It's around six and the sun is setting. People are returning home from work, and the day is quiet.
She puts her phone down, goes over to the fridge, and gets out a meal to microwave. For dinner.
That's probably sufficient for today. For now. Until she tells Alexandre.
And it's late enough it's probably noticeable that Alexandre's father isn't yet home.
So she sits him down and breaks the news to him, trying to be gentle.
It seems like maybe it doesn't sink in, with how calmly he takes it.
She asks if he's okay, if he understands what she said. He says he gets it and he's sad, but she's probably sadder.
And so they spend a couple of hours on the sofa watching a movie together.
She doesn't even know where he is, she can't just call the emergency services and let them know.
"Hello?" she tries, again.
She doesn't know what else to do and it probably is an emergency – so she gets the landline and calls emergency services.