It's around six and the sun is setting. People are returning home from work, and the day is quiet.
She snaps her head around to look – realizes that wasted precious time and she has nothing to hand to help her – and bolts away from the group, pulling Alexandre with her.
And her son, her son is – hopefully okay but it's more important they get away or they won't be if they currently are – they won't get away sufficiently anyway but there's a chance.
Alexandre stumbles a little but catches himself – can't run as quickly as his mother, he's too small, but he's desperate to try.
They keep going – while they can, at least; Alexandre starts to lag.
Is there anyone else about, are there obvious weapons, obvious ways for her to defend them?
If there's something she can pry loose – a piece of metal? Or preferably actually some sort of wood, are there trees that look liable to lose branches –?
It doesn't take too long, and she has a serviceable weapon. One that might do absolutely no good against anything if she's unlucky, but a weapon nonetheless.
They keep going, heading out of town. Alexandre hiccups, every so often, but doesn't actively distract her, just follows.
Cold, heartless, ignoring the person in case it's – a trap, no, probably not, but it's not something they can really afford to help with.
She encourages Alexandre along.