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it is the inevitable tendency of glowfic protagonists with repeatable interworld travel to go peal
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(Ma'ar is captivated!!!! It's so engaging!!!) 


:If the movie were about you it would be boring because you would have won in ten minutes without having ever been in real danger.:


What a stupid thing to cause intense emotional pain! This is so stupid! She starts inconspicuously trying to cut off circulation to her finger with a string of thread in order to experience pain that is less utterly stupid.


Mhalir can - kind of tell that his Carissa is sad? And he wants to hug her, or - something - he doesn't know what would even help, at this point...


James Bond gets the plans in order to steal the device, and they hurry to escape the city! However, once on the train, Bond's ally discovers a Soviet agent following them! He recruits Bond to help subdue the agent! Bond leaves his ally with said agent and goes to talk to Romanova - 

- but then the Irish assassin "Red" kills Bond's ally! Forcing James Bond to stay on the train, and also question what Romanova is really up to here! 

Eventually the train arrives at its destination, and Bond passes on news of his ally's death and gets instructions to travel to another city and meet a fellow British agent. However! Said agent has already been killed and then impersonated by "Red"! Who drugs Romanova at a dinner and then overpowers James Bond! 

He then reveals that Romanova has been a pawn in the criminal organization's plan all along! He intends to kill both of them and fake it to look like a murder-suicide, and leave behind a trail of faked evidence to further scandalize Britain's government!


...For propaganda this is surprisingly tense. Ma'ar finds himself shivering and wanting to curl up against Carissa. 


It's the spectacularly good angles and the way the viewpoint changes, it makes it feel like you're really there. She can hold Ma'ar too, she has two arms and everything.



She doesn't even really want kids but now she's jealous of that, too. This is amazingly stupid. She had a good life and will have it again if she can get over herself and apologize to Mhalir and be persuaded about - she isn't going to think about that right now -


James Bond tricks "Red" into setting off a booby trap in his secret bag of weapons and then kills him! Bond and Romanova steal the tape of their night together and flee on the train, using "Red"'s prepared contingency-plan for escaping! They evade several attacks by the criminal organization and eventually reach safety. 

There's a slightly confusing sequence where the criminal organization learns of "Red"'s failure and death, and their enigmatic leader has one of the other characters executed for the failure. The organization has already promised to sell 'Russia' the cryptography device, so another agent is ordered to kill Bond and retrieve it!

Said agent finds Bond and Romanova while they're recovering in a hotel! He sneaks into their room disguised as a servant and then orders Romanova to leave the room while he holds Bond captive at gunpoint! 

However! Romanova dives back in and tackles the agent to the ground! In the ensuing struggle she grabs his gun and shoots and kills him! 

Their mission now accomplished, James Bond and Romanova spend some time on a romantic boat ride together. Bond is shown tossing the recording of their night together into the water. 


Ma'ar flinches and tenses up at all of the deaths, but eventually relaxes into Carissa's shoulder. 


Carissa is relaxed about all of the deaths, which are after all pretend. "Earth looks like so much fun! - I know this is their propaganda, but still."


:I like how they stole their enemy's plan for escaping: Leareth acknowledges in Mindspeech to his Carissa. :And it was rather well paced - I could not fully relax until the end: 


"Movies are really good." Carissa has her hands folded in her lap and can no longer feel one finger aside from occasional spikes of nerve pain.


"They really are! I am quite impressed." 


Mhalir is vaguely worried about his Carissa, but he's been worried this entire time and he doesn't have anything less vague to offer, right now. 


Ma'ar is yawning. "I - should go to bed..." 


"I suppose you had better." And Leareth turns to Mhalir's Carissa. "- Where would you like to sleep tonight? We do have a spare room, I could set up a bed for you there -"


"That sounds good, thank you."


Leareth gets this ready for her.


She layers an illusion of not mangling a second finger over her hands, where she is mangling a second finger.


"Do you have a ring of sustenance? It doesn't look like it -"


"Oh, it's a combined ring of sustenance and ring of continuation. It's cheaper to do that than to make one of them fully noninterfering so I can wear them both on the same hand."


"I would kill for that except then I'd lose my cleric levels."


- she has a really cutting rejoinder, there, but she twists the twine around her fingers and doesn't say it. 


" - sorry."

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