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it is the inevitable tendency of glowfic protagonists with repeatable interworld travel to go peal
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"....Right. I - am glad you agree." 


And, in parallel: 

"I am deeply afraid that we - are following the wrong decision process, somehow. In some way I do not even understand, if I did I would say it, but - just - if we land in the worst case scenario over and over again, in world after world - and it would not surprise me at all for that to happen - surely, something must be very wrong..." 


"- Yes, that is not false. It - is also not complete. The world could be that tragic - there is no law of nature that the best option available to us, given what we care about, will be a good one." 


"I think you ought go with her, and - that if anyone can succeed at finding us an alternative in time, you two can. I think it is worthwhile, and...



...well, it is convenient that it will also hurt you less than staying here, no?" 








"- Do you have any advice. For - being her ally...?" 


"Honestly I think, as the one among us who is not human, I am the worst person to ask!" 



A hesitation. 

"If you want my advice anyway: be who you are. And show it to her, loudly, in words - as she said, it will go better if you are very candid - and in actions. I think that if you do that, in the end she will be less confused, and - can make the choices that she endorses based on her own goals and values. Which is what you want, I think." 


"...Mostly? I - also wish for her to like me and care about me..." 


"And it seems likely that she does, and will. I cannot imagine that being alone together on a tiny Void-ship for months will hurt, there!" 


"What if we end up on opposite sides of the war." 


"- Then I cannot say what she would feel. I do not know her mind. Would you love her less?" 


Ma'ar blinks. 






"...I do not think I would feel differently. Probably that is - very stupid in some way..." 


"No, actually, I do not think so. You can love a person because you see what they are, and they can love you for what you are, and - perhaps there are inconvenient and tragic worlds in which what you are and what they are put you on opposite sides. But it does not change the patterns." 


This is a relief to hear and also confusing and painful and frightening and, in short, Ma'ar has no idea how he's supposed to feel about it. 

"...Thank you." 


"In the long run," Leareth is saying, "if we are going to keep - picking these battles, across all of the worlds - then we need a much better method of maintaining infosec. Staging on Mhalir's ship is a start, I suppose, but -" apologetic metaphorical glance at metaphorical Mhalir who is right now sharing his head, "- I am not sure to what extent I fully trust all of his staff, and running a starship takes many people." 


Ma'ar speaks up for the first time even though he is still SO INTIMIDATED. 

"I - guess the Void-ship isn't much good as a base. Since it's tiny and also it sounds like we're planning on sending it off with the other Ma'ar. But - maybe we could make something like that?" 


"Or find a conveniently-located world that does not have any hostile gods, perhaps." 


Sigh. "I can go over Urtho's list - and ask Mhalir for his, I suppose..." 


And, elsewhere:

"Are you going to be all right?" Aroden asks Mhalir. 


"- What? Yes, I - am fine." 



"...It is very upsetting. On multiple levels. But - I will manage, I think." 


"I believe that she spoke truly, when she said that she did not feel wronged by you." 









"I just - 


- I want it to be all right again. Somehow." 


"I know. I - cannot tell you for certain that you will end up on the same side, in whatever ends up happening, here." 


"...I want -" 


"I think - I hope - that perhaps there is some way for things to be all right either way, between you. I cannot promise, but... 



- Talk to Ma'ar, when the two of them are back after their travels - well, if they come back, but I think they will in the end. And hopefully he will understand better, by then." 

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