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"Want to go to Warp and borrow a magic rock?"


"Sorta stretches the 'Ents did it' story, no?"


"Loki's illusion spell."


"Gonna disguise the resurrection itself and a bunch of hops back home?"


"No, I think we should move the magic rocks here so if they try to do magic it works, but we can illusion a fake Ent. Liz'll have to special case, or lock her down maybe."


"She can get it removed. Or are you thinking just while we talk to her?"


"I was thinking to cover for having her out of neighborhood till we think she's safe. Being locked down feels like something and would explain why she couldn't do magic."


So Sibyl arranges to borrow a magic rock and Epic off the Vulcan project to resurrect Taylor and Ahmad.


Sure, they can take a fifteen-minute break to come back to Eclipse and do that. Here are three more basement-dwellers. ...has anyone checked whether offworlders can eclipse?


"Haven't had an eclipse since we pealed."


That's too bad because he wants to be magic! He goes back off to Vulcan.


And the magic rock taps Taylor and Ahmad with his staff (they're asleep) and says to call him back when they want the third one and leaves.

Illusion Ents. Squirreling away basement dweller Liz.


"They're probably going to assume this is a loyalty test from Maira and I have - mixed feelings - about being of assistance in convincing them it isn't."


"They never mentioned anything like that coming up when I talked to them but I suppose they could have omitted to do so..."


"And even if she didn't do it before, she could and this is how she would -"


"Does it help if I open with, like, 'thanks for the warning about the portal' which would indicate the loyalty test was already failed or is that worse."


"I'd expect that'd help at least some."


"I'll check a few options. Do you want to not even be in the room?"


"It's fine, lovely." Smooch.


Okay, straightforward option, what if she wakes them up and tells them thanks for the portal heads up, sorry I didn't give you advance notice on the eclipse, it's been a few years and there are tree people with unprecedented metabolic capacity welcome back to life you can thank the tree person if you want but they kind of have trouble with conversations taking place over less than a month -?


Wary, confused - "Uh. Okay. Can we go home?"


Of course they can go home, portal is this way, there's usually an Elf teleporter on duty near it -

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