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welcome to the neighborhood
Permalink Mark Unread

Eclipse's neighbors.


She has predictions. She doesn't share them, of course. Somehow events will contrive themselves so she can't continue to go hopping around being expensive, and so that this is less pleasant, less of a respite. Easy to pull off; any situation that requires her full attention without being fulfilling to work on, and while continually threatening some horror that she knows perfectly well will happen at some point. Those are not hard to contrive when you can control the results of everything she tries.

She kisses Isabella. She tells her family she loves them. She feels fine and she misses not feeling anything at all. 

They are going to need to hop carefully, because they know themselves adjacent to the Plane of Chaos and it seems possible it will at some point resent them rescuing people from it. (They intended to find any other people displaced there, of course, and try anyway. Earwires weren't designed for that purpose but Boots thought they could be repurposed.)

When Golden's free they check where a worldleaper will land them.

Permalink Mark Unread



"It kicks me out of the precognition."

Permalink Mark Unread

"- like?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Like we land on another precog who's already looking ahead as of now, except that worldleapers land in the middle of nowhere nearly every time, right? So it'd have to be an even more ridiculous psion than we were postulating, a diviner-precog-remote-viewer who has the spare capacity to look literally everywhere and yet still somehow hasn't contacted any other worlds even having had the chance to see this coming. So maybe the leaper is - indeterministic, or something -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...might be, it's supposed to be random, right..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. Damn, I was really looking forward to hacking that!"

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"It would've been great, we could've figured out how many neighbors are with in two hops of Eclipse over the course of - well, I don't know how long it would take because we don't know how many neighbors places have but it would've sped it way up - I can get things that come here from elsewhere, too, like I noticed people landing on Alex, I could've made the hunt from Shadow short and safe -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Still can, we just need a deterministic means of travelling - wizardry, maybe, or Joy -'

Permalink Mark Unread

"They parameterize, they won't be able to catalogue everything."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Maybe we should acquire one of those snake monsters."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are the snake monsters deterministic?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Don't know, haven't acquired one."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Dear, if we go snake-monster hunting do we get a result in less than an hour -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"- no, takes longer than that to wait for Gem's contact person in the relevant world who knows things about its monsters to 'wake up' and give a safety lecture."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. What about the wizardry one parameterizing for 'life' or something like that, we think worldleapers do that anyway -"

Permalink Mark Unread


"Doesn't work either, Boots speculates it's interference from the wizardry divination in the spell."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...annoying. Joy?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Works but is not a substantial improvement on Joy working alone. And she has to land directly on whatever she's looking for, so if we get too close to a precog I'll fall out anyway."

Permalink Mark Unread

Sigh. "I will ask the Fëanors about deterministic worldleapers."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you, lovely."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Of course. So are we doing any actual exploring today?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"We can, if we know what we want to tell Joy - might as well be more specific than 'life', since my cheating amounts to getting results more specific than 'life' that she could've parameterized for anyway. What d'you want to explore?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...could aim for humanoids, we can probably help them more and they are less likely to have crazy powers as a consequence of differences in metabolism -"

Permalink Mark Unread

So Sibyl asks Joy if she'd mind worldfinding for them whenever she has time.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah, sure. While Golden's still there?

Permalink Mark Unread

Ideally, but you can also just parameterize for things that you wouldn't need her help with as long as we can't cheat in any dramatic fashion.

Permalink Mark Unread

Sorry we can't cheat. I can't parameterize for 'not' - like, I can do humanoids but not 'only humanoids' - so I'll come over while she's still here.

Permalink Mark Unread

I budgeted an hour and a half, most of it's still left.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"- okay, I have you covered."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay." And what happens if they go invisible and inaudible and jump to a mile above a Bell in an adjacent dimension -

Permalink Mark Unread

No such Bell to be had.

Permalink Mark Unread

And if she looks for the Noldor -

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Permalink Mark Unread

"So no obvious alts - what next, humanoids? Earths?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Bell parents, then Earths, then humanoids."

Permalink Mark Unread

Bell parents?

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Here's one!

Permalink Mark Unread

Hypothetical Joy and Golden would have appeared over a dense rainforest, though obviously Isabella does not see this until they hop back and bounce it to her. 

Permalink Mark Unread

Bounce back.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Shall we go and actually explore?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Lemme pan forward a little, make sure nothing eats you -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"We mineral life forms being so nutritious."

Permalink Mark Unread

"- you got a Cretaceous-era Earth."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What does that mean -"

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Permalink Mark Unread

"...and no people?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"No humans, I suppose there could be sapient Triceratops in contravention of standard Earth histories..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can try aiming for people -" She does that.

Permalink Mark Unread

"...that gets you a different location but no obvious people."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...so, nonobvious people?"

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"...huh. Well. Do we try to do diplomacy with the nonobvious magic sapients?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Probably shouldn't be an urgent priority. Especially if they're nonobvious because they can't communicate through my shield and talking to them exposes diplomats to nonobvious risks."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. Okay, intending to check for more Earths now."

Permalink Mark Unread

"- there's one, uh, I'm gonna call it Cambrian era? Is this Prehistoric Earths Corner of the multiverse - this one has people but not on the Earth, there are cute little hunter gatherer lemming-looking things in another galaxy -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Does their planet have moons - are they adjacent to anyone else -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"They have three moons but no eclipsed little lemming people, it's possible the moons just don't have eclipses in the relevant astronomical sense - they are not adjacent to Bells, Ardas, Bellparents, or alts of interesting Arda regulars -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay - next -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"- no more Earths."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. Next -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"- one of those infinite flat worlds like Fairyland or the snake monster planet -"


Golden runs out of budgeted time before they find a world that actually had eclipsed people of any kind in it.

Permalink Mark Unread

"So maybe it's not a common problem. Thanks, Golden -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"You're welcome." And off she pops.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Anything else, or should I go too?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I mean, if you can decide to jump into unexplored worlds that may have heavy-duty eclipsed in them well enough for me to see it even without Golden along..."

Permalink Mark Unread

" - I mean, supposedly I have an alt who went to Angband unarmed - 


- yeah, probably can -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...but first I need dinner. And dessert."

Permalink Mark Unread

"On the way!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thanks, lovely. Do I get dinosaur in honor of the Cretaceous planet?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not available on such short notice, tragically."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm so put-upon. Oh well, I'm sure it will be delicious."

Permalink Mark Unread

Food arrives! It is in fact delicious.

Permalink Mark Unread

Om nom nom food.

And more world-hunting and -

"Wow, moons are not very popular, are they."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We're looking for life, could be most worlds with eclipses have extinction events."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, that's possible. If they don't figure out the food thing fast enough, if they have a very concentrated population around when they achieve sapience, if they have a higher rate of eclipsing than one in a thousand, if they have short lifespans or rare eclipses and lots of them have the key eclipse at once..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Both here and Ithil had one in a thousand?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Dwarves were one in two thousand, they didn't throw psions. Maybe there is some third possible sort of eclipsed or something. It's also still possible that Ithil, Eclipse, and Patalon all happen to be adjacent to some fourth world which is actually the middle of the magic system neighborhood and so these are all red herrings."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Wonder if I can target for that. ...not super likely, though, worlds don't usually have many shared adjacencies -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"The daeva worlds do, the Materia cluster does, Materia and Warp and Telperion form a triangle..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What happens if I try for the origin of the eclipsed magic system -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Doesn't work but might not have anyway - if you try it from Ithil still doesn't work, so, no information."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. Well, if you think of anything else to try, ping me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Will do, thank you very much."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure!" And off.

Permalink Mark Unread


"Okay, next on the to-do list is figure out how quickly it's plausible for your mom to have invented otherworldly tech so we can drop it on Earth dressed up like it was in fact invented in an Eclipse-influenced Arda by an Elf."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yep. What'll make the biggest difference - vat meat, probably, we could get the Elf aesthetic by looking how Space does it -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Does Space do vat meat? Do they do it without daeva?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Doubt they bother any more but it'd surprise me if they never developed it, the way humans do it is - Elves wouldn't, Tyelcormë'd get really seriously angry with me -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay, Space vat meat tech, hopefully it's not too infrastructurally complicated. That'll upset the major farm corporations... and the mages who do ethical meat..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If you have something else in mind to start with we can do other things before we create a coalition against us, but it'll also drop food prices by a lot to roll out and help the environment, it's clearly the biggest lever we have available..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'd consider morph tech a strong contender if we were in the neighborhood for it but alas. And vat meat's probably more plausible as a step before space travel..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, and space travel invites the 'what will happen to people living on the Moon' question again - though I guess we can now totally intend to do it and ask a long-range psion -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"If we can get a few thousand volunteer kids together from somewhere and intend to put them on the Moon next time an eclipse happens, I can check it then."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I will get to work on that! ...resurrecting the last kids who came to work for us should help."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Did Matirin say when he'd be by? We can ask for a magic rock, too..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"He was off the grid, let me check -"


- "back, can come by any time."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you think I should be there when they wake up?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...might be easier not. More importantly, we send them home and then it's instantly known we have resurrection - I guess we could claim that it's high-metabolism and only the Ents can do it -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It will take a year to find out if the Ents'll cooperate with that story."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And therefore take anyone else a year to verify it!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you have a plan for in a year if the Ents won't in fact play along?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...if we're still not ready to make it obvious we're getting help from somewhere in a year, that's all the more reason not to wait on resurrection until we're ready to make it clear we're getting help -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...also I know Brent was working on lie detection and I do not know if it came in before he died."

Permalink Mark Unread

"'Hey! You died about ten years ago, the power to bring you back just came in just now - human mages can't do it, we don't think, but there was a catastrophe in Arda and everyone eclipsed, and that included this species called Ents, they're trees, and have more metabolic capacity, and of course we asked if they could get resurrection to click. So. Welcome back to the world of the living, here's a compensation package.'"

Permalink Mark Unread

"All right, he definitely doesn't have it sophisticated enough to catch that. I love you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Love you. Shall I have Matirin come over? He should probably be invisible and immediately go away, if I want to sell that story."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, probably. Nobody has any extrasensory that'll catch him at least."

Permalink Mark Unread

And he comes by! <Hello, Sibyl! Where are you waking them up?>

Permalink Mark Unread

[Ask Maitimë, I don't even know where they are now.]

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll take us there -" pop - "but we are trying to have a non-multiverse explanation for resurrection, so if you can be sneaky -"

Permalink Mark Unread

<I can be sneaky.>

Permalink Mark Unread

"Perfect." And she gives names. 

Permalink Mark Unread

And he goes invisible and inaudible and then wakes up all eleven in a swift whisk-whisk-whisk of an invisible tail and then pops out.

Permalink Mark Unread

Brent is as it happens the first to ask what's going on.

Permalink Mark Unread

She will deliver the same explanation she gave Isabella! (She had, in fact, at one point asked the Ents if they could do resurrection.)

Permalink Mark Unread

The kids are upset about the decade gap. Oliver and Summer start crying.

Permalink Mark Unread

Understandably. There are computers if they want to get in touch with their families.

Permalink Mark Unread

Most of them do that. They also want to know what happened with Maira and the whole join or (apparently) die thing.

Permalink Mark Unread

Maira is dead now. Liz helped her break Melkor out. Melkor is dead too.

Permalink Mark Unread


...so where's Liz?

Permalink Mark Unread

"...might face charges for a couple murders she committed - not you, Maira hid that from her - so we're still figuring out how to resurrect her."

Permalink Mark Unread


Where are Taylor and Ahmad -?

Permalink Mark Unread

"Died when the place they were staying had a couple thousand unwarned uncontrolled eclipsed, so they're a bit more complicated to bring back but we'll have them soon too."

Permalink Mark Unread


So, uh, they joined instead of dying?

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes. Melkor just had them resurrecting orcs, they won't be in any trouble."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We can do that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yep!  They both got it to click within a few months of Melkor escaping, you might be pretty close!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you still need people to do that now there's the Ents -?"

"Are the Ents going to resurrect more people -?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"They're really slow and don't want most forms of payment, but I bet we'll have human resurrection reasonably accessible within ten years or so, maybe one of the Ents will pick up a way to do it batched."

Permalink Mark Unread

"So how did you get them to bring us back?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"We have a person who is assigned to communications with them, it's not impossible or anything, just - annoyingly slow-paced. I was really determined to get you back, and they're sort of friendly with this Maia we know in the area. Just - can't count on having all of Earth anytime soon."

Permalink Mark Unread

This is a pretty satisfactory outcome. The eclipsed turn to catching up with where their families and friends are, except for the one who is reading the last ten years of a webcomic.

Permalink Mark Unread

Great. Now to tech-planning!

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Space has lots of Elfy-aesthetic stuff and Warp and Revelation have lots of humans-useful stuff. Some of them are even things Fëanáre could have invented! (Some are things her alt invented.)

Permalink Mark Unread

He spends a week in the ballroom listening to the highest acceleration song Epic has and reading everything


After a week he cannot deflect his father any longer and assents to see him. And is tearfully hugged for what feels like forever and is made only slightly more tolerable by the fact he can pepper Epic with wizardry questions while it happens.


He declines to meet his father's new family. Vehemently.

Permalink Mark Unread

They're okay. They think we're great.

Permalink Mark Unread

Doesn't make them family.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Walk me through the interdimensional teleport -

Permalink Mark Unread

- he going to relent on that?

Permalink Mark Unread

- probably not. They never get better than 'civil indifference', most places -

Permalink Mark Unread

Sure, but Epic likes us fine -

Permalink Mark Unread

His mother isn't dead.

Permalink Mark Unread

So past that point - they just intractably hate us all?

Permalink Mark Unread

When an alt of me marries an alt of you my father extends the you honorary non-membership in your family.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Will it go very badly if I talk to him -

Permalink Mark Unread

Quite possibly? ...actually, you know what, you should have your Millenia alt talk to him, he's here working on wizardry rollout stuff at least half the time and will therefore be able to have a technical conversation for long enough my alt-father'll get over his defensiveness -

Permalink Mark Unread

And extend that to the rest of us?

Permalink Mark Unread

I can't think of anything more likely to help.

Permalink Mark Unread




So he looks up his alt.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hmm, I could, but I really really really don't want him deciding what I'm doing is of interest and following me back to Shadow - maybe I'll ask Boots."


And he sends a query. Leaf thinks the way to get Ferardrin to soften towards his stepfamily is to talk to him at length about my project, which is the magic rollout. I trust Leaf that that's the way to get a Fëanor to like alts of his half-family, but do you have much sense of - whether it's a bad idea for other reasons? Whether Ferardrin is likely to get particularly involved in Shadow, in particular, and how much he'd change the pace on the research work we're doing -

Permalink Mark Unread

He is more likely to be interested in research than distribution in general or Shadow in specific but this will be more protective if he has a project or a few of them occupying him already. Might help to make a point of how slowly Elves do things so the entire thing sounds frustrating.

Permalink Mark Unread

Thanks, I can definitely do that.


And he sends Ferardrin and Epic a lot of research notes and a few tricky technical problems over the ball network!

Permalink Mark Unread

And gets an answer in a few hours! They raced! (He won.)

Permalink Mark Unread

Why haven't we taught everyone magic yet, there're still planets where people die and stop existing, all the time, right -

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm actually working on that! There are, but inconveniently a lot more of them will die if we give them all powerful weapons and wizardry's a powerful weapon when you're not constrained by Materia.

Permalink Mark Unread

Even when you are, kind of, but it'd be really hard to get development of weapon spells from, like, arcane healing, without accidentally killing yourself along the way.

Permalink Mark Unread

We don't want that either, though.

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm going to see how long it takes me, without peeking at any actual weapon spells, so we have an idea of how hard it is.

Permalink Mark Unread

That's a great idea.

Permalink Mark Unread

He still doesn't want anything to do with his half-family, though.

Permalink Mark Unread

They'll be okay.

Permalink Mark Unread

Because they have you.

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm not trying to steal your family. They'd rather have you.

Permalink Mark Unread

Well. They can't.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

They only named someone after me because I was dead, not because they liked anything about me - they don't do that in the normal worlds -

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, naming people after living relatives is a little weird.

Permalink Mark Unread

But the point is they don't like me they like an idea.

Permalink Mark Unread

And you don't dislike them you dislike an idea.

Permalink Mark Unread

They took my name. 

Permalink Mark Unread

You should pick a peal nickname anyway.

Permalink Mark Unread

I haven't accomplished anything yet.

Permalink Mark Unread

Me neither, it's for what I'm gonna do.

Permalink Mark Unread

I'll be Hubris.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yes, you will, and you'll live forever and everything will be good.

Permalink Mark Unread

Elsewhere questions are compiled and wordings debated for a conversation with Eru.

Permalink Mark Unread

Sibyl reports that Elentári's Eru kicks her out just as much as Ithil's can. Well, at least that means he's going to answer.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yep. Questions: 

How exactly do you design Ardas? what makes them appealing to you?

When people land on Ardas, how do you decide how to react?

Do you like the way the world is now? are there more surprises in the works?

What else -

Permalink Mark Unread

How and how much do you direct the Valar, when they do and when they don't consult you -

Permalink Mark Unread

Why are they all the same. How do you interact with adjacency -

Permalink Mark Unread

How omnipotent is omnipotent -

Permalink Mark Unread

Why do Bells keep getting drops on Ardas, is that something to do with you - 

- why aren't Ardas ever adjacent - 

- how many Ardas are there -

Permalink Mark Unread

When they vary why these variants, why "space", "genderswap", "evil", not, say, "really nice for once" -

Permalink Mark Unread

What is up with them being all different ages?

Permalink Mark Unread

- why did he tell the Valar that homosexuality is wrong, and why make people gay if it is -

Permalink Mark Unread

Any other little Easter eggs like "oh turns out gay marriage works fine"?

Permalink Mark Unread

Why do prophecies work like they do -

Permalink Mark Unread

What do Ardas turn into if they never ever get found -

Permalink Mark Unread

And if they think of more questions later is it okay to ask and does that go for Erus in general -

Permalink Mark Unread

That everything?

Permalink Mark Unread

Seems to be.

Permalink Mark Unread

So Loki goes mostly to a boring Edda neighbor

and her voice goes to Elentári and says, "Eru?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Loki Godslayer! Hi!"

Permalink Mark Unread


"Hi. I have some questions for you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes, yes, I know!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...do you also know what they are?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yep! But if you want I can wait to answer them until you ask! People sometimes like that better."

Permalink Mark Unread

"No need to wait."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I design Ardas by imagining what the most beautiful possible world would be like, and then finding critical moments and doing - detail work? so they will happen exactly the right way, and then creating peoples who will fit into the pieces between the detail work so that everything works out perfectly. It takes unfathomable amounts of time and attention but when it's done it's so unimaginably beautiful and then I set it into motion and the Valar go to live and work in it. They can see enough that the beautiful moments will all be there, but they muddle some details. It's okay because them being fallible servants of my will works better than them being perfect at it - if they were perfect at it people'd be more upset about them letting Melkor out. They might lose faith in me and enduring faith in me is so beautiful.


I see when I start a world if someone will land on it. I let them, if they can make the story more beautiful - sometimes they can, even though I designed it for beauty, because unlooked-for hope has its own beauty. I put them back or send them somewhere else if they're not going to make the story more beautiful.

I like the Arda you call Elentári a lot! It's lovely. It will definitely have more tragedies play out eventually, but I space them, usually, by thousands of years to give some breathing room, so they shouldn't come to pass any time that seems soon to you, and they might be quiet tragedies that escape your notice entirely. 

When the Valar consult me I tell them the truth but the parts of it that make the beautiful bits shine the brightest.

They're not the same at all! No two of them have turned out the same, have they. But anyway, the most beautiful story isn't less beautiful for the retelling! Retelling is beautiful! 

I haven't tried interacting with adjacency. I think if I wanted to pull someone into an Arda who wasn't nearby, and I knew enough about them, I could do it no matter where they were. I could put all your worlds next to each other, probably, but that'd make everything dull faster and then I'd get bored and then I'd introduce some beautiful things.

I can restrict the degree to which I am omnipotent? For example, I can't know the contents of your mind, because I decided not to be able to, because it would make you less beautiful if I did and you knew it, and it's aesthetically wrong for things to be beautiful only out of ignorance of me. But if I'm not deliberately being unable to do something then I can do it. - if you wanted to send a traumatized Maitimo back in time I could definitely do that, it sounds like an amazing story!!

Bells make for beautiful stories, obviously. There are other people who could do it but Bells when they're around are very suited.

Ardas aren't adjacent because it would inhibit both Erus creatively. It's hard to say 'we move them' because it's not really moving - we just decide that they aren't adjacent, before there's anything to be adjacent - there are so many Ardas, Ardas are so beautiful, they're distributed through the multiverse like stars in the night sky..."

Permalink Mark Unread

...two universes away Loki facepalms.

Permalink Mark Unread

"All the Ardas are different ages because we wanted to showcase all the parts of Arda's glorious history without you having to wait several thousand years, incarnates are very impatient. Doomed romances are beautiful, and prohibited romances are beautiful, and people torn between their heart and their conscience are beautiful, and that is why homosexuality is not allowed. There are lots of things that don't work the way the Elves think that they work! Prophecies are so people who won't live to see the beautiful bits get to appreciate them anyway! If Ardas never ever get found they continue being so, so beautiful. And of course you can ask questions! I don't know why you think I'd smite you, that would be petty and not beautiful at all. I smote a continent, in the original story. That was beautiful. Killing random people is different."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Can you be more specific about what you mean by 'beautiful'?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...it is the morally relevant trait of universes. When you hugged Vár and told her to go to Mandos and killed her that was beautiful. When Maitimos leap into a fiery chasm holding a Silmaril that is beautiful. When Angband is nuked and everyone watches and weeps and lets themselves dare to hope that is beautiful. When Cam fed Valinor into a black hole that was beautiful."

Permalink Mark Unread


"Is this in any way not synonymous with 'tragic'?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes, but not along any dimensions you are capable of experiencing. Sorry. I can try to think how to make it visualizable or something."

Permalink Mark Unread

"To what extent are Erus aware of each other and other Ardas despite being nonadjacent?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"We know each others' worlds! We don't talk since that would be a little silly."

Permalink Mark Unread


"What-all can you do with nearby non-Ardas?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I could make them beautiful too but it seems rude, and they wouldn't be as beautiful because I'd be starting from a muddled base."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Rude to - whom?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Whoever designed that universe! Almost all universes have designers, even if they're not as - precise, or involved, as me -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Almost all?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"You can get naturally occurring universes! You have to wait billions of years. Even I am not that patient, not with no guarantee it'll turn out beautiful."

Permalink Mark Unread


"How'd you know what my questions were?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can know things if I want to! Because I'm a god."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...but not via mindreading?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"No! I told you I didn't do that! I like you. You had such a beautiful story."

Permalink Mark Unread

"So how did you know?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can see the whole timeline."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Does that mean the 'free will' distinction isn't quite as useful as we were guessing, if you know what everyone's going to do -?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Did you question whether you had free will when you met Sibyl? Because it's just like that."

Permalink Mark Unread

...could be quibbled over but whatever. "What are other things that don't work how Elves think they work?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's a secret!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is secrecy beautiful?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It can create opportunities for beauty."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do any Erus make non-Ardas instead?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...I think some might. Under the right circumstances. I do not know of any."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...would there be Erus you didn't know about -?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"There are as many Ardas as stars in the night sky, I told you that! I know everything about my world, but I do not know everything about all worlds. I could, but it wouldn't be very beautiful."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you know how alts work in general?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes, I do!!"

Permalink Mark Unread


"Is that also a secret?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...I think so, yes." A pause. "Hmm, yes, definitely!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...what changed between 'I think so' and 'yes definitely'?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I was looking at the outcomes of explaining!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"What happens if you tell me how alts work?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Fewer beautiful things!"

Permalink Mark Unread

That's worrying. But probably not fixable. "Where do Erus come from?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Erus just are."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you know how many?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Four hundred ninety three million, six hundred twenty two thousand and four!"

Permalink Mark Unread

Permalink Mark Unread

"I did tell you they were like stars. There are a lot of stars."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How many of them have already been landed on?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not very many! I expect we'd raise our standards for external interference if most Ardas were getting derailed instead of getting to play out nicely."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...then why are most of the ones in this region of the multiverse derailed?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"This region of the multiverse has a lot of interdimensional travel going on! And a lot of Bells. There are not four hundred million Bells."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is the density around here of Bells and interdimensional travel a coincidence?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"The two are related! Bells tend to come in worlds with interesting magic and lots of interesting magic can do interdimensional travel. And the Bells are near each other so they can find each other because it's cute when they do. I didn't arrange that personally but I can see what caused it and that's what caused it, sort of."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sort of?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"'caused' is complicated."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Complicated how?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It is not caused in the sense you understand causing to work!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"So what is it instead?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I picked the word because it was the closest approximation, despite not being particularly close."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...and you can't explain it?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I could explain it but you will get impatient before you understand it."

Permalink Mark Unread



Do you know how many Bells there are?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It changes! And I'm not the one changing it. There are some Bells you won't find because the place where they are isn't reachable from here, too."

Permalink Mark Unread

"In principle at all -?"

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"So how do you know about them?"

Permalink Mark Unread

" - omnipotence?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"But if it's impossible in principle that sounds like you couldn't get there either or then theoretically we could talk one of you into helping."

Permalink Mark Unread

"- if I tried going there it might work but it would work differently than you want. And I don't want to, because it wouldn't be a good story."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Differently than we want how?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...I would make a copy of those Bells that was close enough to be accessible. The original ones would still be inaccessibly where they started."

Permalink Mark Unread



Permalink Mark Unread

"I wouldn't be deliberately doing that, I don't know why that's what would happen."

Permalink Mark Unread

Not unlimitedly omniscient, then. "Are there any things you find beautiful you think we would not object to?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...you like Fëanors. I like Fëanors. I like Epic and there are some beautiful things that could happen to him that on the whole I don't think you'd resent! I told you I liked the idea with sending suicidal Maitimos to earlier Ardas so they have to try to pull themselves together and do it all over. I liked your war, it was a good war, and you liked it too because now you can wield the Tesseract."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We have very mixed feelings on the 'sending Maitimos to earlier Ardas' thing and definitely don't want to do it via outright time travel."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Then you might have to be creative!!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Can you give an example of a beautiful thing that could happen to Epic you don't think we'd resent?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...he gets stranded by a magical accident on a planet that you were otherwise not going to find in time and that is on the verge of extinction, and he saves it, and his chronic insecurity about not being good enough is vanquished and he learns life lessons?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is that the sort of thing one of you might decide to do at some point?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It would require the opportunity lining up but if it happened to, yes, definitely."

Permalink Mark Unread


"I suppose I'll come back if we have more questions."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You won't!" he predicts cheerfully.

Permalink Mark Unread


"Why not?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Because it would have been true if I hadn't said it. Now it's more up in the air."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How much can I expect things you tell me to be actually true?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I wouldn't lie! That would be unfair. I'm omnipotent and you're incarnates who tangle up plans really interestingly, it'd be a disservice."

Permalink Mark Unread

"But you will say things that are only true if you don't say them?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"That are true when I say them. If I only said things that were true no matter what you did I couldn't say any things."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...all right. Well. Thanks."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Have a lovely day!!"

Permalink Mark Unread


And Loki goes and puts a transcription on the network.

Permalink Mark Unread

Nearly five hundred million -

Permalink Mark Unread

And Bells not nearly as common and most of them aren't due to be interrupted, yeah.

Permalink Mark Unread

So how do we kill an Eru.

Permalink Mark Unread

We come up with a really beautiful way for them to die.

Permalink Mark Unread

It will be so, so stunningly beautiful.

Permalink Mark Unread

Exquisitely gorgeous. And then we promise to cry over it, maybe. Lemme know if you come up with something.

Permalink Mark Unread

Trust me, I'll be giving it a lot of thought.

Permalink Mark Unread

Wish I had better news but honestly this is in range of what I was expecting - except the nearly five hundred million thing -

Permalink Mark Unread

I guess I had been dodging the thought that there could be infinitely many. That. Is a lot fewer than infinitely many. So that's something.

Permalink Mark Unread

Maybe next time I'll ask if the story has an ending.

Permalink Mark Unread

Ooooh. That would. Be something. I - as long as I get to stop eventually -

Permalink Mark Unread

If there's no sequel, yeah.

Permalink Mark Unread

I wonder if I could convince them it's more tragic if I get to properly die, when I kill myself.

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, it's probably safe to have the conversation even without two hops of buffer and the Godslayer moniker if you're inclined.

Permalink Mark Unread

I think I'll think more about it before I ask, but I might eventually.

Permalink Mark Unread

Unclear if we can retroactively affect how the other Ardas are run anyway, I do not understand Eru's relation to time and causality as well as I'd like.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah. Ugh.

Permalink Mark Unread

Seconding that.

Permalink Mark Unread

Thanks for asking.

Permalink Mark Unread

You're welcome.

Permalink Mark Unread

And he considers beautifully tragic ways for a god to die.

Permalink Mark Unread

And he teleports off to the bottom of the ocean. It is dark. And snug. Perhaps he will discover a new tubeworm species.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"If we can't kill them maybe we can mind-control them? I'm sure there's some way to disable a god who's only locally omnipotent -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Dear -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Also maybe we should have more children! The Erus don't seem to start trouble until the children grow up, in the standard timeline, so if there were more children around they'd want to delay until the story has more characters. Also one of my alts has eight."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm actually really really curious whether we'd have a Lári alt. For Eru-unrelated reasons."

Permalink Mark Unread

Sigh. "I suppose that would be interesting."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Eeeee! Thank you, dear!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"No spending half her - or should it be his - childhood in Tampa -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes, yes, whatever, get undressed -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't think we have to decide right now -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I bet it's only a Lári alt if I've very impulsive about it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I love you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I know!"

Permalink Mark Unread

She reads the report and does not teleport to the bottom of the ocean because she is not indestructible. She just curls up and waits for the next plot hook. It comes in the form of a letter from Taylor's parents, who heard about the resurrection and are wondering - 


"We can probably just do Taylor and Ahmad from the moment of the eclipse, rather than trying to undo whatever a thousand eclipsing psions did to them," she says to Isabella.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Does magic rock resurrection allow for that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I was assuming it worked off the moment the basement-dweller's grabbed from, and that doesn't have to be moment of death."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's not a bad guess but I don't think it's been tried and from the wish wording it might not be clear whether it can do that until someone does try it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If it doesn't do that what are we likely to be dealing with -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...they are equally likely to have been affected by mage stuff first and most uncontrolled mage stuff just kills you. A lot of psion stuff is unpleasant but not harmful, some of it's not even unpleasant. But if they got hit by something harmful they could be missing memories - the wish wording probably means that's fixed all by itself - or have scrambled cognition like a less precise version of Boots's aphasias thing, or something like that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What happens if we try it standard, are they both all right?"

Permalink Mark Unread


"There's nothing obvious but there could be something we don't notice for a couple hours."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How likely do you think that is?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Don't know, but it's probably still worth answering the question in the general case, I bet somebody somewhere has a list of people who are willing to be the subject of experiments like that especially if it gets them bumped up the resurrection priority list..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, what's Cube doing for people who had late-stage dementia or whatever?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Let's ask!"


Permalink Mark Unread

People keep all of their memories and don't come back brain-damaged.

Permalink Mark Unread

That seems likely to fix psion damage too.

Permalink Mark Unread

I'd expect so, yes. No one on Cube had magic damage but I can't think why it wouldn't handle it.

Permalink Mark Unread

When's good for bringing back a couple more people? Possibly Liz too if scheduling's enough of a problem, we can do all three out of neighborhood.

Permalink Mark Unread

Can you add them to one of the magic rock's handling lists? I think they're in Warp right now putting Vulcan back, so you'd have to meet them there, but you could easily do two now and one later, unless it needs some kind of special handling.

Permalink Mark Unread

Can do, thanks.

Permalink Mark Unread

Of course. Let us know if you need anything else.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Want to go to Warp and borrow a magic rock?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sorta stretches the 'Ents did it' story, no?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Loki's illusion spell."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Gonna disguise the resurrection itself and a bunch of hops back home?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"No, I think we should move the magic rocks here so if they try to do magic it works, but we can illusion a fake Ent. Liz'll have to special case, or lock her down maybe."

Permalink Mark Unread

"She can get it removed. Or are you thinking just while we talk to her?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I was thinking to cover for having her out of neighborhood till we think she's safe. Being locked down feels like something and would explain why she couldn't do magic."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ah. Sounds good, then."

Permalink Mark Unread

So Sibyl arranges to borrow a magic rock and Epic off the Vulcan project to resurrect Taylor and Ahmad.

Permalink Mark Unread

Sure, they can take a fifteen-minute break to come back to Eclipse and do that. Here are three more basement-dwellers. ...has anyone checked whether offworlders can eclipse?

Permalink Mark Unread

"Haven't had an eclipse since we pealed."

Permalink Mark Unread

That's too bad because he wants to be magic! He goes back off to Vulcan.

Permalink Mark Unread

And the magic rock taps Taylor and Ahmad with his staff (they're asleep) and says to call him back when they want the third one and leaves.

Illusion Ents. Squirreling away basement dweller Liz.

Permalink Mark Unread

"They're probably going to assume this is a loyalty test from Maira and I have - mixed feelings - about being of assistance in convincing them it isn't."

Permalink Mark Unread

"They never mentioned anything like that coming up when I talked to them but I suppose they could have omitted to do so..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And even if she didn't do it before, she could and this is how she would -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Does it help if I open with, like, 'thanks for the warning about the portal' which would indicate the loyalty test was already failed or is that worse."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'd expect that'd help at least some."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll check a few options. Do you want to not even be in the room?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...yeah, if that's okay."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's fine, lovely." Smooch.

Permalink Mark Unread

She leaves.

Permalink Mark Unread

Okay, straightforward option, what if she wakes them up and tells them thanks for the portal heads up, sorry I didn't give you advance notice on the eclipse, it's been a few years and there are tree people with unprecedented metabolic capacity welcome back to life you can thank the tree person if you want but they kind of have trouble with conversations taking place over less than a month -?

Permalink Mark Unread

Wary, confused - "Uh. Okay. Can we go home?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Of course they can go home, portal is this way, there's usually an Elf teleporter on duty near it -

Permalink Mark Unread

Then they both leave.

Permalink Mark Unread

Okay, that'll get designated as 'good enough' but can possibly be improved on. If she wakes them up and lets them ask the first questions -?

Permalink Mark Unread

They freeze up -


- "- where are we -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Tirion. You died but I got you brought back."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...ah. Died how?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"The Valar installed celestial bodies over Arda so that the Trees dying wouldn't eclipse the little Elf kids who were too young to understand they needed to stop metabolizing. We did not warn anybody in Angband. Sorry about that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...ah. So - Melkor, Maira, Liz, all the orcs we reembodied -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Dead, dead, dead for now but humans we can get back now in small numbers, dead but need reembodying again or dead and need to wait for better resurrection depending."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you for the warning about the portal. Earth is okay."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Can we go home -"

"How long has it been -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"You can go home, there's usually a teleporter Elf near the portal. You're missing a few years."

Permalink Mark Unread



And home.

Permalink Mark Unread

She has time to check one more pattern before they'll wake up on her own - similar results - seems like it's not very path-dependent that they're reasonably okay with the situation and want to go home -

- she wakes them up and goes with a blended option and sends them to the teleporter Elf.

Permalink Mark Unread

And off they go.

Permalink Mark Unread

All done, she tells Maitimë.

Permalink Mark Unread

Thanks. All well?

Permalink Mark Unread

Yup. Wasn't even annoyingly path-dependent.

Permalink Mark Unread

Great. They're good kids. Well. Liz, uh, messed up pretty bad, but -

Permalink Mark Unread

That's one way to put it.

Permalink Mark Unread

How would you put it?

Permalink Mark Unread

She committed three murders and jailbroke an evil god because her dom told her to and this is well past 'fetch my slippers' on the scale of things doms can reasonably tell their subs to do.

Permalink Mark Unread

Maira's pretty convincing.

Permalink Mark Unread

I don't doubt that.

Permalink Mark Unread

Do you want her to face legal trouble?

Permalink Mark Unread

Liz? A good lawyer would argue she spent the entire fiasco underage, what with Valian time.

Permalink Mark Unread

I don't care at all. Just want a plan before we wake her up.

Permalink Mark Unread

I really don't know.

Permalink Mark Unread

Think she'd seek out Maira's alts -

Permalink Mark Unread

I wasn't planning to give her the means. Maybe. Not like the genderswap is likely to be an obstacle.

Permalink Mark Unread

Wasn't planning to give her the means either, but it changes - how I feel about -

Permalink Mark Unread

We don't actually have to be quick about this, we can get rid of this basement dweller, get a replacement in a year or something.

Permalink Mark Unread

She has people she knows getting older without her. 'dead' is not the correct punishment, whatever it may be, and it's not like we'll have more information in a year -

Permalink Mark Unread

She wasn't exactly in regular touch with her folks from Angband or that would concern me more. I don't know what she'll want to do but we needn't let her do anything. We need to pick up someone discreet who can do lockdowns if we're going with my plan...

Permalink Mark Unread

Who're the Elves who picked it up - who are all the Elf psions and mages, actually -

Permalink Mark Unread

Isabella actually knows all of these what with having prophetically supervised their starving-in-the-wilderness. She lists them all and their accumulated skills.

Permalink Mark Unread

And she can suggest someone who'll be a discreet lockdown!

Permalink Mark Unread


"So whenever we know what to say to her we can get her rezzed and locked and moved, but..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"But we should figure out what to say to her first. 

- did you. Want to know."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's not that simple, I did explain how it wasn't that simple, ceteris paribus yes but ceteris isn't paribus -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. I could tell her, and she how she takes it, but not if you don't want that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't expect that to help anything during the early stages of the conversation considering how she reacted to counterfactuals but after a while she did start kicking me out of conversations very early, might have changed... or be different if Maira's not coaching her, which she may well have been every single time... My hesitation about outright declaring that I want to know has nothing to do with thinking it'll scar me for life or anything, it is entirely to do with uninformed speculation about the effect on you of talking about it or of me knowing."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I really really don't think you could possibly hurt me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"At some point I imagine you'll notice that utterance isn't doing what you seem to expect it to."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I love you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I love you too. Help me do this right, please stop asking me to settle for 'not literally torture', I love you -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"And you had a really hard job for a really long time and now you have a really easy one. Can't you just - say "I won, yay!"-"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Um, no."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What if I want that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"You want me to go 'yaaaay my relationship has been flattened out into pass/fail format and I can pass by continuing not to be Maira'? Lovely, you can ask a lot of me but that's kind of pushing it, come on, you've met me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You can pass by being you. Not at all the same thing."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Similar difficulty level, and do you notice the contradiction here -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"You can get your interesting challenge from lots of other things, I don't have to be the primary source, there's a multiverse."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's not the contradiction. I being me am going to keep finding it unsatisfactory that I can't discriminate between ways of treating you the way I'm accustomed to doing. You might get me to shut up about it eventually, I guess."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Or I might get better at coming off properly appreciative."

Permalink Mark Unread

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can, you know, and it's probably fairer, I think the way the other ones cope is checking what they'd act like if they were okay and then assuming their preferences off that -"

Permalink Mark Unread

Permalink Mark Unread

"I want you to be happy."

Permalink Mark Unread


"I'm increasingly unclear on what you think I get out of having you at all. If I want a prop that looks like you with no internal experiences I have to worry about that does whatever I want and produces whatever reactions I find preferable I can go the fuck to sleep."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I have no idea what you get out of having me! I thought you'd be significantly more okay with letting me die than you were!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hell of a place for your people-modeling skills to fall down on the job - is this how you assume everybody's relationships work - is this how you work, if I turned up suicidal one day would you go 'oh well nice knowing you' -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Of course not. But - there are people who I'd help, if they told me that was what they wanted, because they'd mean it - you'd want me to fix it, whatever you wanted in the moment, so I'd do that -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Whereas you don't want it fixed and compromised on the coma and tolerated Boots out of some sense of obligation to my poorly understood interest in your continued existence -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I want to fulfill my obligations to all of the people who care about me. I want everyone in the multiverse completely and irrevocably safe from suffering, and Eru just made it abundantly clear I can't have that and can't even really make particularly confident steps towards it. I - can guess, at everything else, but that's all it is, guessing."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Can you - predict, in a few years when you're more adjusted and more convinced and everything, what you would've wanted me to do."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Whatever makes you happy." 

Permalink Mark Unread


"If you think it'll help with Liz to tell her stuff do that, won't do me any harm. I shouldn't actually be there, I should hang back where magic works and be reading a live transcript while you talk so I can give you predictions."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Whenever you're ready we can summon the magic rock back."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm ready."

Permalink Mark Unread

So the magic rock and the lockdown Elf come by and Liz is alive, asleep, de-magicked, and ready to be hopped out of neighborhood to somewhere out-of-the-way in Wish.

Permalink Mark Unread

"How do we do the transcript -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Computer'll do it as long as you're talking aloud -" She shows her. "If it drops into osanwë you can enter text by brain interface without it being obvious though."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. And you can message me if something's up ="

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. I read a few times faster than people talk and anything really glaring will jump out at me right away anyhow but give me some leadtime."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Will do. 

I'm sorry."

Permalink Mark Unread

Sigh. "I love you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Love you."

And to Wish.

Liz wakes up. Shudders, looks around - blinks at Maitimë - "what are you doing here, where are we - why am I - stop that -"

"You died. There was an eclipse without any warning -"

" - right, I remember that - why are you here, where's Maira -"

"Also died."

Her eyes widen; she stands up and looks around and doesn't see anywhere to go and collapses, sobbing.

After a couple minutes Maitimë messages Isabella - how long -


Permalink Mark Unread

You sure you want me precogging on that level of granularity? Means I have to drop the high-level one before it runs out.

Permalink Mark Unread

No, it's fine.


Liz cries for about twenty minutes and then tells Maitimë to go away.

"I'm sorry. You can have as long as you need -"

"I need you to fuck off and leave me along and why am I locked down -"

"Because you murdered several people, including my grandmother!"

"...there's got to be a way to bring them back, all of them, I'll figure it out -"

"Yeah, that's kind of what we're afraid of."

"You want Maira dead?"

"Yes, I do, actually, she spent most of her free time for the last decade torturing me."


"I don't believe you."

"Yes you do. You know she likes that."

"If you do what you're told -"

"And murder people for her?"

"She never did anything to me I didn't - grow from -"

"That's lovely for you. She erased all my memories to see if I was more pliable that way. She gave me fake ones. She wore the faces of everyone I cared about while she tortured me so now I can't look at them without seeing her, I remember her more vividly than anything else about my life. She made me choose how she'd torture other people. She cut off my skin in ribbons and forced me to eat it, she cracked my skull and let me try to read or write so I could realize on my own that there was brain damage, she unhooked all my muscles from the bones so she didn't have to use her magic to hold me still while she raped me - when there weren't elaborate psychological games she just left me there conscious by magic in so much pain I could never stop screaming -"

"I don't believe you."

"Yes, Liz, you do."

"You're lying, you're lying, she's fine, this is all a lie - Maira -"

Maitimë flinches. "When Isabella started reading me stories she started doing it too, just so I'd never know if I was really safe for as long as the story lasted or if halfway through she'd look up at me and then I'd be on fire - she liked fire - she liked leaving me unable to move except my head, near something sharp, so I'd gouge out my eyes with it, she knew I would, she knew I'd be hoping she'd be careless enough just once I'd manage to do lethal damage before she -"

"Stop it stop it stop it go away -"

"I asked you to kill me, a couple times, did she erase that from your memory - Isabella tried to tell you that the other kids were dead, Isabella said she always erased your memories of those conversations - do you want them all back, someone made a necklace for it, it might be a little kinder than the psionic kind which you can't take off if the clarity of all the memories is so overwhelming you just loop through them in your head over and over -"

"Go away."

"Sure. Here's the necklace. For when you're ready to know who's lying -"

"Go away."

Permalink Mark Unread


Isabella drops it - your undiverted plan has her crying for twenty minutes and claiming not to believe you and not putting on the necklace within range.

Permalink Mark Unread

Okay - are there ways to break the news of Maira dying that don't have her upset for that long -

Permalink Mark Unread

Plan to try something -

Check -

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If she talks her into putting on the necklace first - takes a couple tries - Liz is completely terrified and actually slightly relieved to learn Maira is dead. She still breaks down crying.

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Isabella writes up the content of the successful attempt, and what results.

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"Probably not going to get better than that."

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Okay, feel free to solicit more granular checks then.

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What happens if she says this instead - what happens if she tells Liz they're on a different planet, so she's less nervous Maira will find them - what happens if she softens that bit slightly -

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Isabella relays answers as she sees them.

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"All set?"

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"Looks like."

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So the conversation is had, and leaves Liz whimpering and clinging to the necklace and saying - "I'm sorry, I didn't know, I didn't know -" which is about the best they could do. She waits patiently. After an hour or so Liz has some more questions about what happened, is glad the orcs will get reembodied and the other kids already have, wants and receives assurance that Maitimë is okay, and would like some space, please.


Maitimë leaves.

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Hug. "You okay?"

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"I'm fine. ...I asked Kib if my imagination was good enough and he said 'no but only just', so I was, you know, calibrated."

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"Love you."

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"Love you."

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"Was redoing your eidetic memory a lot a mistake or just - had side effects in addition to being worth it?"

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"Worth it, I - prefer knowing who I am, and it made it harder for her to pull the hallucinations -"

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"Okay, then I won't indulge pointless guilt about that."

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"Please don't indulge pointless guilt over anything, none of it was your fault."

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"Insofar as I can identify the pointlessness of any looming guilt I will decline to indulge."

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"We just heard from the literal omnipotent god that he makes these things happen. There isn't anything you could have done."

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"Depends on whether other things I could've done would make a beautiful story, doesn't it?"

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Sigh. Hug. "I'm okay."

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Hug. "Good."

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"Thanks to you."

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"Boots, mostly."

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"You kept me until we found a way."

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"Yeah." Squeeze.

Permalink Mark Unread

"...should we talk more about -"

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"I am still curious about the alternate ending to Julius Caesar but do not require further gory details."

Permalink Mark Unread

She can totally recount the alternate ending to Julius Caesar.

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And Isabella can snuggle her while she does it.

Permalink Mark Unread

That's good.

Permalink Mark Unread


Isabella has not received any planets as a gift yet. She goes to Stork and finds Kib and offers to save him some time if he can think of something for her to do. Spends half of it reading up on a city-state's history of religious conflict and turning it into notes for him, the other half feeding him precognition of a meeting he's going to have via the network from Eclipse.

And then she calls in the time she saved and he recommends her some Stork food and they sit in the restaurant and she murmurs into her sandwich at him.

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When he is done cataloguing tubeworm species at the bottom of the ocean he will drop by Stork with some neighborly trade deals for Kib.

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Kib's not home but Aydanci can direct Island to the restaurant where Kib is advising a pensive Sibyl on desserts.

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Hey. Should I drop by later?

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Is it time-sensitive? She could probably use another fifteen minutes.

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No problem.

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Fifteen minutes later Sibyl has eaten a slice of cake and two pots de cremes and hugged Kib and gone home.

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A couple notes on portal infrastructure and a slight refinement to the extradition agreements to avoid future cases like that awkward one last month with the human couple from Endorë whose kid had run off to Stork and - "is she okay?"

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"She's... having a rough time. She came here because I'm the other Bell with a you but honestly the parallels aren't, or aren't as much as you'd naively guess, I'm not sure how much I helped."

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"Should I talk with my alt -"

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"What would you tell her?" wonders Kib.

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"....probably that she should just get it together and act normally?"

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"When I say the parallels aren't, I mean - it's not even so much that I by comparison have got Aydanci and Findekáno to lean on, it's that you have Findekáno, whereas Sibyl is - not only working from a cultural framework that loaded her up with an archetype of caretaking-type responsibilities but also is the only person in the picture who can discharge same. But I'm not sure that's even the problem, the problem is she currently feels like Dream literally doesn't understand her, has no idea how to explain, does not know how long this has been going on - because, eidetic memory, so if she doesn't understand her now that seems likely to mean either that she never did in the first place or that she's so fucked up as to have no access to concepts that Sibyl considers relationship fundamentals anymore -"

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"Or considers them reserved for the sort of person she doesn't qualify as anymore."

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"Okay, if it's that, yeah, tell your alt to cut it out, what the fuck."

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"I don't know if it's that or more checking whether it's Sauron, but it's one of those."

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"How would you tell the difference?"

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"Not being able to tell the difference is kind of the point. I don't know."

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"Here I was hoping the ambiguity wasn't alt-proof."

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"If the thing Sibyl wants is 'have your wellbeing depend on my actions in ways that don't even leave me more certain if whether it's really you" then that will be really hard."

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"Well, wouldn't have phrased it that way but I suppose it boils down to that. She wants to be able to take care of her. The roles thing has a failure mode she's heavily acculturated to avoid, she doesn't want to just blunder around not taking her girlfriend's needs into account because people in Eclipse are often naively inclined to do that and it's terrible, and Dream's too shut down to get a read on but she can't just tell her to act normal because that would not be letting her do the thing either, especially since your whole template is too good at lying..."

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"Impression I get is that my alt is trying very very hard not to be misleading. Except about what she wants, which to the extent she's let herself figure out at all she is trying to be very misleading indeed about."

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"Sibyl might be able to settle for alt consults but the setups were different enough I'm not sure how far she should trust them."

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"I suppose it doesn't help at all that making Sibyl happy really is most of what she'd want -"

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"Not really. It kind of takes narrow circumstances for that to work - like, I could respond usefully to Aydanci being fixated on my being happy when he found out I'd reincarnated, but Aydanci himself was fine except for the sole fact of having spent eighteen years thinking I was gone forever so this mostly involved doing whatever I was doing anyway this time with him around."

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"I was hoping the two of them could just occupy themselves fixing things up."

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"They're apparently not busy enough. Being busy would not fix this problem but it might spread it out, I guess, long enough to let Dream do whatever she needs to do."

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"What advice did you give -"

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"Mostly I listened to her vent and apologized for not having quite exactly enough been-there-done-that to give her specific instructions."

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"I'll talk with my alt."

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"If you tell her to act normally then this doesn't actually solve Sibyl's problem, you know."

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"Yeah. I don't know a better way for us to figure out preferences, after, than pretending we have them."

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Sigh. Hug.

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Hug. "Is this going to be really hard on Sibyl, if it takes her a while -"

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"An Elf while or a regular while?"

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"Different answers?"

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"Affects how busy she needs to be."

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"Let's assume very busy."

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"Deluge her in peal precog work and exotic cuisine, got it."

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"Thank you."

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"Of course."

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"And I'll see what we can do so it's  a shorter while."

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"Love you."

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"Love you too."

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And he goes and talks with Dream.

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She waits for Isabella to bring it up again.

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She'll have a wait. She's suddenly very busy.

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She appreciates that.

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It's a few days past that when Iobel drops by to try out a spell to let Sibyl digest food faster - "and do you want to borrow Cricket? If he upsets people they can just turn their Allspeak off, he doesn't have it himself -"

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So Sibyl cat-sits and goes around with a judgmental fluffball in her arms after Iobel has left.

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Cricket is in the giant list of people and is recognized! "Oh, Iobel drop by?"

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"Yep, she came up with something so I can process food faster. I still have to actually eat it all, it'll be nice for eclipses and other really magic-dense emergencies but not worth her coming and casting it on me for everyday, but it's pretty nice."

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"Does it give you Ent-like metabolic capacity or would that be a separate problem -"

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"I don't think so? It's hard to compare straight across when the Ents haven't picked up any skills, let alone ones that overlap with me, but I'm not outside human range on how much I can put away while thusly bespelled, just - more."

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"Neat. ...we should see if psions can get something to click for unbound spirit animals, seems like the kind of thing they might be able to do in principle -"

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"Yeah, when Iobel comes to take Cricket back she's bringing one of your alt's little cousins who has an unbound spirit animal and I'm going to see if I can telepath 'em, that being the obvious first pass, and if I can it can go on the list and if I can't I can spare a bit trying to stretch it."

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"I hope it works! Hi, Cricket."

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"Hmm," says Cricket, "hello."

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"My mother adapted some of her alt's papers on the chemistry behind the vat meat, to make the rollout more credibly. Liz wants internet. Billionaire wants the Ents to name a price to get his son back, died six years ago in a motorbike accident."

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"At some point we may have to explain to those Ents we've been using them as cover. Do Wish's Lórien clones not provide Internet on demand, seems like a defect, I'll ping Kib about a protocol to get her internet from only selected worlds invisibly - how much do you suppose we should say the Ents want? -"

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"Lórien can get her local internet, which is not exactly what we want, can't do interdimensional. - I don't know, how fast are we inclined to roll out resurrection, and are there still any things for which we actually need money -"

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"Money remains useful to hire eclipsed who already have skills we don't want to wait for somebody to pick up. And it smooths out various projects if they need to go fast or involve people we're not personally in cahoots with or whatever - it would be one of the stupider things to be suddenly bottlenecked on - and it's a useful delegation shortcut for anything not super delicate, like, 'hey, so-and-so, here is seed capital and vat meat plans, go nuts' will accelerate vat meat by the amount of time it normally takes to find seed capital."

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"Well, then we can charge this guy a billion dollars."

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"Poor Ents will have such a mercenary reputation."

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"I am sure in a few years they will give me a real scolding over it. You okay?"

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Snuggly kitty is snuggly. "Doing fine."

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"I will tell my mother to publish her papers."

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She has something of an ethical dilemma about publishing papers taking credit for things she didn't do, so she actually had Maitimë just give her the tech and let her reverse-engineer the work behind it. Now she can publish in good faith! She does so.

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Animal rights activists across all of Eclipse rejoice!

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Yep, and the environmentalists, and people concerned with food prices! Convenient, isn't it.


(She announces that she is expecting a son.)

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Well, that's... new.

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"...yeah. Huh. I should ask them why, it doesn't happen in standard timelines but maybe that's for - reasons related to the war -"

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"...it's actually prophecies about the younger twin dying in a fire that is the Fëanor's fault, which, uh, they usually do in standard timeline. Possibly also usually Nerdanels are sick of being pregnant but that wouldn't be operative here."

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"...one of my sisters usually dies in a fire that is my mom's fault? I missed that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Standard timeline Fëanors steal a bunch of boats from the Teleri because they're in a hurry to get to Endorë, and sail off with them, and were going to make several trips to pick up more people but then decide not to do that, Telva's alts stow away on a boat to try to sail it back, the Fëanors set all the boats on fire without knowing they're there. Kib turned this up when he was prophecy-hunting, nobody who landed post-boats-being-on-fire hears word one about it."

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"I can - see why we wouldn't talk about it much. Wow."

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"Your dad never mentioned it to me when I was prophecy-hunting, I'm not sure why."

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"You could ask him, I couldn't say."

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- hm what happens if she asks.

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- that's a prophecy? I'd had a nightmare about it, but not all nightmares are prophetic and there wasn't much striking about it - aside from that it was horrible -

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"Your dad didn't know it was a prophecy, maybe it needs to go by more than however many times he's had it so far before that sinks in, but he did have the nightmare."

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Snuggle the snuggly cat. "Well, I derailed it all unknowing anyhow."

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"Yeah. I'm a little worried about how Telva's alts in the worlds where it happened are doing."

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"They are all alive again now but that's the limit of my information."

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"Could go to Vanda Nossëo and ask after them - there'd probably be two there, Millennia and Elentári."

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"Might be worth it. I - I'm proud of them."

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"Yeah, they were trying to do a good thing."

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"And a hard good thing, my mother is - well."

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"Yep. Your alts try to stop her too, to be fair."

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"Well, yes. Otherwise I'd be very skeptical they were my alts. But - I mean, my Telva's twenty, it's hard to have expectations about her character yet- "

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"She will apparently turn out pretty good."

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"And not violently dead at all. - and her poor twin -"

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Shiver. "Yep."

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"Almost five hundred million -"

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"And this region of the multiverse unusually Bell-dense, yeah."

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"Thank you. For saving us."

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"You're welcome - though it's crossed my mind that the, the sheer number might not be what it seems if they really are exactly alike, if you weren't otherwise going to make it relevant what you were adjacent to ever, if something happens the exact same way a million times is that very different from it happening that way once -"

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"Feels different to me."

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"Me too, honestly, and anyway you would've diverged if anything had ever happened with the portal ever. Or if the eclipse-when-the-Trees-die was always going to be part of the beautiful fucking story."

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"Probably depends how beautiful Eru thinks it would've been without any warning -"

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"It probably wouldn't have, but 'warning' could have been, like, 'stupid prophecies' instead of 'neighborly precog'."

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"Yeah. And we know that Erus do variants - genderflipping, evil, Space -"

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"Yeah. So maybe this one was going to be unique no matter what and I'm not responsible for - effectively forking it."

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"...even if you did, it's obviously - worth it -"

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"- is it?"

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"Everyone seems not only much much better off than they'd have been in the alternate timeline but also positively happy about being alive, so - yes?"

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"I guess I'm not sure what I think of forking a world that then has fewer awful things but still some awful things happen to it even if the result makes it look like I was helping this individual instance."

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"I mean. I'm - probably the wrong person on this, but - we keep bringing people back to life, even though life has awful things in it and death doesn't, ever -"

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"Feels different to me. Maybe it shouldn't..."

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"I asked my alts if they actually think resurrecting people is the right thing to do and they all just shrugged and said that we wouldn't win that one anyway."

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"I was not aware this was a point of even very quiet controversy when it came to anybody but your own template - you were the one in a hurry about the eclipsed kids -"

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"If you're going to do it doing it while people still have loved ones alive who care about them is obviously really important."

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"I'm not - it really would hurt a lot of people to even discuss it, people get to die again if they so choose, it's not worth getting into -"

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She lets the billionaire know they can get him back his son.

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Sibyl places a request with the magic rocks once he's paid.

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Yay. And when Joy's free they can check for more neighbors.

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Eclipse has lots of boring moonless neighbors. How's this three-planet empire of totalitarianism populated by elite humanoids and oppressed cute li'l bird people strike her?

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It would be wrong to be positively gleeful about multiplanet totalitarian empires but on the other hand, gosh, that sure looks like it should be fixed right away!!! 

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[Aww, poor birdpeople. You want help with that?]

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[Yes, yes, I do. Let's go take over an interplanetary empire, shall we?]


And on the crystal ball: hey, can someone make me the complete works of this place's terrible ruling humanoids?

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Somebody can!

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"Are you indestructible yet, dear?"

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"Sure am."

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"Oh, good. I'm going to read this and try to figure out an angle, when're you free for extraplanetary adventuring -"

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"I have a calendar thing now for people to sign up to monopolize my forecasting services. If you don't like any open slots you can bump anybody on it except Loki, her thing is time sensitive."

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"What's she up to?" 

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"She wants to see if I can walk her through getting her mother to cooperate with the ending-the-war-between-the-planets-of-which-she-is-princess plan and thinks catching her at a specific meeting will help."

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"Oooh. I do not think I will need to bump anyone, this is probably more important to do right than to do this week -" and to reading.

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Isabella can read stuff from the neighboring world too, although not as much of it since her alts are keeping her so occupied. (And fed. Sibyl has yet to develop T'Mir's taste for Davlian priv, but that doesn't stop her from eating a bowlful.)

Permalink Mark Unread

Very thoughtful of them, that. How is this government structured, who is in charge of it -

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There is an Empress and various Continental and Regional Governors and various Stratocrats and Timocrats under her.

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She will check out the Empress's personal writings.

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Mostly private correspondence, some with the other governmental types, some with her childhood birdperson nurse, some with her thirty children. (They're humanoids, not human; this is not an unusual number of children for people who reproduce at all, which is not most of them.)

Permalink Mark Unread

How'd they get interplanetary travel worked out -

Permalink Mark Unread

Most of the available writing indicates that it was invented by a university department 220 years ago. They have colonized three planets besides their homeworld but on one of them everybody suddenly caught fire a few weeks into the project in what was Probably Birdperson Rebel Sabotage and they have not retried on that planet since.

Permalink Mark Unread

...did Cam include a map of the star system, does that planet perchance have a moon.

Also are there birdperson rebels in fact or just as a target of blame for random problems -

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That planet does perchance have actually three moons.

There are maybe birdperson rebels! They have legit grievances. Annnnnd also make a really convenient target of blame for random problems.

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She looks up more about birdperson rebels. 

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They are poorly organized and/or do not communicate through writing much, but much has been written about them by the aggrieved elite class.

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Any of them known, like, by name, or otherwise well enough a demon can find their names -

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Pseudonym, mostly, which is enough for a demon to look them up.

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She's not sending Cam all her questions at once, he's busy, but she's making a list of things to send to Cam once she's done. Most recent transition of power?

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Empress took over to much fanfare from her father who died under tragic circumstances (it was probably birdpeople!) and promptly had four of her siblings locked up for conspiring against her.

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...she wants the names of those, too. Is the Empress, like, managerially competent, are there wars - they've got interplanetary travel, do they have, like, personal computers in most households - such as there are households -

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The Empress can retain competent staffpeople - of both species, even - without trouble, and has ever read anything about economics, but she's not great or anything. Occasionally the Stratocrats are obliged to put down rebellions, some of birdpeople and some of uppity Timocrats or Regional Governors who don't want to answer to the Empress or other Stratocrats. There are computers around, in quantity even, but they are not a household staple; computer use is a profession.

Permalink Mark Unread

She books a time with Sibyl. She sends Cam the list of people she would like names of and a rebellion a decade back she would like particular details of.

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The rebellion a decade back was a Stratocrat trying to make off with his regiment and some other people and some terraforming swag to go make another try on the Everything Is On Fire Planet under his own banner. Names were thus.

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Sibyl and a basket of assorted angelic candy samples are all set when the time slot rolls around. "What's the plan, lovely?"

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"I have found something I want! I want this place better-governed by, like, tomorrow. It is my expectation that talking to the Empress won't go anywhere but I want to see what happens if we try it anyway - like, twice, if there is a super path-dependent way to make her not terrible I feel no particular obligation to strive for it - and then I want to talk to the birdperson rebels about how to most efficiently desegregate everything and then if they are of the opinion that some nominal continuity with the existing ruling order will help them I have a couple of siblings of the Empress who I think will be puppettable."

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"Did you get the computers speaking the language for transcription or will I just have to bounce audio of the conversations?"

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"All set up. They make rather silly mistakes sometimes but it was more than big enough a corpus."

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"That's computer translation for you, all right, here goes -"

And she holds her computer in one hand and nibbles on her candy basket with the other and provides a transcript of the counterfactual.

The Empress is deeply nonplussed about receiving a visitor and kind of too preoccupied with that to entertain critique on her governance.

Permalink Mark Unread

Sigh. And if they are more direct about intending that the apartheid deal stop by mid-afternoon if not sooner -

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She's still very distracted by the sudden visitation thing, what's up with that, how did you get in here, guards guards.

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"What if you just reach out to her remotely with the telepathy -"

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...then she makes an appointment with her minister.

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"Okay. I think we did our due diligence. Rebel birdfolk -"

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The rebel birdfolk are also very alarmed about the otherworldly visitors and think they're more likely plants from the imperials explaining why they are sympathetic despite not being birdfolk with a silly story.

Permalink Mark Unread

But can they be persuaded to within an hour give a purely factual description of what could be expected to happen if they head in, ask the Empress to resign, announce that birdfolks are full citizens, and set the various powers of the empire to enforcing this?

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Well, the Empress would refuse to resign and the various powers of the empire would give them trouble with the order to enforce birdperson citizenship, that's what.

Permalink Mark Unread

They were not actually expecting it to be a very voluntary resignation. Who'll be particularly troublesome, or particularly looked-to, among the powers of the empire -

Permalink Mark Unread

The birdpeople are afraid that someone who actually hates birdfolk personally instead of just considering them second-class subjects like the Empress might wind up steering things, like this governor or that timocrat or those stratocrats -

Permalink Mark Unread

Two of whom are already flagged and she notes the others. Any stratocrats that don't suck - (didn't look like it from the written works, but that might just mean someone is smart enough not to commit objections to writing) -

Permalink Mark Unread

Some of the birdfolk liked the one who wanted to go recolonize that planet! There is also this other one who has been claiming credit for some nasty stuff but the birdfolk think maybe she's lying and has never actually harmed a feather on a birdfolk's head in her life? Maybe?

Permalink Mark Unread

Probably checkable. Notes notes notes - what happened to the one who wanted to go settle Everything On Fire planet -

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Publicly beaten and thrown into prison for life!

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And what happens if they talk to him -

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He's, uh, not holding up that well from the amount of life in prison he has thus far experienced, winds up clinging to the hem of Maitime's outfit and begging her to take him with her.

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...okay, Maitimë wants to actually go and get him and leave a basement dweller right now if basement dweller can be provided.

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Cam can nip over and do that. Here is a psychologically damaged stratocrat.

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Hi, they are interfering aliens, he's safe, would he like a room in the palace to relax and get his bearings.

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Yes he would.

Permalink Mark Unread

He can have one. What about lots-of-tales-of-atrocities-no-actual-atrocities, what happens if they talk to her -

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She insists very stridently that she has definitely never defrauded her superiors by claiming accomplishments she did not accomplish.

Permalink Mark Unread

What if they claim to know perfectly well she didn't do it, with their alien magic, and they approve of this because the things she is supposed to have done are atrocities -

Permalink Mark Unread

They're not gonna tell anybody, are they?

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Of course not. They are, though, going to overthrow the government, and they'd tremendously appreciate local advice.

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But if they do that then everything will be a strange alien version of itself instead of the familiar empire!

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Well, atrocities against bird people will stop. Is that essential to the character of the empire?

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Whatever they'd have to go through to stop them might be!

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That's why they want local advice, so they can preserve as much of the good about the empire as possible but stop the atrocities.

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...dithers and frets past the end of Isabella's range.

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"That's all I wanted to check. Thank you very much."

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Kiss. "You're welcome, lovely. Need any help with your refugee?"

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Kiss. "Might be worth it, he seemed fragile -" 

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So what happens if Maitimë does whatever she's planning to do with the refugee -

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She's planning to bring him a tray of food and sit quietly while he eats it and then ask him about the terraforming plans.

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He's very confused that his rescuer wants to talk about terraforming and doesn't much care for the look of the alien food, either.

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And if she gets Cam to make him food from his world, and makes it clear that she's mostly wondering what he wanted to achieve by leaving -

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Cam raises an eyebrow about being summoned twice in close succession, reminds her that you should really batch anything he can't do remotely - the ex-stratocrat eats the food and mumbles about an independent nation with an alien philosophy named after some alien individual as a guiding principle.

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She looks up that guy.

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Dead philosopher! Wrote a lot of impenetrably dense crap about the correct relations of parts of the state!

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Sigh. She does not bother her refugee. She looks up all the extant stratocrats instead, reads their works, thinks.

Books some of Isabella's time tomorrow.

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Isabella and takeout sushi are available!

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"Okay. I think there are a few people who if summoned to their Empress's palace by otherworldly magic to witness her resignation will then do what they're told, a couple who will require supervision, a couple who will also need to be encouraged to resign. In the mood to be Empress of Atarale?"

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"Do you mean will I precog the current Empress of Atarale for you or do you mean do I want to receive Atarale as a present."

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"The latter! The former I insist on, I booked you."

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Snort. "I will want to read more about Atarale, but probably."

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"I have very comprehensive notes for you!"

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"Marvelous, send 'em to me." Smooch. "What am I looking at today?"

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"Couple 'you are resigning' convos with the Empress and then the ones with the ministers who are likely to require persuading -"

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So Isabella spaces out and transcribes transcriptions.

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And when they've got a satisfactory set of results - "great, let's go."

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The Empress is somewhat hard to crack on the subject of her resignation but can be pathed through it with enough intimidation and something she's probably parsing as a subtle hint that she will have her chance to retake the empire later on. The various subordinates range from "personally loyal" to "eager to see her go".

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The eager-to-see-her-go ones and the ones who are generally smartest and best able to appreciate the implications of 'teleporting aliens' are the ones who can be set to enforcing the new Empress's decrees on the status of bird-people after a short pointed conversation; the ones who hate bird-people or are personally loyal to her mostly have to resign also, though this one minister who is at least willing to pretend to be eager to cooperate can have a chance to prove he means it.


And then if Isabella can check whether anything is on fire or soon will be -

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Not so she's about to notice it, anyway -

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She is planning to teleport around checking, easiest way to do it without having also booked some demon time and they don't really need a demon for this. Pop pop pop pop pop a couple invisible checkins, including on that loyalist of the old Empress who was willing to pretend at enthusiastic cooperation - 

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If anything is on fire it's very discreet about it!

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Okay! Back to Isabella - "since we're already obnoxious aliens who just took over the government, no harm in throwing all the harmless tech we can at this place, right?"

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"I think you're right! But it'll take them some doing to make it play nice with their manufacturing base."

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"I should ask Curva to come help fiddle, I think she is feeling vaguely displaced now that my mother has alts to aggressively invent at."

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"Awww. Sounds great."

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She comes over a little later! "Hi. Apparently you two just took over a couple planets this afternoon?"

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"Three of 'em! It's all one empire, though, counting per planet seems disingenuous."

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"I don't know, interplanetary empires seem harder to take over than single-planet ones. Anyway, what're they doing with computers, can I have some to look at -"

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"Would you find it more efficient to go find Cam wherever he is and ask for them or wait, uh - thirty minutes - for a local who'll show you stuff?"

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"Can I learn the local language in the meantime?"

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"Sure, there's enough of a corpus on the network to get you started."

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Bounce bounce. "I will do that."

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"Far be it from me to stop you."

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"Is there someone here I can talk to, it'll go much faster -"

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Check check - "Yeah, go here," image, "tell the archivist in Allspeak you were sent there to learn the language, he won't ask inconvenient questions."

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Off she goes!

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And Isabella sets about the details of transfer of power.

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Her notes are very helpful! Here are the ministers who got replaced last transfer of power, here are the most essential appointments, she is going to go speak to the bird-people rebels now, Isabella want to precog it -

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Of course she does.

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What happens if she just shows up and announces she's recruiting for ministerial positions in the new government, can they recommend some capable bird-people.

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Tentative suggestions possibly motivated by expendability!

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Stupid evil previous government. Is there a way to present the offer without scaring them too badly -

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If she shows up illusioned to look like a birdperson they don't notice the flaws in the illusion for a few minutes and that's long enough to get recommendations, and now she doesn't have to actually do that to go find the recommended birdpersons.

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Cool! Ministerial positions are offered.

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Most of these birdpeople accept sooner or later but some of them take a lot of talking-into-it.

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She will be so earnest and persuasive and demonstrative with the extraworldly powers and enthusiastic about a sovereign birdperson nation if that's still what they feel like they need to do after the transition - and being minister will position them well to pull that off, if they decide to - and they came so highly recommended, the empire will be better off with their guidance -

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And eventually Isabella has birdperson advisers who recommend her reading material and start learning to take over the jobs of the middling-to-un-cooperative previous leadership.

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This is so much fun - can she import more sisters, Morya will be able to make more sense of this tax code than she can -

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More sisters are welcome if they want to come!

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She would be delighted to come -

- this is actually a pretty clever way to run your segregated interplanetary society, but about half of it can be tossed out now - here's who will lose out if Isabella does that, and here's why she should probably do it anyway -

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"I have the best family."

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"They're pretty great!"

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"If I go check if anything is on fire again, do I notice anything -"

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"...yep -" bounce, loyal birdperson servants trying to smuggle the ex-Empress out of the palace.

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"...tempted to go have a talk with them, what if I do that -"

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- they make a run for it as soon as they see her.

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"...what if I find them before they get to the Empress -"

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"They play dumb."

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"Do they try it anyway?"

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"...not inside an hour but you think they want to."

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"Have instructions, Empress?"

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"I wanna know why they're doing it -" What happens if she sends Maitimë to find out?

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Maitimë reports back that they like her, she was decent to them, and they're worried about how the usurpers will treat her.

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"...Could come up with some public way to hold her and make it obvious we're nicer to prisoners than she was."

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"Go snatch a very large habitable space station, give it cameras and internet access so that she and everyone else who really hates birdpeople can complain about the new regime as much as they please?"

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"- yeah. Search turns up this station," bounce, "as pretty easy to commandeer, everybody on it works for money and we can bribe them for a drop in the bucket."

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"Oh goody. I will go buy us a space station."

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"Thanks, lovely."

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Space station purchasing! Plenty of money to go around and a teleport to wherever you want, how does that sound to everyone -

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Sounds great, though some of them would like to keep operating the station, they like it here. Also you will, like, need somebody to operate it, right.

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Yep! They were prepared to hire externally if anyone objected to a raise and change of managers, but they would be delighted to keep everyone on who wants to stay!

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Now they have this space station!

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And now the Empress and the recalcitrant governors and stratocrats and timocrats can be relocated! 

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The birdpeople who were going to rescue her are mostly reassured by the video feeds once those are set up.

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Good. She didn't get the impression the Empress was likely to use it to somehow cleverly coordinate a rebellion but they can have a couple people keeping an eye out for that just in case. Anything else on fire -

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Couple of the stratocrats are about to be noticed absent by their subordinates, and one of the timocrats has a panicky child who starts doing random unhelpful things when they notice their father missing, and also there is a literal fire that appears to be nobody's fault just a fire out in the woodland...

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She has people in mind for replacements for three of the stratocrats who needed removing but the other ones are trickier, including one of the ones whose absence is about to be noticed - here are some candidates and some reservations she has about them - what happens if she talks to the timocrat's kid - she will teleport over to the ocean and grab some water and put out the fire, why not -

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"- uh, not the ocean, lovely, it'll probably have too much salt for the plants, go for a lake -" - this candidate in the first hour after appointment starts trying to foment rebellion with his regiment, this other one doesn't do that at least and Maitimë would be surer of her after half an hour's chat - timocrat's kid demands the immediate release of his dad -

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Lake water extinguishes the random fire, the candidate who Maitimë'd be surer of after a chance to chat can get a surprise promotion, does the kid want to see his dad, she can give him a teleport up to the space station to check it out (does the kid do anything stupid if offered this...)

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Kid does not trust her to take him anywhere, demands to know on what authority she's interfering with their sovereign empire, insists on the safe return of his father to his estate instantly.

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She can advise the kid on petitioning the new Empress for his father's release.

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The kid finds that unsatisfactory and attempts to have Maitimë apprehended by his servants.

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Maitimë heads back to the palace. "I'd probably be fairly intolerable if someone pulled this on my family.  Maybe he'll get more pragmatically minded with some time."

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How long would it take you to feel pragmatic about it if it were your family? wonders Isabella, attempting to eat a meatball sub in as few bites as possible. Wow, world takeovers lean really hard on precognition, I'd wonder how Golden did it but of course she also had a precog.

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Feel pragmatic about it? Years. Act pragmatic and useful and charming? An hour. But I think it'd take my sisters longer.

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You're pretty exceptional, so I think I won't expect it of that guy in an hour.

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Probably not. His father's terrible, you don't want to send him home -

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Is it obvious why that kid and not any of the sixteen other kids? Why do these people have so many kids -

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He isn't his father's heir - maybe he just wants to impress him? Though that'd incline him towards pragmatism and his approach was. Not that.

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Meatball sub is gone now she's halfway through a bag of popcorn. Well, "achieve goal by demonstration of fanatical filial loyalty" calls on slightly different skills than "achieve goal by placating whoever seems most powerful at the moment".

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Yes, but even as a display of fanatical filial loyalty - he's not calling for public resistance, he's not storming you to demand anything, he's just sitting at home complaining very loudly - I suppose if he thinks we're definitely temporary, or if he's just not a very strategic thinker -

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Nothing about him looks strategic at all.

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Agreed. Sigh. Some of the options for that post are siblings of his, don't have a strong sense yet of whether they're any better -

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Is there anything obviously riding on having the post filled quickly?

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Not for several weeks at least -

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So leave it vacant for now.

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Done. There are only a couple more appointments that we do need soonish -

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Let's see if we can squeeze it into another two or three lookaheads, I do not have room for much more lunch.

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You got it. If I talk to these three people who do I like best -

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That one -

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Goody, I'll go offer her a job. Last set - appointments for that planetary governor -

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And presently they have a new planetary governor picked out and Isabella's out of popcorn and drinking apple juice and then kissing her lovely real quick before they have to run off and do things in real life instead of just precognitions.

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Appointments are made! Announcements are made! She goes to meet with all of the people who'd been listed as persuadable but not persuaded. And they announce across three worlds that the Empress has resigned and a new Empress appointed and that the new Empress considers all of her subjects equal under the law.

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And the new Empress would like everybody to stop eating birdperson eggs right now because what the fuck, and other delightful decrees.

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She's such a good empress. And, yeah, there'll be a couple hundred thousand Elf volunteers to enforce that if Isabella happens to want a couple hundred thousand Elves who are very invested in the non-eating of birdperson eggs.

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Hundred thousand is probably overkill but she would love some Elves, yes please, they'll make a useful deterrent presence for misbehavior in general even if they're mostly interested in the eggs thing.

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Have to make it obvious we have interworld teleportation, are we ready to do that?

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Long as nobody hands it out, think so. We obviously didn't get here by spaceship, and Elves can only barely pass for the local humanoids at first glance and humans really can't.

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So she goes home and announces that they've found (via a portal, but they've now developed a better method of transit) this other dimension which contains the following species, and they have staged a coup and banned the eating of birdpeople eggs and the indenture of birdpeople for debt and the bans on birdpeople in positions of authority and the random massacres of birdpeople after things go wrong that could possibly be the fault of rebel birdpeople, anyone want to help enforce these?


Lots of people want to help enforce these.

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Yay! Isabella finds them assignments and gets to know them and settles in.

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A month passes. Isabella continues having to eat a lot to identify and put out fires. It is convenient how she's now indestructible and doesn't need to sleep. Maitimë needs to sleep, occasionally. She doesn't have nightmares and also doesn't, of course, have lucid dreams. They add their worlds to the appropriate place in the middle of Vanda Nossëo's long priorities list. They get a notification in response that some Space xenobiologists have been set to figuring out better local medicine and crops, that they're in the next batch for distribution of anti-aging necklaces but it'll only be around a million of them, sorry, Vanda Nossëo just can't produce them that fast.

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That's reasonable. Isabella's got a pilot program underway to identify and provide extra education for gifted non-ethically-challenged youngsters and is considering taking them on a field trip when there's next an eclipse on that one planet, but it's a ways off, outside stopgaps would be good.

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They can literally just give this empire whatever taxation program they want, can't they, they don't have to get it past any interfering parties, they can just come up with the best thing and do that, conquering planets is amazing.

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Computers are deciphered and made compatible with the crystal ball network! And she'll write a little flurry of papers for these people about their own technology because they have less to catch up on than Arda and it's obvious where the biggest gaps are.

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It's lovely. She wishes she thought it was real.

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"I'm going to kick myself if it's been this obvious all along," Isabella says one morning, "but I don't suppose it'd be out of character for Maira to provide perfectly nice fanfiction-reading-session lucid dreams in which nothing horrible happened?"

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"Little bit out of character, but if she'd gone to the trouble to construct this scenario - you're doing things more important than sleeping anyway -"

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"I could make the time if it'd help, things've calmed down enough. But I guess it wouldn't help."

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"...sorry. Does - this - help - I thought it might -"

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"It's wonderful, lovely. Forget I said anything."

There are badly drawn timocratic borders over here that need Isabella's attention now.

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Isabella talks to timocrats and some birdperson activists and her historian advisers and redraws some borders.

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She interviews people and reassures people and negotiates with people - 


- she solicits hugs from her sisters a lot -

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Her work is very valuable and appreciated and Isabella hugs her too and doesn't bring up the option of lucid dreams again.

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And after a while of this she clears some time to go talk to Island and his husband. 


And comes back, quieter.

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"You okay, lovely?"

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"Yeah, sorry, fine."

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Deregulating the nepotistic vehicle industry it is.

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And he would like to bother Kib about their alts, again, when he has a moment free.

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Kib can find him a whole string of moments. Here are some.

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Hug. "Dream is at this point willing to consider getting married for the hopeful distinctness of getting free will from psion effects, but Sibyl has shown absolutely no indication of interest in her and has commented to the effect - though I don't think it was intended this way - that until Dream gets her preferences-about-her-experiences sorted out there's nothing she can do for Sibyl that lucid dreaming can't do better. And she doesn't have the preferences-about-her-experiences sorted out, not wholly, though she's finding it distressing to be unwanted so that's sort of a preference there."

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"...do you happen to have Sibyl's exact words there?"

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Yep. Bounce.

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"Just as I suspected that is definitely not what Sibyl meant, insofar as it applies to sex she was probably trying to be reassuring about her lack of interest in sexual assault."

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"What does Sibyl want -"

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"...can you be more specific?"

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"My alt is not going to be okay for a very long time and has less incentive than the rest of us did to pretend. Even when she is okay she is going to be a post-Angband me, with upsetting-to-Bells preference sets like 'it would be ridiculous to want to refuse you anything I gave Sauron'. Given that -"

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"If she wants to try getting married and unmarried Sibyl'll do that. Sibyl is... very unlikely to otherwise be particularly interested in having sex with her traumatized girlfriend, but I could talk her into it with the 'distressing to be unwanted' fact. But she'd be all timid about it and that's probably extra awkward with the dom thing, not that I have a lot of details on that, I'm guessing."

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"Is that in fact indicative of or related to damage to the relationship -"

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"...uncomfortably close to it. You remember when Butterfly explained how her twin is 'hers' - Sibyl definitely has that concept and I am nearly positive Maitimë qualified and suspect she is sort of constantly inadvertently threatening not to, now, and - this is not so much parallel to you and me as it is to me and Aydanci, at that point -"

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"...the relevant bit being -"

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"He's mine. You're not. This is not an aspersion on your boyfriend quality or anything, it's a separate thing. I think your person-modeling falls down on the job when it comes to, well, post-Angband-yous and people who love them, but you can probably imagine very vividly what would happen if somebody took Aydanci and when I got him back he acted like a post-Angband you at me."

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She's not going to marry someone who doesn't want her, even if believing this were real would solve a lot of problems."

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"Unpack 'want her'. Want her enough to say so given an enthusiasm level of 'oh, it would be ridiculous to refuse you', clearly not, want her enough to be making heavy use of her lucid dreaming facsimile and wishing this were not what she had to work with, guarantee it."

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"I don't think she knows that."

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"...it's pretty heavily implied by the 'I could go the fuck to sleep' line. Unless she's been accounting for her time spent asleep to Dream and actually spends the entire time doodling or something."

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"Running her empire and taking advantage of the indestructibility to not need to, I think. ...I'm not sure I understand the 'mine' thing well enough to give advice on not endangering it -"

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"Does the extensional category 'Aydanci, Cricket, Edward, both Belltwins, historically Dream, maybe Scroll' help or do I need to figure out how to actually define it?"

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"Not as a category that excludes, like, alts -"

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"Alts are kind of a... degenerate case of it, most of the results without necessarily having or even being much improved by the personal relationship. Like, Cam is not more Loki's than I am, they're dating in parallel to not in support of this thing."

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"So - the ability-to-assume-shared-goals-and-unconditional-support thing, but occurring specifically as a consequence of personal fondness?"

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"Basically. ...Uh, it's possible that once Dream believes this is real things get worse suddenly because then whatever she does is definitely indicative of choosing to do that to the real actual Sibyl instead of an awkward superposition of possibilities."

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"I think what she's doing and plans to continue doing is 'a support role in running the empire and whatever other ones turn up' -"

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"I don't mean in terms of their day jobs. It might be fine."

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"I think all they are doing is their day jobs, I think that's part of the problem."

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"Anyway. Thank you. - how're not-alt things -"

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"Not-alt things are good!" Politicking in the Pineapple Islands! Stork population finally up to the point where it is probably finding literally all the babies and they can start trusting their numbers on how many "all the babies" is! Aydanci being great!

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Oh good! They should have a 'finding literally all the babies' festival, that seems like a milestone even by human standards for festival-worthiness which are admittedly a fair bit higher.  "We finally made diplomatic contact with the island nation of Doriath. I didn't expect to get anything valuable out of it - thus ignoring it for so long - but that's about half the Elven population out of Valinor, it was a little silly, so we sent a nice shiny motorboat over to say hello."

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"Did the island say hello back to the shiny motorboat?"

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"Believe it or not, Elu was delighted to meet us! He's pleased my grandfather's alive, can they have some motorboats they were developing their own but they aren't as fast, how're all the non-Doriath peoples of Beleriand - well, he didn't ask about the Dwarves, but -"

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"And the Dwarves were thrilled to have contact with people who were not the Thindar, and have all left Menegroth now to go back to their original kingdoms. Should've grabbed them sooner."

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"Whoops. Why didn't the evacuee Dwarves who weren't in Doriath when the continent fell ask after them?"

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"They were kind of annoyed with us for the continent sinking and didn't want to come to our attention again, and when we patched relations a couple years back it apparently failed to get communicated that Doriath was in fact whole and well."

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"We should have a checklist for further Ardas."

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"Yeah. ...Dwarves who haven't chosen to leave Menegroth might choose to if they hear about the eventual genocide thing."

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"Wouldn't blame them."

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"I mean, it's not going to happen, but - it feels like it's not going to happen in a different sense than our atrocities are not going to happen -"

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"...yeah, hard to articulate though..."

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"I could just be biased."

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"No, I know what you mean - I think it isn't exactly but is represented by how I'd expect Doriath, or anyway Thingol, to react to hearing about it."

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" - yeah. I did not tell him."

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"Gosh, whyever not."

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"He might think it's a good idea and decide to get a head start. We should probably send Joy after the other Menegroths, there's a bunch we're only very tenuously in contact with -"

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"Yeah, probably a good idea, you want to tell her or shall I?"

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"I don't think she especially likes my template. All yours."

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So he dashes off a quick note - Accidentally stranded Shine Menegroth's Dwarves in islandized Doriath till now, can you look in on others, see how they're doing, preclude genocides, etc?

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"...dear, what's the schedule look like, do we have time for me to hop around having awkward conversations with Dwarves?"

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"Sure, long as you're home in time for dinner with the Secretary General, why?"

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She repeats the contents of Kib's message.

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"Oh. Yeah, go for it but if it turns out to take a while do pause around dinnertime."

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"Will do!"


It turns out to take a while! She has only talked with Luster and Eclipses' Dwarves by dinnertime. 

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Elsewhere he is finished recounting this mess in one of Vanda Nossëo's member planets that he spent a couple weeks sorting out - "and Findekáno's been there even longer - oh, Findekáno thinks Sibyl might benefit from talking to one of him who - dealt with a me after everything -"

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"...that's not implausible but I'm not immediately sure why it'd be specifically helpful, which I suppose makes sense since if I did I could duplicate the advice."

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"He said you two were catching a play later this week, you can ask him then?"

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"Yeah, Butterfly comped us tickets to a musical in Cube called 'The Lion King', don't ask me why there's lion monarchy, I'm assuming this will be addressed in-story."

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"Oh, I suppose morph'd be perfect for putting on shows about lion-people or whatever. Well. Have fun."

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After dinner with the Secretary General she says to Gem - "so, uh, Shadow or Space? I am not looking forward to either."

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"Elspeth did basically get along with your Shadow alt, so that might actually be less awkward than Space, but I'm not sure. Would you want to do the better one or the worse one first, anyway?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not really sure. Probably get it over with -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Space'd probably also be - closer to home?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, I'd have a better sense of - what was going on, there - though we don't actually have a late-timeline Space Arda to tell them 'this is exactly what will happen' -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, it'd wind up all being by analogy. I'm not sure what the Space equivalents of some of your Millennium alt's adventures even would be."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, I wonder - also, presumably the Maedhros doesn't get rescued, I don't really have a sense of how Space could play out at all like the standard timeline -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...yeah. I mean, the uploads could be shut down somehow? I guess they could be copied in software form if for some insane reason somebody wanted to do that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"That doesn't get you 'fucked-up but functional enough to settle a succession dispute and build a depressing castle and run a war', that gets you - people've tried rescue forks, people agreed never to try it again -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, no idea, hope we never find a late stage Space Arda to find out because holy shit late stage plus Space eugh."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. I'll. Let you know how it goes."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

She goes to Space. She is briefly distracted by Menegroth with hundreds of stories and underground spires and upside-down skyscrapers. 


Her alt comes out to meet her.

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Hi. I'm - here to talk to the Dwarves, can I do that -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"They don't have, like, a government, or an ambassador or whatever, but yeah, sure, what about - are you okay -"

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Your city's really pretty."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"This is kind of upsetting."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes, I guessed that. Because you were upset."

Permalink Mark Unread

"A couple hundred years in the future the people of Menegroth kill all the Dwarves living here - at least in flat Arda timelines - and we thought the Dwarves - should know -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"What do they do-"

Permalink Mark Unread

"One of them kills our dad but - one of them - and it bothers me that my alts always ask that -"

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"...anyway that's horrible but if they don't kill Dad -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"One of them."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Can you take me to them -"

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

A while later she goes home for a hug.

Permalink Mark Unread

She can have all the hug she wants.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Went okay. They were annoyed no one'd told them about other Ardas before, I explained it was daeva information security, the daeva present pointed out that they apparently had a much better track record than my species did - someone said that no, remember, there was that demon who'd holed a planet -"

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"They all agreed it made sense to let worlds that wanted privacy from conjuring have it, though - that was the framing that made the most sense to them - and they. Appreciated knowing. So."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thanks for going." Snuggle.

Permalink Mark Unread

"On the bright side apparently all the Shadow Dwarves moved out as soon as the war was over, there was a note in the file."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Good for them."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"...did it go okay with your alts or did you just avoid non-Dwarf subjects -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"They're all super friendly and when I explain that our people kill all of the Dwarves in Menegroth all of them say "oh no, what did they do" - meaning the Dwarves, to provoke it - and I wish they wouldn't say that."

Permalink Mark Unread



Permalink Mark Unread

Hug. "- you get what I mean, right -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, of course, the question should be 'what happened' or maybe 'why do we do that'."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah - and I don't like thinking that me knowing that is so - path-dependent - I would ask my Millennia alt, I bet she's not like that and if she's not I'd feel better, but I'm sure she knows already."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You can make a social visit even if she doesn't need a heads-up about Dwarves at this point."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, but I don't know a good question to - get at that thing."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It might just come out after enough conversation but maybe not, I don't know."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Maybe." Snuggle. 

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Lion King time!

Permalink Mark Unread

Cube is his favorite Earth. All the exotic animals wandering the streets and trying to sneak into the theatre - "you still need a ticket," someone yells at a housefly - and Andalites on street corners eating nachos.

Permalink Mark Unread

It's cute how easy it is to spot an Andalite. Balcony seats! They are respectively an Elf and wearing an Elf-vision magic item so these are in fact the best seats in the house, good angle on the stage.

Permalink Mark Unread

Human musicals are so much fun despite the fact that even the best human singers are kinda slightly-above-average Elf singers. The Lion King fails to explain why there is a lion monarchy!

Permalink Mark Unread

And surprisingly few of the actors are in morph! Thoughtspeak unlike osanwë doesn't allow singing. The costumery's neat though.

Permalink Mark Unread

It's very elaborate. He cries when the Lion King dies. Brings back memories.


Afterwards they go get ice cream, and he sings the romantic songs at Kib.

Permalink Mark Unread

Which is very cute. So unrelatedly - why is it you think Sibyl should talk to you, or a you?

Permalink Mark Unread

I've - known him longer? I'd expect to be able to give advice on his alts that might not occur to you? In particular there's a thing where - after Angband they see themselves as a thing to use to achieve their goals, and I feel like she's probably butting up against that badly -

Permalink Mark Unread

Bells do that too, I assume it's... differently.

Permalink Mark Unread

It - works better than not doing that. But - it means that even once she figures out what she wants most of what she wants will be 'proving to herself that she can still accomplish all her goals', and it's hard to navigate -

Permalink Mark Unread

...with what implications for Sibyl...

Permalink Mark Unread

If Sibyl is not interested in anything Dream doesn't want, and what Dream wants is assurance that she's as good at the things she does as she used to be - but, understand, doesn't care about those things aside from as evidence that she can function normally - then they seem likely to neither of them get what they want.

Permalink Mark Unread

I think it doesn't matter as much as it may sound like it does why Dream wants things.

Permalink Mark Unread

Then maybe they'll work through it anyway. If Sibyl thinks she's got it, I trust her - just, if she doesn't, I think I had a better sense of what he needed from me than he did and I doubt Dream'll be any better at explaining it.

Permalink Mark Unread

It may be that Sibyl has not successfully explained to Dream how little it matters why she wants things? Sibyl definitely doesn't think she's got it, though, Sibyl is - flailing and trying to do it in slow motion because she feels like everything she winds up doing in the process of flailing either does nothing or makes something worse.

Permalink Mark Unread

Maybe she also needs a talk about how Maitimos can be kind of idiots for being so smart.

Permalink Mark Unread

I think she's noticed that but doesn't know what to do about that, either. If you were looking for an excuse to self-congratulate about your effect on Bell/Maitimo relations...

Permalink Mark Unread

I could have called that from the moment he tearfully told me he'd called you disgusting in public - anyway, her Maitimo hasn't got a me and it seems like there might be some way to communicate the, uh, helpful bits they get from that -

Permalink Mark Unread

Worth a shot.

Permalink Mark Unread

Sigh. Think they'll be all right?

Permalink Mark Unread

Not sure of it.

Permalink Mark Unread

Nod. They dodge some Andalites blissed out on ice cream and head out along the river for a walk.


And he writes Sibyl - Kib's not sure if it'll help, but if you want to talk to any of us who had to put one back together afterwards -

Permalink Mark Unread

Can't hurt, can it?

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

I'm free in six hours and I can free up tomorrow morning my time if that's better.

Permalink Mark Unread

Six hours is good, that's the middle of the night here. (I'm in Edda right now, though can come to you.)

Permalink Mark Unread

Yes please, prefer to stay in awesome cosmic power neighborhood when possible.

Permalink Mark Unread

I can't imagine why. 


He drops by that evening.

Permalink Mark Unread

Predictably, Sibyl is having dinner. Hey, how're you? Want some potatoes or anything?

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm all right, thanks. How are you doing -

Permalink Mark Unread

Been better, doing all right, empires are marvelously occupying.

Permalink Mark Unread

I saw the summary on that! Nicely done. 

I - had some notes on things to mention, should I start there, or -

Permalink Mark Unread

Sounds good.

Permalink Mark Unread


They- make gestures in the direction of driving you away. It isn’t because they want you to leave. You can ask them about that, even before they’ve gotten anywhere on putting themselves back together you’ll get ‘no, why would I have a preference about that’ and after a little you’ll get ‘I want you to be happy’ and eventually you’ll get ‘no, please stay’, which was there all along but – internally unexamined for safety’s sake – anyway, the motive is something like “I am too damaged to do this right so it is better not to do it at all” – being in an ongoing state of doing wrong by someone is kind of horrible for Maitimos, see – and the other part of it is “Sauron wanted you to be hurt by me in this way, if you don’t care about me then Sauron has failed” – in Ardas where Fëanor burns the ships his alt does not tell my alt that he tried to stop it. He tells my father, because it is politically relevant – he lets my alts hear it thirdhand, and the reason he gives is “I thought it’d make it easier on you”. As if thinking he never really loved me is better -


Permalink Mark Unread

We're on "I want you to be happy". She's so good at understanding people usually and is just sort of...

Permalink Mark Unread

Yep. I don't know how much of it's actually damaged and how much of it's being unwilling to actually try when they're not sure it's real but it's -

- another thing you need to know here is that Quenya used to not distinguish in language between ‘smart as in clever, quick, capable with complex concepts’ and ‘smart as in possessed with good judgment’, and they invented the distinction because my cousins exist. Maitimo is not in fact possessed of that much common sense. And – a lot less, under the circumstances – anyway, she is not hurting you on purpose but she does know, and expect, that it’s alienating, and whatever she's saying or projecting or whatever isn't true, and if you point out that it’s working really effectively to hurt you and not at all to drive you away then she’ll cut it out -

- don’t know how that part plays out if it is, in fact, possible to drive you away, I got a lot of mileage off ‘I am as capable of ever falling out of love with you as vice versa’, but you’re human, you could in fact get over her, I’m pretty sure she’ll still cut it out if you tell her to but it probably – makes it more overt – she isn’t capable of getting over you, ever, for whatever that’s worth, which isn’t to say there isn’t a point at which you should call it quits and dump her on my alt’s doorstep, the way Elves fall in love does not confer infinite obligation – but you should know that if you do she’ll just be sadly in love with you forever and consoled by the thought she’s not inflicting herself on you - she’s pushing away, not pulling away, there’s a difference -



Permalink Mark Unread

It's possible but she's nowhere near accomplishing it.

Permalink Mark Unread

So tell her to cut it the fuck out. They do get better judgment eventually – or, rather, yours will always be better than hers but she will defer to it more unhesitatingly and the fact there are gaps will become much less apparent.


Oh, and - you aren’t hurting her, even if failing to help her hurts like hell -


Permalink Mark Unread

Lately I'm not actually sure what I'd be telling her to cut out. We've been doing empire stuff. She's doing very nicely on the empire stuff.

Permalink Mark Unread

Is she not - mine, recovering, was pretty needy -

He wouldn’t ever have admitted it, he continued to insist he didn’t want anything, but he demanded I teach him to swordfight with the left hand since I’d cut the right one off, he’d call me over at random to come stand still so he could dither for half and hour and then hug me – Loki’s talked her into teleporting him across the continent so he could show up in my alt’s rooms and interrupt whatever he was doing and demand he come cuddle with him instead -  and I am guessing the neediness isn’t any different, so it’s probably the relationship dynamic intervening? She wants – whatever the other ones got out of that, your time, your attention, assurance that you’ll drop other things for her, assurance that she can be aggressively and openly damaged at you without driving you away – but you have – hand gesture – it isn’t, itself, a part of the relationship dynamic between you that she will sometimes make unreasonable demands just because it will delight her so much that you follow them –“

Permalink Mark Unread

I mean, I'm affectionate with her, I no longer feel like I had better promptly convert to a religion that does confessions and penance if I hug her, but she doesn't solicit it. She used to, it's not like it's ruled out? Although usually she'd do it in the form of asking me if we'd get caught and that's approaching moot on the object level these days.

Permalink Mark Unread

Would that help?

Permalink Mark Unread

It'd be nice.

Permalink Mark Unread

Can you just tell her that?

Permalink Mark Unread

That it'd be nice for me if she solicited affection or that it might be good for her or both?

Permalink Mark Unread

I think knowing what you need will be more helpful to her, but if that's harder -

Permalink Mark Unread

It's not, I just feel better about it if I know it'll also be good for her, I don't like flying blind.

Permalink Mark Unread

It'll be good for her. 

Permalink Mark Unread

All right. Better presented as permission or instruction?

Permalink Mark Unread

...that I'd have a hard time guessing at from the outside - whatever's more normal for you, probably -

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I mean, if she were from Eclipse she would in fact not be a sub, so I never went around stereotyping it up.

Permalink Mark Unread

- leaning instructions. Island doesn't think it is apparent to her that you're still interested.

Permalink Mark Unread

Okay. I'm - I'm just very sensitive to the possibility of coming off as threatening.

Permalink Mark Unread

Understandably. I avoided him for the better part of a decade but that's going to mess you up more than me and she had Boots, she won't have the flashbacks, she still wants you -

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

What else do you need?

Permalink Mark Unread


On the 'her people-modeling skills are selectively failing her' front is there a good way to go around that or anything? I don't like it.

Permalink Mark Unread

That bit goes away once they think it's real. I - don't know how to get there with her, she's got to be mostly sure already -

Permalink Mark Unread

Asked her the other day if it'd be out of character for Maira to provide fake lucid dreams in which she method acted me-reading-books the entire time but apparently only a little and it's not unlikely given all the trouble this scenario represents in the first place.

Permalink Mark Unread

Was it terribly satisfying to murder her.

Permalink Mark Unread

Only regret I did it from a distance.

Permalink Mark Unread

Maybe we can figure out a way to transport 'em, let you handle some up close.

Permalink Mark Unread

That'd be delightful.

Permalink Mark Unread

Your world's strangest because it wasn't even strategic to annoy you.

Permalink Mark Unread

Is that usually strategic? Annoying Loki sure backfired.

Permalink Mark Unread

True. Maybe they just can't help themselves.

Permalink Mark Unread

Seems likely. What I don't know is how Maira was talking to Melkor before she got out.

Permalink Mark Unread

Can a postcog or something check that? Does Liz know?

Permalink Mark Unread

Haven't tried asking her, let me see - If she asks Gem to send somebody to ask -

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh - oh, if you swear by a Vala they know the content of what you swore -"

Permalink Mark Unread

She reports this to Pterodactyl. "Has some implications for Telperion."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...yeah. I think someone's been assigned to hurry the Valar on that Sauron -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Who, I should let them know -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Friend of Scroll's, I think. I'll tell him -"

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Permalink Mark Unread

"I can't quite feel surprised that the Valar didn't think of that, but -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Actually, what this makes me wonder is why people don't use it as a long-distance petitioning method in lieu of going to the beach and yelling, or vaguely wondering why they don't get off their asses, but maybe it's not common knowledge."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And swearing to things is incredibly dangerous, people mostly don't even consider it an option."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Trying to fight a Melkor while the Valar hang out at home is very cushy by comparison."

Permalink Mark Unread

"At least it leaves you in command of your own head. And we did petition them, before we left. They said they would do something when the time was right, which might not be for an Age."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Fair enough."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Did you guys -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ours were pretty occupied getting the celestial bodies ready. Which, you know, did ultimately kill Melkor, I would've mopped her up if it hadn't but it did the trick."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's outright responsible of them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. They dropped the ball hard on not telling me instantly when Mandos died and Melkor got out, but apart from neglecting to mention a couple entire species already being awakened they mostly handled themselves acceptably."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I really wonder what Eru gets out of all the species - eventually there are hobbits, too, have you met any of those -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"No, are they interesting?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not especially, to be honest."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are they," air quotes, "beautiful?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not that either, actually. They're very - you might like their cooking, actually - they live in elaborate cushy burrows underground and have teatime five times a day and gossip about their neighbors."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That sounds like a reasonable number of times a day to have teatime!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's a shame they're not a neighbor of yours!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Maybe they'll show up in Ithil eventually and invite me over."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think they're around a thousand years out, but eventually, sure."

Permalink Mark Unread

"No rush, there's a multiverse's worth of food and I'm not even tired of macaroni and cheese yet. Is there anything else I should know about Maitimë besides - I guess everything discussed so far boils down to 'tell her to ask for hugs now and then' -"

Permalink Mark Unread

" - and try to figure out a way to get her to believe in it, but you know that, and tell her what you need or when she's hurting you, because she wants you to be okay and doesn't know how to make that happen and even if it's complicated and interdependent there are probably some things -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It is very complicated and interdependent but I guess I can just produce ceteris-paribus preferences as though I was confident they applied."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You're not going to harm her by being frustrated or being upset or having needs, if that's enough confidence to be going off."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I am sort of running on the ego-syntonicity of being very patient."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That - helps, yeah."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Helps who?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"You and by extension her - because being a source of pain to you will be worse for her than meeting any particular expectation of yours would be -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, I was sort of manifesting the patience by having negligible expectations of her but apparently I should stop that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Probably, yeah - mind, she's going to be all right either way, it's more for you-"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, being very patient doesn't actually come naturally."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. So - expect more of her, it's good for her and she loves you and one of the only things she's figured out how to want is that you're happy."

Permalink Mark Unread

"She did get me an empire. It's a marvelous empire."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You should tell her so, if it hasn't come up."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I did say it was wonderful but in context it may not have been a sufficiently effusive compliment."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Mine wanted to be King again. I think expecting a lot of them is - easier for them somehow - but they do need more than usual amounts of reassurance that they're doing it right -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...and like eighty percent of the errands I send her on are counterfactual..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Very strategic but possibly not as conducive to feeling essential, yeah."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It does matter the extent to which I can rely on her to run errands efficiently with the constraints that let me see the results, I can draw attention to that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"One assumes she'd think of it, but yeah, possibly... what's my alt doing, it is possible that it'd be stabilizing for her to have a friend around -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...don't actually know what she's up to these days, we don't talk a lot by default and I have been advised that I should not apologize for counterfactually stealing her girlfriend. She used to sort of manage the eclipsed kids we'd imported but then three left and the rest were murdered, so."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You should probably not apologize for counterfactually stealing her girlfriend but you could definitely let her know how her counterfactual girlfriend is doing."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure. You want to come?"

Permalink Mark Unread

" - sure, if that'd be easier -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"'Hi, Findekánë, this is an alt of you who was in the neighborhood' is a better conversation starter than 'hi, Findekánë, I'm dropping in on you randomly'."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Then by all means I would be delighted to serve as conversation-starter."

Permalink Mark Unread

- is Findekánë free now if they drop in -

Permalink Mark Unread

She's in a meeting with Ingwë but it ends a few minutes later.

Permalink Mark Unread

"She'll be out of her meeting in a few minutes."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I have another hour. ...this planet I've been working at is a really frustrating one - two major ethnoreligious groups which hate each other and have separate United Nations-ish thingies which refuse to acknowledge the legitimacy of not just all of the other side's countries but also the existing of the other sides's United Nations-ish thing, and both of which separately applied to Vanda Nossëo for membership on the condition that the other one, not being a real planetary government, be denied membership -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Awkward! Do you have a plan yet?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Third day I said to someone disgustedly "what if we put you two on different moons and made the homeworld a separately administered tourist destination?' and both sides said emphatically that if it meant those horrible other people would be forced to stop living here they were all in favor, so that's tempting, but we're probably not actually going to move thirty billion people because they can't stand their neighbors."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If you have any high-variance strategies that pay off in under an hour fifteen minutes you know how to reach me. Is residence on the planet religiously significant?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Under some interpretations of the relevant religions but not all of them. They've got a couple moon colonies that seem to manage their lives just fine."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What neighborhood are they in?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, this is in Edda. If we do want to relocate 'em it'll be really easy."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Was actually wondering what happens if you duplicate the planet, but it's probably a bad idea."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...might work. It'd be hilariously excessive but that'd probably do a fair bit of quelling in itself."

Permalink Mark Unread

Shrug. "I'll check it for you if the Tesseract can quickly duplicate a planet, Cam takes too long for me to help."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And has better things to do with his time. So does Loki but I think she enjoys solving problems with breathtaking displays of unfathomable cosmic power and maybe enough of them will cheer the Tesseract up."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We can hope!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"If I were the Tesseract I'd be cheered by hilarious planet-duplication projects but I get the sense I have very different interests than the Tesseract. Anyway, we'll drop you a message if we're thinking of trying it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Make sure you read the protocol document for how and when to direct my attention to stuff. Your alt's free now." Pop.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, Isabella, hey!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hi! This is an alternate universe version of you."

Permalink Mark Unread

She glances assessingly at the alternate universe version of her. She raises an eyebrow slightly. Who -

Permalink Mark Unread

Maitimë - well, mine's a boy - that's part of why we're here -

Permalink Mark Unread

- huh. Is she okay -

Permalink Mark Unread

No. She will be, eventually. 

Permalink Mark Unread

"Isabella I have a plateful of truffles, want some of them? Or all of them? Thank you for dragging my alternate universe version over, apparently they weren't going to do it themselves -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"We were super curious but there's ten of us, and apparently you're running a country -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Two." Truffles?

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oooooh truffles. You're welcome." Nom.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do I not usually end up running a country or two -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Super path dependent, turns out - Shine's Maitimo's - usually the Vanyar don't really require any wrangling -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Usually they probably don't have eclipsed. Poor Ingwë."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are eclipsed troubling Ingwë?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"A couple philosophers have decided they have ethical objections to being precogged, and started lobbying for this to be accommodated! It struck a chord and now Ingwe has hundreds of conscientious objectors to precognition!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...that's genuinely inconvenient!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I know, right? How's my cousin doing -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I have solicited advice in making the answer to that question be 'better'."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...okay. And you?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I have an empire now!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I heard! Congratulations!!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's pretty swell!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I noticed my cousins disappearing one by one. I take it you've got more interesting problems than Ingwë."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Guilty. Has Maitimë been poaching too much or can you do without them?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Honestly Maitimë's the only one we've missed and she - obviated herself very neatly and carefully back before you had the coma spell together -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"And then had nothing to do and had to go conquer something, yep."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We can find her stuff to do here if that'd be good for her, I just don't know -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...not right now, I think."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. - did you need anything or -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Pterodactyl's idea. You will probably want your own nickname, your actual name being just barely unique. What exactly did you have in mind -?" she adds to Pterodactyl.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Usually we are helpful to Maitimos in recovering I think mostly for reasons that still apply, and I'm worried about the thing where yours cut off all her ties here, so you should check on her."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Can do."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You could tell her you want to open trade relations with the new empire or something, I'm not sure. She's not going to reach out to you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'd noticed. I'll look out for her, if you think it'd help."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I do think so."

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"Okay." And to Isabella, "in that case tell my cousin that everyone misses her and that if she's not in fact gonna die she should show up next Elenya and be reassuringly alive at them, there's a dance and state dinner and so on."

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"I'll let her know. Thank you."

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"My pleasure. If it helps there can be a bunch of them."

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"She makes it hard to tell if things help or not, but good to know."

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"- oh, because - fuck. Uh, at a guess, state dinners and so forth help."

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"That'd be my guess too."

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"Thank you for saving her. No one could possibly have worked themselves harder to do it."

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Sigh. "You're welcome."

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She looks uncertainly at Pterodactyl.

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Don't think we can be much comfort there.

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Okay. "- I have another meeting -"

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"We'll get out of your way. See you."

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"See you."

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I should head home too - let me know if there's anything else -

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Will do.

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Isabella goes home to her empire and runs six versions of a conversation with Maitimë about adding her to the list of people from whom to solicit hugs, looking for the least discouraging result.

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Blink. "I wasn't sure what you wanted -"

Blink. - "Sorry, of course. How frequently?"

Blink. "I - yes, all right -"

Blink. "You're busy - I'm sorry -"

Blink. "Can I register an ongoing solicitation for hugs?"

Blink. "Uh, okay -"

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- and Isabella promotes the second-to-last to reality and hugs her.

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Hug. "Love you - missed you - wasn't sure what you wanted - I asked Island about getting married but I wasn't - we're not -"

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"- we're not what?" (Hug hug hug.)

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"I think even the try-hard-and-believe-in-yourself kind of marriage requires more contact than we've had."

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"Sure it does with an attitude like that." Beat. "In all seriousness the limited contact is entirely me being timid about my inability to read you, cheating with precognition only helps if I ever get something to go on, I'm not a diviner and it would be really not okay with me if I made a wrong turn somewhere and you were too cagey to safeword and too good an actor to flinch. If you want to try getting married we can do that, though."

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"I know you wouldn't want that, I wouldn't let you do that by accident, I love you. I - don't know if I want to get married, we should - talk about it sometime, though -"

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Snuggle. "I love you. Don't know if you want to get married even for diagnostic purposes or don't know if you'd want to stay that way afterwards or something else?"

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"There's a lot of things we should work out before we think about a not diagnostic marriage - are you even okay, it has been not at all clear to me -"

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"...I'm fine and didn't think I was being confusing about that?"

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"I'm reading everything three ways, it doesn't help any, but - you've been really, really, really busy."

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"I like being busy. - It's really not quite fair but I see more of you than you do of me, you run a lot of counterfactual errands for me, it's not worth spending your actual time on any that are just fact-finding or don't pan out, but you're always there when I need you, I really appreciate it and should've said so more."

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"Glad to be counterfactually useful."

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"It only works because you are also factually useful."

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"I am - happy with being around accessible to go do things you mostly don't actually need done but I'd like seeing you more, too."

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Smooch. "Can do."

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"Or you can just send periodic updates - 'whatever your terrifyingly-no-longer-reliable sensors are saying, I am happy, just so you know' -"

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"Aw, lovely. A lot of Empire-running activities aren't urgent or at fixed times, I can make space."

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"Sure, I just don't want you to feel like you'll mess me up if something is urgent."

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"Oh, no, I'm assuming you got me an empire because you believed this would free up all my time to do nothing but dote on you."

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"I wasn't actually planning to get you an empire it was just so unacceptably run."

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"So unacceptable!" Kiss.

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What happens if she pets her hair -

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It takes her a moment but she leans in.

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"Most things I do do not actually require in-real-life going anywhere, which means they are compatible with hanging out with your head in my lap. You probably do not need to worry about dragging me away from my responsibilities."

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"I will do that."

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"Good. I love you." Scritch scritch.

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She puts her head in Isabella's lap and waits for something awful to happen and refuses to be miserable in anticipation because she promised she wouldn't do that. Isabella's happy and that's so good. She can handle this and that's so good.

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Nothing horrible happens at all! Isabella holds her computer with one hand and pets Maitimë with the other and bounces her some of her counterfactual errands.

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All these people she doesn't actually get to talk to! She should have considered this problem sooner.

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"You can actually talk to more of them if you want, especially if any of this reads to you as likely to leave them friendlier in the long run."

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"Might be sometimes worth it."

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Kiss. "I don't have to completely monopolize you to feel like I'm getting enough attention."

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"I think I just have a milder version of the problem you've been having - if you were feeling neglected would you tell me - no - so how can I be sure enough -"

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"I have since received extradimensional advice. I won't let it get there, promise."

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"Thank you."

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"You're welcome. I love you."

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"I love you. I'm so sorry."

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"It's okay." Pet pet.

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It is a few snuggly days before Isabella asks, "So with the infohazard about getting married around do you want to not have sex until it'd be okay if your expectations slipped -? Predictions not being quite reliable about anything where I'm, uh, there, taking imperfectly replicable actions."

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"If it turns out to be distressing in some unexpected way and Loki's not ready for another batch I think I'd manage - it's one-sided, right -"

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"Gem and Joy are, yeah. And so's Minassë. Psions could probably patch that but it might count as an ongoing magical effect and require attention, and nobody's gone for it."

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"I am okay with that risk."

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"Good." Kiss.

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Kiss. Quiet disentangling of the contents of her head so everything won't be horrible.

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Isabella does not even slightly turn into Maira!

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That's really good. 

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And after about... an hour... she is very snuggly. Soooo snuggly.

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An hour because Isabella was checking, presumably. She is okay. She is so okay. She will be snuggled.

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Isabella was definitely checking, she does not want to alarm her lovely. Snuggle snuggle.

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Not being alarmed is hard. There is a switch that flicks in her brain, that leaves her feeling - not afraid, but braced for something, firmly convinced that this is going to happen no matter what but if she's pretty and lovely and careful this might be all that happens, and this is all right, isn't it -

- it's a switch, she can flick it back, and she does, more than for Isabella than for herself because she doesn't, personally, mind it much. It's a sort of safety. But Isabella'd care. Every time she feels her brain settling into the protective conviction that she just needs to be good and not disrupt the illusion, she switches it off. It is much better than being ignored. 


Snuggle snuggle. See, not alarmed at all.

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Good. Contented sigh. "I love you."

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"Love you. Thank you. For everything."

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"You're welcome, lovely." Pet pet.

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"There is a lot of confused speculation about how we're teleporting. My favorite wild internet theory is that you reeclipsed when Arda did and are a terrifying magepsion now."

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"Ooh, that would've been fun."

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"I know! We don't technically have a large enough sample size to say that's impossible but it doesn't seem likely."

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"It doesn't. Although the possibility of a second chance at eclipsing in a new world is potentially concerning, might have to redo control training for a second type of magic... I'll have to keep an eye out."

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"Yeah, if it did happen it could be a bit of a disaster, what with you having eaten a ton to manage lookaheads."

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"Yep. Fortunately I am seldom on planets I did not expect to be an hour previously and I will definitely make extra sure of that on any planets due eclipses."

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"And other eclipsed hop lots less than you but should also probably have you look out for it."

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"Yeah. Definitely needs attention."

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"Also got people who didn't eclipse on Earth who wanna hang out in Arda next eclipse of ours, in case you get two chances at it. I'm sort of inclined to let them, assuming they fast -"

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"Yeah, agreed, the distribution of eclipses is pretty unfair and giving some people a second shot seems all to the good if they want it and prep."

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"And aging and so forth'll be solved faster."

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"Can also run out-of-universe people by, though it's less use to them."

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"Yeah. Doesn't take long to try it though."

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"And even less time to check what would happen if we tried."

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"Yup. I like being a precog."

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"I noticed! Though apparently you might want to stay out of Valimar. Luckily nothing interesting ever happens there."

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"I wouldn't want to offend the poor conscientious objectors."

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"It's such a strange thing to decide you have a urgent principle about."

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"It isn't that odd, some people on Earth complain too but they usually compromise what with the thing where we save the world a few times every couple years."

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"You'd think that'd help, yeah."

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"It'd be a much less appealing time investment if we were only allowed to use it for eclipses and watching dedicated precog-informant channels and not for everyday!"

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"Not to mention how unenforceable -"

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"Yeah, totally, you'd need to have invasive psions checking everybody to see if they were working on it, and then you have a who-psions-the-psions problem..."

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"Ingwe hasn't decided on a policy but she's just assuming she'll have total voluntary compliance."

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"Less farfetched there than it would be most places. Long as they have a way to call out if they have an eclipse problem and aren't too stubborn to do it."

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"I assume it will be impressed upon them."

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Nod. "Findekánë's on it. And says that you should go attend a dance and a state dinner on Elenya and be reassuringly alive at people as long as you are in fact going to stay that way."

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"Oh, that sounds fun. Shall we dance and upset everyone?"

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"Finally time to cast off the burden of secrecy?"

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"I don't know but it's mildly tempting and it's not as if I have political influence on Arda to squander."

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"You have potential to reacquire it, so there's that, but it is true you don't have much incentive to carefully hoard it anymore. They're not relying on me as the sole eclipsed-with-trained-up-capacities now so I don't need to be managing my reputation, although frankly if anyone has managed not to notice that Eclipse humans are default bisexual and unimpressed with Elf norms... Anyway we can in fact turn up married within an Elf-while if someone suggests we prove how approved we are, there's that."

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"Yeah. Has anyone got divorces, how'd the Valar take that -"

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"Nobody yet, couple people think they're close. Valar have not to my knowledge been informed."

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"That'll be fun."

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"Given Loki's chat with that other Eru, if the Valar consult ours on divorce... and we get them to ask her why, if she says she doesn't like it... wonder what they'd think of that."

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"I - bet she'd phrase it in some way that didn't make them feel like she's a sadistic jerk."

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"Suppose they'd believe the transcript of Loki's conversation?"

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"They'd probably ask their Eru if it was real."

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"I'm not totally clear on the honesty policy of Erus but let's say she confirmed it."

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"...I don't know. At all."

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"Me either. They don't have, like, great motives, but they have... different, better ones."

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"They care about people. Badly, but they do."

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"Morally relevant trait of universes," snorts Isabella.

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"The standard trajectory is the best way a universe could be."

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"It's so great, we're very ungrateful."

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"What'd be a spectacularly tragic way for her to die -"

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"Yeah, that was Loki's idea too. Inconveniently previous Eru comments on the Space Arda trajectory suggest that they like death the most if somebody's sad about it, so it might involve emotional collateral damage..."

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"I will be so sad."

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"...yeah, gonna need to polish the acting skills before you can fool an Eru, lovely."

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She bursts into almost-convincing tears.

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"Love you."

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"Love you." And now there are tears on her lovely and they should stop being there and she calls her sleeve into service.

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She stops being on any level sad about Eru.

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