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leareth, king of cheliax, searches for his alt in a velgarth 1000 years earlier
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:Yes. Back in our world, he was - rescued by different means. We didn't know about you lot yet, just him, but we came back right away when we got word. Um, it'll be a longer journey our way. About a day: Pause. :Er, I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's get you all some blankets and something hot to drink, and then we can talk: 


Ekunde stays mostly in charge of his and Tadesse's shared body while being helped to a guest bedroom and settled in with lots of heated blankets and more sweetened tea. 

He eventually runs out of questions, or at least runs out of energy; the healing magic they did was amazing; he's been treated by a Healer before, after the accident, but it took candlemarks of them working, and days to feel like himself again. Right now, he certainly doesn't feel in top form, and is very content to be tucked into bed and fussed over by the Healer, but the concussion is completely gone and he's not in pain at all. Also he doesn't feel at all like he hasn't slept in - what, it has to be at least two days, maybe more. Even once he was incapable of useful magic, sleep isn't really possible when one has a sore head and is immersed in cold water and constantly being tossed around and getting water in his face. 

He's incredibly glad to be alive, and thanks whoever's within earshot multiple times, and then he closes his eyes. 


Ma'ar pulls up a chair and hovers anxiously at his bedside. 

:Carissa?: he says. :I - I'm worried about Tadesse, the one who is Leareth. He...seems not very engaged at all, it feels wrong: 


:Yeah. I have no idea what to make of it. I don't see why he would've been more injured and tired than Ekunde? Maybe he's...not very there? Not very himself. I know Leareth eventually stopped sharing, because - the costs of sharing were worse than the costs of just killing people.:


:Maybe: Ma'ar tries to control a shudder. :I - either one is so horrifying. ...I suppose Leareth does not have any records from this life, maybe it was an - aberration, in some way, and in Leareth's world Tadesse died and left no trace....: He somehow hates that idea even more than the idea of his future self trying a hopeful experiment and ending up - incomplete, distorted, not-really-himself. 

:I want to help: he adds, plaintively. :I am not sure I know how: 


:I wonder if there's any way to get him a separate body. If it's the sharing that's - affecting him negatively. It seems like there ought to be some way - like, what if we tried resurrecting him into his original body...:


:- Would that work? I - guess I could pray and ask Aroden, he'd know if anyone does. I would have thought someone had to be dead for it, though: 


:In general you definitely do have to be dead for it. In a case like this... I'm not sure. Probably the resurrection would just fail.:


:I guess maybe we could - kill them, and promise Ekunde we would resurrect him too, in his own body? I am not sure if Tadesse could die at this point without Ekunde dying too: 


:It is an option but I'd ideally want to talk to a lucid Tadesse about it, and ...him not being available for that is most of the problem.:




Ekunde drowses, looking forward to more answers to his questions about Golarion, and COOL MAGIC, and maybe pretty girls who think a young man from another world is attractively exotic... 

And Tadesse thinks. 

It's hard to anchor his thoughts in anything clear and solid, and he ends up spending a lot of time going in circles, but eventually he gets...something like an answer, if not a very conclusive one. 

At which point he's still tired and he falls asleep. 


Ma'ar sits at his alt/future self's bedside until it's obvious that he's asleep, and then a little while past this point, and eventually he heads out to play with his baby sister until her bedtime, and then he sleeps. 


Tadesse's circadian rhythm is deeply confused by all the recent events, and he wakes up around midnight local time. 

He sits up, finds a glass of water ready at his bedside and gulps it down, and then calls out in a hoarse voice. "Hello?" 


The servant who answers does not have Tongues and can't understand him at all, but does go looking for Carissa, she's generally still awake at this time. 


She comes over immediately. 


Tadesse is sitting up in bed. From his body language, it's clear that it's Tadesse - the younger alt of Leareth, her Leareth - in control. 

He nods to her. "Leareth is not here right now, but - you know him, right?" 


"Yes. I do."


"How and why did he - find me, and bring me here." 


"A while ago someone found Ma'ar. He was thirteen. They called me in from this world using powerful magic and I tried to - prevent the Cataclysm, by warning him and teaching him. Leareth looked for me, and searched lots of worlds to do so, and found yours along the way. And then he wanted to be in contact, because - well, we have a lot to do, right, and it's useful to have several of you for it."


He looks down. 

The first note in his expression is one of relief, in response to 'prevent the Cataclysm'.

The second note is - weariness, turning away slightly. Another version of him wants his help, when he hasn't even fixed his own world yet, and–


He takes a deep breath. Orient. 

"How did you meet Leareth," he hears himself say. 


"When he conquered Cheliax he asked one of our gods for a recommendation for a local wife and She recommended me."


Tadesse sits bolt upright, wide-eyed. "Your gods here are - helpful?" 


"Yes. Well. Some of Them."


(He doesn't actually have any questions prepared for that scenario, which is stupid, but, well...) 

"And you brought me here because - you need my help." 

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