatrix.

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'Can we really last until back up?'

She hadn't known there were this many Dementors in the Isles. Hadn't dreamed of this much horror in the world.

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'We can try.'

She firms up the cracks in her walls, forces the despair out. Forces the thought of lying down - of giving up - out.

Death is better than the Kiss. The Kiss is better than losing.

She will not lose.

Joy's getting harder. But anger's still the opposite of despair, still a potential twin to a fiercer love.

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Her heart finishes its first terrified beat.

'They're chasing me. Not you.'

How can Fay possibly care enough to risk herself.

(It's easier to build your walls when you have someone else's - ones like you'd build, a mind that's a near perfect match to yours, the same metaphors, the same twists, the same dark corners and potential - )

(Easier to push off despair.)

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'I don't like Dementors.'

And Anathema wants to get to know Bellatrix, as baffling as that thought feels to Fay - she doesn't remember her birth family. She doesn't want anything to do with them. To even share their blood or know their names.

And Bellatrix was - someone in her orbit, once, for a brief exhilarating moment.

And Fay has never been afraid of anything except losing. Except failing those she loves.

She sometimes shows the shape her boggart takes to the third years, when it's deciding to be less of an asshole. To share their vulnerability. It was - Ellie, gaze vacant, mind empty, when she went to test it this year. She didn't share it.

She's not like Anathema or Bellatrix. She has worse things to be afraid of than her own mind.

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'I don't either.'

Ellie and Anathema aren't very far. It hasn't been long.

The problem, of course, with drawing the strongest Patronus away to protect the bait -

Is that the girls will be left vulnerable. And Bellatrix knows Dementors, knows them as painfully well as she knows the twisted screaming corners of her own mind. They'll pursue their prey relentlessly... But they're opportunistic, and a cloud of them doesn't tend to mind scattering, bringing down everything they can reach.

And it'll be just as bad for Fay's ability to protect them long term if Fay's caught defending Bellatrix as if Fay dies here. The punishment for Bellatrix if she's caught is no kinder than what faces her here. An appointment with one, instead of many, not even a slim opportunity to kill herself at the last second. Her opportunity to survive lies in truly escaping - Apparating away without splinching herself fatally - hard when her mind's screaming so much - turning into a cat - she hates that form, hates how small and weak it is, Voldemort used to smile about it and it was honestly just his bizarre moods that kept her as his favorite, he saw being attacked as amusing, and of course he didn't die when Lily killed him - the one time Bellatrix got annoyed enough to hit him with a Killing Curse he was back three days later in a different body, pouting at her -

Her thoughts are screaming into irrelevancy. Focus. Borrow some of Fay's walls.

The Dementors might ignore her if she's a cat. They might not. Not something she can count on. Probably she can Apparate. Worse that happens is it kills her. Better than staying.

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'You're sure?'

Thestrals are mercurial. The darker ones - the easier ones - are kinder, generally. Slower. Safe to put children on - at least ones not already looming on Death's door.

The pale ones are fast and silent and as likely to take you to your death as your destination. It'll take longer to be caught.

Wizards as a whole don't know a lot about thestrals, but Fay's been able to see them since she was eight years old, before she even knew what magic truly was.

(They hang around people like us.)

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'Not at all.'

There's nothing else layered in. Her mind's nearly empty, now, a cold clarity.


(You're not trapped, if you've made a choice.)

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Her house - vivid detail, love and comfort and joy - enough to Apparate to.

Time feels like it speeds up.

Fay strengthens her Patronus, catching the mane of a grey Thestral and swinging herself on, taking off in the girls' wake.

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And Bellatrix turns to the palest there.

She can't actually see it. Not really. Not properly. But she took a hair from its tail in one delirious moment she's still not sure if she hallucinated, wove the gossamer strand into her homemade wand -

She can feel it.

She slings herself up, and it takes off without any direction from her, swooping over the Dementors' heads and then curling out over the snow, just fast enough - just low enough - to present the juiciest target around.

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Fay's Patronus provides additional incentives, viciously attacking any Dementors who try to split off from their siblings.

She catches up to the girls over Hogsmeade.

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"Professor?" Ellie's voice comes from the apparently-empty back of the thestral.

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" - Where's Bella-"

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The thestral's wings beat once. Twice.

"She's going to Apparate out once we're clear."

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That doesn't seem likely but Ellie will decline to voice this thought aloud.

"We're making for Hogwarts, then?"

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"You two are. I need to make sure they don't attack here."

She's sent (easier, weaker, near invisible mists) extra messages to Hogsmeade already - they know to be wary, to try to get the other students back. But there aren't many Professors supervising on Hogsmeade weekends, even on a year like this.

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"Okay. Stay safe."

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"I will."

She wheels off, swooping down to the village below.

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And they can continue on to the castle.

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Anathema spends the rest of the flight shaking, crying.

But the Dementors don't seriously pursue them, and they arrive safely.

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Good, then Anathema can have Lots Hugs when they get off the thestral.

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So many hugs!!!

The professors responding to the building emergency don't seem to see them under the cloak, and many don't seem to register the thestral except briefly.


Anathema doesn't - want other people to exist at her right now. (Or... Other people than Ellie.)

She doesn't know how to say that, though.

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Ellie gently steers them cottage-wards.

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It feels - safer, there. Just them.

Somewhere she can curl up and cry.

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Elllie... doesn't really know how to help here. Other than summoning her Patronus and sitting next to Anathema.

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She's not sure anything could help, either.

They're not powerful enough to just - declare the world unfucked.

Not yet.

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Not yet.

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She shivers against Ellie for a while, and then:

"I. Just. Wanted it to go okay."

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"I know."

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"...Wanted someone who'd love me most."

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" - Professor Reynolds is great and she's nice and she does - more than I could expect - but - "

"She loves you more and I don't want her to stop doing that - so - "

"It doesn't. Really matter. I guess."

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"No, it should. It should matter. You deserve- you deserve to have that."

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She curls into Ellie, crying.

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"I don't- I don't know how to fix this, but I'll be here. For you. Whatever you need."

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She nods.

"You're - you're good."

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"Love you."

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Snuggle. "Love you too. So much."

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"So much," she agrees.

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She leans against Ellie, quietly.

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And, a bit later, snow crunching under footsteps - 

"Ellie? Anathema?"

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She lifts her head.

"In here, Professor," she calls.

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She comes in, her wand-tip lit.

"Are you two unhurt?"

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"Yeah. Just- shaken."

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She nods, sitting beside them, a distant look in her eyes.

"We haven't found a body," she says. "I - gave her enough information to Apparate to the house, but when I went to check she wasn't there. I don't know right now what happened."

"Hogsmeade's safe, and the Dementors are gone."

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Anathema makes a small, sad noise.

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That's... not great, but not the worst, either.

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"...I spoke to the Headmaster and to Madam Pomphrey. They support letting you two take a sick week, since you were at the - center of the attack. If you two want, we could stay at the house for that - I'd have to floo in for my classes, but I could collect homework and notes when I do."

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"I think that might be good."

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She pulls Anathema into a hug. "I can't promise it'll get better soon. But - we'll survive to the other side."

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Slow nod.

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"And we'll do it together."

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She hugs them both.

"Okay. Let's go home."

Grim's already back at least, so they don't have to worry about smuggling him out of Hogwarts...

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And they can ask the house elves to grab some of their things.

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Yeah. Just - go straight to Hogsmeade Station and then home, even.

(Anathema doesn't really want to deal with their housemates asking if she's okay. She's not.)

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"That's alright. And I can talk to the house elves for you." She stands, offering them a hand up.

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She stands a bit shakily, but is able to keep her feet.

And - on to Hogsmeade Station. On to home, and being able to curl up in their own beds.

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And being able to skulk around as animals.

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Tiger emotions are... Easier.

Skulking around as animals sounds very good.

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For a while, at least.

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They can't stay here forever, but... For a while. 

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And in the meantime, of course, they still have classwork.

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Not too much, but... Anathema's been more behind than last year. And she's - sad, now. It makes things a bit harder. 

But she'll get through. 

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Fudge, meanwhile, faces enough widespread backlash that he withdraws the Dementors immediately. It sounds like internal investigations are happening, though maybe not fairly. 

It doesn't seem likely Fudge will be removed legally, but there's murmurs of people intending to vote for whoever challenges him next election

Bellatrix doesn't show back up. The school year goes peacefully, after. Things go back to normal, and everyone but them seems to put the whole nightmare behind them.

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It's probably a lot easier for them, not being directly involved in any of it.

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All that's left is just... Getting through to the other side, yes, but...

Getting stronger. Practicing their Patronus - as painful as it feels to Anathema, practicing being happy. Getting powerful, so - so they can fix things, next time. 

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So they can win, next time.