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Anakin Skywalker takes a detour to Neverwinter
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Well, it's not surprising that a different universe lacks Basic... The bed and drink are fairly communicative, though - perhaps literacy is low here, or there's not a strong trade tongue...

She walks a bit briskly toward the building (still paying attention to her surroundings, of course).


Upon entering the building, she can hear a man, not shouting, but speaking so as to be heard clearly over a not insignificant amount of ambient noise. It - sounds like he's speaking Basic, somehow? Which puts her conclusion about the language in question somewhat.

"-the drow have already assassinated several notable Waterdhavian citizens. Not just politicians, but adventurers, temple leaders, captains of the Guard... I myself was the target of an assassination attempt, which I foiled only because after thirty years' retirement, I still sleep with my blade."


Someone else comments something in a language that is definitely not Basic.


The first is weird - the second, not so much, many species can't actually pronounce each other's languages intelligibly, making conversations in a mismatch of languages not uncommon.

Assassination attempts sounds - well, definitely like things are afoot.

She glances around the inn - doesn't recognize any other languages - so weaves her way over toward the man inexplicably speaking Basic. (Somewhat curious when he'll notice her, though it's not like she's hiding in the Force or anything... Okay a little, but just enough to keep other Force sensitives from immediately noticing her.)


He's speaking to a small group of what look like very low-tech mercenaries, of a few different species. One looks distinctly reptilian-avian, like a Trandoshan with a beak and a crest of feathery scales, and has - a hunting bow? Slung on his back.


Another is clearly mammalian, with snowy-white fur all over his body and a hairless pink tail lashing through the air. He's unarmed, and wears a loose blue robe and a pair of white gloves.


The third is a much smaller reptilian, with a soulful look in his eyes and a string instrument of some kind on his belt. He also has some kind of primitive bowcaster on his back, and a sword on his belt that does not look much like a vibroblade. He's writing something in an actual paper book, using some kind of animal feather.


The man speaking Basic breaks off and looks at her as she approaches. "Well met, my lady. Are you an adventurer, here for - well, the reward, or for glory, or just to get these damned drow to stop invading our city?"


"Well met. And I'd say I'm a foreigner here for the gossip, I suppose - I arrived recently, and haven't yet heard of any invasion."

(She's in Jedi robes, because she's making a point to the people who think 'leaders of a slave army' is an appropriate place for a Jedi - the cloth is utterly devoid of decoration but probably luxuriously fine compared to what she's seeing, given the existence of weaving machines. Her lightsaber's visible on her belt, the handle more elaborately carved than most bother with, but she has no other weapons.)


The smaller reptilian furrows his brow and says something in a confused tone.


"-oh, do you not speak the common? I think I have a Pearl of Tongues somewhere, I'll see if I can dig it up if you intend to stay. Ah, Deekin, she says she's foreign and here for gossip. Ordinarily I'd say you're in the right place, this being a tavern, but at the moment we're organizing an expedition to find out why we're being assaulted by drow. I don't suppose you can fight, or cast something with that rod?" He nods at her saber.


"I can fight, but I'm under a vow of pacifism - it's not the strictest out there, but I'll only kill when absolutely necessary." Not the best gloss of her philosophy, but, well, most cultures understand vows.

Why could this Deekin understand him but not her. That isn't the strangest thing she's seen since picking up the artifact, but, well... "And I'm not sure 'Pearl of Tongues' is translating well?"


This gets her a blank look. "Tongues, the spell for universal translation. I'm under a permanent version of it; the pearl is just a trinket that does the same thing."


"Huh. That's a different application of the Force than what I'm used to."


"...we may be speaking at cross-purposes. I've never heard of the Force."


...She's aware she's in a different universe. Just - the Force seems fundamental, to her.

...Maybe their population is low enough they almost never throw Force sensitives? If they're preindustrial...

"It's an energy field that surrounds all things, and that can be interacted with."


He shrugs. "Sounds like some kind of magic, but I'm no wizard. Let me find that Pearl of Tongues for you, and-"

At the edge of Anakin's hearing, below the room they're currently in, there's a creak, and the Force seems to think it's very relevant.


She turns, hand falling to her lightsaber - she is the Force, for a brief moment, what does she do next -


Rush downstairs, and see if the blue-skinned assassins pouring out of the lift can be stopped before they slaughter the guards.

The man with the translation startles when she turns. "Is something wrong?"


"Attack, guards overwhelmed," she snaps - she doesn't feel she's at great risk, and she trusts the Reaper - she takes off in a sprint before she finishes talking, the Force enhancing her movements so she's not significantly slowed by the patrons between her and the stairs -

She can feel the approximate locations of everyone downstairs, the guards here, wary but unprepared, the attackers there, intent - she cloaks herself tighter, the attackers won't see her coming unless they're Force sensitive and trained but hopefully her possible allies can still see her, she doesn't usually do this in such a rush with strangers for allies though -

She'll probably make it to line of sight before any actual deaths -


The guards are locked in battle as she enters the basement, followed closely by the man and the presumptive mercenaries. The guards seem to have been watching the lift shaft specifically in preparation for this eventuality, but the enemy forces are willing to throw a lot of troops at getting through, and they're rapidly being overwhelmed. Somehow, the battlefield is completely silent, despite the visible clashing of blades and shouting of the guards.


First pass low effort, often doesn't work especially against Force sensitives - the enemy forces can all suddenly float up, their clothes can yank up too if they're resisting that, their weapons try to leap out of their hands, she's already slipped into the right headspace for emotional manipulation, blasting any enemies still fighting with fear me - grabbing people in the Force isn't trivial, she's focusing on the front line the strongest -

(She's steering a bit through her precognition - she wants everyone to float or cower or stumble on paths that don't get them or their opponents killed - but keeping her main focus on the actual battle, not on what's happening in the next few seconds.)


The enemies are - strangely slippery in the Force, not fighting back like Force-sensitives might but hard to get a grip on like naturally Force-resistant creatures can be, if she's ever encountered those. But they're not very slippery, and it's still fairly straightforward to lift them. The overpowering fear helps as well, driving a few of them to leap back into the lift shaft and many of the rest to cower in fear. Those that keep fighting are clearly shaken.

The reptilian says something appreciative and looses several feathered arrows in quick succession, their tips crackling with electricity, each aimed at one of the intruders' throats.


Those arrows can stop midair! And every enemy can lose their weapons - or be nudged just enough they're all tripping over each other, slippery doesn't mean immune - if the ones that jumped will die from the fall she can try to float those too but she'd rather just let them run - the guard's weapons also won't hit the intruders, though she's not nudging anyone's parries -

The scene is probably a little bit comical, from the outside.


When the arrows stop, the reptilian lets out a somewhat alarmed noise.

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