"It's not impolite. Some places just don't have any at all, which is obviously fine for them and terrible for humanity - "
"'Citrelianity', wouldn't it be, if other humans can't lièv? It's not bad for them."
" - Sure, it's terrible for citrelianity. Other places make it so that nearly all their citizens don't have any, but if you break the law or make certain people angry then you have to have lots and it's really horrible. Plus you have to have so much - I know we said 'prosociality' was close enough, but you can be prosocial without being inclined to follow the law, and you can be inclined to follow the law without being constantly terrified at the thought of breaking it."
"Also, um, since you don't know - there's no way to force people to copy things, which is obviously very good in general, but it's pretty terrible for this, because you have to threaten them or their loved ones with all sorts of horrible things in order to get them to take those on."