It's around six and the sun is setting. People are returning home from work, and the day is quiet.
She does but there is a dying person here and there's traffic.
Where's the fucking ambulance? How many other dead people are there in the area?
Well the cars are probably moving too slowly for her to get approximately anywhere in a timely fashion herself, then.
More time on CPR. It's probably pointless at this stage, but, still.
Okay but if there were an ambulance there is a chance that he could – ten minutes without any blood pumping is the point of brain damage, with CPR it extends a lot from that and he could still – but there's no ambulance coming, is there.
At least she hasn't dropped dead of whatever gas leak it is. Yet.
She stops, catches her breath, and pulls out her phone to dial the school back again.
"Right, I'll try to – traffic is pretty dense, though, and I'm halfway across town."
She walks over to her car as she says this, looking back at the body just once.
… Could be busy with saving someone. He's first-aid trained, she took him to a course.
She starts the car and pulls into the traffic.