Metamancer Kaede in Henshin
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Well at least it gets better afterwards, then.

He starts reciting a similar litany to the one that changed his body, but appropriately different this time.


"It's like a muscle--you gain stamina as you exercise it," she explains. 

And, yep, that is a very pretty boy.


Makes sense. But it does eventually tire you out?


He nods. By the way you never did tell me what spells you have.


"Oh, right. Gimme a minute to make a list, I usually don't think of them like that."


What do you think of them like?


"Like...they're there, and I use them, and when I need one I think of it, but I don't usually try to think about 'the set of spells that I have'."


"Huh. Okay."


"Or at least I don't think of them as a set in terms of pondering each individual one." She gets out some paper and begins listwriting.


I usually do. Think in sets, that is. I like having an organised list of all resources at my disposal in my head.


"That's probably wise. I seem to make do," she shrugs.


To be fair I rarely need to access my resources like that.


"Yeah, not doing it hasn't bitten me yet."




She finishes her list.

  • Mind Mirror
  • Si Vales Valeo
  • Synchronicity
  • Psionic Blast
  • Ironwill Shield
  • Soul Aria
  • Wings of the Mind's Eye
  • Third Eye Burning Sear
  • Axiomatic Restoration
  • Third Eye Annhilation Beam
  • Mind Palace Gateway
  • Perfect Scream
  • Perception Periapt
  • True Heart Speech
  • Pure Dispel
  • Graceful Image



He whistles. That's a very large list. Would you be upset if I asked what they all did? And perhaps asked for a demonstration of each?


"Mind Mirror is a mind-reading spell--it summons a mirror with a representation of a person's thoughts shown in it, and you can step inside the mirror to get automatic interpretation. Si Vales Valeo is sympathetic healing. Synchronicity is fusion. Psionic Blast is a sort of ray attack. Ironwill Shield is a magical barrier. Soul Aria is projective empathy. Wings of the Mind's Eye is my wings. Third Eye Burning Sear is a stronger ray attack than Psionic Blast. Axiomatic Restoration undoes an increased-entropy action that occurred within a short amount of time ago; the longest I've been able to push it to is fifteen seconds. Third Eye Annihilation Beam is a stronger ray attack than Third Eye Burning Sear. Mind Palace Gateway is an upgrade of the Mind Mirror that lets you move stuff around while you're in there. Perfect Scream is a sort of--nerve disruptor. Perception Periapt is a stealth thing. True Heart Speech is the telepathy. Pure Dispel is antimagic. Graceful Image is illusions."


You can still do the earlier versions of spells you've got upgraded?


"Yeah. It's--it's a new spell that's like an old one but better, not an alteration to the existing spell."


"Can you show me? Both?"


"Well, not here. It might be better to wait until we have another reason to be somewhere it's convenient to fire a couple of high-energy weapons."


What about the mirror one?


"That one I can do. Mind Mirror!" she casts, and an ornately-framed full-length mirror appears, depicting a city with people milling around in it, almost all looking to varying degrees like her.


And the magic?

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