Kyeo's head hurts very badly. He doesn't remember how he got that way but he can guess that he's taken a blow to the head. That doesn't explain why he's not on a spaceship any more but he should probably not expect to figure that out right now. He looks confusedly at the non-spaceship around him for a minute before closing his eyes.
"There is also widespread disagreement in Cascadia about what makes a person have good character."
The conversation is interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Who is it?" Lev calls.
Lev looks around the office, quickly closes two tabs on his computer, then says, "you can come in."
Is Kyeo meant to not introduce himself, if he's a secret? He looks uncertainly between the others.
"This is Kyeo and he can't tell you anything else about himself," Lev says, for Kyeo's benefit as much as Francis's. "How was JROTC today?"
"Save some for everyone else!" Lev calls to Francis's retreating back. "--He won't," Lev says to Kyeo as the door slams.
"I guess? The kids already had theirs, though, and in the worst case I can get Juanita to make more tomorrow. --I guess you might want some."