"It's best, for Creta, if you don't - if staying here is truly the best choice for you. And that means not hiding things from you, and it means making sure you have someone who's absolutely on your side, to fight to get you dispensations from mandatory personality traits for a few decades and to personally escort you out of the country and beyond should you want that, because - that's really the only way to get what we want, and what I want, desperately - more food for everyone, even though it's only a luxury for us, and better travel, and fancier and more durable clothes, and radios - I want everything, for everyone, and if that makes things good enough that other places can suddenly compete with Creta then I don't care even on the levels you might object to because Creta will also be better - and - I genuinely think this is the best place to uplift the world from and in addition to perhaps desiring sympathy I am trying to - be someone you can cooperate fully with. Is that at all coherent."