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it is the inevitable tendency of glowfic protagonists with repeatable interworld travel to go peal
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He holds Leareth, and hugs him, and listens, and eventually - 


:Okay. So you've got the unmarried Carissa, who strongly objects to what you're planning to do in Hell, and yours who hasn't offered an opinion, and - soon the other Ma'ar and Aroden too - what a meeting that will be - and then also we'd better figure out what to do about the Elf planets but ...not urgently, sounds like?:


:Less urgently, at least, I hope. ...And Mhalir seems very distressed about the values difference with his Carissa, I - am not sure if that will cause problems in itself: 


:If I and another me disagreed on something I'd expect we could through it and end up agreeing, or agreeing on what we weren't sure of? I don't know if that will work for Carissa because I get the sense that a lot of this for her is about - one of them being a follower of Iomedae and one not....:


:I think that two of me would also be able to talk and end up agreeing or at least agreeing on our disagreements? also less sure that this can work between the two Carissas. And - I want to help, but I am also not sure if this is the sort of thing where - any effort toward helping from me will end up making things worse, if I do not understand what I am doing...:


He successfully resists the urge to observe that women are very complicated and confusing; it is true but it will not increase Leareth's overall confidence in his judgment here.  :I might in your position start by talking to the one that is your wife? Until you understand all of the pieces of her thinking about it, and maybe which ones the other one is doing differently? And I might.... do you think she's thought of something everyone else is missing or that she's missing something or are you not sure?:


Leareth considers it. :- I am not sure. On your last question, I mean. It - would seem at least somewhat surprising, if - she were seeing something that both Aroden and I had missed, but - it is worth paying attention for the case in which she has, right: 


:It would be pretty surprising but it's a useful frame to have in mind while talking to her even if it's very unlikely, I'd think, just because people put in more effort to talking if you think there's something there to learn from them.


How's your Carissa taking it?:


:- I am not sure: He considers it for a moment. :I - think it is hard for her? But she has not shared the exact details of her feelings with me, and...I have not asked, perhaps I should...: 


:It would obviously upset most people in Cheliax immensely, if it ends up happening. Those being - their friends and family, some of them still alive...




:I - think my Carissa is - not sure how to be upset about that? ...In any case she seems to have fewer emotions about it than I do:


:I think your Carissa doesn't really have a lot of - experience having or articulating moral opinions.:


:...Yes, that seems right. And - the other Carissa has been trying to do that more, seems that mostly, as a result, she is suffering very greatly...: 


:Which hardly encourages the habit. I don't really know how to fix that but her Mhalir could ... think about whether there are moral decisionmaking things he would feel comfortable delegating to her? I guess that's harder when they share the same head...:


:They are not sharing the same head right now - it seemed they both needed space, and Tadesse's sister Ayodele was happy to take Mhalir for a bit. I - could ask him about that idea, once he is back from his travels: 


:It's an odd coincidence, that Mhalir even met her.:


:...I had that thought too. And - I suppose it is less a coincidence, that given Mhalir's operations in their Golarion, Aroden noticed and kidnapped her, but... There is still a notable echo of our own world's history, there: 


:I wonder what force makes - the same story repeat itself over and over, as promised -:


:I really have no idea: 


:I don't think I like it. It's not a very good story. Even if it does have you in it.: Squeeze. :And I feel frustrated that - it seems like it should be such good news, learning about other worlds that have invented things we haven't and can travel here! I wish the gods could just - sort things out -:


:I hate it: Leareth agrees. :Feeling like a pawn of - some greater Power, nudging me in the direction it chooses...: A long sigh. :But - given that we are here, and the world is as we find it - I am not sure what to do except to keep going: 


Nod. :Do you think you'll go to war with Hell? Or is it just - whatever Aroden thinks -:


:I think we will act on this information and these new resources somehow. I - very badly hope it can be something other than a war, but... Iomedae agreed that even She could not be sure we could do better than they did: 


He grimaces. Nods. :Well. A lot of people get eaten in Abaddon who'd probably choose Hell, instead, if it were a nice place to live.:



There are other arguments he could add, but Leareth doesn't really feel like getting more into it, right now. Maybe, for a little while longer, he can just rest and cuddle in Khemet's arms and not make any plans at all. 

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