It's all kind of baffling to them and their explanation is correspondingly vague. The King of Tantara didn't like that the King of Predain was adding territories, and attacked. Klipar Territory, which is where they are, is nowhere near the war of course, but last autumn all the territories were informed that in order to keep getting aid from Predain, and use of the canal without paying a hefty foreigners' tariff, they needed to send a quota of men for the army. Nearly every territory accepted the offer; no one wants to go back to the times when if the crops failed then half your village would starve. Especially since they're in range to get awful storms from all the magic being thrown around in the border region.
The older woman is thinking how it's a damned tragedy how much business she's lost to this stupid war. Many of the village women are getting their husbands' pay from the army, but what are they supposed to do with it, none of the trade barges are stopping here lately and hardly anyone passes through town.
One of the other women is grumbling internally about how they'll damned well need the grain that Predain will send them, with just about all the able-bodied men in the village and nearby farms gone to fight in the war.
The youngest of the women is trying to keep her expression level, while full of conflicted feelings about her husband's death in combat. They hadn't even been married two months before he was conscripted - still long enough to notice that while he was a good prospect in theory, as the blacksmith's apprentice, he was hardly a good student, lazy and sloppy and too fond of his drink. He can't have been much better at soldiering. She got his pay anyway, including the death stipend for dependents. So maybe she's come out of this better off, really. This visiting mage is certainly intriguing. Handsome, too.
None of them seem to know much at all about the country that recently conquered them, or added them as a province or something; they don't seem to be thinking of themselves as conquered people, though. Predain is a distant abstraction in their minds.