kyeo in cascadia

Kyeo's head hurts very badly. He doesn't remember how he got that way but he can guess that he's taken a blow to the head. That doesn't explain why he's not on a spaceship any more but he should probably not expect to figure that out right now. He looks confusedly at the non-spaceship around him for a minute before closing his eyes.

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He's in the middle of... a forest... apparently?

He hears a voice speaking to him in something almost, but not entirely, quite unlike Kularan. 


How could he have gotten to Kular? They weren't even trying to leave the system.

"My head," he mumbles, in Kularan, at least he thinks those are Kularan words, thinking is hard. He's not opening his eyes.


The person says something that sounds like "doctor" or "hospital" and then lifts Kyeo up.


Kyeo is in no position to object to this. It probably makes sense. Is that 'hospital' or 'hotel', in Kularan, he can't quite recall...


The person-- a boy, a teenage boy, maybe fifteen and dirty in a way that people just weren't on Ibyabek-- says what is recognizably a curse by its intonation, pulls out his phone, messes with it for a moment, says something that might be "walk", puts an arm under Kyeo's shoulders, and walks him to the street.


Kyeo can sort of do that. He can mostly support his weight, anyway, his legs don't seem injured, but he'd be weaving and toppling over if it weren't for the help.


A few minutes later, a car without a driver-- just two rows of seats-- appears. The boy helps him inside, then presses something on his phone, and the car departs.


Kyeo is not registering the lack of a driver beyond "this, like so many things while one is concussed, provokes some confusion". He slumps against the window and shuts his eyes.


The guy pokes him occasionally to make sure he's not asleep.

The car stops. Kyeo is transferred from the car to a stretcher, then from the stretcher to a bed. A woman in nurse's scrubs says words to him in a comforting tone and Not Kularan. They put an IV into his arm and a pulse oximeter on his finger.


"Where," he manages, in what he is at least 90% sure is Kularan.


She says Portland Something Hospital, or possibly Hotel.


Does he have to be awake. Suppose he falls asleep now.


The nurse is going to require he get an MRI and a CT scan first and swallow a white pill and then he can sleep.


He is very dubious of this entire enterprise but fine he will swallow the stupid pill.


The nurses will let him sleep as much as he wants and occasionally wake him for food and pills.


He really does not want to eat right now but he will choke down a little.


When he seems to be reasonably stably conscious a nurse comes to speak to him in Not Kular. It possibly involves the word 'name.'


Kularan, Kularan - "Naam Kyeo Sebe Luk hai."


She types this into a computer. Then she says some words that he can probably extrapolate are "what is your" and a noun he doesn't know at all.


" what?"


She pauses, then presents him a sheet written in twelve different alphabets. Words he recognizes include "speak" and "language."


At least some of them are in the Kularan alphabet. Mostly. "...I speak Kularan y Ibyabekan. ...Sohaibekan," he amends, in case they only know it by that name.


The nurse leaves and is replaced with an increasingly confused series of interpreters.


His head hurts too much for this. What do the interpreters want??


The interpreters do not seem to speak Ibyabekan at all and are asking him questions in a variety of non-Ibyabekan languages.

Then a final interpreter points to items and asks him their names in Ibyabekan.

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