the ellie-who-lived
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"I believe you," Professor Reynolds says, steadying her voice. "And regardless of his past, his behavior today and to all his students is inexcusable." Deep breath.

And then she casts a quick spell, causing a few numbers to float in front of her. "I'll do everything in my power to help you with your complaint, but first..."

"Ten points to your Houses for each of you, for standing up for one other. Another five points to Hufflepuff for Sophie Roper, for rallying your classmates. Ten to Oliver Rivers, for being the first to follow Anathema. Five to Ellie Potter, for thinking to bring this to my attention."

Softly, looking at Anathema, "And fifty points to Ravenclaw for Anathema Canta, for not letting injustice stand."

It's easily more than twice back what Snape took away. There's a few relieved sighs from the other students - they mostly don't really buy into the House Cup stuff yet, but they get that everyone else takes it super seriously.


Ellie squeezes Anathema's hand gently.

"Thank you for helping, Professor."


Anathema hiccups and squeezes back. "Thanks," she says, softer.


She gives them a soft smile back. "Helping students is my job," she says.

"Now...The first step is taking this to Headmaster Dumbledore. For that, a single spokesperson - which Miss Potter has done very well at - is best, though he'll likely ask everyone else for corroboration."

"But... Headmaster Dumbledore hasn't taken all complaints seriously before, sad to say. It might be best to start thinking about a written complaint, with one coherent main story and supporting notes and signatures from all of you. It'll be strengthened if first years from the other two classes add corroborating complaints, and if you can get support from the upper years and anyone who has family on the school board. That should be submitted to the school board - I'll help you make copies, so you can send it to each member."

"That's a more formal action - and more drastic, some would say." She takes a deep breath. "The school board will likely want proof of the Death Eater accusation, or at least credible witnesses..."

The Hufflepuff who'd backed up Anathema bites her lip. "My aunt wasn't even supposed to tell me, and I don't want her in trouble..." She glances at Anathema. "But I'll put it under my signature, if Anathema's source doesn't wanna put theirs."


Anathema shifts uncomfortably.


"If they're in Slytherin, they won't want to. Professor Snape will still be their Head of House at the time the complaint is submitted."


"Maybe we can try talking to them..." one of the Ravenclaws (Terry) says, a bit hesitantly. "But yeah. Though Ravenclaw lets anyone in. We can just steal them. And then he won't be their Head of House anymore."

"Hufflepuff takes all the rest," Sophie says. "We'll steal them too."

Anathema snort giggles a bit. "I dunno that'll be enough..."


"I might be able to set up a method for anonymous comments, if there's students who fear reprisal."


"That may help."


She nods. "I'd hope so." Sigh. "Do you all feel up to talking to Professor Dumbledore right now?"


"I do."


There's murmurs of assent from all the students present.


Professor Reynolds nods, standing. "Alright. I'll lead the way, then, and I'll introduce the complaint to Headmaster Dumbledore."


Off they go again.


The Headmaster's office is a bit of a trek. It's guarded by the statue of a gargoyle, who leaps out of the way when Professor Reynolds gives the password - apparently a type of candy - and then up some moving stairs. The office itself is big and full of paintings and statues and books and a bunch of weird odds and ends, and the Headmaster himself is sitting at a desk covered in paper, with a large bird, feathers in brilliant shimmering reds and oranges and golds, on a perch next to him.

"Fay!" he says. "I must say, this is quite the surprise - and with it seems all of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff's first years. What ever could be the matter?"

Professor Reynolds takes a deep breath, and: "Albus. We are here to submit a complaint against Professor Severus Snape for inappropriate, biased, and cruel behavior to students under his care. Additionally, accusations have surfaced that he was one of Voldemort's Death Eaters before being exonerated. We would like an opportunity to settle this informally, before taking it to the school board - or higher."

His expression goes grave. "That is quite a serious set of accusations, Fay," he says. "I would like to hear the story from the students themselves, please."


Ellie steps forward to repeat the story. (Incidentally placing herself between Dumbledore and Anathema.)


He listens silently. And then: "Miss Canta, can you share your source - "

"No, because you might get them in trouble," she says, speaking quickly, her voice shaking a bit, "And they might not want anyone to know. But it doesn't matter who told me, 'cause it's true."

He sighs, but before he can say anything else -


"You were at all the trials, Albus," Professor Reynolds snaps, "You know the truth of the accusations as well as anyone."

He regards her, expression unreadable, then inclines his head. "Professor Severus Snape was indeed accused at the time," he says, gently, "But I found the evidence exonerating him rather convincing. I do not believe he is a threat to students."

"Does," Professor Reynolds takes a deep breath, "Does he have a bloody Dark Mark - "

Headmaster Dumbledore replies, voice still pitched to be soothing, "You know as well as I do that the Mark was placed even on those who were controlled or coerced, Fay."

Professor Reynolds' expression is incandescently furious. "You..." Deep breath. "I won't detract from this complaint," she says, voice tight, "By delving into this particular disagreement at this time. The complaint submitted, taken on its own, regardless of anything that did or did not happen prior to nine this morning, represents unprofessional and inexcusable behavior on behalf of anyone representing this institution, let alone instructing its children."

Headmaster Dumbledore folds his hands in front of himself, calmly. Almost serenely. "Prior behavior is rather illustrative, however, when considering anything that might be done about a complaint, and Professor Snape has a rather exemplary record. Furthermore, he has the right to explain his side of events to me. I will speak to him this evening, after the last of his classes." He turns to look at the other students. "Do any of you have anything to add - ?"

The others all nod, adding at the very least, "Ellie's not lying" or "Anathema never lies, even if she did something wrong." (That last from Lisa, one of their dorm mates.)

Professor Reynolds watches through all this, expression stony.

Headmaster Dumbledore nods through their recounting, then: "Well, this is quite a mess," he says. "I promise I'll see that it's all straightened out. Why don't you all go and get some sunshine though?" He chuckles. "You seem to have a surprise free period, after all, and this is quite a lot to be worrying about."


"If I might add one more comment before we go, Headmaster?"


He inclines his head a bit, eyes twinkling. "Yes, Miss Potter?"


"Regardless of your further actions this morning, I have no intention of attending any class taught by Professor Snape for the remainder of my time at this institution. Sir."


There's a chorus of agreements from the other students.

Headmaster Dumbledore just sighs. "It might be best to table that discussion until I have decided on my further actions," he says. "But I will take that under advisement." He pauses. "Thank you all for bringing this to my attention. I do find it's better for problems to see the light early, rather than be allowed to fester."


This problem has already been allowed to fester for ten years, she doesn't say.

Time to leave.


Everyone leaves with her.

Once they're in the hallway - away from the gargoyle, even - Professor Reynolds says, voice still tight, "I do believe it's time to start working on that formal complaint." She takes a deep breath, squeezing her eyes shut.



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