the ellie-who-lived
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"That," she says, "Would be cool." She pauses, clearly thinking. "And animagus forms can be of extinct animals..."


"So it's possible..."


"I'd say so, though I wouldn't hang my hopes on any one outcome."


"Right. But it's still fun to think about."


"Very much so. And wandless magic is a broad, fascinating field."


"How does it work?"


"It varies pretty widely with tradition - your Potions and Herbology classes represent one field of wandless magic, for instance, whereas casting wizarding spells without a wand is another, rituals of the British Isles are a third, Ogham textual magic is a fourth, innate talents like metamorphagi are a fifth, broomstick flight is a sixth... Just of ones represented natively within our own Isles."

"I learned the Standard American Chant style initially, and expanded that knowledge in secondary school. That particular style is intensely rooted in European traditions of wandless magic, but has evolved in its own direction and picked up influences from many other sources, especially from the huge variety of Native American and African diaspora traditions... And some plain creativity from muggleborns."


"What's that like?"


"Chants work on magical words, predominantly - wanded magic does often includes incantations, though incantations are secondary to the wand and can more easily be omitted. Incantations provide specificity - important when you're first learning, and your wandwork might not be precise - as well as focus and deliberation. They're almost always short and sometimes only tangentially tied to the spell's effect. An incantation is a name of a spell, as much as anything, which is why a lot of spell incantations aren't actually in grammatically valid Latin - they don't need to be."

"Chants are different. By default, a chant is a long, rhythmic description of what you want to happen. Many are designed to be repeated, and many chant traditions are innately rooted in the idea of group practice. There's well defined chants, which beginners should stick to, but it's much easier to innovate once you get a feel. Chants usually aren't the sort of things we'd actually say when talking - they're a lot more like poetry, with different traditions often representing different poetic norms. Standard American practice emphasizes sung chants, in English, with distinct meters and often rhymes. It encourages but does not require group practice, and also encourages the incorporation of symbol and movement - such as specific clothing, dances, ritual baths before major workings, the use of candles, and the like."

"Talented practitioners can use shorter chants for the same effect, and it's actually possible to omit speaking entirely, though it's hard to perform without any movement or use of symbolism - a chant is a communication, so you could use sign language without much difficulty, but it's not a meditative tradition - there must be an attempt to project meaning outward."


"That's... a lot different from what we do here."


"It is! Which is part of why it's so interesting."

"I also know some meditative traditions, too, and those are different in yet another direction."




"It might be interesting, sometime, to set up a club for chant or meditative magic..." She runs her hand through her hair, sighing. "Maybe if I can get Headmaster Dumbledore to hire another TA..."


"Maybe next year."


"Something to dream about, at least."





"How's your break been, by the way?"


"Good. I've been getting ahead on reading and stuff, since I joined the Quidditch team. And we made wreathes."


"I've been having lots of fun, too. I tried to join the Quidditch team too, as a reserve, but I dunno if Professor Flitwick will approve me yet..."


"All excellent."

"Are you enjoying Quidditch, then?"


"Flying's fun. We've only had one practice so far."


"I dunno I'd be trying out if Ellie wasn't on the team? But it's not a bad game, and I like flying, and the team people are nice..."


Smile. "It's good you're enjoying it."


"Regular exercise, at least."


"I've heard that's supposed to be good for you. Especially when growing."

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