Kyeo's head hurts very badly. He doesn't remember how he got that way but he can guess that he's taken a blow to the head. That doesn't explain why he's not on a spaceship any more but he should probably not expect to figure that out right now. He looks confusedly at the non-spaceship around him for a minute before closing his eyes.
"Okay. So, uh, my job is to help you get oriented to Cascadia and see if we can send you back-- which apparently we can't because you don't know how you got here either-- and talk to you about giving us any knowledge of the future you happen to have."
"We're not sure, we've never made first contact before. --I was picked for this job because I taught a semester-long class on xenoanthropology which was supposed to just be an introduction to social science for freshmen with a fun premise but apparently that makes me the closest thing to an expert with a security clearance they have."
"Well, we don't have anyone who's made first contact with an uncontacted tribe either. --Are there aliens?"
"Oh, good, so not that far in the future. --You ended up fixing the fertility crisis with space colonization, I take it?"
"The... fertility crisis? The thing where we pumped lots of bitoxiphosphene into the air and it made women unable to conceive, or they miscarried, or their babies were born too sick to live?"
"It seems like it would have come up if people on your Earth still had trouble having babies!"
"I haven't been to Earth. I do know it to... exist... so they must have handled it somehow..."
"I... guess...?" he sounds doubtful. "Well, here most women struggle with some form of infertility. In Cascadia we've hit a TFR of 2 and we're working on reaching full replacement soon."
"Yeah. Sometimes people want to keep their babies when they turn out to have disabilities incompatible with life instead of euthanizing them, so we have to count from a point where all the babies with those disabilities are definitely dead."