Sad Cam talks to Ancora
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'I had intended the opposite effect.'


"You had intended to be... reassuring?"




"I don't really see how that was meant to produce that effect."


They consider this for long enough that it almost seems like they aren't going to respond at all.  But eventually:



"Uh, speaking of things that probably don't have the effect you're going for, what are you going for there."


'I wish to draw an analogy.'


"Why does this involve one or both of us kneeling?"


They start a small breeze-sigh but abruptly cut it off, then emerge from the stairway.  - Is the train of their skirt clipping through the steps?  It's hard to tell because a moment later they disappear the whole thing, leaving them in their pants and boots and with a much less grandiose silhouette.

They kneel.

'By my understanding, humans use kneeling as a signal; they put themselves in a position where they are less able to harm others.  But as a demon, kneeling or standing has no effect on your capability to do harm.  How, instead, do you signal this intent?'


"I - am usually not in a position where I need to do this, but - acting calm and friendly, would be my go-to."


'My species is also unimpaired in harm by kneeling.  And so using our ever-filling pool of magic on complicated effects that clearly target only ourselves, which is difficult and requires both concentration and power, is universally considered the calm and friendly thing to do.'

They rise and reinstantiate their skirt.

'Obviously humans lack this ability, though I had thought it would be a clear sign regardless.  I apologize most deeply for this misunderstanding.'


"...I guess that kind of makes sense. In human psychology making it very salient that you have dangerous powers is threatening even if you are not making it salient in a way that is itself harmful. Brandishing a weapon, as it were."


'This explains much about your previous reaction.'


"I mean, I didn't feel physically threatened, on account of I'm indestructible, but - yeah, that's the context I put the weather thing into."


'I see, and again apologize.'


"So you just - teleported into my room to perform nonthreateningness at me?"


'Yes.  I had some questions for you, as well.'


"People also generally find other folks entering their spaces uninvited pretty threatening.  For the record."


"Yeah, that's also true, one knocks."


'I apologize for not deriving this from fictional vampire lore when I in principle could have.'


"Can you fix it?"



'I intend to refrain from invading people's living spaces now that I have been introduced to the concept more thoroughly than some fictional vampires being unable to do that.  Homes are not a discrete concept under the meta magic system I operate in and I do not expect I could forbid myself or my vampires from that even were it determined to be wise.'


"I actually mean can the thing about sketchy vampire powers be fixed but I can see how that would've been unclear. But perhaps your questions for Judy should come first."


'My questions primarily involved specifics of the situation and discovering in more detail what motivated her to attempt murder.  But it seems likely she does not wish to have an extended conversation on that topic at this time.'

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