the ellie-who-lived
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Ellie rolls out of bed to fetch Anathema's.


She bounces in bed a bit. "Do we open them right away?"


"Unless you want to wait until after breakfast."


She hums. "I'm really excited, but we can wait if you want?"


"Now's good."


Bounce!!! She gets down from bed to sit next to the pile on the floor.

"I'm gonna open your gifts first!"


Hee. "Okay. I'll start with the ones on top."


She picks out the most colorful of Ellie's gifts, undoing the paper very very carefully.

(The one on top of Ellie's pile is a small box, a bit smaller than palm sized, wrapped in a dark paper with subtle moving waves and a big sparkly purple bow and a tag saying 'To Ellie, From Anathema'.)


She pulls the ribbon undone and cracks open the paper with a finger.


It's... A jewelry box! Bearing the logo of a place she glimpsed in Diagon Alley.

(Anathema is currently hugging the pink and blue cat stuffed animal.)


Oh, that's fancy. What's inside?


A necklace, it looks like - one half of a heart, fairly elegant and simple, with a silver frame and a mirrored surface with 'Best' etched on it.

And then the mirror part flashes, showing a very small and lightly distorted view of... Skin, maybe? And Anathema's voice whispers from it, "Hi!"

The effect's slightly spoiled by how she's sitting across from Ellie, whispering into her palm and grinning.


"That's so cool!"


She laughs, letting go of her half of the necklace, and Ellie's returns to a normal mirror. "Yeah! It's a two way mirror." She scootches closer. "There's a little bit on the top - see?" She points to a little ornamentation. "You press down on that to make them connect." She shows Ellie hers, which is the matching other half of the heart and says 'Friends.' "They're small so they're not super good at picking sounds up, though."


"Still though. Thanks!"


Heee. "I'm glad you like it!"


What's next?


Seems to be another present from Anathema - a deck of tarot cards with moving paintings and a little explanatory booklet that these can be used for divination, but that unlike most methods they won't advise you about your future with much accuracy. Rather, they'll point to trends and themes in your life, but are strongest when used as a tool for introspection. Also there's a bunch of popular card games involving them. Anathema's packed it with a thin book on introductory tarot. (That seems to be the last gift from Anathema, at least that's really easily evident.)

Anathema opens her jewelry and promptly fills her hair with sparklies, laughing.


"You like them?"


"Yeah! They're great."


"I was definitely selecting for sparkliness."


Giggle. "It's almost like you've met me."


"Maybe a bit."


She laughs and pulls the last of Ellie's three gifts over, quickly unearthing (and hugging) the dragon, before glancing over the small pile of everything else. "I wonder who else gave us things?"


"I know Professor Reynolds at least got something for you." Are there any tags on the other things?

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