It's around six and the sun is setting. People are returning home from work, and the day is quiet.
Horror happens in Azurite
It's not like it's feasible to just walk out of town –
She parks the car again, gets out and tells Alexandre to follow – goes towards a nearby group, one she might be able to talk into trying to leave town.
"How am I meant to do that? I'm not a vampire, I don't bite people –"
She also has a little boy with her.
"– Okay." She starts walking towards the woman, slowly, indicating for Alexandre to stay put. "Why my eyes?"
Alexandre looks a little bit terrified, but when prompted does try to show his eyes. (They're blue-grey but definitely not electric blue.)
"I have seen at least one who appears to bear resemblance to his human self and who didn't attack us despite being given the chance."