Father was... Father. Distant, ambitious, unemotional. It was still good to see him.
But he and Mother agreed that it was best for Theo to keep a separate residence. So he gave one of the slaves a silver to tell Tibex he'd probably have to postpone - she seemed incredulous that he tipped so much, so he guessed the rest of the 'staff' hadn't gossiped about him much - and got a letter of credit giving him limited access to family funds. So: to the local House of Mammon in Rego Sacero. And then to a street in Rego Aerum where fine townhouses are available for rent to travelers of good families.
And then, in the morning, back to Rego Sacero and the local shrine to Dispater.
"Greetings, priests of the Tower. I come seeking information you are likely to have."
"Oh? And should we have it, why would we share that knowledge?"
"Well, do you recognize this divine symbol?"
The man looked at his necklace, puzzled. Then his eyes widened in recognition.
"Our lord's wife. You are her priest?"
"Yes. Newly-chosen, but of the second circle. I am seeking other members of her priesthood, and inquiring into the status it holds with the national Asmodean hierarchy."
"Hmm. I believe Lord Dispater would wish me to aid you in your search. However, I cannot; you are only the second empowered priest of Lady Erecura I have met. The first passed through the city some years ago; she was bound for Korvosa. I believe, further, that you are only the twentieth or so of her priests of any kind that I have met, and none recently."
"Unfortunate. And for the other matter?"
"On that matter I see no strong motivation to aid you."
"What can I offer? Advice, as my lady does for your lord? The favor of House Lebanel?"
"House Lebanel, hmm? Not a name in high esteem, but one known to me. But why would it grant favor for helping you?"
"My name is Theopho Lebanel, son of the house's lord and lady."
"Certainly not a lie to be said lightly."
"Indeed not."
"Hmm. We have not concerned ourselves with this, but the House of Secrets would know better. I'll write you a brief introduction. Or if you'd prefer, the House of the Tower in Egorian would most likely know details, and will certainly know if there is an established cult of Erecura."
"I'll take the introduction, thank you. If I don't like the price Mephistocles's priests demand, I'll keep Egorian in mind."
"Wise, but I expected no less. Good luck, I suppose."