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you can't trust just anyone
carissa and mhalir land on ma'ar during the mage wars
Permalink Mark Unread

The ship spins and whirls through hyperspace, not headed toward any particular coordinates, just executing their planned search-pattern. Mhalir watches the display-screen through Carissa's eyes, swirling patterns rushing by, until - 

"Stop." He holds up a hand for the pilot. "One moment. ...I think maybe we have a positive." 

They've been searching for weeks. Ever since Aroden completed the spell that would search through the space of possible worlds for the thing Nefreti had described, different versions of the same story repeated, and since he perfected the modifications to his jump ship's navigation systems. Hyperspace is vast, and Aroden expected they would need to look for a long time before finding any other worlds that held different tellings of the same story. 

But, according to the computer interface that communicates for Aroden's magic item, this might be one. 

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She's doing magic research at the same time with an Unseen Servant to write for her; it's the default, these days, because he mostly looks at his display and it's very boring. She leaves a note of where she left off and stops.

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Mhalir stares at the display for a long moment, waiting for the numbers to settle and resolve. 

"The spell says highly probable," he says finally. "I think this one is worth checking."

They've checked two other worlds, both of which turned out to be boring false positives - or so it looked when jumped to look, anyway - but on their last trip back he refined the search-aspect further with Aroden, and the confidence is a lot higher on this one. "Jump coordinates..." He reads them off. 

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If he's a you or Aroden he might be dangerous to drop on unexpectedly.

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<That is why I gave coordinates to land quite far away from the planet itself. Even if we startle him, he ought not be able to react instantly, and so both of us would have time to think.> 

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The pilot enters the coordinates; the ship jumps.

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The sun they're approaching is brighter than the surrounding stars, but only moderately so; they're in the far outer reaches of the system, with a long approach ahead to the planet or planets in the habitable zone. 

Mhalir watches the sensor data closely. Huh. No sign of satellites, or any orbital infrastructure, or any visible reaction to their arrival. 

"Transmit the standard recorded message," he says to the comms officer. Not that he's particularly expecting it to be received, or answered, but it's still worth trying. 

(The standard message doesn't say anything about their search for alternate-world version of himself and Aroden, just that they're interstellar visitors, arriving peacefully.) 

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They transmit the message.

"No visible ships or stations," his lieutenant reports a moment later. "Readout on the planets coming...now..."

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There are five planets and a handful of smaller icy planetoids in wide eccentric orbits. Two gas giants, one cold rocky planet, one planet close to and tidally locked with the sun - and one planet roughly in the habitable zone, showing the blue-and-green pattern of continents and oceans. One large continent, a handful of smaller ones. 

No sign of lights visible from space on the dark side. 

The requisite time passes, and no answer to their message arrives. 

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Mhalir is confused. 

He doesn't really know what they're looking for, he reminds himself, and even the civilization on Golarion wouldn't have replied to a radio message. 

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The large continent is turning into night, and - maybe those are flickers of artificial lighting? It's not that clearly, nowhere near the level of the industrial civilization seen on Earth or other worlds, but there's something there. 

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A you before Seerow arrived wouldn't've been able to reply at all, either. But both worlds would be, in different ways, dangerous to land on blindly...


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"Do you want us to go in closer?" says the pilot.

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"I want us to enter orbit, cloaked; I want sensor data on the main continent."

His eyes are fixed on the display; Still no sign of any orbital infrastructure, but there's definitely something down there. Significantly more than would have been visible of the Yeerk civilization from space, before Seerow's arrival... 

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It takes a while to reach the planet from here, if you're not jumping. It grows in the viewscreens as they glide in and enter an orbit.

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There are cities down there. Small to medium-sized, by Earth standards, dimmer than modern cities and the pattern of lighting is off - more concentrated in small local clusters - but still far more visible from space than preindustrial cities ought to be. 

- also there are areas that are less visible than they should be, somehow? As though particular areas are blurred out and muted. 

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"Magic sensors, please," Mhalir says quietly. Those ones aren't on by default, because they burn a lot of energy, but it seems especially relevant now. 

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It takes a minute.

" - yep. The lights are magic, some magic - shielding, I think, it's got to be..."

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Mhalir stares hard at the screen displaying the shipboard version of Detect Magic. It...doesn't really match how Golarion cities look to these sensors, but it's obviously magic of some sort. So - more like Golarion than like Earth, or like the Yeerk homeworld, but not exactly analogous to any of those... 

Still no sign of anything else in orbit, or that the civilization below has remarked on their presence at all. 

"We will stay in orbit overnight and observe," he says. "If there are no major updates, we will select a place to land tomorrow." 

<Carissa, you can have your body now.> And he relinquishes control. 

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She pulls out her item-enchanting work, but distractedly. I wanna learn their magic.

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<I am very curious to learn what kind of magic they have! It looks different to you too, no?> 

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I can't see anything from here with my spells. It looks weird on the sensor reading but I don't remember what exactly Golarion looked like. Even if they have the same underlying physics of magic they'll have very different techniques, though, ancient Golarion civilizations did...

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<True.> Mhalir is wishing, right now, that this could be purely a trip about learning magic from other worlds. It's not not about that, but - well, all the complicated political messiness of Cheliax is waiting for them back on Golarion, and he doubts that any version of his or Aroden's story would have avoided that sort of complication on their own end. 

He retreats into his own thoughts, letting Carissa work on her magic item enchanting. 

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She's nervous. Meeting Mhalir was terrifying and involved getting kidnapped and meeting Aroden was terrifying and involved getting kidnapped and - she's not totally sure what they have in common aside from the being terrifying and kidnapping people. And hating Hell.

And she's curious, because some other way to do magic, not that it is likely to work out like that. Things never do.

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Mhalir is also nervous, though his anxiety is less pinned down on any specific bad outcome. He doesn't know what to expect, except...well, if it's true that different versions of him and his story repeat in different worlds, and there's an alternate version of him here, then there's probably also an alternate version of the war. It's been a major facet of both his and Aroden's lives that they face powerful enemies. 

It's not productive to chew on that just yet, though, when they have so little data to build on; all he can do is ask his staff to watch especially for signs of warfare on the planet, though he doesn't know what a war here would even look like, their tech level doesn't seem that analogous either to the Yeerk and Andalite civilizations or to Golarion. 

Rather than ruminating pointlessly, he tries to distract himself by observing Carissa's magic work, and eventually it's time for them to sleep. 

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The planet below is quiescent, even as the main continent turns toward daylight. They can get a little more detail on the surface infrastructure; there are some roads, and some cities located along rivers, hinting that water is a means of transport. It's hard to tell from here where separate countries, if they exist, begin and end; it's not like there are lines drawn on the planet itself. If there are wartime activities, they're not at a scale visible from space, except for what might be defensive shielding.

...The largest structure on the entire planet, it turns out, is in the centre of the most thoroughly magical area, and also one of the spots under some sort of magical shield. The shielding doesn't entirely hide it from view, the way Yeerk ship cloaking works; it has some kind of blurring effect, making it impossible to locate from any specific angle, but sensor coverage from multiple angles can be combined, processing with the ship computers, and formed into an estimate of what's on the other side. Some sort of enormous multi-spired tower, rivalling the height of Earth's tallest buildings. 

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"Still no response to our comms", his officer says. "Which isn't surprising, it doesn't look like they have electricity at all."

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They could try other communication methods from space, but at this point Mhalir is inclined to skip straight to taking a shuttle down and getting a closer look, and then making an informed decision on when and where, and with who, to initiate contact. 

He wishes vaguely that Aroden's spell had any more accuracy than just 'which world'. There are millions of people down there - he's not even sure of what species, yet - and he has no way of telling which of them is his alt. Though they're...more likely than most people to be in some sort of leadership position, he thinks, which narrows the search space. 

<Carissa, what do you think?> 

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I bet it won't work to scry or do a Sending off 'the person who is like Mhalir' but we could at least try. 

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<...Oh, yes, that is worth trying. I - cannot think of an introduction we could Send that would not be utterly baffling, but I suppose any way we try to introduce ourselves will sound implausible to them.> 

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You could just explain the interplanetary visitor part and not mention the ...stories part? If they're at war they'll probably tell us about it themselves.

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<That makes sense. We can attempt to scry them first, in any case, if that works it will give us more information to use in drafting a message.> 

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And she can head over to a mirror and start a scry.

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This does not work. 

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Sigh. <I suppose I am not surprised.>

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Me neither. Probably we want to...land far from the shielded area, ask around about what's going on? She has permanent Tongues and she loves it very much.

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Golarion magic is so absurd sometimes; you can do translation with computer technology, but it's a hard problem and it won't work instantly on a new planet with a new set of languages. 

<That sounds right. Hmm - I wonder if we learn a name for someone who could be the other version of me, if it would work to address a Sending to them if and only if we are right about that part...>

Mhalir looks at the sensor map they've put together of the continent. It's large enough that landing as far as possible from the shielded area will leave them thousands of miles away, which in a preindustrial world with limited transport is likely to make it hard to learn anything about said shielding. Maybe better to be conservative at first, though, try to get a sense of these people's capabilities, gauge whether the shuttle is likely to be detected on a closer approach. Mhalir picks out a spot about fifteen hundred miles southeast of the shielding, near the southern coast, where the think they've spotted ship movements on the sensors. There's a city build near the mouth of a large river delta. They can land further out initially, in a remote area, and then approach the city if it seems safe. 

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I think a Sending to a name fails if you failed to pick out a specific person, so - maybe it'd fail if you were thinking of them as possessing a important characteristic that doesn't go with that name? 

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They start towards the fields outside the river delta city.

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It's a hot, wet tropical climate. There are some grain or legume crops, but mostly the region seems to grow a lot of date palm and banana-like fruit, and other harder to recognize fruits, as well as some cotton-like fibre production. The local houses are built mostly of bamboo, often raised on struts, maybe as a precaution against flooding. 

The locals, where visible, look like Earth or Golarion humans, accounting for ethnic variation; the local population tends significantly darker-skinned than Carissa, with straight to wavy black hair. 

The visible level of technology, at least out here away from the city, is...not very high. In the rural area, the sensors for magic detect almost nothing, just a faint background wash of formless magical energy, with some variation in density, and occasional random spikes that are hard to associate with anything in particular. In terms of non-magical tech, there are a handful of waterwheels powering what appear to be mills, and iron or steel plows hitched to draft animals, and signs of what might or might not be a small-scale open-pit mining operation. That's about it. 

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<We can fly closer to the city, I think> Mhalir says, after a while of observing very boring fields, and no sign that they've been noticed. 

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They fly closer to the city. 

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Is this what Golarion looked like at first, too?

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<I imagine so, if you go far enough back. Civilization on Golarion is very old, though.> 

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The city, when they reach it, is more interesting, though nowhere near what can be found on Golarion currently. There's a lot of riverboat traffic. Coming from upriver, it's mostly flat barges pushed along with poles or pulled by draft animals from the shore with ropes; the river is at this point very shallow. There's a port on an island further down the mouth of the delta, with water deep enough for larger oceangoing vessels to dock, where goods are transferred directly to barges and hauled to the city itself. 

The city is teeming with people, with a much wider range of ethnicities in evidence; clothing is varied as well, though it tends brightly-coloured. The houses are mostly wood or bamboo, still, but built up to three or four stories in the densest parts. There's an open-air market, stall-keepers waving away flies from their heaps of colourful produce and fresh-caught fish. 

More magic is visible to the sensors; it still looks very very weird, sort of - less discrete than Golarion spells? Many of the nicer buildings have magic sort of baked into their structure in a diffuse way. Every once in a while, a noticeable burst of magical discharge can be correlated with a human floating cargo on and off a barge, or lighting a fire to smoke fish. There are also quite a number of smaller point sources; magic items, it looks like, often worn on necklaces or bracelets. Some are recognizably similar to permanent Mage Armour and other kinds of shielding; others are much harder to interpret. 

The locals don't seem to notice the cloaked, hovering shuttle at all. 

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She watches the magic intently. Maybe they're - all sorcerers? Or lots of them, anyway? And if you mostly had sorcerers then that's change how you thought about magic, too...

Any divine magic at all?

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That seems good, on the whole.

Probably we don't want to start by explaining about Yeerks? They sound scary and it - points at what your incentives are -

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<...I think not. I am not sure how much we want to explain the broader situation to people in this city, even, versus just obtain more information about this world's magic and other customs, and then re-evaluate our next steps. They are quite far away, but it might be worth asking if they know of a major war happening elsewhere, just in case they do have enough long-distance trade.> Though he's not vastly hopeful about that. 

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In Golarion long ago some people were teleporters. I think. I don't know much ancient history.

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<Also that. I would expect it to be more apparent in their trade logistics if they had significant numbers of teleporters, but if it is rare then it might not be. Anyway, since you will be able to speak the language, possibly we could just go in and say we are foreigners from very far away? ...And see what we can learn from Detect Thoughts as well as conversation, of course.> He looks down at what they're wearing. <I am not sure how much our clothing would stand out to them as is, if we go in without visible weapons or other technology.> 

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Disguise Self can cover that once we see how the locals dress.

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<Oh, that works fine. We can hover lower in the shuttle, or I suppose we can just disembark a little outside the city and find somewhere out of sight to observe.> Or they could cast Invisibility, but it seems probably not worth using as their first choice when there are other options.  

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Once they get a good image off the ship cameras she can disguise herself as a local, outfit and all.

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The other advantage of this is that they can take a Dracon beam, which shouldn't be detectable even if they locals have their own version of Detect Magic. Probably their magic items would be but he's not about to suggest they remove them. They can wear a concealed microphone to communicate back and forth with the shuttle. 

On the northern side, the city trails off quite sharply into a swampy tangle of very tall rushes, which present a good spot for a concealed landing as long as they're willing to get slightly wet feet. 

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Wet feet are fine.

(This is fun, to the extent it is not scary, but it's mostly scary.)

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Mhalir isn't very scared. They're taking a lot of precautions and taking care not to draw attention to themselves and there's no reason to think this city is especially dangerous. There are still unknown unknowns, so he's tense, but there's not really anything else to be done, here.

They have a map of the city as recorded from above on a small portable tablet, which can be hidden once they're interacting with people. He examines it. 

<I think we should approach cautiously and stay out of sight, and read some minds to determine that there is not some kind of invisible danger that all the locals know to watch out for, and then we can talk to people.> 

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If we're not going to be explaining Yeerks we probably shouldn't alternate piloting that much - do you want to do it because you are more paranoid or do you want me to do it because I walk like a normal person.

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<You can do it - I think you also talk more like a normal human and are better at lying. And I can be more attentive to signs of danger if I am not also making conversation.> 

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Okay. And she crouches under cover and listens to peoples' thoughts and comes up with a story for if anyone sees her and is suspicious. She's looking for a coin she dropped.

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Mhalir watches everything. 

Most of the thoughts they pick up on are very mundane ones. This woman is worrying about their daughter's illness and listing in her head the groceries they need from the market. This young man is wondering if his sweetheart will like the scarf he bought for her. This woman is worrying that her husband's ship is late to port, and trying to reassure herself that it's probably fine, lots of delays this time of year. This boy is hungry and hoping there's dockwork to be had today so he can eat tonight. This older man is fretting that he was cheated by the mage who sold him the amulet, which supposedly protects against catching fevers, but his sister-in-law thinks it's more likely a fraud. This elderly woman is upset at the raucous youngsters who've moved into the apartment under hers, no respect or decorum at all, what's the world coming to. 

Some people are worrying about pickpockets, and the ones riding donkeys or camels are definitely thinking to keep a close eye on their animals at the market, but no one seems very worried about violence and certainly they don't have war on their minds. 

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Seems promising.

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<All right, we should go talk to people. You can say that you arrived on a ship, from - very far to the east.>

Based on the thought-snippets, the ships sail in along the coast both from east to west, but the west seems to mostly belong to some major empire which has a lot of trade back and forth, so it might be suspicious for Carissa to be arriving not knowing anything. The east is less known.

<Possibly you could say you are looking for work as a wizard - or mage, they seem to call it, though that might be specifically sorcerers, I cannot tell. It would draw more attention but it would also give you a pretext to ask about the local magic.> 

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She picks someone who looks not particularly likely to know anything but also not particularly likely to think much of any mistakes she makes, she can do that for a first practice run.

"Hello. Is there a guild for mages in this city?"

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The woman blinks at her. "- What're you looking for, miss? A teacher, or a job? Dunno about teaching, but old Firo at the docks is looking for mage-guards, I heard, if you can stomach that sort of work."

She is vaguely aware of the concept of guilds, her brother-in-law is in the blacksmiths' guild, but the question isn't parsing clearly for her when it comes to mages specifically. 

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"Thank you, I'll talk to him."

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"You're welcome." The woman scurries off, not paying her any further attention; she's thinking about how she's running late to get to the market and back in time to have all the chores done and supper cooked by sundown and they can't afford more lamp-oil. 

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<...Did you want to go to the docks, or ask other people?>

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Ask other people, I think, we're presumably not actually looking for mage-work? I guess it's a way to earn money we can counterfeit.

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<It could be worth considering later. We could perhaps ask other people if they know any mages, say that we may want to hire them for a job, that could be another avenue.> 

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Sure! She'll ask the next person if they know where someone goes to hire a mage around here, she's hiring for a job.

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It's an older woman carrying a basket of textiles to the market. "Oh! Hmm. If I were you I'd try Jiav's tavern, uh, sorry, think it's called the Nail and Anchor these days. That's where the mages tend to go, so if you don't have friends here already I think it'd be the place to start." 

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"Thank you."



I guess we could go do that? Hang around and listen and learn what they can do?

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<That seems reasonable. Even if we do not actively start conversations, there will probably be informative conversations and thoughts to listen in on. ...We should consider changing our appearance again for it.> 

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Yep. She picks a different but equally nondescript local face and heads off in what she hopes is the right direction, though she's going to get hopelessly lost probably.

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They have the city map on their tablet, which Mhalir prompts her to glance at when they're out of sight of anyone else, and they can head in the direction of the docks. 

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There's a sort of main boulevard winding along near the edge of the river. Much of the shops and establishments appear to have signage on the assumption that their patrons are illiterate; the signs consist instead of symbols or literal objects hung from the lintels. If they walk for a while, the Nail and Anchor will be obvious enough. 

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Cheliax is the only place she's ever heard of where most people can read.


She goes into the Nail and Anchor, with Detect Thoughts up again.

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It's crowded and loud and smoky. The main floor has a dozen tables, each dimly-lit by a lantern; some have a bit of extra lighting, which seems to be magical. 

The barkeep at the counter is gossiping with a regular patron about how the price of bananas is up this year and this is dumb, and thinking about rent being due next week and whether they should tell security to keep an extra eye on that group in the corner, there's nothing specific they just look sort of suspect. The barmaid serving drinks to tables is wishing she were a mage herself and could tell whether other mages were any good just by looking, because mages are hot but sometimes they just tell you they're Adepts when they're in their cups and actually they're only Journeymen.

The man at this table is a Master mage and looking for work that is anywhere except a ship, please gods can he never be on water again, 'seasick' used to be just words but it's all too real now. The woman sitting across from him is mulling on what question she could ask to determine he's not like the last mage they hired on, who was fine at defensive wards but turned out to be scared of fire, who ever heard of a mage scared of fire, seriously. 

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This is really overwhelming and Mhalir hopes Carissa has a better idea of how to approach it than he does. 

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It's a tavern! Adventurers are the same worlds over, probably. She orders a drink and sits down and makes herself a crumpled paper map to look at and waits for people to come around and make conversation.

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Shortly later the young Master mage talking to the woman hiring determines that no the mercenary company she wants a guard for is going upriver for their next contract and barges are TOO CLOSE to ships, and he politely extracts himself, mills around a bit and orders another drink, and then looks around and sees Carissa. He can't tell at a glance if she's hiring or looking for work herself, but either way she's hot, so he heads over. Smiles. "Hey." 

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"Hey. I'm new here, who's hiring?"

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"New, huh?" He sits across from her, raises an eyebrow. "Where're you from?" 

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"Cheliax." Despairing gesture. "It's way east of here and no one's heard of it. I originally meant to go north of here, but apparently they're having some kind of trouble?" It's a guess; maybe they have that much defensive shielding for no reason at all.

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Shrug. "I wouldn't know, I just got back from out west, you know, other side of all those mountains. You could ask Maude?" He points vaguely with his chin at the woman he was just speaking to. "She's taking her company upriver. Wants to hire for mages first, if that's your line of work– you an Adept?" He's thinking that most people aren't and he certainly doesn't know how to read Gift-potential at a glance, but she gives off an undefinable aura of competence. "If you've the stomach for mercenary work, the signing bonus she's offering for Adepts is pretty damned sweet." 

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"I can take care of myself but we have different names for mage levels, where I'm from, I don't know which of yours I'd be. What's the mission, did she say?"

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"I, uh, didn't get that many specifics." Because he bailed as soon as 'river barge' was mentioned, but he's embarrassed to say that now. "She mentioned hazard pay, though. So - could be risky, but you'll get your gold for it."

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"Is she reliable?"

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"Uh, haven't worked with her before, but Jiav–" gesture at the bartender, "recommended her, said she's all right. She's pretty new as a mercenary captain but she pays her people on time." 

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"Mmmm. Have you ever been upriver? What country even is that..."

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"I've been up a ways, but never out of Acar Province. She's going a lot further north than that, said the job's in–" his brow furrows, "Rubhani Province, I think, it's still part of the Ceej but it's over five hundred miles. Got some sort of trouble on their border." 

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"Maybe I'll talk to her." That doesn't necessarily suggest teleportation isn't widespread, if you're moving adventurers and their support staff to a location none of them have been before it might make sense to go by boat rather than pay someone at seventh circle with Greater Teleport to shuttle them. But it's a little bit of information, at least.

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"Well, good luck." He shakes his head, then smiles at her. "What's it like where you're from, anyway?" 

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"Cheliax?" A sudden twinge of pain which doesn't make it onto her face at all. "It's all right. We say we've got the best schools for mages in the world, though I haven't seen enough world to know if it's true, yet."

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"Wow!" He's a bit intimidated now, she sounds so smart. "You went to school for it, then, not just an apprenticeship?" 

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"Yes. In Cheliax we think apprenticeships are inefficient, you only learn one approach and you take the same amount of time even if you're very promising and it's hard to compare people objectively across teachers. I think you need a high density of mages to make schools work, though, otherwise they're not that different from apprenticeships and without even the part where you picked someone off a recommendation." She's had this conversation, before, at the Worldwound, though there everyone was looking at her with what in retrospect she can identify as pity.

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He isn't looking at her with pity at all; he's impressed, and wondering why he's never heard of this place before, and he's now thinking less about how she's hot and more about how maybe the clever thing here would be to get tips from her. "What sorts of, er, approaches did you learn?" 

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Unless there's some really good reason not to I'm going to show him some spells and see how impressed he is or isn't, she tells Mhalir.

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<It seems worth it for the information it will give us. If it draws a lot of attention we should find an excuse to leave, probably, but we will change our appearance afterward anyway.> 

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She doesn't have the slightest idea what'll be impressive here. Possibly even third-circle spells they haven't invented won't be that impressive, because they'll be able to see how you'd do it - but that's information all by itself -

She casts Hostile Levitation on him, because it will also be informative about the local mages's Will saves. 

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The mage does not make his Will save; it's unclear if he's trying to, or knows that's a thing. He seems a little startled but mostly curious and delighted, as he floats a few inches in the air - and then more impressed, and a bit nervous, when he can't seem to push against it at all with his own magic. 

The display also has a few heads whipping around; an old grizzled man hunched over a drink at the bar, and a young man, his head shaved and shiny, both spin around and stare, in an unfocused way that suggests they're not quite looking with their ordinary eyes. 

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Presumably they're using Detect Magic or something like it. This mage should be able to dispel her levitation fine but maybe he's not that powerful, or not used to this style - she has her own Detect Magic up to watch him try -

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The complex structure of her spell is visible, trapping him in the air in a way that would be nearly impossible to fight without magic. His own counter-attempts are much less structured; at first he just seems to be trying to shove her magic away, with a burst of energy shaped just enough to manifest as physical force.

He stops quickly when this proves ineffective, looks up and grins at her - an expression simultaneously impressed and very slightly scared - and then moves on to trying to snip at the cords of magic making up the spell-structure. It doesn't look like Dispel Magic. Or like he's casting a prepared spell at all, really. It takes him a while to find the right leverage point, but eventually he does manage to destabilize something. Her spell comes apart in a burst of energy, dropping him back into his seat and eliciting startled gasps from the people using Detect Magic or something like it. 

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"Huh! That's not how we'd counter it, either." They're not prepared casters at all, which fits with what she saw earlier, but she doesn't think any Golarion sorcerers have that much finesse - though she's only seen a couple, and not at close range.

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"That - sure is a very different approach," the man says, blinking at her. "It's so - precise - almost looks like wards, the way you do it, except twenty times more powerful..." 

    The old man from the bar is sidling over to them. He thumps his drink down on the table and smiles crookedly at her, showing a mouthful of missing teeth; it's otherwise a friendly enough smile. "Hey there, young lady. Listen, I'll buy you a drink if you tell me how you did that - I've been halfway around the world by now and I never saw anything like that." 

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"Then perhaps I should be charging more than a drink!" But she beckons him over. "I'm from Cheliax, where we learn a technique called spell stabilization - you do most of the work in advance, and then have the spell sitting there ready to go if you need it. It's mostly useful in combat, no one'll be entertained if you spend ten minutes weaving before you do anything, but learning it is supposed to help with artifact-making, too, which is my main specialty."

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"Fascinating! I never learned much artifact work myself, wasn't my strength, but - hmm, so it's as though everything you cast in combat is a trap-spell you prepped earlier? You must need something to stabilize it to - your focus-stone...?" He's peering at her. "You got any more of those on you?" 

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Oh, so they stabilize spells sometimes for specific purposes, that makes sense as a thing for sorcerers to come up with even if they never came up with all of wizardry.

"I don't." And she has a bonded amulet but some wizards don't. "But yes, you've got the idea. This also means that most of the magic expenditure is earlier, I can only stabilize so much at once and that's tiring but I won't be tired from casting it."

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"Goodness, you must be quite something in a fight, if you can throw that kind of power around and not even be tired! ...Is Cheliax anywhere near Tantara, by chance? Sounds like the sort of thing the Mage of Silence might've gotten his inspiration from."

Maude, the mercenary captain, has now also shifted a table closer and is listening in on their conversation while trying not to be obvious about it. 

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"I've heard of Tantara but haven't been there, Cheliax is quite far from everything and truth be told I couldn't even point Tantara out on a map. Maybe someday I'll have the chance to ask him, I left so I could get exposure to other styles of magic..."

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"Oh, if that's what you're after, miss, then you absolutely should. They say he's the best mage-teacher in the world." 

     The mercenary captain slides her chair closer. "Maybe not this year," she says darkly. "Given the war and all. If you're looking for work, though, I'm taking my company up near there, the governor's worried about the war spilling over into the Ceej. Hells, I've heard whispers the Emperor is worried, given it looks like Predain's building their own little empire up there. If he wins, though - and really, best mage in the world, by rights he ought to - you'd be right nearby." 

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"Huh. You'd have to be pretty foolish to pick a fight with the best mage in the world. What's the pay like?"

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"Five gold a week plus all travel expense covered. Ten gold hazard pay if we see action - keep in mind, only counts if we end up engaging a larger force than our company, a dozen bandits on the road doesn't do it. Twenty gold signing bonus for Adepts." A narrow-eyed look. "Though I might consider going higher, if you sell me on it, sounds like you're no ordinary Adept." 

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"And no one else'll be expecting what I can do. This is by the leave of the local governor? Action, if we see it, will be - Tantara's forces? Predain's forces? Some other involved group?"

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"Local governor's the one paying us, yes. Think he's mostly worried about Predain's forces deciding it'd be to their advantage to bite off some of his province and then march on Tantara from that side. Tantara signed a treaty with us years back and he doesn't reckon they'd break the terms even in wartime." Shrug. "I don't think it's that likely, probably our job will be to show up and look threatening, and prevent any fleeing refugees from causing trouble." 

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"Mmmhmm. Who's in charge in Predain these days?"

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"Uh, can't recall the King's name. Think he took the throne, hmm, fifteen years back? He's a real reformer, though I've heard it said that some advisor of his is behind most of it." 

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"And the Mage of Silence is running things in Tantara?"

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"Last I heard he'd landed in charge, yes. Something happened to the king and most of the nobility." Shiver. "We only heard rumours, ones that don't even match up at that, but - nasty stuff, sounds like. Whoever's in command of Predain's army has a real twisted mind." 

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"How long has the war been going on?"

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"Little under a year - nine, ten months, maybe? Tantara was gaining ground until Predain took their capital a couple months ago, since then it's been a real mess." 

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"Who started it?"

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"- Tantara, officially, the King gave us a notice since we share a border. But Predain was gobbling up territory left and right, it was only a matter of time before they went for Tantara too, I'd say they were just choosing the timing themselves." 

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She nods. "All right. I might be in - when do you leave? I want to take some time to think on it."

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"Three days from now, with the next barge." 

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"Then I'll make up my mind by then."


And she heads out.

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The grizzled older man and the young man both watch her curiously. 

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<Well, that was informative. I think we know where to pursue the trail next. I doubt we want to wait around for three days and then travel at river-barge speed.> 

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 Definitely not. It doesn't really ....sound like the same story?

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<...Not really, no, but - we should assume her information is incomplete and perhaps garbled, since she admitted to learning much of it by rumour. And, well, Aroden's story also does not sound much like mine unless one goes back a very very long way in his past.> 

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Yes, but relatedly Aroden wasn't involved in any of the wars you might've heard about landing on Golarion. I think we should check it out, but I'd really like more to go off.

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<- Definitely. I want much more information than this before approaching anyone. That being said, it could be informative even if it is not the case that the local version of me is involved in either side of the war. I would definitely seek out the best mage-school in the world if I lived here - and even if my alt did not find their way there, such a school will likely attract students and teachers who have travelled from distant places and could tell us more of this world in general.> 

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That makes sense. It'll be hard to be there inconspicuously, though - especially in wartime - if their magic can detect that there's two of us that'll be pretty suspicious or at least confusing...

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<We should find out more - whether they even have a version of Detect Thoughts, and if so whether it can be blocked. At worst I suppose you could go alone while I borrowed one of the others' hosts and stayed in touch from the shuttle.> 

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Last time she did that Aroden kidnapped her and she's anxious about tempting fate but probably that's not part of the 'story', it'd be really bizarre if the grand arc of history specifically featured Mhalir-versions kidnapping her in particular.

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It would be really bizarre! 

Anyway, Mhalir thinks their next stop should be to obtain a map so they actually know where Predain and Tantara are, geographically speaking, and then fly the shuttle over and get some closer surveillance. 

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Sure. She'll change faces and go see about buying a map somewhere.

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The main road by the river that has all the taverns also has a shop selling travel supplies and equipment, clearly aimed at the mercenary companies that seem to pass through here a lot. Mostly the shop sells tents and saddles and other outdoor gear, but the proprietor will sell her a map. He wants ten silver for a map that shows all the countries to the north including Tantara and Predain. 

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...she doesn't actually have local money, will he take Chelish silver?

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If it's good silver, sure, he gets all sorts of foreign coinage here. He peers at her coins, calls an assistant over to cast a mage-light so he can see better, and eventually mutters that goodness she must be from far away, he's never seen this currency, but he'll take it. 

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She is from far away. She leaves and consults her map.

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The Ceej Empire, with dotted lines dividing it into states and provinces, takes up nearly the entire right lower quadrant of the map; it has roads and rivers and cities and towns clearly marked in. To the far left is a sketched-in mountain range and then a coastline, labelled 'Haighlei' and with some cities marked but much less detail. 

Tantara is a few hundred miles north of their current location, snuggled between Ceej's northern provinces to the east and mountains to the west. Predain is another six or seven hundred miles further north, directly north of Tantara, and on the original map, extends a little further east. The shop proprietor, before selling her the map, muttered that it was out of date and sketched a much larger protrusion to the east and north, nearly doubling the total land area of the country. 

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She is actually tentatively inclined to go check out newly conquered Predain; they can't have great security over the whole territory and it'll be informative, what kind of conquerors they are.

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Mhalir is still itching with curiosity to learn more about this 'Mage of Silence' and his school, but Carissa makes a good point. They can scout out Predain's new territory next. 

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She's curious about the Mage of Silence too but that sounds way more dangerous, and it looks like Tantara includes the most heavily-shielded parts of this map, which she suspects they can't infiltrate unnoticed. (How would you do that...)

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Mhalir has no idea! Presumably Predain's military has been trying to get past it, though, so maybe they can learn something about it in Predain. 

They slip back out of the city and he transmits a message to the shuttle asking for a cloaked pickup, which can be arranged shortly later. 

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She didn't burn that many spells in the Ceej Empire; they could probably hit up Predain today, if they wanted.

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Sure, it's only early afternoon and the flight over can be accomplished in half an hour. 

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What does newly-part-of-Predain look like from the air?

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Mixed! Mostly it looks...fine. It's a much colder climate than the port city they visited before, clearly worse for farming, and it's less densely populated. There are signs of recently-built infrastructure - canals, aqueducts, a few paved roads, a river dam driving some sort of waterwheel. All of it stands out as much newer and more advanced than the ramshackle wooden buildings surrounding it. The more remote regions look if anything lower-tech than the southern rural areas. 

There's more magic here than there was down south, but it's mostly concentrated in a few cities, which have shields and magic lights and other magical infrastructure of unclear purpose. 

One of the cities, the furthest north and most heavily shielded, seems to be hosting a military garrison or maybe a training-ground. There are barracks that look very newly built, and humans on the ground, and - some sort of large flying creatures? Which ping the magic sensors directly, as though they're themselves inherently magical. 

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Presumably Golarion's magical beings would too, though she doesn't actually remember what-all Aroden had it tested on. 


They should stay away from military installations, but probably a village in the middle of nowhere won't know much.

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Mhalir agrees that this makes sense. They'll probably learn more from a village that's nearish some of the new installations, though. Here's one lying nearish to an impressively long canal, with several sets of locks, that stretches from a major river that passes fifty miles northeast of Predain's old border, all the way to a lake within the old borders. There's quite a bit of visible boat traffic on the canal, but the village in particular doesn't seem to be a major stopping point. 

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She picks a male face, this time. It's safer in places that might have conquering soldiers around.

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Mhalir orders the pilot to descend and get some video footage up close, so they can match their appearance to the locals. The inhabitants of this particular village have roughly Carissa's skin tone, their hair and eye colour brown or black. They're mostly wearing simple tunics and leggings, made of leather or homespun cloth. There's no sign of occupying soldiers; in fact, the village has a very empty feel. 

Once they've seen enough for a disguise, they land the shuttle outside the village; it's surrounded by dense boreal forest so it's not difficult to do so unnoticed. It seems to be early spring, the last of the snow lingering in patches in the shadows.

Mhalir lets Carissa take over their body again before they talk to anyone. 

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Carissa is, this time, going to claim she's a mage from one of the more rural parts of the country. She heard there was a war, and wants to know more about it.

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She finds a cluster of half a dozen women between ages eighteen and fifty, arguing over whether a collapsed barn roof is fixable. They're delighted to abandon this topic and instead invite her inside for tea; the central building on their main street is a cross between a town hall, inn, indoor market, and tavern. It seems to be run by the oldest woman, and is currently pretty much deserted save for a white-haired, frail old man with a limp, currently looking at what seems to be a book of accounts in the corner. 

The women, especially the youngest two, seem very delighted to offer Carissa-in-male-guise tea and biscuits. How did she manage not to hear about the war? There were messengers sent to every town with a population over a hundred per the last census, is she from somewhere even smaller than that? 

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Her family doesn't live in a town, they - (probably they can't farm, on this soil) - travel. And she can read minds and see what they infer from that. Last time they passed through a town she heard about the war but her brother was sick, so it wasn't a good time to leave. What's the war all about?

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It's all kind of baffling to them and their explanation is correspondingly vague. The King of Tantara didn't like that the King of Predain was adding territories, and attacked. Klipar Territory, which is where they are, is nowhere near the war of course, but last autumn all the territories were informed that in order to keep getting aid from Predain, and use of the canal without paying a hefty foreigners' tariff, they needed to send a quota of men for the army. Nearly every territory accepted the offer; no one wants to go back to the times when if the crops failed then half your village would starve. Especially since they're in range to get awful storms from all the magic being thrown around in the border region.

The older woman is thinking how it's a damned tragedy how much business she's lost to this stupid war. Many of the village women are getting their husbands' pay from the army, but what are they supposed to do with it, none of the trade barges are stopping here lately and hardly anyone passes through town.

One of the other women is grumbling internally about how they'll damned well need the grain that Predain will send them, with just about all the able-bodied men in the village and nearby farms gone to fight in the war. 

The youngest of the women is trying to keep her expression level, while full of conflicted feelings about her husband's death in combat. They hadn't even been married two months before he was conscripted - still long enough to notice that while he was a good prospect in theory, as the blacksmith's apprentice, he was hardly a good student, lazy and sloppy and too fond of his drink. He can't have been much better at soldiering. She got his pay anyway, including the death stipend for dependents. So maybe she's come out of this better off, really. This visiting mage is certainly intriguing. Handsome, too. 

None of them seem to know much at all about the country that recently conquered them, or added them as a province or something; they don't seem to be thinking of themselves as conquered people, though. Predain is a distant abstraction in their minds. 

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Well, it's a very light touch, even if you assume the territories 'accepted the offer' under duress and that the salaries will stop being paid if the war goes at all poorly, which she is absolutely assuming. Where does one go to sign up? Will she be in trouble for not having done so already?

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They confer among themselves. Probably the nearest town big enough to have an officer stationed there is Niall, it's about twenty miles further down the canal, though there aren't many barges taking passengers these days so she might have to take the trail through the woods instead, which is pretty winding and generally a two-day ride or a week on foot. They don't think one ought to be in trouble just for not getting the message sooner, though it depends if the officer stationed there is reasonable or corrupt, doesn't it.

One of the women pipes up that there shouldn't be corrupt army officers, she heard they're all supposed to accept compulsions not to abuse their power in order to make officer status. 

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What, with magic? They must have a lot of magic, if they can do that with every officer.

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They've heard Predain has lots and lots of mages, nowadays, and they're very good at identifying Gifts and getting their mages training from a young age.

One of the women, with the air of someone sharing the juiciest gossip, leans in and says that she heard the new King was giving mage-gifted people money to have children - and men weren't even required to marry the mother, or pay for their keep, the government would do that! Scandalous. This would've been starting years and years ago, so maybe some of those children are old enough now to have Gifts awakening, even. 

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Well, that confirms the bit about sorcerers. She makes a hmmmph sound. "Maybe I'll get in on that."

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Does she want to stay the night? There's a bed in the loft and they'll give her accommodations and throw in supper and breakfast too if she can do some magic for them, help out around town. It's so hard to stay on top of things when all your men are gone. 

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Sure. It'll give her the chance to see which things she does are particularly remarkable and noteworthy compared to what the locals can do. She'll want to get riding right at dawn, though, if she has to make it to Niall.

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They're so delighted! The young widowed woman is thinking that it's too bad she only has the one night to make a good impression on the mage, and if she's honest with herself it's unlikely she can make him fall in love with her enough to come back here after the war. She's going to enjoy flirting anyway, though. 

The older woman takes charge. Can Carissa fix the collapsed barn roof? Can she do anything about someone else's roof leaking? Can she make them any new glass jars or iron pots, they've heard mages can do glasswork and metalwork, and they've got good fine sand and one of the villagers went to Niall to learn glassblowing from a teacher Predain sent, and for a little while they had lovely glass vases and jars, but then he left for the war. 

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- wow, she's jealous, none of those things are very easy to do with Golarion magic. She can mend small things, but she'd have to burn a diamond and a fourth-circle spell slot to make an iron pot that wasn't going to dissolve by afternoon. Before they get unimpressed with her as a mage she can fly up to the leaking roof and see if it's amenable to mending, and she can repair metal tools if they have any of those.

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Oh, they have loads of things that need repairing! Can she repair leather or broken pottery too? They didn't know that was something mages could do, it's not something any of the mages who used to travel through here sometimes would offer, but they'd be delighted. They're also AMAZED that she can fly, they never heard of a human mage doing that. 

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Carissa wants to take a local mage apart and learn all their secrets. She'll probably have to settle for Mhalir getting to infest one. 

She mends leather and pottery and broken tools and tries to think of a spell that'd let her do anything about the collapsed roof, maybe if there were a 'wood shape' spell like 'stone shape' but the reason they're not is that wood can't meld the way stone can....

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Mhalir stares at the engineering challenge. 

<How much weight can you carry when you cast Fly?> he asks her eventually. <It looks like this would be perfectly repairable by mundane means, that main supporting beam need to be replaced and the rest is easy, but I think their problem is that without the men here they are not able to get a beam up there.> 

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As much as I can carry but I don't think I can carry the beam. Even with Bull's Strength I don't think I'd be able to. Once we prepare spells I could, uh, Fly, cast Bull's Strength, turn into a bear, and then do it, but I get the sense that'd be very conspicuous. 

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<We could tell them you need privacy for some reason, but - it is probably not actually worth burning that many spells for this, maybe you can just say that the style of magic you figured out on your own is not as good for heavy lifting. They seem very happy already with all the mending.> The women are continuing to line up a row of various slightly-broken household implements for repairs. 

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Carissa can keep doing the mending and making conversation and reading minds. She is tempted to hook up with the young widowed lady but she really should not.

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Mhalir agrees that she really should not! On top of all the other reasons it's a terrible idea, it's unclear if these people have any form of birth control– can she father children when using Alter Self to be male? How does that even work? 

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She has no idea! And it'd be very unfair to try to find out, especially when the woman would probably be hoping for a sorcerer child and Carissa doesn't have any sorcerer hair to use as a focus for Alter Self. She tones down the flirting over dinner and tries to ask more questions about the local geography instead.

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None of these people are very well-travelled and so they mostly have stories to go off, and don't know much that isn't already visible from the shuttle. She does learn that the canal is five years old and was dug almost entirely by magic. The woman who had the juicy gossip last time has more of it - she heard from a mage who stayed here that they used blood-magic for it, via executing criminals. 

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What is blood-magic. She probably shouldn't ask that. She says instead that she didn't know you could dig canals that way, how many criminals would you need.

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Oh, the woman says with a vague handwave, probably hundreds to do the whole canal, she's heard it's the longest canal on the whole continent. (She in fact has only a hazy idea of how blood-magic works and this is a wild guess.) 

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There is a technique, in Golarion, to derive great power from the destruction of souls. It is not commonly done, and obviously it's very evil. She doesn't know if that's what blood-magic is but she doesn't like it. She asks if they do that in other places, too, or just Predain.

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They think blood-magic is illegal in some other countries. Probably it's illegal in Tantara, from what they've heard Tantara sounds like that sort of place.

The older woman thinks that this is a substantial improvement over the state of affairs when she was a young girl and they were still just under Lord Alrond, who was decent as far as landholders go, but definitely couldn't keep bandits out of his forests, and some of those bandits were mages and it's not like anyone would bring the law down on their heads if they hauled off and murdered some farmers. It didn't happen all that often but there were stories, you know, it seemed like everyone knew a second cousin's husband or such who'd been caught that way and never seen again, or worse, found in pieces in the woods a year later. Now at least the King's men come down hard on banditry. Three years ago they all went down to Niall to see a public execution after some nasty group of them was finally caught and put to trial. Niall got a new barn roof raised and a well dug out of it too. And if you're a decent upstanding citizen and keep your head down, you don't need to worry that you'll be in the next batch of convicts with a death sentence. 

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A lawful evil state is a lot better than a chaotic one. It's why after a decade of civil war Cheliax embraced even the peace House Thrune could offer. You keep your head down, and it's not you. And if it is, then rather by definition you deserved it.


Does it sound like you? she asks Mhalir vaguely in the back of her head while she asks how the war is affecting the weather.

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<It...could be. Using mind-control magic to enforce loyalty in the army is - something I might consider. And trying to increase the number of sorcerers by breeding them is clever. Someone in charge here is thinking long-term... I need to know more about what blood-magic is, though. And what exactly led to the war.> 

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Carissa is kind of terrified to stay in the country where if you break the law they might destroy your soul to dig a canal.

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<...If that is in fact how blood-magic works here, then - I do not think it could possibly be me in charge. You remember how horrified I was about Abaddon. So...hopefully we can find a mage to interrogate, and determine if that is the case, and if it is then we will leave right away.> 

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That makes sense. And they'd have some time, even if they were arrested, it's clearly done Lawfully - probably -



She doesn't sleep well but she doesn't need much sleep, and in the morning they can get a shuttle ride to ...somewhere else. The nearby town might be a fine place for it honestly.

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Niall has much less of a ghost-town feel; it's still the case that there are far fewer young to middle-aged men around than there ought to be, but the open-air market is getting quite a lot of traffic. The shuttle's sensors can detect some amount of magic; the town hall has some basic shielding on it, and the main square has a single big magic light on a lamppost. 

The town hall has canvas posters pinned up on the side, with what's presumably announcements in the local language and script painted on them. 

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She casts Comprehend Languages and reads them.

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They appear to be announcements about the recruiting for the army; there's some boilerplate propaganda about how the kingdom needs YOU in this dire time, and then details on pay and death benefits for dependents, clarification that all equipment is provided, and instructions on where and how to find recruiting officers, which are painted in a different colour and hand, maybe filled in later for each place. For Niall the instructions are 'right here in this building, upstairs.' 

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Maybe if she goes as a woman mage they'll be less likely to kill her if she gets attention, since they also have the breeding program. She picks yet another face, and goes on up the stairs.

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The recruiting officer, it turns out, is also a woman. She's thin, in her late forties or early fifties; she's wearing a rust-red uniform, a little worn but mended well. She's also missing a hand, which might explain why she's out here instead of on the front. She's at a desk, doing paperwork one-handed. 

She gives Carissa a surprised look. "You're not a man between sixteen and forty-five. You volunteering?" 

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"Wanted to talk about it, at least. I'm from - way north, not even a town. We've only heard a little bit about the war. But I'm a mage, so."

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"Oh, you are?" That gets her a tired smile. "Thank you for coming all the way out here. We don't get many volunteers from the new provinces, understandably. Have a seat - can I offer you tea...?" 

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"I'm all right, thank you." She takes a seat.

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"So - first of all, any other Gifts or just mage-gift? We're hurting for Mindspeakers too, and if you are one, you can get a much safer position." 

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What. "I can do short communications with mage-Gift, but it's a complicated spell. I don't think that's what you mean?"

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"- Oh, really, fascinating. No, it's not what I mean, Mindspeech is a separate Gift, usually comes with Thoughtsensing, it's rare here in the north but Healers sometimes have it too. I'm also aware that mages can imitate it with spells, but like you said, complicated - did you figure it out on your own or did someone out there teach you?" 

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"Someone taught me. Years ago, he's dead now."

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"Ah, too bad, I was about to ask." She sits back in her chair. "So you've had some teaching, then - was it a fairly wide range? Can you throw fireballs around too?" 

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Nod. "I'm not a mage so I won't bother quizzing you more on your training. Tell me what you've heard about the war to date, and I'll fill in the rest?" 

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"I know it's with Tantara. And I know Tantara has - the Mage of Silence, right, who's very powerful.  And I heard Tantara started it but they thought we were going to start it if they didn't. And - I heard we use blood-magic. For lots of things." The person she is pretending to be looks very innocently discomfited about this and also she casts a silent Detect Thoughts.

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The recruiting officer is thinking that she doesn't like it much either, gives her the collywobbles, but for all their claims to greater national virtue or whatever, Tantara did start the war, and they've killed far more of Predain's soldiers - and a lot more civilians - than vice versa. 

"Sometimes," she says carefully. "You most likely wouldn't be approved for it even if you wanted to, until you'd been in the forces six months and they thought you were promising enough to go through the training program. And - we don't kill enemy soldiers for it. We follow Tantaran standards for treatment of prisoners of war, even though they don't follow their own damned standards half the time. If blood-magic is ever authorized in combat, it's convicts who're sentenced to death anyway, or - the commander asks for volunteers."

It sure makes her uneasy. Convicts is one thing, but upstanding soldiers, men of honour.... She gets it, soldiers who expect to die anyway in a suicidal charge on the enemy's Adepts will figure they might as well instead give their side's mages the power for a cleaner attack, it makes a lot of sense to have both strategies available, just - well, it's never for certain the first way, right, and there's something awful about lying down and dying by your own commander's blade. 

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Shiver. "Isn't it - worse, for your soul - than dying normally?"

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The woman's surprised to hear this as an objection; it's not the first time she's encountered that argument against blood-power, but it's not a common one, especially not recently, and she's never heard someone in the north bring it up before.

Her brow furrows. "That's a fair question, but - hmm. Do you mean because it's suicide, or the claim that blood-magic is fundamentally corrupting even for the victim, or something else...?" 

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"I heard it's destroying their soul, and that's where all the power comes from."

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"What? Goodness!" The woman brings a hand to her mouth. "I didn't think there was any temple that claimed that!" She blinks. "I'm...fairly sure it doesn't do that. I mean, it's hardly as though we know much of what happens to us after we die, as far as I know none of the temples' claims about it are substantiated. And I'm not a mage, like I said, so I can't give you a technical explanation of it. The explanation I got is that our spirits are bound very strongly to our bodies, and snapping that binding releases a great deal of energy - it's been measured in cases of natural death, too, usually it all ends up in the Nether Plane but theoretically a mage could be waiting around nearby and snap it up." 

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"Huh." Probably if none of the local gods say it works like that then it doesn't. She relaxes, slightly. "I also heard that they make lots of things capital crimes, so they have enough prisoners for all the works projects. Not that it's anyone who doesn't deserve it but they deserve it for dodging the draft or for disrespecting the King, not for - murder."

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The woman scrunches her nose. "That's a reasonable worry to have - you're a smart young lady, I can tell that. As far as I'm aware, the list of capital crimes is exactly what it was before King Arrak ever took the throne. Murder, attempted murder and rape on the third convicted offence, owning or selling slaves, and large-scale arson - they defined that as causing more than ten thousand gold worth of damage to public infrastructure, as assessed by a neutral party. I don't think high treason is on there, let alone disrespecting the King or dodging the draft. My law book said that the thing with political prisoners is sometimes you want to question them five years down the road and it's no good if they're dead." 

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It seems like it would be deeply inconvenient to hold them all for five years but - right, these people have enough mages to blanket their army in mind-control. "I see."


You? she thinks at Mhalir vaguely


And aloud, "is the war, uh, winnable?"

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It could be? He's getting some flickers of familiarity or recognition or something in that space. But also going to war with the most skilled mage in the entire world, who also has the best mage-school in the entire world and can presumably call on the loyalty of all his current and former students, sounds incredibly stupid. He doesn't think he would be that stupid? 

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"I should think so! Looked bad at first, but taking out the capital was a stroke of genius. Their leadership structure is in disarray, and rumour is that Urtho himself is in charge of Tantara's army." She shakes her head. "Say what you want about the man's genius, he's no master of tactics." 

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"Why're we fighting, what're our objectives?"

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The recruiter is thinking that this young woman doesn't sound at all like she's from somewhere in the north that isn't even a town. She sounds smart as a whip and - like she's had foreign education, maybe. The recruiter is getting pretty suspicious of her story, but for now it seems best to keep talking. 

"We don't want any of Tantara's land, we didn't start this. Since they're apparently uninterested in opening any kind of talks, our objectives are to get them in a position where we can dictate terms. Unfortunately, it seems taking the capital wasn't enough, and Urtho's Tower is a tough nut to crack. Right now we're trying to capture as many termini on Urtho's permanent Gate-network as we can; we can't use them, but he can move troops and supplies that way, we need to even the playing field some more." She says it in a slightly rote tone, like she's repeated it a dozen times before. 

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If it's like the Yeerk-Andalite war the Tantaran version will be completely different. And the Mhalir won't be the King, but an important general. "How'd we take the capital?"

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"Some mage-artifact that Adept Kiyamvir Ma'ar made - you heard of him? They say he's the King's top advisor, nowadays, that he hardly listens to anyone else. Anyway, he made an artifact that - cast some kind of very powerful spell to cause fear, set it to trigger overnight so it's ramp up slowly while people were asleep and by the time they woke up they'd be in a panic. Just about everyone inside the inner walls ran away screaming, and then in the morning they shut it off from a distance and sent in our troops and mages to take the palace with almost no bloodshed. We assume the King survived, the troops didn't find either him or his body on site, but apparently not in any shape to keep leading the war effort." 

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<........That sounds like something I might come up with.> 

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Yes, it does, she thinks back, it feels simultaneously very funny and not funny at all. 

"I think that's - everything I was confused about. Thank you." 

What do you want to do next - probably before we go to Adept Kiyamvir Ma'ar we should get the Tantaran side of it -

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<I think we should leave, tell her we will come back tonight and then not come back. She is suspicious of you. And - yes, I think we ought hear Tantara's version of things before we plan any other moves.> 

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Obviously she's suspicious, she'd have to be an idiot not to be. Carissa smiles at her anyway, as she stands up. "Thank you for your time. I want to think about it and return this evening."

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"Yes, of course." The recruiter smiles brightly. She's thinking about getting a sketch of this woman's face - probably she gave a false name - there's no Mindspeaker in town but she can be in Tartta by tonight and get a message out advising people to keep an eye out for a mage of her appearance giving an unusual story for her background. 

No one obstructs them when they slip out of town, though. 

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And she also gave a false face, which melts off her about ten minutes later. 



Tantara tomorrow, I think. Espionage is very stressful.

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<It is! You did brilliantly, though. ...We are also going to be doing espionage in Tantara.> 

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Yes, I know, that's why I want twelve hours off. If they die here apparently what happens after that is completely unknown to the locals. She's trying not to think too much about that. Probably she should go in without Mhalir but that feels obscurely more dangerous, somehow, maybe just because it went wrong last time.

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<The situation seems very unlikely to be time-sensitive enough that twelve hours - or twenty-four - will make a difference in the outcome. I also would like twelve hours to consider things.> 

He calls for a shuttle pickup, which arrives shortly later. 

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So. Ma'ar. You think it's you?

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<I am not going to be sure until I am able to speak with him, but - I would place greater than fifty percent odds that, if Aroden's spell is correct that there is a me here at all, it is Ma'ar.> 

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What does that imply about the war. That it's stupid and can just - stop? That...

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<...That it will look stupid and pointless from the outside yet be almost impossible for any of the actors engaged in it to stop it on their own? There was - momentum, with the Yeerk-Andalite war, there was too much anger and hatred built up on both sides to be easily dissolved. It took a considerable push from the outside to change that equilibrium.> 

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Yeah. If you'd known - everything you know now - could you have stopped it?

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<I - hope so. I think probably. I am not sure.> 

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Aroden's war ended with Earthfall. Yours - the thing on the Hork-Bajir planet -

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<Maybe - though the war was far from over; there were millions of innocent casualties, but Earthfall destroyed both Aroden's home civilization and that of his enemies. Awful as it was, far less was lost on the Hork-Bajir world.> Shiver. <It - is possible that I was simply earlier in my - our - story, when it was interrupted.> 

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We - can't offer them alliances with gods. And I don't think I know enough of our magic to win it decisively for them- I guess we could call Aroden in, maybe he can Gate here once he has specific instructions -

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<Or we could go back for him with the ship, if absolutely necessary, the travel time is not that long once we know where we are going.> Mental sigh. <I will think about it. There...is some chance it would be enough just to provide a neutral channel of communications, but that would mean making ourselves known to both sides, which is - fraught.> 

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Carissa is scared and sad and has no idea what she wants except obviously not another Earthfall. She suddenly wants the topic of conversation to be something different, except they've rather exhausted most topics of conversation, on the ship.

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...They could get drunk? Not too drunk because they need to do things tomorrow, but if they go back to the ship in orbit, there's basically no chance anything will happen overnight. He's very sure at this point that no one on the planet has spacefaring capabilities, large numbers of sorcerers or not. 

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....sure. Just a little bit drunk.

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The shuttle flies back up to the ship in orbit and Mhalir wants half an hour to update his notes and brief his staff on what they've learned, and then they can have a couple of drinks and try to relax and find some non-war topic of conversation. 

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How about they watch Earth spy movies. It'll be good for her soul.

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Sure! They have a large database of Earth movies saved and can have a look. Does she want a comedy spy movie, an action spy movie, or a drama spy movie? 

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She's only heard of movies secondhand or from hearing other people watching them on the ship while she was working on magic, so she has no idea what the genres of movie are.

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He'll have a poke around. 

...They could watch Aces Go Places (comedy), a film set in Paris, where King Kong (Sam Hui) is kidnapped by a British secret agent whose mission is to retrieve one of the Crown Jewels which has been stolen and is located in a Hong Kong Police Headquarters vault.

Or they could watch Black Eagle (action), where a martial artist and special operative for the American government codenamed "Black Eagle", is summoned by his superiors after an F-111 carrying an experimental black ops laser tracking device was shot down over Malta by Russian forces. 

Or they could watch Eye of the Needle (thriller), about a German spy in the United Kingdom during World War II who discovers vital information about the upcoming D-Day invasion and his attempt to return to Germany while he is stranded with a family on a remote island off the coast of Scotland.

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None of those nouns mean anything to Carissa but Black Eagle sounds the most fun. 

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The movie seems to assume a level of familiarity with Earth and particular American culture that neither Carissa nor Mhalir possess, so a lot of its references are confusing. It's also implausible in multiple ways, and occasionally makes him want to scream at the characters for questionable planning and tactics until he remembers that they're fictional. At least Mhalir finds the martial arts fight scenes fun and satisfying to watch, plausible or not. The setting is very scenic, with aesthetic medieval-Earth ruins in the background. At one point the main character, "Black Eagle", goes deep-sea diving without a scuba tank, which the narrative implies should be impressive. 

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It's amazing! It is the best work of storytelling she has ever encountered, it's all compressed so neatly and told with full use of the visual field, there's no reason you couldn't do it with illusions, but no one has, probably no one has thought of it - 

She doesn't care about plausibility, it's a story, they're not supposed to make sense.

Going deep-sea diving without a scuba tank seems like it'd be really hard if you didn't have magic! He's obviously a high-level adventurer, which explains why he can do it and also why he's mostly uninjured by things that'd kill a normal person.

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Mhalir wouldn't previously have thought to experience awe and delight about Earth movies, which he's...probably seen at least one of, or snippets anyway... (He doesn't think Earth humans have the kind of high-level adventurers who end up physically tougher, they don't have magical healing at all, but he'll concede Carissa's point that this isn't what stories are for.)

Earth has so many movies and he's excited for them to watch more so he can watch Carissa being excited and thinking about how to imitate the entire genre with illusions. They don't need a lot of sleep so there might be enough time for as much as several more movies. 

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After one more movie Carissa will have her fill of whatever it was she wanted when she wanted to watch a movie, it's not that she's not enjoying them still but her mind is starting to wander to Predain and Tantara and the war. She feels like she understands exactly how the Andalite/Yeerk situation got locked in on its stupid trajectory and she doesn't feel like she understands that at all here. But probably they don't need that; they need confirmation that Ma'ar is ....Mhalir's story, repeated....whatever that even means which is still deeply confusing...and then -

"Oh, you know what I should do," she says five minutes into the third movie, "is try scrying someone who we'd expect to be shielded but not exceptionally dangerous if they do notice the scry - so not Urtho or the Mage of Silence if they're not the same person, and not Ma'ar, and not the King of Predain - but we should find someone who meets that description and see if we can scry them. Because their magic might defend against their kind not our kind."

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<Oh! Yes, that is an excellent idea. We know the location of many shielded buildings, now, all we would have to do is do surveillance to determine who their staff are and when they will be inside the shields.> 

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Yeah. And then another thing I want to look into is, no one we spoke to could tell that I wasn't a mage but that one barmaid was thinking it was possible to tell with magic. I want to know how I show up to that. Maybe you want to send some people to the opposite end of the planet and try to recruit a voluntary mage? 

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<Oh. Yes, that is worth trying. I could have them look around in the Haighlei Empire, there are regions of it which I think have very little contact with the Predain-Tantara area, since the mountains are close to impassible at their tech level.> 

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And we can also check that way if their telepathy makes it obvious that there are two people in my head, or whether the wig helps, or whether the Nondetection helps, and they might also know what would help if those don't. I think probably I want to just continue being suspicious in outlying provinces where word will be garbled by the time it makes it up the chain of command and their descriptions of us will be wrong. I suspect I could avoid being suspicious but that'll make it much slower to learn anything. 

Also I want to start working on permanent Detect Thoughts...permanent, Persistent Detect Thoughts. In an artifact.

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<Oh, that would be excellent to have. Especially since it sounds as though they have an entirely separate - bloodline of sorcerers? - with innate telepathy-magic. And, yes, I think it makes sense to use strategies that will get us information even if we stand out, as long as we have an escape route ready - also we should make sure to vary our cover story, maybe vary the claims you make about your magic abilities, so they have less to connect the dots on...> 

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I bet Tantara's not talking with Predain, but yes. Maybe next time I will be a very weak mage who can only make sparks -  it's a cantrip - and worried I will be conscripted. 

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<That makes sense. I do worry that even if Predain and Tantara have no official lines of communication, if Ma'ar is a me, he will have tried very hard and been very clever in his attempts to have spies there - and at least from here it appears to be a considerably easier task than it was with us and the Andalites.> 

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It does look that. Let's do an outlying province, again, ideally one far from the front lines of the war...

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<Yes, that makes sense - we can go for the southwestern region of Tantara, I think that is less directly affected by the war.> 

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And I want to figure out some experiments to determine whether blood magic is a local phenomenon or just something that only their kind of sorcerer can exploit - I've heard of necromancers who can do similar things I guess but it's very rare and I don't think it lets you do anything that valuable...

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<I desperately want to understand what they are doing with this blood-magic! What is the necromancer ability...I assume it is a different thing from the destruction of souls...?>

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Yeah, not that, just - you can drain life-energy from people for temporary strength. I think. I only took a couple classes of necromancy because I had a friend there and they had to kill children for final exams and it seemed like it'd be a very demoralizing environment. But - I can't even fathom how much magic a canal like that would need, and you couldn't get it out of killing. I don't know how to test it without killing something intelligent. We could go even farther around the world, find other places that allow it and see if we can watch? We might not have time, though...

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Mhalir is mostly not shocked by any of Carissa's thoughts anymore but once in a while it still happens, and then he has to take a moment to absorb the pain and fully appreciate it and then set it aside to process later, when they're not in the middle of a conversation about important strategy topics.

<.......I am glad you did not pursue those classes further, I think it would have - hurt you... Anyway. It does sound, to the extent we are willing to trust their descriptions, more analogous to draining life-energy to the point of death than to the destruction of souls. It sounds like lawless bandits are more willing to use it wantonly? Perhaps there are currently-Chaotic regions further north or east that Predain has not yet conquered, where such practices are still in effect?>

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Oh, maybe.


It might make sense for us to split up tomorrow. Until we know about whether the telepath-bloodline sorcerers can detect you. But if I die you must promise to figure out how to resurrect me if the local afterlives are bad. This is a joke, in the sense that she does not remotely believe he could do this or particularly that she'd be entitled to expect him to try, but it is serious about the worry and she is hoping he will at least say he's pleased with her for trying. (None of that is especially conscious.)

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<Of course. I would be very upset to lose you, after everything we have been through.> He thinks it earnestly back.

Mhalir is not at all sure that he could solve this problem, of course,, but he puts greater than nine of ten odds that Aroden could, and he would absolutely ask that favour, because that's the level of important that Carissa is, and - well, he doesn't exactly understand how important he is to Aroden, but he has granite-firm confidence that the worst outcome is having the request denied, because Aroden is him, and he wouldn't punish an ally for asking something that he couldn't provide. 

He doesn't share any of these thoughts. It doesn't seem productive, right now.

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So should I go alone? I'm nervous about it but - there's a lot to do, the faster we do it the less the chance anyone can put the pieces together, and I'm much less suspicious on my own.

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...He doesn't want her to, and some of that feeling leaks across, but he doesn't have a solid reason against it. 

<I think it makes sense for you to go alone. You should take a concealed weapon and a microphone and I will be nearby in the shuttle> 

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All right. And after they've run through the plans one more time she sleeps. Dreams about Hell, which is what she usually dreams about.


Prepares half her spells so she can do the rest over a lunch break or while hiding in a forest or whatever.

If you stay within half a mile I can Dimension Door up if there's any trouble.

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<I can do that.> 

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Then she'll go get the Tantaran side of the war. She goes for a teenage boy, this time, thin and a bit twitchy. Wanders into the town they selected and looks around for a store or something.

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The town feels less like a half-abandoned ghost town. The main street contains an inn with a front patio (it's warm enough in southern Tantara to be comfortable to sit outdoors), with a couple of tables occupied, both by clusters of older women gossiping with each other. There's also a tailor's shop, a produce market, a smithery, and an apothecary.

A young woman is sitting out front of the apothecary, smoking a pipe of some herb and swinging her legs; she sees Carissa, gets up, and waves, smiling. 

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She waves back. Nervously. 

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The young woman stands up, flips her hair out of her eyes. "Hey. You new to town?" 

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" - yeah. Nice to meet you." Twitchy smile. "I was - wondering if I could work for breakfast."

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"Oh, what sort of work?" He's cute, she thinking, in a pale scrawny way but she's always preferred boys who look younger than her, less threatening. "You a Healer or something?"

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"No." She ducks her head, lowers her voice. "I'm a mage. But I'm not a very powerful one. And - I heard some people saying we'd be conscripted - so I'm trying - not to advertise it, you know -"

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Awwww, he looks so sad and scared and it's so hot. The young woman stands up, gives him her best reassuring smile. "Oh, no, Urtho's not a monster– er, and I wouldn't say anything to no one even if it were the rules, I promise -" She takes a step closer. 

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"Everyone says Urtho's very nice," she says, and steps towards her, warily. 

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The young woman steps closer as well. "I can't say I've met the man, but you hear things, you know." Handwave. She reaches out a hand, lowers her voice conspiratorially. "I'm Liora. I– I'm afraid I can't just offer you breakfast for nothing, but - what sorta things can you do, as a mage, you know...?" 

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"I'm really not a good one. I can light fires, and I can clean fabrics, and I can do lights. That's pretty much it. I can move stuff if it's not very heavy but honestly I can't move more with magic than I can just by lifting it."

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She holds out her hand. "Hey, I get it. Hmm, I'm trying to think what you could do for us that Master Baar would agree was worth breakfast... Hmm, if you come stand with me in the workshop and make a light and bring me supplies from the shelves when I ask for them - they're not heavy - I think we could probably get enough done that he'd sign off." 

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"Okay. Thank you."

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The young woman takes her inside, to a back room with herbs strung from the ceiling to dry and more boxes and jars on floor-to-ceiling shelves, and a complicated glass setup that looks like it's for distilling grain alcohol. There's also a vat of ordinary beer in the process of being brewed. 

She asks Carissa to make a light and get an urn of something down, but isn't very focused on her work; she's too busy being curious about the newcomer, it's been a while since anyone interesting showed up in town and she's still thinking that he's cute.

"So, where're you from?" 

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She makes a light and an unseen servant to fetch things. 

"I'm from Tiran. It's way down on the border with the Ceej."

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"Oh, wow! I haven't heard of it. You must've - sorry can you grab me that box, yellow label - you must've travelled a long way! By yourself?" 

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Unseen Servant gets the box. "I, uh, ran away from home. I've mostly been walking. It's been a month or so."

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"Oh. I– that sounds rough. Why did you run away, er, if you don't mind me asking." 

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"My dad wanted me to enlist, and I heard people saying there'd be a draft soon anyway, at least for mages, and - I'd heard all kinds of things about the war. Most of them probably not true, but still."

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Shiver. "It's scary. The rumour's that whoever is in charge over there is using all sorts of dark magic. And, I mean, we've got the Mage of Silence, probably it'll be all right in the end..." 

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"Yeah, probably. But that doesn't help if I'm dead! I heard they use blood-magic."

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"They do! It's not even a secret or anything, I heard that even before the war they had public executions for it." She shudders. 

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"It sounds like a horrible way to die."

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"It does!" She puts down her mortar and pestle and leans closer. "I heard even creepier things - they mind control their soldiers, right, and - I heard when they take prisoners they put compulsions on them too, to make them obedient, so they can't run away..." 

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"I heard that too! And that they attacked the palace with some kind of fear magic..."

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"I heard the King went mad from it and that's why he died, of madness. And some of the other nobles were never seen again - makes you wonder if they got out in the first place, or got snatched up." 

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"I wish we'd never started the war."

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Shrug. "I mean, me too, but I can't reckon we could've let them keep rampaging across the rest of the continent and murdering people for blood-magic and all that." 

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"Were they murdering lots of people for blood magic outside their fancy public executions?"

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"If they were it was secret, obviously, but I bet they were." She flips her hair out of her eyes again. "They said at school that blood-magic is addictive and mages who use it get corrupted by it and just want to use more and more and more." 

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Shiver. "What do you think will happen if they win the war?"

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"Ugh, I don't want to think about it." She grimaces. "I mean, probably they'd make Tantara part of their empire - I bet they'd put compulsions on all the important people to make them go along with it and pretend it was their idea in the first place, seems they like being able to pretty up their conquests that way - and they'd nab all the mages and teach them blood magic and - did you know, I heard they breed mages? Like - pigs, or cattle..." 

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"They make them have children?"

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"Yes, exactly, they want more mages - reckon it'd be worse for girls, I heard for boys they mostly just - stud you out - it's gross but you wouldn't need to be pregnant at least..." 

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"I don't know any history, have they always been like this or is it recent..."

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Shrug. "I think they've always been kind of corrupt, but all this mind control and breeding and stuff is, uh, maybe the last ten or fifteen years? The new King and his creepy advisor are behind it." 

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"Adept Kiyamsomething?"

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"Kiyamvir Ma'ar, that's right. You know, they say he studied in Urtho's Tower! Can you imagine that - being betrayed that way by your own student..." 

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- she can't talk to Mhalir through the earpiece while there's someone right here but she assumes he caught that. "Awful. Urtho - mentored him, taught him advanced magic - and then he went to Predain and did things that made Urtho nervous and - Tantara invaded Predain?"

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"Something like that. Isn't it horrible? Figure that's part of why Urtho pushed for attacking them first - he must've felt so awful, watching someone use the things he taught them to conquer all those places." 

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"Yeah. Well, Urtho's an incredibly powerful mage, right, it should work out..."

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"I really hope so. Understandable that you want to stay out of it, though." She sighs a little and goes back to grinding herbs; she's trying to think of a change of topic, it's tempting to just end up gossiping about war war war with everyone she talks to but it's so grim

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Carissa is pretty sure she knows what she needs, now, and is half-expecting Mhalir to tell her any minute to get out of here for a pickup, but she can cooperate with a subject change. "You're an apprentice here? What're you learning to do?"

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Mhalir is still absorbing what he's just heard. He thinks it's enough to go on but he's taking a moment to mull on whether he has other questions to convey to Carissa. 

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"Mix medicines, brew ale, we also sell herbs and spices for cooking so I help with that too. Master Baar's all right." She finishes grinding and dumps the powdered herb into a jar of grain alcohol, and then retrieves her pipe and re-lights it. "Wanna try a puff? It's some herb from way down south, makes you feel extra alert and cheerful, it's great." 

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"Oooh, sure!"

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(Mhalir is not at all sure that in Carissa's place he would go along with smoking random herbs handed to him by a random apothecary apprentice, but it doesn't seem worth actually interrupting about.) 

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The smoke is pungent, leaving an almost sweet taste behind in her mouth, and thirty seconds later everything does in fact seem a little bit brighter and sharper. 

The girl takes her pipe back and has a long pull from it. 

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It seems like most of the fun of being a boy is that you can take random drugs from people you just met and expect they're actually what is advertised. She giggles. "Oooh, I like that."

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"Best perk of this job. You can have another if you like." She holds out the pipe again. "Oh, and maybe that breakfast you wanted." 

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"Ready to pick you up whenever it is a good moment to step away," Mhalir says in Carissa's earpiece. He's borrowed one of the other hosts, an Earth-human woman; she's fine, mostly she daydreams while he does things with her body. 

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"Thank you. Is there an outhouse?"

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The girl bobs her head. "It's out back, we share it with the tailor's shop." 

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So she heads out back. "Okay, ready for a pickup," she says softly when she's out of earshot.

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The shuttle descends, cloaked, just outside the village, providing instructions to her. 

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She goes invisible and jogs on over.

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Mhalir, with relief, exits his borrowed host's ear. The woman offers him to Carissa. 

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Carissa is slightly intoxicated with the pleasantly sharp thing and very pleased with herself. I guess objectively we still shouldn't be sure, but - it fits, right - Ma'ar studying under Urtho, who then betrayed him because he was scared that he was conquering places and doing something that's very taboo in Tantara...

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<Yes. I was thinking exactly the same thing. But - Urtho is still alive, here - in our war, Seerow died in the first engagement...> 

He's feeling a surprisingly strong pang of - is that envy? 

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If someone had shown up during your war claiming to be you how would you have reacted.

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<...I would have been very suspicious, I think. Probably I would want to go in their head and see for myself, if I could arrange to do that safely.> 

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And he won't have that option. Though he has the magic mind control.

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<And some people here have permanent Detect Thoughts, though I am not sure if he is one of them. ...Anyway, it seems unwise to startle him, given that he is under threat and is probably feeling very paranoid.> 

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I definitely have enough to go off for a Sending. I - guess we should think through what happens if - we contact this Ma'ar and we're - wrong and he's not a you, or he's very like you but not in a way that'd make him safe to work with - I don't know if that's possible or if it'd be too unlike you -

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<I am tempted to say that would be too unlike me, but - it would not be implausible for a me to react with hostility if he believed we were much more powerful than him and he was unsure of our intentions. And - he will badly want to be in control of the situation, which he might attempt to get by kidnapping us. I would prefer to avoid that.> 

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So what are our options. We could just - surrender to the Predain forces somewhere, explain, hope they take us to him, hope he's not hostile then because he's in control but - if we were wrong about anything we're pretty screwed, at that point, because of the mind-control...

We could do a Sending and go hang out very far away where he can't do anything other than respond. 

We could gather more information - are your people getting anywhere on infesting a mage voluntarily, if we know how the mind control works I'd be less nervous about doing the first plan...

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<...I think the first plan should be a last resort, if it seems that the situation is worsening or escalating further. I would prefer to wait until we know more, but it seems my people are having a difficult time in the Haighlei Empire; they have extremely strict controls on their mages, all of them are taken away from their families in early childhood and raised as part of an elite priesthood of some kind, this makes it hard to determine who they can try recruiting without leaking the secret to the entire rest of the priesthood.> 

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Huh. We could try some other place? Back in Seej, or, I don't know, are there civilizations on the other side of the planet?

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<I was thinking of sending them to try the opposite coast, on the east side, it is very far away and it does not appear that Teleport is widely available here, so probably there is not much communication between that region and Tantara or Predain.> 

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That sounds good. Do we have good enough information on both sides to guess if the war's about to escalate and we need to intervene more - I bet they can't detect electronics, we can't...

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<I have the ship monitoring the planet closely for any change on the magic sensors, which might give us some warning; I can have the ship fly in a lower orbit at regular intervals to get closer sensor coverage on Predain and Tantara specifically. And, no, I do not think they can detect electronics. I am thinking about where we can place some concealing recording devices; we probably want it to be at a military location, but a less important one, so it is not as risky to infiltrate.> 

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Nod. I could Dimension Door invisibly in from the ship, drop something, and Dimension Door right back out, but we'd want to check first that they don't have trap-spells that'd stop me leaving...I could go in as a bird, I think the locals can't do that so their defenses probably aren't meant for it...

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<I would definitely be concerned about trap-spells. Going in as a bird seems safer, and we could try to arrange it so that you would not need to land - maybe you could drop it, disguised as a pebble or some other innocuous object. Or we could send a drone, but I am not sure we can convincingly disguise one as a local bird.> 

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I'm willing to drop pebbles as a bird. Not over the city Ma'ar is in because I've been kidnapped by yous enough, and not over the city Urtho's in because he sounds very scary, but - outlying installations, sure. If we've observed other birds to fly in and out of them and not die of it.

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<All right. We will obtain sensor coverage of some facilities and their local wildlife, and if birds can come and go safely then we will go ahead with that plan. Though I would be more comfortable if we were first able to test whether your protective items or the wig block the local Detect Thoughts - actually, how do those interact with being a bird -?>

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You can Polymorph with your clothes but they won't protect you from mindreading. Nondetection should still work to the extent it's working against these people in the first place. 

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<Unfortunately I am not sure we can afford to delay getting the recording devices in place while we wait for my people to try recruiting on the eastern coast. I suppose you can stay out of Detect Thoughts range and descend only very briefly.> 

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If we had a better wizard here we could have a Contingent Teleport back to the ship that functions even if I'm unconscious. Frustrated sigh. I guess maybe if I do enough espionage I'll level eventually.

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<Maybe. All we can do until then is be careful.> 

It's still only noon, so they can get some more shuttle footage of outlying military barracks in both countries and pick a candidate spot in each to drop some sneaky recording devices disguised as pebbles. 

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She prepares Beast Shape so she can turn into a bird. Better to not be an invisible bird, right, in case that trips sensors...

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<I think so, yes.> And he reluctantly concedes that Carissa should go alone; it would be worse if they both went and then got caught, even if it's more upsetting somehow to imagine Carissa being captured alone. 

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Plus she's not actually sure what would happen if she Polymorphed herself with him in her head. You can abort a pregnancy that way which doesn't suggest good things for Yeerks. 


Once they've seen some birds pass through unmolested, she turns into a goose of a kind she's seen in the area, takes a pebble in her beak, and exits the shuttle in the middle of the air. She has eight minutes.

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They're hitting Tantara first; it's a supply warehouse of some kind, south of the shielded Tower and the region around the capital currently under Predain's control. The building itself has magical shielding but there isn't any additional shield over the whole area. There aren't very many people around and none of them seem to be interested in birdwatching. 

- There is, however, some sort of large stone-and-crystal freestanding archway, and a few uniformed staff are hauling and stacking crates up in front of it, for unclear reasons. 

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That's fascinating and probably the ship cameras are on it. She tries to not-think, it's not much of a defense against Detect Thoughts which will make it instantly apparent she's of human intelligence but it's not nothing. Flyflyflyfly pebble drop flyflyflyfly back around to the shielded ship.

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The ship is waiting for her and Mhalir is relieved and glad to be back in her head. They're hovering for a bit to see if they can get good coverage on what that archway is for - 

- it turns out that it's for some sort of instantaneous-transport portal! In fact, it's obvious where the other end is to, a little north of the Tower, because both ends are lighting up clearly to the magic sensors, and with the video footage maximally zoomed in, they can make out boxes being loaded in the one and and appearing on the other side, seventy miles away. It stays open for about ten minutes. 

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"I want it," she says, watching.

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Mhalir is awed. <It would be so incredibly useful! What is that - it seems to serve the same function as Gate but magically it - oh - it also shows up to our ordinary sensors, a little! It looks like...>  

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"Like a hyperspace jump," the ship's engineer finishes for him. 

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" - that's incredible."

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<It is! This must be - I think I remember hearing mentions of Urtho's Gate network... Amazing. No wonder they say he is the best mage in the world.> 

The show seems to be over, the spike on the magic sensors subsiding, so they move on to the planned stop over Predain. This time it's a training ground, one of the less busy ones, but still with enough traffic that the recording device will have something to pick up. 

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She hands Mhalir off, turns into a bird, and flies out to drop her pebble. 

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No one at the site reacts visibly to her presence or does anything to impede her departure, and Carissa is retrieved without further complication. 

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Okay. So we have a little bit of ability to hear what's going on. What's - the path from here to talking with Adept Kiyamvir -

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<Hmm. First, I am torn between giving him as little information as possible, to keep him from guessing our full capabilities and make it less likely he could capture us if he wished to, versus telling him more information because it will start us off on a less hostile footing. What do you think?>

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You could tell him - everything about you and nothing about Golarion. Or vice versa. Since both of those are - complete, and account for us having strange capabilities - I guess they don't account for you thinking you know this story, but that part is probably the hardest to explain...

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<Yes. I am not sure that I could explain it believably at all, and certainly not within the word limit of a Sending. I suppose I could use a Sending to tell him where to pick up further explanations - can you use Comprehend Language to write them in the local language?>

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No, only to read. Actually the highest bandwidth way to pass a message would probably be to kidnap one of his people, not a mage, and explain to them whatever it is we're explaining, and then drop them off safely. With a comms device.

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<...That sounds extremely dangerous, at least if we are going to try for someone he considers trustworthy; it would be less risky to kidnap a randomly chosen farmer, but I am not sure if he would take a message from them as seriously.> 

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Random soldier, if he's Dominating them all he doesn't need to trust them. The Sending thing is definitely safer at the point of contact, it just seems harder to make sure he doesn't overreact or something from there. 

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<That makes sense. Hmm - I think we can pull off kidnapping a random soldier, but it will take some planning. We can try for a sentry at a minor facility that is unlikely to have mages on site, maybe a guard station on one of their non-Tantara borders, and - probably it makes the most sense to stun them and get them out on the shuttle very fast...>

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I could shoot them and Dimension Door with them.

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<Oh, that would probably work. And you could cast Invisibility to sneak up on them, if we drop you further out and then hover in the shuttle?>

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Yes, though firing the Dracon beam's going to make the illusion snap, and I can't do Greater Invisibility until tomorrow.

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<Hmm. I...think it is worth going ahead tonight, if we can find a guard facility with a small number of personnel where none of the sentries are in range of each other. I will have my staff review the sensor coverage for our options.> 

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Carissa still has the nagging sense that something terrible is definitely going to happen to her and it's probably going to be Adept Kiyamvir Ma'ar's fault but fifth level is very tantalizing and she's the one who can teleport and Polymorph and Adept Kiyamvir Ma'ar doesn't seem like a wasteful person. And she's not even any use for his breeding program. 

All right. Let's do it.

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They hang out on the ship for an hour while their annotated aerial footage map of Predain is pored over. The best location they can find is closer to the border with Tantara than Mhalir would have preferred, only about fifty miles north of it, but their estimate is that it doesn't have more than a couple dozen soldiers staffing it, and there's no record of magic readings except for the basic shielding on the main barracks. The region is forested, which should make it easier for Carissa to sneak up on a sentry who isn't in view of anyone else. 

It's late afternoon at this point; they have a couple more hours of daylight to work with. 

<Are you ready for this?> Mhalir asks her. <If you prefer to have Greater Invisibility for it, we could do it in the morning...> 

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I think if we bop around doing things for long enough eventually someone smart - and the best mage in the world is going to be smart, and the you is going to be smart - will notice, and I don't know what they'll do, but - sooner is better. Dimension Door doesn't take long to cast.

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<All right.> 

And then fly the shuttle back down. They have a medic on board in case local humans turn out to be more easily damaged by stun beams or something else goes wrong, and a few other staff, armed, in case something else they haven't thought of goes wrong. 

Carissa is kind of a single point of failure, though, as the only wizard. The other team is making more headway at recruiting for 'mercenaries' on the eastern coast, but they haven't gotten a voluntary mage yet. 

<You should be ready to abort and Dimension Door out of there if it seems anything is not going according to plan> Mhalir says to her. <I would rather lose this opportunity than have you end up captured.> 

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Yep. And if it seems like anything went wrong, you should be careful when I come back, until you've gotten a look at me. Since they have mind control and we still don't know much about it.

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<Of course.> He hesitates for a moment. <....Good luck. Be careful.> And, with even more reluctance this time, he slips out of her head so he can be handed over to the other host he keeps rudely borrowing. 

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She goes in invisibly, reading minds, looking for a soldier who is definitely not a mage and alone.

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None of these soldiers have any magic items on them. Most of the sentries have positions in sight of each other, but if she's patient she can probably eventually find one who doesn't, and plan her approach. 

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Mhalir is incredibly nervous about Carissa and all of his attention is focused on their imagery and sensor data of the guard station. 

Which is why it takes him a second or two to register the other flicker of - what...? 

He barks something to get the pilot's attention, points, stares at it. "What is that?" There's nothing visible on camera, but a couple different kinds of sensor, including the magic one, are picking up a very faint signature. Airborne; it's at least fifty yards above them and several hundred yards south, though it's hard to gauge exactly because it's hazy and seems to be moving fast. 

It could be random noise, but -

He toggles the controls to transmit to Carissa's earpiece. "Carissa, freeze where you are - we're picking up something - not on the ground, above us, stand by -"

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She is ten feet from her target. She freezes. She wants to get out of here - but Mhalir said freeze, and they might have a way to notice a Dimension Door -


She holds perfectly still and doesn't breathe and thinks where on the ground to Dimension Door to, if she has to run and can't expect the shuttle to be in range for her. This is a border outpost, which means across the border she won't be in Predain, and will be in some place they're not at war with, that might well constrain them in following her. She'll Dimension Door as far away as the spell allows, still invisible, and then fly at top flight speed, and then summon a Phantom Steed once her flight runs out -

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The sensor ghost is still incredibly difficult to pin down - no, there's more than one of them - they're moving fast, coming closer...

And then with no warning at all, the magic sensors are blaring, there's some incredibly powerful burst of something

"Carissa we are under attack you need to RUN NOW–" he has time to say, and then the whatever-it-is hits them. It's not exactly an explosion, or any kind of weapon he recognizes, but suddenly all of their sensors are nothing but noise and half of the computers seem to be down entirely and they're falling. 

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She's going to be upset about that later. She Dimension Doors across the border and into the sky and she casts Feather Fall first because it's faster and then Fly and then she takes off, invisibly and as fast as she possibly can.

After a moment of consideration she drops the earpiece. If the shuttle crashed the people on it are probably dead but if they're alive they could be mind-controlled. The ship in orbit is still fine, they're increasingly sure no local magic can even touch it and once it hears of this it'll probably zip off to deep space, but - she doesn't know a way to contact them which a hostile in charge of the shuttle couldn't react to first.


She can do a Sending to the ship in the morning. 

When the invisibility wears off she casts it again, and when the Fly wears off she casts a Phantom Steed, and then she rides away. 


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There's no obvious pursuit. 

Fifteen seconds into her frantic flight, she hears the distant sound of what may or may not be the shuttle crashing into the tree canopy. 

By the time Fly wears off she can no longer make out the break in the trees where the guard-post is. The area is densely forested enough that she can't ride that fast, there's a lot of brushy undergrowth that needs to be dodged, but there's still no sign of anyone chasing her. 

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If the shuttle inhabitants are dead there won't be pursuit. If they're mind-controlled there probably will be. So it'll be - information.



She slows down, though. If they'll be pursuing her with magic stealth matters more than distance. Dismisses the Phantom Steed, looks around for a place in the wilderness where she has good cover. Settles in and shivers and - waits.

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There is falling and terror and then an incredibly violent lurch and PAIN and then nothing. 

- and then there's dragging himself up from the nothing, straining toward awareness - his host is very unconscious, which makes nearly impossible to do anything, even to get sensory input from the body, and there's something wrong, maybe he's injured too, he can barely string together thoughts... He could slip out of her head but that wouldn't really improve his situation overall.


Pokepokepoke he tries to rouse her, and gets a flicker of semiconsciousness, just enough to force her eyes open and glimpse a blurred sense of trees-and-sky and...black wings...? Wind on their face. 

Everything hurts and he can't concentrate even enough to process what's happening, and he stops trying and lets himself drift into darkness again. 

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There are voices. They're wind-muffled and annoyed. Also weirdly sibilant. 

"- what do you mean be morre gentle, what am I ssuppossed to do, we are flying." 

     "Sskan, ssseriously–" 

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And then there's a lurch and a thump and more pain, and then light, and a moment of disorientation-falling that makes it through even the haze...it feels like a hyperspace jump, almost, but that doesn't make sense...? His host is still mostly unconscious but she's cold, he can vaguely feel her shivering, as though from a great distance. 

Then blessed darkness, and warmth, a soft surface under them, and Mhalir slides back into fog. 

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When his host finally regains consciousness, she's in a bed, in a room with sunlight filtering through curtains, and there's a tall, thin woman with her hair cut short at the sides and longer on top so it stands up in a crest, sitting at her bedside. 

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Uh, she thinks at Mhalir, Visser Three? Do you know what's going on?

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Something still feels wrong, thinking is gluey and slow, but Mhalir tries to rouse himself.

<We were attacked. From the air, some sort of - magic weapon - it appears we were captured, I am not sure by which side. We...should ask...>

He finds that getting her actual mouth to say words is a lot harder than it should be, though. 

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"Oh, you're awake," the woman says. "You probably feel like hell, I'm sorry - you had a pretty bad head injury, you've been out since last night." She's frowning intently at them. "...No, I'm not imagining it, you are two people in there. Are you - possessed, or something...?" 

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Mhalir is only half aware that she's speaking, and not processing it at all, because he's busy trying to get their hands to obey him, and checking for the weapons he had before. Nope. Their Dracon beam is gone. So are all the clothes his host was wearing, actually. 

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She doesn't know the language at all! She's disoriented and freaked out!

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:Can you understand me now?: the woman tries in Mindspeech, which hurts a LOT but does successfully convey concepts. 

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Aaaaaah Mhalir is too startled and confused and scared to even try to answer. 

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She whimpers. This is half an answer and half involuntary, and she's surprised anything happens because usually when Visser Three is borrowing her he is tightly in control the whole time.

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He's trying

<...I think - something is wrong...> he manages to her, and then he wrestles for control, manages enough of it to open his eyes and nod to the woman. Which he kind of regrets because OW. Normally he's a lot more capable of distancing himself from a host's physical pain, but right now it's all blurring together into a haze of sensory awfulness. 

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She makes a sympathetic sound. :I'm going to declare that you're not in good enough shape yet for questioning. I'll get you some painkillers and let you rest some more, all right?: 

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"Mhhmm," he manages. It's not like he's exactly capable of doing anything other than going along with whatever she does to them. He doesn't even have Carissa's magic right now; he's utterly helpless. 

Damn it, though, he wants to know which side grabbed them. Words, come on, he can say words. It takes a couple of tries to get it even semi-intelligible, though.

"Ma'ar, Urtho...?" he mumbles. 

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:I'm sorry, what was that?: 

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If she's speaking to him telepathically she probably can read his mind, his sense was that those abilities went together in the local magic. He tries to think very loudly and clearly that he wants to know where they are. 

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:....Oh, you poor thing: The woman's eyes are suddenly wider, though. :You're in Urtho's Tower: 

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"Mmm." He doesn't know if that's good or bad news, and he's out of the strength to do anything about it either way. He goes back to drifting. 

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Carissa, hidden in the forest, waits for anything to happen. Nothing happens. She considers this very rude of it even though she spent the last hour desperately trying to ensure nothing would happen.


In the morning she'll Sending the ship and learn whether Mhalir is dead or a captive and whether there are search parties. Until then all she can do is be very hard to find and eventually use her bonded gem to cast Rope Trick even though she didn't prepare it, and then hide in it to sleep.

It takes a long time to fall asleep, but it's still dark as the dead of night when she wakes. 

She Sendings the first person she can remember on the ship. "Mhalir and shuttle downed by magic. I escaped without Mhalir. Is their location known? Are there instructions?"

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She gets a frantic and very relieved reply immediately. "Location unknown, local Gate nearby, taken alive and evacuated? Predain surveillance showing major troop movements, war escalating, discussing options for contacting Ma'ar." 

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Alive. She takes a deep breath and rubs her eyes and takes another deep breath.

She has two more Sendings. "Evacuated where, to Tantara? Should be hyperspace jump signature at destination. I can contact Ma'ar, probably should if Urtho imprisoned, shouldn't if Predain did."

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"Observed only one. Predain moved troops there shortly later, investigated scene, could indicate Urtho responsible, neither site's surveillance informative. Where are you - should rendezvous?" 

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Last Sending of the day. But - she shouldn't contact Ma'ar, if he might be the one who did this she doesn't want him to be able to find her...

"Travelled east from the site maybe six miles. Should expect same problem as last time if you send a shuttle. Could ride farther from Tantara?"

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A brief pause. 

"Fifty miles due northeast, noon rendezvous, by crescent shaped lake. Can you receive radio communications? Will also watch for other indications you can send." 

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She can't answer that. 


She makes a phantom steed and  - actually there's no point in even starting until the sun is up. She's not quite sure yet what direction it's going to rise in; Rope Tricks are disorienting this way.


She spends the time until the sunrise pacing, and worrying about Mhalir. What if they don't realize he's a person - no, they have mindreaders. They won't care about him but - that's fine, they have plenty of strategic reason to keep him alive.

The war escalating. She wishes she could convince them to stop. She doesn't actually have a convincing argument, just an analogy to another world where someone pulled an asteroid out of deep space and set it hurtling towards their world, thinking wrongly they'd survive the destruction they were causing...and another story that, Mhalir is probably right, ended before it reached its true destructive potential conclusion. It is easy to see how the Andalites or the Yeerks could've been wiped out. Harder to imagine how that could've happened to both of them, but - maybe. 

When the sun has done enough starting to rise that she can figure out where east is she rides northeast, as fast as she can push her ghostly horse who has the advantage of not really needing to touch the ground.

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The forest continues to be annoying to ride through but she can reach the specified lake by noon. It's fairly big. There's a cove with a sandy beach at one corner of the crescent, steep rocky banks at the other. 

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She hides and waits for noon. It seems terribly likely that whoever detected the shuttles will be able to do it again, and she doesn't even have a Dimension Door today. But - she doesn't see what other options she has.

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She doesn't see the shuttle, which of course is cloaked. 

A little after noon, though, someone calls out to her from the nearby trees in a low voice. "Carissa? It's Amrash." One of Mhalir's staff; the voice matches, and so does the face, when he steps out cautiously. There's a new person with him, a swarthy-skinned man in clothes that are obviously from this world and also obviously foreign to Predain and Tantara.

Both of them are holding Dracon beams, and look relieved to see her and also wary. 

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Well, they were recruiting. 



She spends a minute trying to think of - no, she shouldn't've come here at all if she wasn't trying to get back to Mhalir's people and this is precisely what to expect given that she is. Probably they're going to want to infest her to make sure this isn't a trap for them. And they ought to hurry, in case the shuttle's descent here was detected...

She walks towards them, her hands raised, not that that means much since she's a wizard.

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The new man nods and murmurs something in Amrash's ear. Amrash relaxes fractionally. 

"Carissa," he says, "we would like to stun you and bring you back to the ship that way. You - must understand, we have to be careful..." 

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"Yeah." It is obviously the order Mhalir would've given, if he was here. "You'll need it set to five."

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He nods - it's already set to five - and he stuns her. 







When she wakes up, she can't move. This is because there's a different Yeerk in her head. 

<Carissa, this is Onnet. Just having a look around.> Pause, then a wash of relief and a hint of fondness. <We're very very glad to have you back safe. We're on the ship now.>

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She finds it vaguely upsetting to have it be anyone other than Mhalir, in a way that mostly manifests inexplicably as 'but what if they think I suck'. She tries to not have this opinion, which is a stupid one. Obviously they would need to do this; Mhalir would've ordered it, if he were here and himself unable to for some reason. 

<It's good to be back> she says. <What's the situation.>

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<No news on Mhalir. We have not risked opening communications with either side. We have managed substantial recruiting on the eastern coast - sixteen hosts in total, ten mages, four Healers, two with other different Gifts we were not previously aware of. Five of the sixteen also have the Detect Thoughts and telepathy Gift. All of them are...mostly voluntary. We were in a hurry.> 

A brief hesitation. 

<Both the Predain and Tantaran armies have substantial movements happening; Predain seems to be gearing up for a battle over the Gate-terminus to the north of Urtho's Tower, which Tantara still holds. If Predain can take the Gate, even if they can't, Tantara's forces on that side will lose their supply lines, and Predain would be in a good position to advance on the Tower itself. It's unclear they have the strength to win the battle, though, Tantara is moving a lot of gryphons>> 

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And we probably don't want that to happen at all, because going off the story thing things can get much much worse -

She's so scared. 

How long does Mhalir have. She should know this but she has been really busy lately.

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<About thirty-six hours.> 

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I don't think we can get him out of Urtho's Tower, if that's where they took him. If it's Ma'ar that has him - maybe. Ma'ar'll be moving fast, right now, there might be an opening - and if we've got local mages then I can ask them all my questions about magic system interactions, figure out whether there's anything -

- or you can do that, I guess -

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<Oh, no, I have seen plenty and will go back to my usual host in a moment, it is just faster to catch you up and answer your questions this way.> 

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Okay. I want to compare magic systems and figure out whether there's anything we can do to stop the stupid war from getting worse or to rescue Mhalir.

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<That makes sense. With Mhalir captured, usually the command would fall to me, but - I will defer to you on matters related to magic and the tactics it allows. You are the expert on that.> A brief pause. <And on Mhalir, too, you understand how he makes plans better than any of us do.> 

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Thank you. She thinks she would normally have some kind of feeling about how - everything is set up for the Yeerks to think of her entirely as an expensive possession of Mhalir's but they really don't, and it feels odd in some way, in the fashion Good often does, and she wants to poke that more, but actually there's no space for the feeling because she is panicking about the war and about Ma'ar and about Mhalir. 


She waits for him to leave so she can go interrogate the mage.

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The mage is currently pacing around the main deck, staring in utter awe at all the screens and monitors. 

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"Incredible, isn't it? They're so rich - I have a bunch of urgent questions for you, sorry."

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He nods, reluctantly peels himself away. "You're the wizard, right, from the other world? You know a completely different kind of magic that doesn't take Gifts to learn."

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"Yeah. And I want to figure out if there's any useful overlap we can use to - stop this stupid war, somehow. I want to go down a list of the spells I have and you can tell me if you have anything like that - no flight, right - can you summon animals from other planes?"

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"- Uh, I heard some of the mage-shamans in the north can summon elementals and talk to them, even give them construct bodies. And demons, you can summon Abyssal demons if for some reason you want to." Shudder. "As far as I know none of the other planes have normal animals to summon." 

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She nods. She goes down her spell list. Shielding, counterspelling, dispelling, antimagic though she can't cast that, infuriatingly, it'd solve several problems here, divinations, illusions, polymorphing - she should check if she gets their Gifts when she polymorphs into them -

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They have equivalents for shielding; dispelling and counterspells aren't really separate, you take out another mage's spells by seeing it and using your own to disrupt it. They have illusions. They can scry at a distance - and there's actually a special Gift for that, too, one of their new recruits is a Farseer. They can do Gates. Adepts can tap nodes for extra energy. They absolutely cannot do anything resembling Polymorph and the mage is shocked and awed by the idea. 

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How about non-Gate teleportation. 

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There's a Gift called Fetching that pops up sometimes? It lets you teleport objects as well as move them telekinetically. He's heard that the strongest Fetchers can teleport themselves a mile, but he's never met anyone who could do that. 

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Does he have any ideas about how they'd get to Ma'ar, if they wanted to. Other than turning themselves in in some flashy fashion, which would probably work but which will suck and she wants to think whether there are other options first.

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So the tricky part is that Ma'ar sounds smart and paranoid, and so he's probably going to be behind shields most of the time, and protections against local magic. They've got the Farseer, though, and all the amazingwonderful screens of information from the ship's sensors, and enough mages to keep up scrying on a number of places. And if Ma'ar is moving troops for a major battle, he might be more exposed than usual. 

Does Carissa's magic have a way to find Ma'ar, without sending a message to him? That's the main part he's stuck on. If they know where he is and can track him, well, at the very least he could Gate line-of-sight from the shuttle to the ground and - then think of something they could do from there. 

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She can scry him. She can only try it once and it sometimes doesn't work but - it's the obvious first thing to attempt.


She pulls out her crystal ball and tries it.

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There's a man, with the dark hair and eyes of the Predain locals. He's in an office of some kind, which from the look of it seems to be in an underground bunker; the larger desk is obviously his, and covered in maps. He's on his feet, pacing, occasionally snapping orders to a clerk sitting at a smaller desk writing letters. It's mostly hard to make sense of, this company this location this handful of random nouns which presumably refer to some military contingency-plan. 

He looks very stressed. 

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" - got him," she reports. "- damn it, I'm an idiot, sometimes you can talk through a scry, I should've planned in advance - do we want to talk to him."

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The mage and several of Mhalir's staff are giving her wide-eyed looks. 

"What would you say to him?" 

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"To please not attack Tantara right now!"

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Mhalir's second-in-command frowns. "All right, so if I were him and some mental voice from nowhere asked me out of the blue to stand down my army, I would - one, I might be more alarmed, he looks freaked out enough, and I'd...want reasons? Also I'd probably assume it was Urtho trying to trick me." 

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"I mean, yes, we'd have to explain that we are from another planet and were flying a shuttle around when Urtho grabbed it and we're trying to talk to him and we'd like to mediate the war after that but if it gets worse in the meantime then it'll be hopeless, and we can prove the being aliens and he has mind control so he can presumably find out if we work for Urtho -"

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"Hmm, and what do we think are his plausible responses - if it were Mhalir I imagine he'd be very paranoid about agreeing to meet someone who he thinks might work for his enemy - we could suggest a neutral location outside both countries, and that he send a representative rather than come himself..." 

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"Yeah. And he's got all the mind control, he's got to have a way to make people safe for him to meet face to face..."

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"All right. Let's think - is there a scenario here when he reacts badly enough that we're significantly worse off than we were before?" 

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"If he can do magic through a scry, maybe - do you know of any way that could be done," she snaps at the mage, "quickly, it lasts seven minutes..."

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The mage stares at her spell, intently. "I...can't see how you could - there's some sort of link but I can't even follow where it goes..."

     "All right," Mhalir's second-in-command barks, "are we doing this–"

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"If he's like Mhalir he'll back off if he's got any reason to at all."

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The Yeerk staff look around at each other, unhappy and scared. The mage is mostly still fascinated by the scry. 

"All right. If you think it's a good idea, then - well, you know Mhalir the best - I'll go with your judgement on this." 

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"Adept Kiyamvir Ma'ar," she says urgently through the scry. 

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He spins around, startled, instantly falling into the balanced stance of someone ready to fight.

"Who are you." 

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"I'm from another world. There are lots of them. We got here in a ship that can travel between them. We had a shuttle in the air over your country and it got shot down, I think by the other side of your war, if it wasn't by you. We think we can - get the war to stop - it's a really stupid war to be having - but not if it escalates right now -"

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He looks so suspicious and stressed and confused! 

"I did not shoot down anything," he says, carefully. "Why do you think you can stop the war. Urtho has refused all attempts to open talks." 

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"With you! We think he'll talk to us. If only because he's curious how magic works in our world." Powerful mages are the same everywhere, she is willing to bet.

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"I - would be willing to meet and speak tomorrow," he says, still cautious and tense. "Right now is really not a good time."  

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"Because you're moving your army. We can see it. And - it's just going to make it harder for us to get our people back from Urtho and to negotiate a peace, if you take that Gate-terminus. I know it must - seem like this is plausibly a distraction. But - if there's anything that could convince you, just - think about it for one minute and we might be able to offer it -"

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He nods, tightly, holds up a hand. "One minute." 

The seconds pass. Ma'ar paces. 

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She wants to give him a hug, which is objectively an odd way to feel about a stranger, but then, he isn't one, not in the most important way.

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The minute ends. 

Ma'ar looks up, tense, but holding his expression and body in controlled stillness. It's eerily reminiscent of the way Mhalir moves her body, especially how he does it when he's very stressed. 

"Some sort of conclusive physical proof that you are from another world, one capable of making ships that travel between worlds. You can leave it at..." and he describes a landmark in one of the provinces, near the dam and the main aqueduct, pinning it down neatly and efficiently in words. "If you do this within the next candlemark, and it is - convincing - then I will not move my troops on the Gate-terminus. Although if Urtho attacks my people will fight back." 

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"Thank you."


And she glances up at the room. Repeats his instructions, since usually only the person using the scry can hear the conversation through it.

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There are nods. Relieved sighs. 

"What do we think - technology, or Golarion magic items, or both?" Mhalir's second-in-command says after a moment. 

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"Both might be more confusing. I told him we have different magic, though, so technology might also be confusing - and Golarion doesn't have ships that can travel the stars - ugh. If we're leaving him Golarion things I'd leave him my bag of holding and the crystal ball. Those don't prove that we can travel worlds, because we can't, but they're very complicated and obviously from another one...if we're leaving him Yeerk things I don't know what. A computer?"

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"I don't know that we have one with an interface he could figure out on his own. We've got some Earth tech too - could do a music player or something, we could leave him an...electrical generator? Really I'd want to show him antigravity or something, to demonstrate what we can do, but that's not portable."

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"A music player and a generator and a magic item but one it'll be less crippling to lose than the crystal ball, maybe. Do any of the ones I'm wearing look impressive and obviously impossible with your magic," she asks the mage.

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"Hmm. I - think your cloak and your headband are the most confusing. What does the cloak actually do - I can barely even describe it, it's got a bit of the same feeling that Bards do when they're using their Gift, I saw one perform once. And I can't figure out what the headband does at all." 

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"The headband does intelligence and the cloak does diplomacy. If they're both impressive I'd sooner give up the cloak."

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"Cloak seems impressive enough," the mage concedes. 

     "Mhalir would find the headband a lot more exciting," his second-in-command points out. "Though it also seems costlier for you to give up right now, bad time to not have your full wits about you." 

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"I know he'd love it. I'm worried he won't even trust us enough to try it on. He'd - see the potential, though -" She makes a face and takes her headband off. "Anyone here speak Predain or Tantaran so you can write a note explaining all of these and what they do -"

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Yes, one of their new mage-recruits can write in Tantaran and they'll put together a letter to go with the package. 

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Then she'll send her nice headband secure in the knowledge that at least he probably won't break it, even if he's too cautious to try it on.

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Mhalir wakes up again and feels awful again and- this has happened before, maybe a lot of times - why can't he think - he's in a host, it's still not Carissa which is TERRIBLE, his host body feels - mostly fine, actually, just thirsty - but even taking enough control to sit up feels like struggling through glue. 

There are raised voices speaking a foreign language outside, which is probably what woke him. They don't seem to be hurting his host's head anymore but Mhalir is nonetheless finding the sensory input overwhelming. 

...right, he's in Urtho's Tower - something he should do, probably important, but even getting the water jug on the bedside table is proving to be beyond him. He relinquishes control, maybe his host can get herself water this time. 

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"No," Urtho is saying, "that is not going to work - this is an emergency, I don't care if she - they - are injured, we need to know what is going on." 

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"She has a nasty concussion and the - symbiote, whatever it is - is worse off, I think I can't heal it very effectively. Him. Can it wait six candlemarks–"

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"...Urtho, what happened." 

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"General Shaiknam betrayed us," Urtho says eventually, tired and heavy. "I think we will lose the Gate-terminus. I can - make them pay a great deal for it, if so, make it a victory barely worth their while, but nonetheless." 

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The Healer says nothing, just opens the door and lets the Mage of Silence in. "I'll translate for you. Can only communicate with them in Mindspeech." 

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Urtho sits down. His expression is grim. 

"My name is Urtho. This is my Tower. I want to know who you are and what you were doing over Predain and previously over our supply station in Tantara." 

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Lady Cinnabar relays. 

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Her head feels a lot better, actually. Not great -- she has no idea how long it's been, and loud voices are bad, and she doesn't really want to open her eyes, but - significantly better. It's worrying that Mhalir isn't answering?

Mhalir? Am I supposed to answer? She supposes she can truthfully say that she wasn't herself doing anything.

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<We need to explain - Ma’ar, the war - stop it...> He isn’t sounding especially coherent.

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Mhalir needs medical attention, she thinks back at the woman who is asking questions, worriedly. 

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:I noticed, I was already worried about him - he doesn't seem any better?: She says something to the man, who frowns. 

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Oh, if she's just reading their minds anyway then he doesn't need to try to talk, that's much easier. 

<From another world> he thinks, as clearly as he can, which isn't very. <Have - different magic, ships that can - go between the stars - need the war to stop.> 

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I don't know what exactly was going on, Mhalir's not my usual Yeerk, she adds. He and his usual host were doing surveillance to learn about the war. 

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The woman's eyes widen; she holds up a hand, and says something very rapidly to Urtho. 

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He freezes. 

"One moment. I think we need to - back up and start at the beginning..." He blinks, rubs his eyes, shakes himself a little, all with the air of someone suddenly wondering if he's dreaming right now and then trying and failing to wake up. "What's your name?" he says to the woman, not unkindly. "Let's start there." 

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Lady Cinnabar relays this in Mindspeech. :He means you, er, the human: 

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"Maggie Graeber."

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"Maggie," Urtho says gently. "Welcome to my Tower. I promise, I am not going to hurt you." His breath sighs out. "You - come from another world? And - Mhalir, is that right - is a...'Yeerk'? What are Yeerks?" 

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Relay. :He means it: the woman adds. :Urtho is - a good man: 

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Maggie is really confused but usually unless you are a massive asshole you don't hold it against the hosts, much, whatever situation you're upset about. "Yeerks are aliens. From a faraway planet, I mean. They're really little and squishy and they can live in your brain and you hurt Mhalir, I'm worried about him, normally if we're banged up they weather it better than we do."

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"I am sorry to hear that. It does sound worrying. Lady Cinnabar, can you tell...?" 

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She relays this automatically to Maggie, and then shrugs helplessly. "I don't know! He's all sort of spread out in her head - I can mostly tell what's him and what's her but I can't see very well how he's - put together, when they're all intermeshed like that. She was hurt bad, though, the Healer out in the field had to stop some bleeding in her skull, if it'd been another thirty minutes before she got Healing it'd have gone a lot worse. They were both unconscious for almost twelve hours before waking up. Reckon any other injuries wouldn't affect him as much - they don't share a circulatory system or anything, she could bleed to death and he'd come out all right - but a head injury in particular, I mean, he's right there..." 

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"Is his life in danger?" 

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"I - don't think so? His life-force isn't weakening over time." 

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"Then we need to question them first, and then figure out what treatment he needs." Sigh. "I am sorry. Moving on. Why did you and the, er, Yeerks, come here?" 

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She relays this, along with the fact that from what she can tell Mhalir isn't deteriorating and that she promises to figure out better what's wrong with him, but after the more immediate emergency is dealt with. 

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"I don't know very much. I'm sorry. My normal Yeerk is a jump engineer, I wasn't with Mhalir for any of the planning. They were looking for worlds, they found this one. They talked to some people trying to learn how magic works here. They wanted to stop the war, I think, that's what Mhalir just said -"

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"I see." He doesn't see at all. "War is awful and this one especially so, I - can understand why a stranger to our world would see it and wish it to end. But, you have to understand, Ma'ar is–" Sigh. "He must not be allowed to continue on his current path." 

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Mhalir is so scared. Both because this is the highest stakes moment so far and he can't think, and because apparently he's not getting better and what if he dies out here - would they even be able to resurrect him, even Aroden might not be able to get him back, not from here... He's trying to remember if they have any data on Yeerks being in a human host's head while the host sustained a serious head injury, but - well, usually the Yeerk would get out as soon as help arrived, they'd have backup hosts available, and also his ability to remember things is impaired right now. 

<The war is - you are missing context - misunderstanding each other... Ma'ar will stop. If he understands.> 

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Lady Cinnabar is very confused but she relays this. 

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"If he understands what? I...fear it is too late to correct him with words and admonishments. I tried and failed, a long time ago. He has had a decade to change his ways, and did not." 

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Mhalir can't even figure out where to start; he's skidding from the edges of a vast gulf of inferential distance, here, what is he even supposed to say. 

Aroden, Earthfall, a meteor called in from space, two flourishing civilizations wiped out in an eyeblink, and for nothing. 

The Andalites, Alloran wiping out a planetful of the poor innocent childlike Hork-Bajir; his own failure to realize that he only thought he had tried every avenue for peace, when in fact he had barely tried at all - and they were pulled short of the brink, but only by the help of a literal god. 

The cleric of Sarenrae, impassioned, crying out to both him and Alloran that his goddess saw a wasteful tragic pointless war and just wanted them to have a chance to stop hurting each other... 

Alloran in Nirvana, running a database and search engine on his own goddamned brain chip, to save millions of souls from torture or annihilation. Not forgiving Mhalir, but not trying to hunt him down and murder him either, for all his furious and so so understandable oaths to do so. 

Carissa. He wants Carissa. He wants her to give him a hug, even though that's kind of silly, when he's with her then their body is his too. 

- He wants Caroline to snuggle him under her wing, which is really quite something, he hasn't missed Nirvana in a long time - 

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"- Eeek," Lady Cinnabar says quietly. "I'm - sorry, I only got fragments of that..." She says this in Mindspeech to Maggie and Mhalir at the same time. 

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Maggie doesn't really understand what's going on enough to translate for Mhalir, here. "Those're - wars from other worlds - Carissa's his normal host -"

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"More than one other world?" Urtho looks quietly awed. "This - goddess, Sarenrae - this 'Nirvana' - do you know what they are, Maggie?" 

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"Golarion's the world with the very interventionist so-called gods." Maggie is a Christian and while she has a lot of questions lately she's pretty sure everyone else's gods are just powerful aliens. "Nirvana's their afterlife - it's where you go when you die - Mhalir died and went there for a year before people resurrected him..."

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"- This other world has magic that can bring back the dead???" 

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"The so-called gods give their priests the ability to do it. Uh, if you die there. I don't think they can work here."

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And they can't bring back the souls destroyed in Hell, Mhalir finds himself thinking, 3.2 billion of them, not even Iomedae has any inkling of a plan for that, yet... 

Focus. Urtho is talking to them now because there's - some kind of emergency - which almost certainly means the war is getting worse, and he needs to explain and if he can't pull himself together then maybe another two civilizations will fall. 

<Yeerks - had a war> he thinks as clearly and verbally as he can. <With - other aliens, Andalites - stupid - Seerow taught us and then - scared - betrayed us - I tried to open talks - never worked - he thought we would enslave the universe - they killed a planet... Same story. As - Aroden, Earthfall - but they lost, the tragedy happened all the way... Has not happened here yet. Stop it. Have to.> 

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"Okay, I think this is important! Urtho, listen–" Lady Cinnabar does her best to recount what Mhalir thought to her, somewhat haltingly, she's incredibly confused. 

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"What do you mean, it hasn't happened yet here?" 

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"That does not make any sense!" 

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"They had some kind of magic that looked for - people whose stories matched." But she doesn't actually understand it at all either. "Where the story is a horrible war that doesn't need to happen but no one knows how to step back from it and it goes worse than either side would ever have wanted."

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"You - think that Kiyamvir Ma'ar would step back from this war, that he would - willingly set aside his dark magics, if he knew...what? I do not understand what information he is lacking. He knows perfectly well the cost of war." 

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Aroden thought he did too, Mhalir thinks, and he was wrong, and the empire he was born to died for it, and the world was plunged into a thousand-year age of darkness. 

He doesn't know what the cost would have been for him, for Earth and the Andalites and the Yeerks and all the others. It can be stopped. It just...won't be, probably, unless he finds the right point of leverage to shift their history onto a new course. 

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"I cannot fathom why you think that this 'Aroden', and your own war, are evidence of any kind about Ma'ar." But that's not exactly true. Urtho feels dizzy, reeling, and - hopeful, which hurts more than the bitter resignation did. 

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<We are the - same story. The same pattern - same person...> 

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Lady Cinnabar stiffens, and flinches back from him. She relays this in a flat toneless voice. 

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Urtho recoils as well, lurching back from the bed. "What." 

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Was it a good idea to tell them that??? They're gonna be the way about Ma'ar that Andalites are about Yeerks!

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Mhalir doesn't know! Maybe Carissa would be able to bluff her way through with a clever mix of truth and lies even when their only way of communicating is having their mind read! But he absolutely cannot do that, especially when he's injured and can barely string together coherent thoughts anyway! 

He's - not sure, actually, that Urtho in particular is going to feel toward Ma'ar the way that, say, Alloran did about Yeerks. Because he can't imagine Seerow feeling that way about him, once his protĂ©gĂ©, no matter how many horrors and betrayals lay between them after that... 

<Ma'ar - not a monster> he thinks. <Maggie, you - am not a monster, you - worked under me - tell him...>

He isn't sure what he's even asking for, really, just. Urtho knows Ma'ar is a person, who was a child once, a brilliant student - Urtho must've been proud of him before... 

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Maggie thinks that probably her opinion about Mhalir was established when she yelled at them repeatedly for injuring him. "...no one is a monster or beyond forgiveness and repentance?" she tries tentatively. "And, uh, everyone has done horrible things they shouldn't have."

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Urtho looks startled, and then smiles at her. "What a kind heart you have, child. The difficulty is that repentance requires wanting to repent, and I do not think Ma'ar seems himself as doing anything wrong." 

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<He - thinks killing is wrong. Wants to save everyone. But - you started it - he is afraid of losing everything...> 

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"I warned him where this path would lead." 

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<He - thought you were his ally, his friend - he trusted you.> 

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"How would you know what Ma'ar feels in his heart." But Urtho says it uncertainly. 

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Every concept Mhalir tries to grasp for is somehow slippery and gluey at the same time, and he's so scared, and he wants Carissa there - where is she, what if she's in danger, what if what if what if... 

<Something happened> he forces out. <You - thought it was urgent - to question us... Why.> 

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Lady Cinnabar answers for him. :Ma'ar was mounting troops to attack the south Gate-terminus. We moved our own troops to reinforce that front, but - were betrayed, one of the generals was an agent for Ma'ar: 

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"It is a bloodbath out there," Urtho says, heavily, tiredly. "This war... You are doing a noble thing, child, in trying to coax us to settle our differences, but I think that point was passed long ago." 

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"What's your alternative to settling your differences, the Andalites started releasing viruses that'd kill whole planets of people, in the Golarion war someone called down an asteroid out of space..."

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"Well, as Ma'ar has shown, he is not above taking lives for power, and controlling people with dark magic to obey him - our weapons and magic are better than his, but he is more ruthless with the tools he has -"

Urtho stops, suddenly, and goes very still. 

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Lady Cinnabar has no idea what his reaction is about but she's suddenly very scared! 

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Maggie is thinking that that matches the Andalites and Yeerks, except that the Andalites got ruthless once they were losing.

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"I - it cannot be, no..." Urtho has gone very pale. 

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<You...have a weapon, right> Mhalir guesses. <Something - very powerful, that he cannot counter - would not consider using unless...desperate...but you might be desperate, if - the alternative were his taking the Tower...> 

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"Ma'ar cannot be allowed to capture the Tower." Urtho's voice is stony. "He would become unstoppable." 

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<What if - the price of stopping him - were even worse.> 

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Urtho says nothing. His eyes are fixed on a point far away. 

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Maggie is thinking about wars. There was the war with the Nazis and the Japanese which really kind of was one where you had to keep fighting until they were defeated, and there was even an unimaginable superweapon involved, and it worked out all right. And - she's really not a history person - there were lots of other wars which were a pointless waste and were fought until someone won? She can't actually think of examples of wars that everyone managed to agree to stop fighting, except the Yeerk/Andalite situation with Abadar and Iomedae and Sarenrae all involved in enforcing the terms.

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Urtho is quiet for a while. 

Abruptly, he stands up. "I - need to think. Lady Cinnabar, do everything you can for Mhalir, please. We need him lucid." 

He leaves the room at a fast walk. 

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Lady Cinnabar scrunches up her face. She looks pretty overwhelmed and frightened. 

:All...right: she says to Maggie. :Er, do you know anything about other times Yeerks were injured in their hosts' head, and what was done about it - what kind of Healing does your world have...?: 

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"The Yeerks have medics, if you let him go back to the ship they could probably fix it - he's going to need to anyway, pretty soon, to eat - Golarion has super powerful magic healing but it's mostly through their so-called gods, Carissa can do a little bit of it with devil's blood for some reason - you could invite Carissa here? She's Mhalir's normal host and much more into all this, I dunno, high stakes magic war stuff."

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Lady Cinnabar is herself not very into this high stakes magic war stuff! She kind of hates it! She's been playing the whole powerful noblewoman Healer spy game for a while anyway, but gah

:I - don't know that we can do that, sorry, but - I can talk to Ur– to someone. What do you mean, he needs to go there to eat - what do Yeerks eat, maybe we can give it to him here...?: 

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"They need the rays of the sun on their home world. They have generators that produce it in a pool on their ship, and they swim around in it for a couple of hours, soaking it up, and then they can go a couple of days in a host before they need it again."

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:Oh. Huh. Maybe we can... I'll see what we can do. How long does he have before he'll, uh, starve:

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When do you need the pool, she thinks at Mhalir.

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Gah why are they asking him. He has no idea how long it's been. 

<About - forty-eight hours - a little over that - when we were captured...> 

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She spends a moment trying to figure out how closely 'hours' correspond in any way to what she knows as candlemarks. :Er, okay, I think we have - a day, approximately?: Pause. :Can he come out of there. It'll be way easier to tell what's wrong with him specifically if he's not so tangled up with you: 

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Mhalir's feeling about this prospect is SCAREDSCAREDSCARED. 

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"You promise to not squish him or anything?"

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:Gods! Why would I squish him - he's my patient, you heard Urtho, I'm supposed to keep him alive and make sure he gets better: 

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"A lot of people really hate Yeerks for no reason."

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:Well, I don't! I swear I won't hurt him - and I won't take him out of the room, you can watch me: 

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Maggie figures this is Mhalir's decision.

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Mhalir is terrified and also not thinking very well, but it seems like getting properly healed will improve the thinking aspect, in expectation, and it's not like it meaningly increases how helpless he is here, Urtho could already have done whatever he wanted to then. 

He exits Maggie's head. 

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They leave a microphone and communicator and instructions in the cache they leave Ma'ar. And they wait.

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Just a little over an hour after the initial scry-conversation, the cache of items is collected. Not by Ma'ar; a group of other soldiers, visible on the sensors and video footage, Gate in, orient to the scene - without saying anything out loud that the microphone can pick up on - and then grab the package and Gate out. The other hyperspace signature isn't apparent anywhere; the mage-recruit thinks it's probably somewhere thoroughly shielded, Ma'ar isn't stupid. 

Less than ten minutes later, and before anything comes in on the communicator, Mhalir's second-in-command interrupts Carissa. "We, uh, I think we have a problem." 

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"Ma'ar said he'd hold off on ordering his troops to take the Gate, right? But - uh, we're not sure from the surveillance what happened, exactly, it looks like maybe it was on Urtho's side - some of his soldiers suddenly retreated, and some of the mages on that side started attacking their own side - and then Ma'ar's troops responded by advancing, could've been their standing orders if they saw an opening... I don't really know, is what I'm saying, but - uh - it's looking pretty messy out there." 

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" - damn it. Okay. Do we have - any way to intervene - I guess we could blow things up from space but that seems like it might just make everything worse -"

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"Uh, no, I really don't think that would help! Do you, er, have any way of locating Ma'ar or talking to him again...?" 

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"I can try to scry him again but the crystal ball gets worse over time. He has the communications devices, if he decides to use them."

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"I...am worried that he is very busy right now. And might not even feel he has time to look at our proof, let alone talk to us." 

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"Yes, it seems likely. I can try him again."


She does that, with the crystal ball.

It works.

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Ma'ar is in a tent. Pacing again.

"Anything yet?" he snaps to a nearby person. 

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"No, sir. Conn Levas is - either dead or he's blocking my comms spell. Sir." 

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"Goddamnit." Ma'ar clenches a fist, slams it through the air. "...We cannot stop this. Can we." 

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"Sir, I mean, I can try for his subordinates... My suspicion is that he is on Shaiknam's side, though. And - if we tell individual units to stand down, they will only be slaughtered." 

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Ma'ar stops pacing. Stands on the spot for a long moment; it's really not more than five seconds but it seems to stretch on forever. 

"...Give the formal order to our troops," he says finally. "Their objective is to take the Gate-terminus. Intact if possible." 

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He reminds her so much of Mhalir. Though she could be imagining it because she's looking at everything through that frame.


This makes sense but also she's terrified that it's a really bad decision but all of her evidence for that is stories from other worlds and objectively that's not any kind of reason at all.

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The mage recruit steps forward. "Uh, if I let one of the Thoughtsensers read your mind and relay the image to me, it might be enough to go on that I could Gate to where he is?" 

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"I don't know if that'd help but you're welcome to read my mind for the location."

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One of the Thoughtsensers and voluntary hosts steps forward. 

"- Er, I can't see very well - do you have some kind of spell or shield against mindreading...?" 

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" - oh." And she pulls her hair off. "Now?"

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"- Yeah, got it now." 

There's a long pause. 

"...Should we - do something?" Mhalir's second-in-command asks quietly. "I - goddamn it, people are dying out there, they're - mages from both sides setting things on fire... Mhalir would be -" So upset and angry and sad, but he doesn't finish the sentence. "Can you, uh, talk to him...?" 

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"I can...try?" What got through to Mhalir - it was a lot of things, and he'd needed time - 

"Ma'ar?" she says.

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Ma'ar jumps, flinging up every shield he can. 

"I did not give the order," he hisses back. "It - I cannot stop it now, I would have, I tried. What do you want from me." 

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"I think you're making a mistake and you'd stop making it if you weren't so scared and I have no idea how to help but I have to try! Look, this is - bigger, than your war, you have to have noticed that, right, you don't have to do the blood magic thing that Urtho's mad about if you have stuff from us to solve all your problems..."

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"I - I understand that - look–"

And then there is a violent explosion of magic, slamming into her spell, which comes apart. 

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" - something happened. Probably an attack -"

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There are surprised and horrified looks. 

"I - I can probably...still Gate there..." the mage says faintly (while hoping in every fibre of his being that no one asks him to, it seems like such a good way to get himself killed.)

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"Gating into a fight sounds like a bad idea - you could Gate to *well above it*, I can fly and they can't' - no, Urtho's stupid gryphons can fly...could you Gate to below it and then I could burrow up from there as an Earth elemental or something -"

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The mage stares at her in shock and fear and amazement. 

"I - I could...probably do that... You can turn into an earth elemental?" 

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"From a scroll, I've burned all my fourth circle slots. I don't - super know what this gets us, but I could at least get a look at what's going on...."

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There are looks around. 

"...Ma'ar could be in danger," Mhalir's second-in-command says. "We - Mhalir would be really angry, if we had a chance to - help - and we didn't take it and he died..." 


"You have my approval to do that. If it seems like a good idea." 

     "I can do a Gate now if you want," the mage adds. 

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" - sure." She reads the scroll first. Turns into an Earth elemental.

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The mage grits his teeth, and gives the spell his best try. He's never attempted this before. 

A glowing magical archway appears.

The other side of it is loamy soil, some plant-roots visible. 

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She dives through it and heads for the surface.

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There is nothing and nothing and nothing - and then there's FIRE and smoke, the sky not even visible, and sounds - moans, screams, the roar of a distant explosion...

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Is there Ma'ar.

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Ma'ar is not visible but he's within range for Detect Thoughts. He's half-stunned by the impact, confused but already trying to orient - starting to shape the threads of magic to Gate himself out and regroup else where - 

(He's so confused, it feels almost like the substance of reality no longer holds together, almost like gravity has ceased to apply and he's simultaneously drifting off and falling...) 

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Probably if he's alive and getting out of here then she can't improve the situation. She finds herself running over to him anyway. "There's been an explosion," she says, "there's no one on their feet to resist and I can guard the spot, can anyone Gate to us here..."

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Ma'ar is not having much success at the Gate, yet, he's in pain and dizzy and it's hard to concentrate. 

When he hears a voice he instinctively flings up shields. "Who -"

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She's mostly staying in the ground, it's safer. She slithers over to him. "Carissa. I have been yelling at you from our ship."

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He spins around, seizes her and pins her flat to the ground and stares into her eyes. Up close, his expression has the glazed, disoriented look of someone who isn't entirely sure where he is and is reacting entirely on reflexes and instincts. 

"I - you - Urtho - Gate who in...?"

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She currently looks like she is made out of rock and dirt and pinning her into the ground is not very different than pinning a handful of sand into sand. "I asked if my ship could open a Gate to here from their satellite imagery of this place. Please don't blast the Gate, if they do that. We are trying to help."

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Ma'ar stares at her for a moment. 

And then raises his hand as though to attack. 

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Fine. She casts Hold Person.

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Ma'ar goes down in a heap.

(He's confused and terrified and nothing makes sense anymore....)

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"Carissa?" a voice hisses in her replaced earpiece. "Carissa - we're looking for you in the shuttle - we don't know where you are, can you send some sort of signal -"

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Sure, she can do a flare.

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"- We see you now! We're coming down - uh, how shielded are you, you're pretty close to the active battlefield and that flare was visible for miles..." 

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Ma'ar strains against her spell, not very efficiently and without success. 

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"I can burrow under the earth but it's going to be annoying to drag Ma'ar with me" - she is trying - "so you should hurry."

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"ETA forty five seconds–" someone yells into her earpiece. 

There is a flare of light and a violent explosion, not right on top of her, but near enough that the blast-wave rips at her grip on Ma'ar. 

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They'll go farther underground. She could easily be very very far underground on her own but she is dragging Ma'ar.

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Ma'ar is startling to panic in earnest, now, fighting desperately against her spell, flailing out with his mind. :I - what - who ARE you, why...?: 

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I'm not going to hurt you. If you have your own way out of this and stop attacking me you can leave, I guess. It looked like you were going to attack me. I'm scared that something much worse than whatever you think is the worst thing that can happen is going to happen.

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Ma'ar tries, with a wrenching effort, to Gate out. Doesn't quite manage it; the Hold Person spell and the weight of earth all around him, combined with his disorientation and backlash from the strike on his location, are too distracting. 

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"Carissa we're at the surface we can't stay cloaked and shielded for long–"

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"Ship's here." She takes Ma'ar's hand and Dimension Door's them both up. Ma'ar can fight this if he'd rather stay in the ground. 

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The shuttle is in range for Dimension Door. Ma'ar seems to resist for a fraction of a section, consider whether he actually wants to do this, and then - relax and stop fighting the spell. 

They land sprawled on the floor inside the shuttle and are instantly surrounded by panicked Yeerk staff. 

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"Please don't kill these people they're my friends and none of us are going to hurt you - get us out of here, we know they can attack the shuttles -"

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Ma'ar lies on the floor and reads everyone's mind. Most of them are terrified and incredibly confused but not hostile to him in particular. The woman who grabbed him is sort-of-shielded but he can get through by boosting with his mage-gift, and - in fact she's not trying to hurt him - he has no idea what's happening...

He relaxes, flops back and closes his eyes. Just for a moment, he tells himself. 

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"On it," the pilot yells to Carissa, "we're getting out of here -"

The shuttle accelerates hard, toward the sun. Enough that the inertial dampening can't absorb it and all of them and all of them are pressed against the floor, suddenly feeling twice their normal body weight. 

Five seconds tick by...

"Out of range," and the weight lifts. 

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She's still an earth elemental. She waits for it to wear off, shakily. Looks over at Ma'ar.

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He sits up, rubbing his forehead. 

"I - I believe you, that you are - from another world... What are you going to do." 

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"Explain everything so that you can figure out how to help us! And figure out - what might go wrong -

- you don't happen to have a really high-bandwidth form of mindreading that will be faster than explaining this, do you."

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"I am reading your mind right now but - not that much faster." He still has the air of someone only half oriented to his surroundings. 

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 "Okay. We are on a starship. They travel through the void between stars, but there is a lot of distance in the void between stars, and they have to Gate to cut the distance. There are lots and lots of worlds and they have lots of kinds of people on them. Some of them - you notice how some minds are doubled up in a body -"

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"I notice, yes." Ma'ar is holding himself rigidly tense. 

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"They're called Yeerks. They're very small, and they can sit in your mind and control your body. They found my world about two years ago. They were in the middle of a horrible war that - neither side wanted, but neither side could see any way out of. My world had gods. Good gods. They helped. The war's over." She should explain the stories thing but it seems suddenly impossible to explain at all. She misses Mhalir. "There's a god who can see -- all the worlds -- and he told us that the same story as the Yeerk war repeated in other times, other places. It happened on my world, and it ended with the whole continent destroyed and millions and millions of people dead. And we built a sensor - to find that story repeating itself - and it pinged on this world."

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Ma'ar has no idea what to do with that! It's too much to absorb, too fast, after a day already made entirely of that feeling. He feels almost literally dizzy. Like the world no longer holds together under him. 

"I - you think you have evidence that - millions of people could die, in this war - that the...continent, could be destroyed?"

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"Yes! I don't know how or anything but - that's the thing we're scared of." She stops being an earth elemental and becomes a human woman in her twenties.

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"What are you - what were you planning to do, before - this..." His expression clears a little. "Urtho has - one of your people. Right." 

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"More than one. I assume they'll try to talk him down but probably it'll be hard, at this point - what happened down there, it looks like some of Urtho's people started fighting on your side - sorry, you don't need to answer that -"

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"I had an - agent, in Urtho's army leadership, one of the generals. I did not give him any orders but - I think he chose to interpret our previously-agreed policy to mean that now was a good time for him to turn on Urtho." 

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"Figures. Damn it. In - the last version of the story I encountered - Seerow was dead, his side was waging the war without him - Mhalir will want to save Urtho if we possibly can -

- I should back up - do you - are there things you want to see from us, at this point, before I try to give the long version of the story -"

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"....I do not want Urtho to die! That would be - I never wanted to be at war with him..." He closes his eyes, rubs his temples with both hands. "I am not sure. It does not seem that we have much time right now." 

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"The war with the Yeerks and the Andalites went like - the Yeerks lived on their planet and didn't have agriculture or magic or writing or anything, and an Andalite, Seerow, saw them, and thought it was tragic, how they could never see the stars, and he mentored them and taught them and built them starships and generators that could produce the light of their sun off their planet so they could go to other worlds, and then he - got scared of them - he thought they were going to conquer and enslave other peoples - and some of them were thinking about it, but - he attacked them, took them by surprise, and they fought back, and he died, and then the whole war dragged on for another four decades with both sides convinced the other would be satisfied with nothing but their utter destruction, and thinking they'd done as much as they reasonably could, to end it - but they'd barely done anything - Mhalir thinks, now, that he was making a mistake -"

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Ma'ar holds himself very still, barely breathing. 

"...I - sent many messages to him, asking to open talks...do you think I did not - try hard enough - and there might still be a way to stop this -"

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"I think so! I don't - have the slightest idea what it is, but - what if you showed up at his tower would he immediately kill you or would he talk. What if you unilaterally announced a ceasefire, or retreated to your own borders, or - what does he even object to, is it just the blood-magic, could you tell him you'll stop that -"

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"If I put a stop to all use of blood-magic in Predain, then more people will die. Urtho does not understand this." 

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"More than millions of them?"

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"No. Not millions of them." He turns away from her, hunched, bowing his head. "I - would do almost anything to prevent that. I - you think if I order a ceasefire and for my troops to back off, he will back off with his own...?" 

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"I don't know. I don't know him. It seems more likely to do that than conquering more of his country."

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"I suppose...if that is the worst-case scenario we are looking at, the death of millions of people..." 

He's still, for another endless moment. 

"All right. I am going to give the order - one moment..." He is presumably doing this with magic. 

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Awwwww she's very proud of him and she loves him and she wishes she could give him a hug and it would just freak him out more.

She wants Mhalir back. 

She waits for him to seem less distracted and hopes he didn't read her mind about that, that'd be awkward, she hasn't explained that part yet.

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Ma'ar is way too distracted to be reading her mind, though he does instinctively for a brief moment once he's done sending the order; she still isn't plotting to kill him, good, that's all he wants to know.

He hopes his troops will listen. They're going to think he's lost his mind. 

He's so scared. He feels like the world stopped making sense a day ago and now he's almost taking actions at random, none of his prepared contingency plans are right for 'aliens from another world showed up and Urtho kidnapped one and they want to end the war'. And that's ignoring the really confusing part, even. 

"What should I... Should I ask for your - this Mhalir - should I send a message to Urtho and ask for a prisoner exchange, I have prisoners who I could return to him..." 

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" - yeah, maybe. We need him back tomorrow at the latest because Yeerks starve, away from a pool..."

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"Oh. That is - unfortunate." He scowls. "I am not sure what he would do if I went myself, he might - panic, and react hastily in some way... I will send a messenger. One moment, I need to contact my people." 

He goes quiet again. 

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She waits. Mhalir was - probably pretty much exactly this distressed, last time, she just didn't care because she didn't care about him yet...


Mhalir is a prisoner now, and probably scared about - not her problem right now -

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Ma'ar finishes passing the communication-spell message on, receives acknowledgement. He's more hopeful that this order will actually play out as intended; sending messengers to Urtho isn't a new thing for him, it's not a reason for his people to think he's gone insane or been captured and compulsioned or something. 

He's scared and miserable and exhausted, but he's chosen his path, drawn his hand and now he just needs to play it. 

He takes a slow breath, and rolls his neck in a very forced way, loosening some of the tension in his body without unwinding any of the tightness showing in his eyes. 

"I...suppose we wait and see what Urtho does, now." His voice is flat and weary. 

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"I have more to explain when you're ready."

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He sits down, heavily. "You can tell me now." 

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"In my world the story happened a long time ago. The human civilization on land was - poor by comparison, and new, and the alghollthus under the sea taught us things - but we got powerful, and they got nervous - and they feared Aroden particularly, is my understanding, he was human and brilliant and ambitious and good at magic and didn't care much what they thought people ought to do, and eventually he was appointed the heir to the Emperor of Azlant and that's when the alghollthus declared war. They didn't expect it to be hard, but we fought back, it wasn't going well for them, so they decided to call down an asteroid that would kill all life on the surface but they thought permit them to continue, under the sea. They miscalculated. It would've just destroyed the world. The gods intervened, and Azlant and the alghollthus were both destroyed utterly but some humans survived elsewhere.

Aroden was one of them. He doesn't talk about how. But he - rebuilt, and kept going, built another rich human civilization and then another one, fought demon lords, travelled to other worlds...and eventually decided to become a god.

The god who sees everything said that he and Mhalir were - the same. It wasn't just the stories that matched, it was the people."

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He stares at her. 

"I am not sure I understand what that would even mean. For - them to be the same person." 

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"We don't understand it either. But - but it fits, right. Mhalir learned from Seerow, and Seerow betrayed him, and then he started fighting the war even though he didn't want to because the alternative was - losing, giving up, letting everything not be fixed, ever - he said your policies sounded - characteristic -"

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"If our path here would otherwise have ended in the total destruction of both our countries, I owe you a great deal for averting that."

But he says it in a blank, rote tone. His expression is that of someone who stopped being able to process the events around him a while ago, and is mostly running on autopilot while some part of him frantically tries to orient and fails over and over. 

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She wants to give him a hug so badly and it really won't help.

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He's suddenly so incredibly tired. 

"What else." 

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"Any chance we can get that headband I gave you back?"

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"I did not even have a chance to rendezvous with the team that collected your package, sorry. I - can contact them, ask them to meet us." 

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Nod. "When convenient. I'm - sorry that everything happened so quickly - you did a good job, with what you had - it took Mhalir longer -"

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Ma'ar can't think of a helpful or productive answer to that, so he says nothing. 

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Hugs won't help, she reminds herself firmly. Mhalir can at least feel safe with someone when he can see the entire contents of their mind and fully control their body; can Ma'ar feel safe with other people at all? Maybe with the mind control. It would be weird to offer that he could mind-control her until he feels safe.

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Ma'ar was doing his best to read her mind at that moment, for lack of anything more useful to do, and now he's turning and looking sharply at her, his eyes both intent and very very confused. 

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- she was kind of courting running into that problem eventually. 

"You remind me of Mhalir," she says. And she loves him and she wants Ma'ar to feel safe and not alone, to trust that there are other people who are trying, and - probably the thing Mhalir has humans can't have, they can't know anything that confidently, they can't live inside someone and have the chance to audit every thought they have, and if they did, they'd hate them - 

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"I do not hate people," Ma'ar says, softly. "I do not hate anyonePeople are - lights in the world - even when they are making it very very hard for me to save all of the other lights, they are still something precious." 

He looks uncertainly at her. He wants something, desperately, and he doesn't even know if he wants it from her or from the world or from Urtho or something else entirely. 

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Well, if he does have mind control he can use to feel safe enough that if she hugged him it would actually help he's by all means invited to do that.

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This is a baffling offer to receive from anyone, especially someone from another world who's - close friends and allies? with an alien? who she thinks is the same person as him? 

He wants to not feel alone. He didn't feel alone, for a brief beautiful few years, and then Urtho– no point in following that worn-out groove of thought again, he's been down it enough times. 

It's unclear how a hug would even help with anything, but it's not like he has anything else productive that he can do right now, he's still waiting on responses about the various events he just tried to set in motion.

This feels too private and also too bizarre to say out loud. He switches to Mindspeech; he's not that strong a Mindspeaker but he's extensively practiced the trick for talking to un-Gifted people.

:....May I place a compulsion for you not to harm me - I am not sure how you could verify that I am only doing that and nothing more, though...: 

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If he's actually not Mhalir that seems better to find out as soon as possible and if he is Mhalir he wouldn't lie lightly.

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...He'll take that as assent, Ma'ar decides after a moment; it seems like she won't be angry, at least in the scenario where he doesn't harm her, which he doesn't intend to do at all so that should be fine. 

He places the compulsion. It takes about half a second and shouldn't feel like anything to Carissa. 

:Done: he says, and then - waits, unsure what he's even waiting for. 

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She steps up to him and hugs him and thinks about Mhalir - Mhalir's jealousy, because Urtho is still alive, when Seerow is gone, forever gone, like several billion people in Hell - Ma'ar saying earnestly he could never hate people, lights in the world even when they're making it very hard for him to save the other ones - she's not sure if she's ever prodded Mhalir to talk about that, and now of course it's a sore subject -

Probably she should instead think huggy things. She likes Ma'ar and she wants him to be safe and live forever and become a god like Aroden and fix everything.

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It doesn't really seem like this should help, but it does, maybe, a little. He feels - seen. Recognized. 

Like the world is far messier and more complicated than he realized, but that means some good complications as well as awful ones. 

He hugs her back and he thinks about the granite-stable certainty that he doesn't want Urtho to die - that he doesn't want millions of others to die - 

- that, especially given the current circumstances and the mysterious aliens, winning the war wouldn't even be worth it, if it mean Urtho's death. Let alone anyone else's. 

There's a thought there which he can't finish, not quite yet, and he hugs Carissa back instead. As though having some anchor to cling to will support the rest of the world before it can crumble. 

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They could get some privacy if he needs time and hugs to think. Instead of being here in the middle of everyone on the ship. - in her culture this is quite a thing to say to a man you just met who is mind-controlling you but she doesn't mean it like that and it seems really important, actually, that he have that space to think.

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Ma'ar really doesn't have mental bandwidth right now to even process the par where it's quite a thing to say to a man. :Yes, some quiet would help with thinking: 

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She can take him to her room.

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Ma'ar instinctively checks the magical protections on it with his mage-sight - there are several, all totally unfamiliar magic but both strong and tidy - and then he adds a layer of his own shielding and wards that won't interfere. 

He leans on Carissa's shoulder. He feels metaphorically-dizzy again, and he knows he should be using this precious time and space to think but he's so tired. 

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She squeezes him and nestles her head against his shoulders and thinks that they'll figure it out, somehow, maybe Mhalir has already talked Urtho out of being an idiot...maybe no more people will have to die, and they'll just be able to fix everything, with stuff from Earth, the most advanced human society, which has vaccines and birth control and genetically modified crops and crazy schemes to eradicate mosquitos and so on.

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He thinks about how Mhalir is Urtho's prisoner. And - if he's really the same person/pattern/story, then of course he's going to try to talk to Urtho, to convince him of his side of things - his outside perspective... It's of course very brave of Mhalir, but he would be brave enough...

(He's so scared.)

(He wishes he could ever, ever not be scared. He doesn't really understand why Carissa wants that for him too, but - he can take that for the precious gift that it is, even though things being confusing is something that by itself usually makes him feel threatened.) 

He's just barely present enough to follow Carissa's train of thought about Earth, and - it's beautiful - it makes him think of what he felt, when he saw Urtho's Tower for the first time. 

(Urtho, who betrayed him, whose army killed so many of his people...) 

He hugs Carissa and he tries very very hard to think. 

"Do you," he starts, finally. Swallows. "Do you have a way of - contacting Urtho directly - I have not heard anything back from my messenger..." 

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"In the morning. I burned all my spells for today - my kind of caster works differently...I guess I could scry him like I did with you."

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He wants to ask how that spell even works, he tried to follow it with mage-sight and was utterly lost, but that's not the top priority right now, is it. 

"- I am worried tomorrow would be too late. What do you think." 

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"Scrying doesn't have great odds, we got lucky with you, but I can try it. Tomorrow will definitely be - longer than we'd ideally wait."


And she pulls out her crystal ball and sits in Ma'ar's lap so he can see over her shoulder and attempts the scry.

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Urtho is sitting at a desk. He looks drained and upset. He appears to be listening to someone who's given him a confused-sounding report of what's currently going on on the battlefield. 

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"What do you want me to say."

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He wants this to not be happening. 

"Can you. Tell him that you are communicating on behalf of Ma'ar and - I intend to withdraw my troops from the occupied territory of Tantara, because the possible cost of war is higher than I am willing to pay, and..." 

He rests his head on her shoulder, hugs her tightly enough that it hurts. 

"- should I surrender formally? I am not sure if that would help or make everything worse." 

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"What is that - understood by local law to mean - do you have the authority, you're not the King -"

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"Urtho would consider me to have that authority. Whether I in fact do... I would not offer an unconditional surrender, I could not get the King to agree to that afterward, but - agreeing to cease all hostilities and withdraw our troops to Predain's territory, I could make that pass." 

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"Is it considered dishonorable, locally, to kill people once they surrendered -"

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"I - would have thought, that Urtho would consider it so. But he has surprised me several times, recently." 

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Shiver. "I guess it seems better to me but I don't know."

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Ma'ar shivers as well. Hesitates, his breath ragged. 

"- Ask him what he would want of me. To de-escalate on his end." 

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"Urtho," she says, and then - "damn it. I put you through that and the scry's a shoddy one, he can't hear me - I can try again but it'll probably just fail outright -" Her hand is shaking on the crystal ball. "...I can scry Mhalir. And do it through him."

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Ma'ar puts his hand over hers. He's not even quite sure why, just - she shouldn't have to be scared on his behalf...

"All right," he hears himself say. 

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She tries for Mhalir. If he's alive it shouldn't be hard...

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Mhalir is alive. He's - not in his borrowed host right now? He's in a glass bowl of water. 

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A woman with an odd haircut is sitting with her hand in said bowl, very still. 

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-aaaaaah. "Well in that case I can't talk to him because he doesn't have ears to hear me with. ...what's she doing to him -"

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Ma'ar stares intently over her shoulder. "I am not sure, I cannot use mage-sight through your scry. ....Do we have any way of reaching him." 

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"No!" She's very upset about it. "Not until I can prepare more spells - ugh -" She should've just left the earpiece somewhere she could have found it and then none of this would be happening. She is terrified they're going to kill Mhalir while she watches even though it admittedly doesn't seem very likely. "I guess I could try scrying the woman but crystal balls run down over time and we're pushing this one pretty hard, it's also what I was using to talk to you earlier -"

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Ma'ar is very still for thirty seconds. His chin is still tucked in the crook of her shoulder. 

"I can Gate there," he says finally. "On the assumption that it is in Urtho's Tower, I mean. I..." He's utterly terrified. "I am afraid Urtho might - kill me, if he saw me," and maybe one of his immortality setups would work but maybe not. "But - you could go through and rescue Mhalir, at least." 

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"And convey what you said. About surrendering and withdrawing your troops."

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He pulls back. Looks into her eyes. "You are willing to take that risk onto yourself?" 

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She doesn't particularly expect Urtho to kill her, he doesn't seem the type, but she doesn't know much about him. - not the time to think about it. "Like you said. Tomorrow might be too late."

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"If we are going to do it then we should do it now." 

Still sitting with her in his lap, half-clinging to her, Ma'ar raises his free hand, and the doorframe glows, and then within less than five seconds the area inside it flashes white and the light fades and on the other side is a very startled woman with her hand on Mhalir in a bowl of water. 

"- Go," Ma'ar hisses, "go now–"

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She runs across. 

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He snaps the Gate down, and then he's alone in Carissa's room, and it's suddenly very quiet, and he sits for a long moment and then lets his head fall into his hands. 

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The woman scrambles to her feet. "What - who are you, how–" 

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She sinks to her knees and raises her hands in the air and tries to look very not threatening. "I'm Carissa. That's - Mhalir - he's mine - is he okay? Also I have an important message for Urtho."

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The woman's expression softens. "Oh, you're Carissa? He's been asking for you... Er, he's hurt, the human he was symbiotes with had a bad head injury and she was improving but he wasn't, I thought maybe I could help him better if I could see him properly, so–" She waves her hand at the bowl. 

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"Oh. Thank you. May I? Our magic can do healing too." Specifically you can douse people with a devil's blood and speed their recovery in the name of Hell but it still works however you feel about Hell and whoever's in charge of it, she's checked.

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The woman stares hard at her for a moment.

"- Uh, by all means, go ahead." 

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She pulls a vial out of her bag and wets her finger with it and reaches for Mhalir and casts the spell.

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That looks so weird to Healing-Sight and she makes a face about it, but - "He looks a fair bit better, I think? I, er, you can - have him back, I guess, if you want...?" 

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"Thank you." She reaches for him and holds him up to her ear.

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Mhalir notices first that he feels a lot better, suddenly, he can sort of think - and then there's movement and vibration and then he's being held to someone's ear. 

He thinks it's - Carissa? Which doesn't really make sense, but what else is he supposed to do. He slips in. 

<....Carissa? Are you all right?>

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She tries to mentally shove the last day at him while returning to kneeling and looking non-threatening, because probably the Gate was noticed. I'm fine. We need to talk to Urtho, though.

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Wow that is way too much day to absorb all in one go. 

<I tried. To talk to Urtho. Said that the war could destroy the world, that we needed to stop it. He said - he needed to think...> 

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Tried to explain it to Ma'ar too. He said he'd back down, stop occupying Tantara, and I should ask Urtho what Urtho'd need to stop the war. But then we didn't have a good way to talk to Urtho. Ma'ar sent a messenger but hasn't heard back.

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<Oh. I...do not know anything about that. Should we. Go try to find him?> 

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I was kind of expecting to be arrested the instant I was Gated in! I ...guess so? "Uh," she says aloud, "may I just...go talk to Urtho? It's pretty urgent."

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"It certainly seems urgent!" the woman says, and takes Carissa's arm and pulls her out of the room, tugging her down the hall - 

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They nearly run headlong into a man with long silver hair and a beaked nose. "What. Cinnabar -" 

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"This is Carissa - she fixed Ma'ar, you have to talk–" 

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And his sharp blue eyes turn on her. "Well. Talk, then." 

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" - I'm here to convey, from Ma'ar, that he's withdrawing all his forces from Tantara, because it's not worth - what might happen if you keep fighting - and he wants to know what else you'll need from him in order to end the war."

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Urtho stares at her in utter disbelief. 

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And they probably don't have any truth magic, do they. "You could...read my mind about it?"

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He flinches back. "I - would not ask to invade your privacy in that way..." 

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"People are dying."


...probably that was not the most diplomatic thing to say.

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He winces. 

"- I am not actually a Thoughtsenser. Lady Cinnabar...?" 

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"I've been reading his mind the entire time! He means everything he's said! You want me to read hers too?"

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Urtho turns to Carissa, his eyes almost pleading. 

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"What, Mhalir's?" She is slightly offended that they apparently have a no-mindreading policy for humans (well, for well-dressed young women with pretty faces, at least) and not for Yeerks - this is stupid and not the time. "Please read my mind if it will help you believe me about what Ma'ar said."

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"Please do it," Urtho says to the woman. 

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Lady Cinnabar's eyes go unfocused. 

- and then impassioned. "Urtho, she's telling the truth - Urtho. She thinks something really bad could happen if we don't stop the war now." 

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"Did Mhalir not explain that part? It's - how it happened in other places and our god of knowledge thinks this place is similar -"

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"I think that he - tried..." Urtho leans against the wall. "I do not want that to happen. I - did not think the war could be stopped. But I had already received word that Ma'ar's troops were withdrawing. And - a messenger, I thought it had to be a trick..."

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"If you say that the war is over it'll be over, Predain will accept that."

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Urtho's face clenches. 



He turns and looks at Lady Cinnabar. 

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"...What? She's being entirely honest with you." 

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"Is Ma'ar even going to believe me if I send a message back," Urtho says, not quite making eye contact with Carissa. 

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" - I think he'll want to?"

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"All right. I will– One moment. I need to go speak to some people." 

Urtho speedwalks away down the hallway. 

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"...Sorry?" Lady Cinnabar shrugs at Carissa. "Can I, uh, get you anything..." 

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It feels like there should be grownups, somewhere, who've thought everything through a hundred times and can only learn from her to the extent that she is carrying information they couldn't possibly have had, and - it doesn't feel like that, it feels like they're just normal people who somehow ended up running wars - not that Ma'ar's a normal person but -

She stands still. She's still not at all clear how she got away with Gating into a major military installation during a war. Maybe people are very busy. "Uh. No thank you, I think I'm fine."

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Lady Cinnabar nods. "Uh, I guess you can sit in here." She opens a different door, which leads to a parlour-like area with a window and a sofa. 

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- sure, okay, she can do that. Her heart is pounding and sitting down feels very strange, like part of her thinks she's running a race and needs to keep doing that.


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Mhalir is attempting to do an inventory on his ability to think. <Carissa, can you - talk to me, or something, I am - trying to figure out if my mind is working better.> 

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Yeah. Uh, what happened when you got here?

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<...Well, I was unconscious so I am not sure. I woke up - something felt very wrong and I could not really communicate - that Healer spoke to us, figured out that we did not know the language but that their telepathy worked, but decided we were not medically stable enough for an interrogation yet. Then later I woke up again when Urtho was storming on and insisting on questioning us anyway, but I was still - not very coherent - and what happened is a bit foggy.> 

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Okay. Has that ever happened to you before? Do you know why it happened?

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<No, but when Alloran was my host, I could just morph off injuries he sustained, and also he was harder to injure. I think it was specifically being in her head when she had a serious head injury that harmed me as well, and possibly staying there when she was in unstable condition was unhealthy for me as well, but I did not feel especially safe leaving since we were prisoners.> 

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Nod. Then I guess you don't have much information with which to answer my question about whether Urtho is wildly out of his depth or faking it.

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<Faking...being wildly out of his depth? I cannot see why he would fake that and I - my read is that he is not. ...Seerow was wildly out of his depth, I suspect.> 

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It just seems really weird and unlikely to...be wildly out of your depth, as a person with the power Urtho has? He's more out of his depth than I would be and I'm 24 if you count the time when I was dead and have had three interactions with Kings in my life and would be pleased for that to be all of them.

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<...I mean, he has been mainly a teacher and researcher, right? His power is because he is very good at magic, and teaching it, not because he is very good at commanding armies. I imagine that...hmm...Cayaldwin is very brilliant, as an example, but I would not want to put him in charge of a military campaign.> 

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...I guess. And you can get very good at magic in this world without fighting... probably that's the difference. There is no one powerful in my world who hasn't been in a lot of deadly fights.

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<Yes, I think that is right. Also, Tantara seems - unlike Cheliax, and I expect Urtho in particular has been treated with deference generally, that people have wanted to earn his favour because he is brilliant at research? I do not think he has experienced a world where he frequently needs to work around hostile actors, so he is - unpracticed at it.> 

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It's a bad thing to be unpracticed at!

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<It is certainly not ideal right now! I suppose I can only hope that Ma'ar understands this fact about Urtho and is taking it into account.> 

He hesitates. <Are you - all right? You must have been scared - I am sorry I was stupid and got myself captured, and was not there...> 

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I think I'm too busy to be scared right now. I'm - glad you're alive. I wish -

- I hope there are some places that aren't at war, somewhere.

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<I am very tired of war> Mhalir agrees, emphatically. 

He falls silent. There's a restless urgency that keeps surging up in him, but it doesn't really have a place to go, right now, he feels like surely there has to be some action he should be taking right now to - get back in control - but he doesn't know what, and he's also so exhausted, in a way that isn't really physical.

For months at a time, before this, existing didn't hurt, and now it does, again, and - it's fine, he can bear it, he did before for decades and that was without even having Carissa. But he wants...not this...and that want has nowhere productive to go either. 

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Urtho comes back a few minutes later, looking - relieved, and tired, and uneasy, and sad. 

"Well. We're - not fighting over the Gate-terminus anymore, at least. Ma'ar's messenger offered to - do something, about General Shaiknam - I agreed, it seemed a good test of his intention and...I did not really feel I had a choice... I think they kidnapped him or something. I hope they do not intend to kill him out of hand." 

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Probably not, there's less option value there. "We could provide technology so that the two of you could talk, but not harm each other through the communications device, because it wouldn't be magic."

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"Huh. How does the technology work - could it be subverted without my knowledge? I would not have any way to tell, if it is not magic..." 

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"Someone else who had a lot of technology could intercept it and send different messages, but I don't think it could be intercepted with magic, not without years of research."

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Urtho frowns, looking very unhappy, and then beckons Lady Cinnabar in from where she's been waiting just outside the room, sort of half-guarding the door. "Could I - you would understand if I want to verify this claim, right, and have Lady Cinnabar read your mind again?" 

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"Of course." Carissa would understand if they wanted to hold her hostage for the next month of talks because Carissa is not from a place that is going for Good and certainly not one that is going for nice.

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Lady Cinnabar nods, and her eyes go briefly unfocused again. "She's telling the truth."

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Nod. Sigh. "All right. That - seems reasonable, then. ...How did you get in, by the way? It is not impossible to Gate here, blocking Gates is infeasible at the scale of something like the Tower, but it should not have been possible for anyone to target a Gate to that particular room through the shields. And Ma'ar has never seen it before, I had most of the operations rooms moved after the war began, so that if he - did try to come here, the alarm would be raised well before he reached anything sensitive. ...It did set off an alarm, of course, though Lady Cinnabar recognized you quite quickly from Mhalir's mind and Mindspoke the guards responding to stand down." 

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"I scried Mhalir with our magic, and Ma'ar was able to Gate me from that."

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"Ah. So the difficulty is that we cannot block your scrying. Fascinating! I would very badly like to study it, but now does not seem to be the time. What do you need to do, in order to provide us with the communication method?" 

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"The ship shuttle would need to drop it off. I...don't have a way to communicate with them right now. I guess someone could contact them with magic."

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"Our communication-spell requires the mage using it to have met the person they are sending a message to, so I am not sure we could target it to anyone on your ship–" He stops. "- Unless Ma'ar is still there, I suppose." 

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"I ...expect he is."

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Urtho hesitates, his hands restless in his lap. 

"He - could, if he wished, use it to target an attack or otherwise harm me," he says. "You - seem to think he would not do this. How certain are you of that." 

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Mhalir answers on reflex. "I am quite certain. He does not want you dead. I - the person I fought in my story is dead...I would give so much to undo that... Sorry, this is Mhalir speaking." 

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Urtho nods. Blinks. "Carissa, what do you think. You - actually met the man, Mhalir has not." 

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" - he wouldn't. He wants peace. And he - cares about you a lot. I think he still hopes he can - explain himself to you, somehow -"

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A distant, pained expression flickers across Urtho's face. For a long time he seems to be struggling for words. 

"...I never stopped caring about him," he says finally, head bowed. "I - thought it was too late to stop this a long time ago, but I never..." 

He shakes himself a little. "I will contact him." He closes his eyes. 


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A very long way away, the man sitting on Carissa's bed in her room on the ship jumps. 


He...should say more, but suddenly he can't think of any words. It feels like there's too much, that emotionless words across a vacuum can't possibly hold all of it, it feels like decades of history are hanging in the emptiness between them, filling it, heavy, laden. 

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Urtho is finding it hard to know what to say as well. ...Maybe, he can admit to himself now, this is part of why he never tried this sooner. It's very frightening, not knowing. 

<I am told you wish to withdraw your troops and end the war.> 

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<I have been contacting you about that since the war began.> That feels...petty and pointless to bring up and dwell on now, though. <I do not want to give up more than I must, but - I would choose to unconditionally surrender, if that were the only alternative to war. I have learned that the stakes are...far higher than I realized.> 

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Urtho is a person who is currently acutely aware that he has superweapons in his basement and he never thought he would use them, not even for this, but - he could be wrong, apparently he was wrong, and - Ma'ar knows or has guessed or can at least infer something, and now that too hangs heavy between them. 

<I would prefer not to be at war. Carissa has offered to give us a communicating device, with her technology.> Which feels maybe a bit silly to demand, now that he's gone ahead and is talking to Ma'ar directly, but at least it'd be less tiring than the spell, where can Ma'ar possibly be, it's never strained him this much. <She says the shuttle would need to come down and drop it off.> 

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<I see. I can pass that message.> 


Long pause. 

<Are you intending to keep her hostage during this.> 

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<No! What do you think I am? She can leave if she wishes.> 

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<I think you are a man who betrayed his former student and attacked his country with no warning.> 

Ma'ar - hadn't quite meant to pull that into the open, but he's angry, suddenly. Odd. He wasn't really angry before. 

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<I will tell Carissa's people to bring the communication device.> Ma'ar is feeling the strain of communicating magically at this distance too, but - one more thing - 

<Is Mhalir safe - did you harm him.> 

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<You seem to think I am some sort of monster! He is with Carissa. He was injured but she used her magic to heal him.> 

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Ma'ar drops the connection, and then stands up and paces. Resists the urge to throw a fireball at the wall just from sheer frustration, it would be incredibly stupid but he's SO ANGRY right now and he doesn't even understand why. 

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"I told him. He will send the shuttle." Urtho isn't looking at Carissa. He sounds kind of shaken. 

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"Thank you. I would appreciate it if you'd let Mhalir go back with them, he needs a pool regularly."

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"We heard." He fidgets for a moment, then gets up and paces. "- You are not a prisoner here," he adds, abruptly. "If you want to leave with Mhalir, you may." 

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"Would you prefer that I stay?"

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Urtho blinks, seeming surprised by the question. "I would prefer if you were willing to return, to explain more about your world's magic and technology. Now is - probably not a good time, anyway, my generals are going to be interrupting me constantly until the situation is more settled." 

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"All right. Then we'll leave now and - plan to return when it'll be helpful." She is so relieved, she doesn't want to leave Mhalir again, but she cannot really follow Urtho's decision processes at all.

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"Lady Cinnabar, could you escort her out to wherever the shuttle is arriving?" 

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"Uh, yes, of course." Lady Cinnabar also seems pretty baffled about Urtho's decision process, but she beckons for Carissa to follow her down the hall. 

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She will follow her down the hall.

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They reach a magical elevator that answers to a spoken command, and start descending, past a dizzying view from various windows.

<I do not think I understand Urtho very well at all> Mhalir complains to her. <I hope that Ma'ar has a better read on him.> 

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I don't understand either! Someone with a more familiar attitude would objectively be more dangerous I guess but I'd - feel safer -

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<It feels very unpredictable. I - am uneasy about it. But today could have gone much worse, so I am grateful for that much.> 

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Lady Cinnabar leads them out into a courtyard; there are gardens, and little lizard creatures working as gardeners, and it feels pleasant and peaceful. The sun is setting. 

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- Shortly after that, a different Healer comes out, escorting Mhalir's temporary host who was injured along with him; she's walking slowly but otherwise looks all right. 

A few minutes later the shuttle arrives. It uncloaks a few hundred feet in the air and descends very slowly and visibly, presumably in an attempt not to startle anyone. 

Mhalir's second-in-command steps out, accompanied by two of the mage-recruits. They're all tense, and avoiding sudden movements. 

"This is, uh, a radio," Mhalir's second-in-command says to Lady Cinnabar, for lack of anyone more official-looking to talk to. "Here, this is how you use it..." He shows her. 

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She pays close attention, and picks it up quickly enough. 

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He turns back to Carissa. "Carissa - you have Mhalir -?" 

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Were you and your host the only ones taken alive? she asks Mhalir.

"Yeah, I have him."

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<I think so - and nearly not, I think, she was very badly hurt and the Healers thought it was a close thing that she survived.> He shudders mentally, though manages not to do it with Carissa's body as well. It's terrifying, how close he came to dying, here, in a world where it's unclear he could ever be retrieved even by Aroden or Golarion's gods. 

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The Yeerk staff exchange a couple more nervous pleasantries with Lady Cinnabar, thanking her for treating Mhalir and his host's injuries, and then lead them onto the shuttle. 

No one tries to impede this. 

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Carissa will let Mhalir catch up with his people.

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Mhalir does this, mostly on automatic; it's hard to concentrate, in a way that has nothing to do with his earlier injury. He was so scared, and it's almost worse now that the peak danger seems to be past. For some reason all he wants is to curl up in a dark quiet room with Carissa and not have anyone talk to him for a while. 

The shuttle reaches the ship in orbit. 

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We should find Ma'ar - he's probably very freaked out, he was when I left...

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Mhalir's staff haven't seen him out on the deck again, he must still be wherever it was that he went with her? 

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Ma'ar is in fact still in Carissa's room. He's pacing back and forth, arms crossed, looking absolutely furious

- He jumps when she opens the door, flinging his hands up and shielding himself reflexively. 

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Mhalir is unsurprisingly startled! He instinctively takes over, dropping into a balanced stance and drawing Carissa's Dracon beam - which no one in Urtho's Tower even noticed, apparently, he supposes it wouldn't show up as magic and they're not used to nonmagical weapons being any more dangerous than swords, e.g. not dangerous at all to a powerful mage, but still, they didn't even search her - 

- they're already well-shielded with all her protective magic items. He casts Invisibility, seems good for option value, and dodges sideways, silently. 

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This does not make Ma'ar calm down at ALL! 

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Carissa tries to say "hey, it's okay, it's me" but when Mhalir anxiously seizes control he does it very thoroughly. It's you! she reminds him instead.

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<Oh. Right.> 

He isn't sure what to say to be reassuring, so instead he forces himself to relinquish control, even though this takes a substantial effort of will. 

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Ma'ar isn't trying to attack, at least. He's just backed against the far wall, shielding himself incredibly thoroughly, his eyes darting around the room. 

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"It's me! Carissa! Sorry to startle you!"

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"...Right." Ma'ar takes a few deep breaths and then peels himself off the wall and sits down heavily on the bed again. His hands are shaking a bit; being incredibly angry and then getting a huge surge of adrenaline on top of that is not the best combination. "Are you all right - did he harm you -" 

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Most spells aren't dismissible without using another spell or having crafted them that way in the first place but second-circle invisibility is a very fragile spell and wears off if you, for example, kick the wall, which she does. Then she holsters the Dracon beam and sits down next to him on the bed. "No. He, uh, showed up to ask what I wanted, after a little while, after I'd gotten Mhalir back, and then he read my mind with my permission about whether I was lying, and then he said I could go. It was...fine, though I find him very confusing and it's scary." Hug?

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Hug. Ma'ar is still trembling faintly, though he's mostly wrestled it under control now. "I think he does not realize that it is actually very scary to be so powerful and also - claim it is monstrous to ever use that power to hurt people, but in fact be willing to do it for dire circumstances such as one's former student making political reforms in another country." His voice is tight. 

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"If you are powerful people ought to know how they'll offend you so they can avoid it, unless you are specifically trying to just have them all trying to never come to your attention."

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Ma’ar doesn’t seem to know what to make of this. He leans into the the hug, but he’s fidgety. His fists clench and unclench, his breathing ragged.

”I, just - I know it will not help but I am so angry.”

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She leans against him and tries not to feel scared, he's not angry with her. "You were betrayed. Even if you're not going to avenge it for broader strategic reasons it makes sense to be mad about it."

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“Does it? I - was not angry before, there was no point, he was - trying to do the right thing from his information state... It would seem there is less point now, not more.”

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Mhalir is having some sort of emotion about this. Not fear, that would feel ridiculous and he wishes he knew the words to reassure Carissa. He doesn’t know what emotion it is. Just that it hurts.

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"I don't really know. Mhalir might, he was in Nirvana and they're big on....feelings, in Nirvana. ...I got Mhalir back. He's here."

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“Oh. That - is good...” He had guessed, somewhat, and been not interacting with it because...why...just because it’s more complexity and he’s overwhelmed enough maybe, even though that’s silly.

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Mhalir is still trying to pin down the nameless emotion. He - mostly hasn’t been angry with Seerow, it seemed...cruel, as well as useless. Because he’s dead.

But it still hurts, even now, that Seerow was so willing to die, to stop Mhalir from doing something he never wanted to do in the first place.

He doesn’t  know how to shape that into words, and so just sort of pushes the thought out to Carissa, like some bitter offering, ruins and ashes.

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Well, Ma'ar is probably mindreading them and maybe he can get - something, out of that. It doesn't make a lot of sense to Carissa. Maybe if she tries to imagine Mhalir betraying her? She tries to imagine it and thinks she'd mostly feel - stupid, for forgetting everything she knew about the world in order to pretend she lived in a nicer one.


She pats Ma'ar. "Do you want space? We could leave..."

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He considers that for a minute. 

"No. You can stay." Please stay, he almost wants to say, and he doesn't really understand that either. "I - I think I am scared too - was scared - it could still all go so badly." 

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"It might." She nestles herself more comfortably, if she's going to be here a while. "I think it's less likely, though. I wish I understood Urtho. ...I wish I could've stunned him and put Mhalir in his head except that'd be an act of war and escalatory and so on."

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Ma'ar snorts; it actually gets a brief smile from him. "No, I do not think that would have helped the overall situation at all. ...Can you read his mind? I could never get past his shields." 

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"I didn't try. I can maybe try when I go back, if you don't think it'd cause an enormous incident."

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"Can people detect it, when you read minds with your magic?" 

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"Sometimes, if they know what they're doing. I could cast it on you if you want to test....depending how precisely you scoped the mind control, I guess."

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"I did not specifically ban it, it - would depend on whether you internally consider it to be harming me - doing it without asking is something I would consider hostile, but..." He takes a deep breath. "You have my permission to try it." 

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So she casts Detect Thoughts and tries to listen to his.

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Ma'ar stiffens and jumps a little, feeling something touching his shields - it doesn't feel like Thoughtsensing probe, it feels...sharper, and like it's coming from a different angle... 

Carissa cannot get through to listen to his thoughts. 

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"If you can notice I probably shouldn't try it on Urtho." Regretful sigh. "I just - wish I understood him - he seems to have a story about what he's doing that doesn't make any sense to anyone else..."

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"I think that is right. He - sees himself as acting on what is morally right, I think. Doing a brave and difficult duty that someone must." Shrug. "I can say those words. It does not mean that I particularly understand it." 

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"I would be so angry to have been asked to give my life for this - he didn't have a sense of under what terms the war could be over! I am not sure he had thought it through! His tower security was really confusing!"

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"I mean, I expect he would always have been willing to accept a surrender. He must have believed I would never do that. ...To be fair to him, I had not considered it. I - thought I could win. And then sort out our misunderstandings, when he was not - trying to use his power to destroy what I had built, while telling himself it was good and right and necessary." 

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"That was what Mhalir figured, with the Andalites, that he needed enough power to force them to listen to him -"

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"You do not think this would have worked out well." It's not a question. 

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"The Andalites killed millions of people on one planet to stop them falling into Yeerk hands. There were dozens of other planets - there were even more dangerous things they considered - they say they wouldn't have done it but -"

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"- Oh - gods, millions..." Ma'ar hadn't realized there were greater depths of horror and fear still to be plumbed. Or - how much more it could hurt, being afraid after the worst threat was past, because before he was shoving it away to deal with later and now there's space for it to bubble its way loose.

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Mhalir is pretty sure he understands exactly what Ma'ar is feeling, right now, but he's still having a hard time naming it clearly enough to describe to Carissa. He's -

- probably lonely, right, the desperate aching thirsty kind of loneliness that spikes when there's suddenly hope for not being lonely any longer, for getting back something he had thought was lost forever and ground to dust under a thousand battles... 

He's going to be tired, because it's been nearly a year of war, and before that decades of trying to drag Predain out of poverty, facing the disapproval and judgement of his teacher - whose respect and admiration he must have craved so much, Mhalir remembers how he felt about Seerow... 

He misses Seerow and he's stupidly jealous and wishes he could stop it. 

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Probably at some point Ma'ar should take Mhalir himself and then they can bond over....being a Ma'ar/Mhalir person things...but she thinks if she makes the suggestion now Ma'ar will be too nervous to get any use of it. She is trying to solve the loneliness here but she doesn't really know how, if it's not about holding him. (She could kiss him? It's probably also not about that, that's not hard to get even if there's a war...)

"I think - Urtho - I don't know how much it'd even mean to have his approval because he has bad judgment and stupid values but he said he cares about you and I expect he'd want to fix ...things..."

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Ma'ar's breath catches. "I - never thought his values were stupid - I think he is stupid about them, and - confused - not being consistent... But, the first time I saw his Tower, saw all the lights, and the stars above it, and I thought - he built that, he made it exist, drew an idea out of nothing and made it real, and - he made a place where anyone could learn magic, even me. And– and it was so beautiful. I always knew the world was broken but until then I had not been able to imagine it whole." 

His eyes and his throat hurt, his chest is tight, it's so confusing why it feels hard to take a full breath right now. 

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Carissa is not very good at imagining the world whole. Mostly in her experience Good people just make it differently broken. She holds him and waits for him to figure out what he wants, here.

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Carissa is so confusing! He feels less - something - with her there, but also more confused! 

"- What are you trying to do here?" he says. "You put yourself in danger to try to stop the war. You were...trying to make things less broken, at least." 

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" - well, yes! I don't want people to die." Wave of bitterness and sadness that she would rather not think about right now.

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"What is...being Good, if it is not that? I thought it was a Good god who mediated the war ending, with the Andalites and Yeerks, because they did not want people to die."

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Cities incinerated under starship fire, leaving glass in which you can sometimes see the ashy imprints of buildings, or of people.

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Grief, pain, regret. 

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Ma'ar sucks in his breath, involuntary hugging her more tightly, almost but not quite hard enough to hurt her. It hurts in a way that feels almost like being actually injured; it feels like everything stable under him is crumbling, as he learns too late about precious things that were lost before he even knew they were in danger - a vow he made to save everyone and it doesn't actually matter if they weren't in his world and he had no way of knowing - 

After a moment he manages to recognize the feeling as 'wanting to cry', which seems so stupid and unhelpful and he tries to clamp down on it, except that this also turns out to block his capacity to...move, or speak, or do anything, he can barely think his head is fully of cities slagged by unimaginable weapons of another world. 

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If there needs to be any moving or anything Mhalir will have to do it, she's just kind of going to withdraw rather than cry a lot about something stupid.

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Mhalir doesn't really know what to do! Ma'ar seems overwhelmingly upset, in a way he remembers experiencing sometimes in Nirvana - oddly it hadn't happened before that, he could shove his emotions away better in emergencies. He tries to remember what Caroline did when that happened... She would snuggle him under her wing, and tell him it was all right to be in pain from the world being awful, and that it was normal for very traumatized people to have a lot of strong emotions to process after they were somewhere safe. And she would try to get him to talk about it, and tell him that whatever he wanted to do was probably his mind telling him what he needed... 

This seems very awkward to suggest, because he doubts Ma'ar thinks of himself as especially traumatized, even though how could he not be. 

It seems like he just needs to be held for a while, and...maybe to cry? Mhalir didn't really cry when he was a baby bird, because birds don't, but there were times when all he wanted to do was to flail around being very visibly distressed. 

Ma'ar is not going to think this makes any sense, if he suggests it. 

"It makes sense for many aspects of the situation to be upsetting," he tries. "And you did not have time to process that before because you were at war, but - now you are ending the war, and I think it is normal for it to hurt more. For you to - be feeling a lot of grief about how much was lost, and how it was stupid and wasteful, and - to be angry with Urtho at how far he would have been willing to go..." 

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ow. Now Ma'ar is simultaneously overflowingly sad and incredibly angry, and he feels brittle, like he might explode and shatter into a million pieces if one. more. thing. happens to him. He feels like he wants to break something else, to throw something, and also that desire doesn't make any sense and is kind of an upsetting thing to be feeling. He shivers and then holds himself very still, trying to just not do anything until he feels more in control. 

This is harder said than done, for a mage. The bed shakes slightly under them. 

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Which nearly startles Mhalir into casting one of Carissa's spells, he's not even sure what spell he's reaching for, and he forces himself back. Takes a deep breath. "Ma'ar, you are safe here. This is my ship and these are my people who I selected carefully and I trust them. You can relax. If you need to cry, this is a safe place to do that." 

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He is so confused. 

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"He was in Nirvana. It is one of Golarion's afterlife planes, and they're really into - processing and accepting your emotions and stuff..." Shrug. "If you want to hit us you should do more of the mind-control first because Mhalir's very flinchy."

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Mhalir supposes he wouldn't mind if Ma'ar wanted to do that, it would be incredibly stupid to seriously injure them and Ma'ar isn't stupid, but he would be very confused if this turned out to be the thing that helped! And more mind-control is scary, but would be a good idea in that context, since he's already noticed that they're both very flinchy and this is less than ideal when they're startling each other. 

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Ma'ar is thinking that hitting Carissa wouldn't help at all, but communicating this fact would involve - talking - which seems to not be working right now. 

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"It can be hard to figure out," Mhalir says, sympathetically. "If you cannot tell what you are feeling, you could...try to pay attention to what your body wants to do? I find that helpful." 

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What a bizarre prompt. On the other hand, it's feeling very obviously when Mhalir is the one speaking, and that he's talking to - someone at least very similarly shaped to him. 

He wants to...curl up and have his head in Carissa's lap? Which is weird, but he does feel pretty safe, given that she isn't capable of harming him. 

He does this. 

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...okay. She runs her hands through his hair, gently, and doesn't say anything.

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He's not sure why that helps but it does. Ma'ar has no desire at all to hit Carissa but - in some bizarre twisty sideways way, it's reassuring that she would offer? He doesn't understand it. 

Eventually words are possible again, though he stays curled up on top of the bedspread with his head in her lap. "- Why do you...feel the way you do, toward me? You do not know me at all, but you - want me to be all right..." 

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"Well, I like Mhalir, and you're - him, sort of - you have the things I like about him, at least - and you're - a safe person to trust? Trusting you won't turn out to have been stupid?" Shrug. "And I don't think the things people hate you for were actually bad so it feels unfair. Assuming that blood magic doesn't destroy peoples' souls, if it does you should stop that."

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He recoils a bit. "Gods! No, it does not. I - took some observations, trying to figure out how it worked and when it is safe, and the souls go to exactly the same place as usual. It is not actually different in principle - magically speaking, that is - from a mage's Final Strike." 

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"A what?"

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"Oh, has that not come up yet? Mages here can - burn their own life-force to fuel a very big fireball. Or perhaps more complicated spells, even, for the obvious reasons it has not been extensively tested." 

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" - yikes. If it doesn't make them unresurrectable maybe they could try it in Golarion."

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There is definitely some kind of emotion waiting to burst loose, about the fact that Golarion has magic to bring back the dead, but there's no room for it now, with everything else already happening. 

"It is interesting that you think of me as safe to trust," he says softly. "I imagine that Urtho feels very stupid, now, for having trusted me enough to teach me so much about magic, which I ended up using against him in war." 

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"Well, would you have started it? I don't doubt you'll hurt me if I try to kill you!"

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"That is true, I - am aware that I am a dangerous person when I am threatened." Sigh. "I told Urtho I wanted peace with Tantara, I tried to tell him multiple times in the letters we exchanged... I am so frustrated that he apparently did not think I would keep my word!"

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"I'm not even sure that he thought you'd break your word, that feels more-possible-to-interact-with, maybe he just felt - that you aren't supposed to agree to terms with evil, you're supposed to defeat it? That wars don't end with everyone agreeing they'd rather not fight?" Shrug. She doesn't like him but she doesn't want to argue with Ma'ar about his Seerow.

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"I suppose it does not really matter, now." He feels less angry. More tired. "I - I wanted to fix everything with him - I thought he wanted that too. I do not understand what he wants, anymore - how someone could build the Tower and then turn and - try to destroy what I was building..."

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" - normally when someone looks to be starting an empire their neighbors are going to invade them about it, right, you know that..."

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"- No? When the Ceej was becoming an empire, I do not think anyone invaded them about it! They had plenty of border wars but they were the ones starting them, at least according to the histories." 

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"I'm not a historian but - great powers don't usually tolerate the emergence of others, it's much safer to have weak neighbors than strong ones especially if they're very different from you and don't have a history of being allied with you, and - even if one king seems committed to peace, eventually there'll be a successor, and so if you're at your neighbor's mercy you're not just counting on the wisdom of one king - I wouldn't have invaded I'd have tried to scoop up the outer provinces you were going for, get there first, contain you with alliances and our own conquests, but if that didn't work it wouldn't be surprising for the war to start in any particular year and it'd feel nearly inevitable that it happened eventually. Nations...fight, it takes a lot of work to get any other outcome."

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"Tantara had not had any wars for a hundred and fifty years before this! I suppose Predain was not formally allied with Tantara under the last king, and...Urtho did not want to change that... But you may be right, if you know about more history than our even world has." He seems quietly miserable about it. 

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She feels bad about that but she's not sure what she could do about it. It seems - important, that you shouldn't try to build an empire in a fashion that spooks the one next door, just like you shouldn't try to move in a way that spooks the mage next door, that you should stay small and assume by default that many people have a great deal to gain by keeping you that way unless you have explicitly set it up to give them a great deal to gain some other way. 

She would - have aimed to marry the King of Tantara, probably, if she were powerful enough it wasn't a laughable idea. Ma'ar couldn't have pulled that off, of course, but - a daughter, on either side - or ask to become part of Tantara and bribe them for effective independence - or stay small, if you haven't given the people around you a compelling reason not to crush you when you raise your head.

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"I - did not think that Urtho wanted people to be small," Ma'ar says, thoughtfully. "When he built something like the Tower. He always said that he hoped his students would surpass him, would learn ever deeper secrets and discovery new magics and build things he could not... He approved of that kind of ambition. But...now I feel that maybe he did want people to be small, in other ways. He - thought that desiring the power to change the world in large ways, was - a dark path, a dangerous thing to want...? I tried to talk with him about it, but his explanations never seemed coherent to me...and he would say he was proud, when I had clever ideas, when I took them seriously..." 

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Carissa feels that this is because Urtho wanted to believe nice things about himself that weren't actually true of him.

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Ma'ar hates everything about that so much, but it doesn't mean she's wrong, and hating reality won't change it - at least, not without a large number of steps in the middle, like 'having plans'. 

He's so tired. He wants to go home, except where is home, home was a tent in the plains once, but then blood and screams and stupid pointless wasteful endings took that away, and then home was the Tower - and it was more home than anything had been before - he wanted to stay, but he had made a vow, and there was more to be fixed in Predain, and he thought maybe he'd go back someday but there was so much to do and he never did - and then the Tower became a place he could never go back to anyway. 

He wants his mother to not be dead - speaking of incredibly stupid things to want - 

Maybe right now he just wants to be held, on this awesomely powerful spaceship that even Urtho can't touch, with the person who's somehow another world's version of him, and the woman who - loves him, and seems to consider it straightforwardly obvious that this transfers to Ma'ar who she just met? It's very surreal. 

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Mhalir is thinking that it would help Ma'ar a lot to get DRUNK, like Carissa did that one time, and maybe for her to seduce him, he's so lonely, but also that's objectively a stupid plan when Ma'ar might be urgently required to deal with critical war-related matters at any moment, it's sort of surprising he hasn't been interrupted so far. Maybe Urtho is taking his time figuring out what to say with his new comms. 

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She pats Ma'ar. He's twice her age but he looks kind of, on some level, like a tired, scared child. Probably that's an offensive thing to think. Probably since he's like Mhalir he will be offended at the very idea that it's a reasonable use of power to demand she think things that he likes... though maybe not, he does have the mind control powers...


She does not think she is up for seducing him though if Mhalir did it she wouldn't object.

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Mhalir feels that seducing himself would be incredibly weird, and also Ma'ar probably isn't up for it right now, he has a lot on his mind - which is part of the problem, he needs just a little while of not worrying about the fate of the world - but he's not wrong that the war is important and time-sensitive and he can't just decide to ignore it right now. 

He pets Ma'ar and doesn't say anything. 

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If Ma'ar is offended at Carissa's thoughts, or has any particular reaction to the seduction-related ones, it doesn't show. He lies still, half curled up but not as tense anymore, and lets them pet him. 

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A few minutes later they're interrupted by a polite knock on the door. "Visser Three?" It's one of Mhalir's staff. "Uh, we have Urtho on the comms. Is Ma'ar still with you?" 

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(He's speaking English, and Ma'ar doesn't have Tongues and has no idea what's being said.) 

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(Why would seducing yourself be incredibly weird, Carissa would feel so at ease seducing a Carissa because she'd know exactly how to do it. Way easier than seducing people who are not you. Ma'ar has in any event not seemed like that was at all on his radar even when she took him to her bedroom and sat on his lap and he was clutching her so tightly there are now little finger-bruises. He might be gay or something.)


"Oh." She translates.

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"Thank you. Tell them I am coming." 

Ma'ar extricates himself from her lap and stands, and she can practically see the mental motion of folding away his emotions to deal with later, returning to controlled stillness. It's kind of impressive. Mhalir does a similar thing sometimes, in her body. 

He takes a couple of breaths, hands loose at his sides, and then nods to her and walks briskly to the door and follows Mhalir's staff out. 

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Carissa means to follow but finds suddenly that she's very tired.

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<He will manage. He does not need us to babysit him.> Mhalir finds that he still desperately wants to be in a dark quiet room alone. (Having his alternate self there doesn't count as not-alone.) <I think we should rest, while we can, I am sure there will be more to deal with tomorrow.> 

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Glad you're not dead.

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<Mmm. Trust me, so am I.> 

He's quiet for a while, almost too tired to have thoughts. 

<Glad Urtho did not arrest you> he adds. <It is very confusing and makes him feel - more unpredictable - but I am very grateful we were not separated again.> 

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I think he knows how the world would've hypothetically gotten destroyed. His face was - expressive. 

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<Hmm.> Mhalir skims the memory again. <Yes, I see what you mean. Maybe he discovered some new use of magic, before, and did not consider world-destroying potential before because...why would he, he seems like the sort of person who would build things just to see if he could.> 

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He does.

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<I hope he and Urtho can manage to - avoid further miscommunications.> 

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Yeah. She should worry about it but - she's very tired.

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It's been an incredibly tiring day and now it's getting late, no wonder. They should get some sleep. He'll tell his staff to wake him if Ma'ar needs something. 

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Mmhmmm. Spells in the morning. She won't be so helpless.

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Ma'ar does not interrupt them. He manages a much calmer conversation with Urtho. They're both carefully civil, distantly courteous. Like strangers.

His troops are withdrawing and should be entirely clear of Tantara's pre-war borders by tomorrow night. Urtho's army is still guarding the Gate-terminus and the border; he agrees that this is a reasonable defensive precaution. They do a very frustrating dance around the topic of phasing out compulsions and blood-magic in Predain. Blood-magic he can order stopped now, that can be reassessed now. He's a lot leerier about the voluntary compulsions as oaths of service; he thinks it's doing important work, that his troops are loyal to him and obeyed his order to retreat and surrender even though many of them have lost friends or family to Tantara's army and hate Urtho's entire country, and they must have thought he had lost his mind. 

Urtho reluctantly agrees that he won't force Ma'ar to undo all of the current loyalty compulsions, as long as he stops doing any new ones. Ma'ar agrees to this. 

By the end he's so tired and his head is spinning and the ship's interior feels oddly fake. It doesn't help that the concept of being out in the vacuum after the sky stops being air is an incredibly surreal and fake-sounding one, but also the effort of not having any emotions and maintaining his best attempt at a diplomatic facade with Urtho is so draining. He feels a bit like he's forgotten how to be anything other than a careful mask over emptiness. 

It's good news, he tries to tell himself. The war is over. This is exactly what he wanted all along. 

It feels hard to really believe that. 

Some of the mage-recruits speak Tantaran, so he can ask them for a place to sleep, and he locks the door and puts wards on the walls and then lies down on the bed and closes his eyes. Ironically enough it feels like he's also forgotten how to sleep, but it happens eventually anyway. 

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After two hours (a bit more than two hours; it was a very tiring day) Carissa wakes up, stretches, takes a shower, starts preparing her spells.

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Mhalir was thinking about peace negotiations and not paying attention. <- What?> 

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Carissa was preparing Dimension Door, and there's a loop in Dimension Door that's the difference between it and Teleport, for Teleport it has an extra circle for power and targeting and she pushed into it, and now she's exhausted and is not going to be able to prepare any more spells for at least three hours because she was an idiot and you're supposed to have an external source of magical energy for spell prep as a FIFTH-CIRCLE CASTER but you see she did not know she was a FIFTH CIRCLE CASTER and that's Teleport. Look at it. It's beautiful.

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It is!!!! Mhalir is so excited and proud of her!!! This is going to be incredibly useful and - it feels good, it feels safer, being more powerful. 

...He should take his turn in the pool, though, he forgot about it last night but he should do it now before anything ELSE happens that requires his attention. 

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He SHOULD and Carissa will read a lot of magic theory in the meantime, paying attention to fifth-circle spell technique.

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Mhalir dunks in the pool to get his kandrona rays. 

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Ma'ar doesn't have a Ring of Sustenance and also went to bed much later than Carissa. He drags himself out of bed after six hours, not feeling nearly rested enough but it's morning and things will be happening, he should check in with his generals and see if logistics for their retreat needs troubleshooting and then probably talk to Urtho... 

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One of the mages asks if he wants coffee. The ship has coffee, it's a drink from Earth, it's like tea but BETTER and it makes you feel less tired even when you don't have time to sleep enough. 

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Sure, coffee. 

It makes him feel less slow and stupid, at least, if not exactly less tired, there's still the heavy exhaustion that isn't really about sleep at all. It doesn't help with the sense of having forgotten how to have emotions, of being unmoored and disconnected from the world - when he tries to reach for his memory of the stars above Urtho's Tower, that feels fake too, like it happened to another person in another life. Maybe this is just because interacting with a different you is disorienting?

He deals with logistics. There are a lot of headaches and grumpy upset people who need reassurance that Tantara isn't going to execute them for war crimes or something. There aren't any real emergencies or surprises, at least. 

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Carissa nods off in the middle of reading about spell theory - you're really not supposed to prepare a fifth-circle spell for the first time from reserves - and wakes up a couple of hours later feeling a little better and gets Mhalir and prepares some more of her spells.

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After spending the morning on the communicator with Urtho and using magic to talk to his people on the ground, Ma'ar comes to see if Carissa and Mhalir are available. He looks simultaneously tired and twitchy (the latter might be all the coffee.) 

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Carissa and Mhalir are available! Carissa is a FIFTH CIRCLE WIZARD did he hear. 

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Urtho on the radio is not sure what that means! But it sounds exciting, congratulations to her, and he would be very eager to hear more if they can come back to the Tower today! Also he would like to hear more from lucid-Mhalir about the Yeerks and the Andalites and their technology. 

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<I have no objections to going back to the Tower> Mhalir tells Carissa. Glance at Ma'ar. <We...should probably not bring Ma'ar. Maybe we can drop him off in Predain so he can coordinate in person, I think he is tiring himself out using magic to talk to his people.> 

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That makes sense.

She gives Ma'ar a hug. "Mhalir proposes we drop off Ma'ar in Predain and then come to the Tower to meet you," she says to Urtho.

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Urtho thinks this sounds very reasonable. 

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Ma'ar takes a deep breath. "Yes, it would be a good idea to coordinate with the King in person, I think he is - very confused and alarmed. Also I can return your headband? If I could keep the rest of the items - and also my own communicating device - it would be very helpful as proof for him that you are powerful aliens and - that it is in Predain's interest to be on friendly terms." 

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"Yeah, definitely. ...and you should take Earth movies and something to play them on. Earth movies are great. They provide cultural exposure to Earth."

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"Oh?" He smiles at her; briefly, but it softens his whole face. "I will do that, then. Have you been to Earth?" 

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"No. It's a really long trip, from here. I guess Mhalir's special hyperspace jump arrangement might shorten it. But we have some movies on the ship and they're great."

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Nod. "Thank you for informing me. I suspect it will be - disproportionately impressive and pleasing to people." 

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They get on the shuttle, which descends to the capital of Predain. It takes less than half an hour, which Ma'ar seems to find very impressive. 

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Ma'ar gets off, talks briefly to a mage on the ground, and ducks back in to offer Carissa back her headband. "I wish I had time to try it," he confesses. "Maybe someday. Good luck talking to Urtho." 

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Carissa should be planning diplomacy things but actually she spends the whole time reading through fifth-circle spells. Mhalir can handle the diplomacy things.


She is very happy to have her headband back. "I'm sure we'll get you one sooner or later. Good luck with things."

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Mhalir kind of feels like 'have lots of shiny magic to talk about' might be the most effective kind of diplomacy, when it comes to Urtho in particular. He spends the time thinking about technology, and what they might be able to trade with Urtho - the Yeerks, unlike the Andalites, don't have a policy against tech-sharing - and also he should have a chat with Urtho about the possibility of voluntary hosts in Tantara, he expects Yeerks can be effective study aids for mage-gifted youngsters just like they can help wizards learn magic in Golarion, though that he would want to run past the Andalites... 

(He's also musing on Yeerks as a replacement or at least supplement to compulsions in Predain; he can guess exactly what sort of corruption Ma'ar was trying to stamp out with that practice; it's unclear if anyone in Velgarth would consider Yeerks an improvement.) 

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Lady Cinnabar is waiting outside the Tower in the courtyard when the shuttle touches down. "Thank you for coming." 

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"Of course!"

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"Well, come on it." 

And back into the huge marble atrium, and up the elevator, and down the hall to a door, which she knocks on. 

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Urtho answers it. The office behind him looks like a place that is habitually very very cluttered and has been somewhat halfheartedly tidied up for the purposes of this meeting; there are stacks of paper moved to corners and side tables and on top of the books in the bookshelves, held by random paperweights. 

He smiles. "Thank you for coming. May I offer you tea?" 

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"I will get that for you, Master Urtho!" a preteen-sized lizard-creature pipes up, darting over to retrieve a teapot and tea tray. 

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"Sure." Did Mhalir in fact come up with a plan for this meeting, she is still entirely thinking about MAGIC.

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He has the skeleton of one, at least. "So - you wished to know more about the civilizations we come from, correct? And our magical and technological abilities." 

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"I do! The device you gave us to communicate is so delightful - I was very tempted to take it apart and try to figure out how it works, except that I was not sure I could put it back together again!" 

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Mhalir manages not to laugh. "We can give you a second example that you can take apart if you wish. Or diagrams on how it functions, I am not sure how much you can tell from looking at the circuitry - there is a large technological distance here. Anyway, I can start with the Andalites, since their civilization is the one that gave Yeerks spacefacing technology. Their world is different in many ways, but the ones I will start with are spaceships and hyperspace travel, of course, and morph..." 

He talks for a while. 

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Urtho is amazed! He's almost vibrating with it! 

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Mhalir takes a deep breath. Bows his head, well, Carissa's head. "And this is where the less happy part begins. I should tell you about the war. It is over, now, we had peace talks mediated by one of Golarion's gods and then allied to fight Hell - that is another story that I will not go into," poor Carissa, hopefully she's still deep in thought about MAGIC and not listening, "but in the beginning, once we had high technology, we wanted to go to other planets - to see the world, to experience it through the eyes and hands and bodies of different species - and Seerow was alarmed and afraid..." 

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It's not a happy story. Urtho is appropriately unhappy about it, but - not unsympathetic, going by his expression and body language (which is really not that hard to read.) 

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"I think that is all the most relevant pieces," Mhalir finishes finally. "There will need to be extensive negotiations before we can share our spaceship tech with you - and also it is non-trivial to build and you would need large amounts of additional infrastructure. But it is something we would consider as a trade. We can talk about that further later, once the situation here with Predain is fully settled. For now, I think Carissa would be delighted to explain her arcane magic to you." 


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This is a much less stressful and awkward topic than war, and Urtho is delighted! He looks intently at them, waiting. 

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Carissa can explain arcane magic and her current understanding of how it's different than Velgarth magic. Velgarth magic actually seems closer to magic as used by outsiders and gods, who don't have to do spell stabilization. She can demonstrate some of her spells! She can explain how spells are designed and refined!

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Urtho is a quick study and seems to understand it very quickly! It probably helps that Velgarth mages have Othersenses, similar to permanent Detect Magic but possibly even more flexible, and his is extremely well trained. At one point he jumps up and slides out a large piece of slate set in a frame and starts scrawling out diagrams on it in chalk. 

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(Mhalir is thinking that they're adorable, being so excited about cool magic at each other, and probably this is the best possible way to leave Urtho with warm feelings toward the bossy meddling aliens who showed up spying on his country, and toward Carissa in particular.) 

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It's a good thing that Mhalir is keeping track of that! Carissa suspects if she tries thinking about politics she'll get mad at Urtho again and anyway all she wants to do right now is think about magic so she's going to do that.

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Eventually one of the hertasi politely interrupts and suggests they take this conversation to one of the conference rooms and continue it over supper, it's that time. 

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Urtho is not tracking the passage of time at ALL and is a little surprised at this, but gets up without complaint and ushers Carissa down the hall, without pausing in his questions. 

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Carissa doesn't need to eat but doesn't volunteer this; probably it'd make Urtho jealous and possibly it'll distract him from himself consuming the food he does need, and she is curious what Tantaran food is like.

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Tantaran food is delicious! There's a creamy squash soup, and salad with berries and flowers for garnish, and roast duck, and pie for dessert.

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Urtho would probably be better at not letting his food go cold on his plate if he were a Mindspeaker and could talk at the same time. As it is, he does some amount of talking with his mouth full, gesturing excitedly with his fork. 

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Carissa still thinks he is very reckless and annoying but she's having a hard time feeling upset about anything, today, and magic is good.

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Eventually Mhalir suggests that they'd better head out and check in with Ma'ar, who may want to come back to the ship tonight for an update. 

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Urtho is so not done talking about magic, and looks a bit plaintive about it, but agrees that it's late and they have other priorities in addition to comparing their magic systems. Which he would like to do more of, later! 

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Sure. They can do more later.

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Mhalir calls for a shuttle pickup, and then while they're waiting out in the courtyard with Lady Cinnabar babysitting them again, contacts Ma'ar on his comms device and asks if he would like to come back to the ship. 

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Ma'ar says yes instantly, and then amends it with 'in a candlemark once I've wrapped up this meeting.' 

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Mhalir says this is fine and they'll send a shuttle for him in an hour.

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Carissa thinks vaguely that hopefully having gotten things straightened out will make Ma'ar feel better, he seemed pretty badly off yesterday. Unlike Urtho, who seems to have bounced back immediately. Probably that's not fair but running wars when you have no idea what you're doing also isn't fair.

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Mhalir thinks his feelings about Urtho are probably unfair as well. He suspects Urtho is pretty upset underneath, but is the sort of person who finds it easier to not-think about painful unpleasant topics by instead thinking about exciting shiny ones like MAGIC, whereas Ma'ar...is not going to let himself avoid thinking about important things if they're not addressed yet. Also...this part is especially uncharitable, but he thinks Urtho's worldview lets him not feel as much personal responsibility for the entire mess? Because he doesn't see himself as a leader, he sees himself as a person who gave the former King his best advice, which led to the war being declared, and then reluctantly stepped up to lead it when the King was incapacitated. This is all guesses since he hasn't been in Urtho's head but he feels like it fits. 

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Carissa judges people for incompetence a lot more harshly than she judges them for having values that result in horrible things happening. They're entitled to their horrible values but they're not entitled to be incompetent. She is not sure this is at all reasonable but it's how she feels.

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Mhalir thinks he agrees, or shares at least some of the same intuitions? He feels that competent people with horrible values can be negotiated with (even Asmodeus agreed to terms, in the end); they'll act predictably, taking openings you leave for them to advance their interests, they'll be strategic, and if you make it more strategic for them to play nice then they'll do that. Whereas incompetent people might do anything. 

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Yes, exactly. Competent people usually don't blow up the world in order to achieve things that aren't worth that.

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(Even Asmodeus wouldn't have done that, Mhalir thinks, and doesn't share that thought with Carissa because it's a reminder of the things that still make her really sad.) 

They reach the ship. Mhalir debriefs with his staff on how the Urtho 'negotiations' went. 

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Ma'ar rejoins them on the ship an hour and a half after their departure from the Tower, when Mhalir is just about wrapped up with his meeting and can call it short. 

He's not visibly upset like he was yesterday. He's...not visibly anything, really, he's holding his body still and his expression impassive, politely thanking the shuttle pilot for picking him up. His eyes go to Carissa and he nods to her but doesn't seem sure what to do next. 

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Do you know what that means?

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<I think he is doing the thing I used to do, of - not letting himself feel emotions because they are a distraction? Which is sort of reasonable given that he had many responsibilities today, but...I think it is not good to do it for weeks at a stretch and we should try to tell him to stop? I am not sure how though.> 

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"Did you want to come back to our room and compare notes," she says to Ma'ar.

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It takes him a couple of seconds to respond, and then he nods. "Yes, that seems like a good idea." He follows her. 

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She sits down on her bed. "We met Urtho. And mostly talked about magic."

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"Oh?" Ma'ar is not sure what she's expecting him to say to that. 

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"I think for Urtho in particular it was valuable diplomacy," Mhalir adds. "He was very impressed and curious and I expect he has quite fond feelings about Carissa now. And will be very motivated by the prospect of staying on friendly terms with Golarion so he can learn more magic. Also he - has a better sense now that we are very powerful and could enforce ending the war, I think, even if either of you tried to restart it." 

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"Right, that - makes sense."

It's odd how he's been navigating discussions of various kinds all day and now it feels like all of a sudden he's forgotten how to make sentences. Or maybe that he's used up all the sentences. It's odd, feeling safe again at the end of a day that felt incredibly fraught and delicate and like he couldn't afford a single misstep. He doesn't know what to do with the feeling that, instead, Mhalir effortlessly understands what he means even if he says it very badly. 

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<I want him to relax but I am not sure how to persuade him to do that> Mhalir complains to Carissa. 

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I hear you could seduce him.

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<...I can try. It does seem like it might help. ...Perhaps I will start with persuading him to get a little drunk with us first, that should be relaxing even if it turns out he is not amenable to seduction.>

And he puts his hand on Ma’ar’s arm. “I think you ought not be required again tonight. I can have my second-in-command answer your communicator, he is briefed on the full situation. And you would benefit  from a break in juggling all of it.”

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This gets a blank-neutral look from Ma’ar, but after a moment he nods. It’s tempting, to not think about the war for just a couple of candlemarks, now that powerful aliens have the situation roughly under control, and Mhalir is him, he would know. 

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Mhalir tugs him out of Carissa’s room and over to the small dining-room, where they can obtain arbitrary alcohol. Ma’ar can tell them what he prefers, or Mhalir can pick their favorites for him?

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Mhalir can pick. (Ma’ar has made enough decisions already today, and this one doesn’t seem very important.)

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Surprise cocktails!

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Carissa is in favor of this, because she is fifth-circle now, and also because it has been a really long week. "We will have to take Ma'ar home to meet Aroden."

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“We will! You will like him, Ma’ar. - although you two will end up talking about magic for fourteen hours straight. You three, I suppose, Carissa also will only talk about that with him. Did you know, he let her copy whichever of his spells she liked, and he knows so many...”

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“How generous. I am still quite curious to know more of your magic, it seems similar in some ways but then you do things like turning into an earth elemental, which I do not think is possible with our magic even in theory!”

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Has Carissa had enough of explaining Golarion arcane magic to Velgarth mages, or is she up for telling Ma’ar about it too?

(Mhalir somehow doubts she’s had enough of talking about MAGIC.)

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Maybe on a normal day she would've had enough talking about magic because that was like ten straight hours of talking about magic but Carissa is a fifth circle wizard today!!!!

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Ma’ar listens attentively, if a little distantly at first. He gets less distant over the course of the next few drinks, and more animated in his questions. He smiles more often, though still not objectively a huge amount.


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Urtho has already gotten to a lot of the interesting insights about how their magic systems are different, so she can skip through lots of back and forth pinning that down. She suspects mages would make good wizards, the ability to see and manipulate the flow of magic is a good place to be starting from. She's so jealous of mage-sight and Aroden will be even more jealous, based on her impression of him. 


At fifth circle - once she's better at it than she is today - she'll have Polymorph and Baleful Polymorph and Wall of Force and Permanency. She is bouncing gleefully about this.

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Ma'ar smiles vaguely at her bouncing, nods along, agrees that mage-sight is probably very useful for studying arcane magic, although being a Velgarth mage might also make wizardry frustrating, Velgarth magic is much more...accessible, in a way, your total power is Gated on the strength of potential and not on having practiced for years and then gotten into tons of fights. 

(Although he has, in fact, been in very many fights and he wonders if that would transfer to whatever makes Golarion wizards gain spell-circles.) 

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Carissa is adorable when she's so excited about magic, but Ma'ar still isn't relaxed, and seems like he's only half present in the conversation, and this is frustrating. Mhalir feels like it should be more obvious to him than it is what Ma'ar needs to feel safe, and like he can let down his guard. Reading Carissa's mind, before, seemed to help but also confuse him, and confusion seems like not-the-thing right now.

Well, the nice thing about being the bartender while Carissa and Ma'ar are absorbed in discussing magic, or at least Carissa is and Ma'ar half is and is half somewhere else in his own head, is that he can totally make Ma'ar's next drink, like, twice as alcoholic without this being obvious. (He is trying to get Carissa slightly less drunk than Ma'ar because he wants to be able to cast spells.) 

...Honestly he feels like being the same person as Ma'ar doesn't give him much advantage at all to seducing him, given the part where they're different species and Yeerks in their native form don't even have sex at all, but he can at least draw on all of Carissa's procedural knowledge for this even if she's not up for being involved. 

Over the course of the next set of drinks, he shifts his chair closer to Ma'ar's and, when Ma'ar doesn't object, leans against him a bit and starts running Carissa's hand through Ma'ar's hair, like Carissa did before. 

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Huh. Ma'ar thinks vaguely that this is nice, and it's nice to talk to someone who's so clever and enthusiastic about magic and has such a clear crisp grasp on it. He still keeps having the feeling that this isn't entirely real; there are too many sudden changes, too many surreal discoveries about the nature of reality in too short a time, his hindbrain can't keep up.

Right now he's not very distressed about it, though. He feels less like he needs to constantly hold himself braced and vigilant - or maybe he just feels less like he can - the world feels softer and warmer than it did before...

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Carissa will keep talking about Gifts! It would be really interesting if it worked out that mages made high-level wizards as soon as they could get the stabilization down but she expects not because a Golarion sorcerer who picks up wizardry can't cast higher-circle spells than any other beginner. Though no Golarion sorcerers have anything as powerful and flexible as Gifts. Probably all the mages in Velgarth can make a lot of money offering Gifted children in Golarion if they want to do that, though of course she is aware he wants them in Predain too. Based on what Urtho said, Gifts might breed truer here than most bloodlines do at home?

There is something vaguely thrilling about having Mhalir move her hands closer to Ma'ar though she's still not sure he's not gay.

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Well, Mhalir certainly doesn't know how to tell from looking! Ma'ar seems less tense and miserable than before, somewhat, but that could have any number of explanations. 

He takes Ma'ar's hand under the table.  

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This is what's happening, sure. Ma'ar is only half tracking the room and his body at this point; he has his mage-sight open like always and part of him on alert for threats, and the rest of him focused on the fascinating conversation with Carissa, with one slim thread of thought remembering once in a while that he should try to be maximally charming to the alien diplomats with starships, and there isn't a lot of bandwidth left over after that. 

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Mhalir gets them one more drink - appreciates the fact that Ma'ar can have a sensible coherent conversation about something as complex as magic when he must, at this point, be quite tipsy - and then while interrupting as little as possible, suggests they go back to Carissa's room. 

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This mostly does not register, aside from remembering that the room has a door that locks and the wards he put on it earlier when they left him there to wait are presumably still in place, which seems preferable. 

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Mhalir notices that Ma'ar is more relaxed here, which seems...good? Probably? He wishes he could tell what he was thiiiiinking, it feels very unreasonable that he still has to guess even though he's, one, a Yeerk, and two, the same person in some deep metaphysical sense.

He tugs Ma'ar across Carissa's lap and pets him while they converse. 

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I am pretty sure he is gay, Carissa informs Mhalir during a pause in demonstrating magic. Tragic. I am sure if we search all the universes we'll find one somewhere.

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<I think he needs something here and - probably it is not being seduced - I am not sure what else is in the space of things...> 

He casts Detect Thoughts. It's manageable even though Carissa is tipsy and arguably he's tipsy too, because he just needs to pull together enough total concentration across both of their brains. 

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This works! Ma'ar's spell resistance is perhaps less than usual, right now. 

Ma'ar is very drunk. He's sliding around through several layers of thoughts which are not especially connected up or coherent as an overall whole. Most of his working memory is tracking the conversation and watching Carissa's demonstration; this is actually remarkably held-together given his tipsiness. Once in a while he reflexively checks the wards with mage-sight, and also vaguely notices the physical room he's in and that he's being petted, and this is kind of nice, and he wonders if this is what all Yeerk diplomats are like - it honestly wouldn't be entirely unlike Velgarth diplomats, he knows how to negotiate for an annexation while the local landholder keeps waving his servants over with more ale. 

Mostly he's detached from the situation, holding himself back and away from it; it feels like habit, or a carryover from earlier, but also there are layers of emotions that Mhalir can see a lot more easily from an outside angle than Ma'ar can. There's anger and fear and grief and frustration and bitterness, none of which is productive to swim around in right now, and so he isn't, and is entirely unaware of it. He's also not at all conscious of the tension he's still holding in his shoulders even now, or that he has a headache from it, from his perspective he's just a bit worse at thinking for no clear reason. 

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...how do you do that much not paying attention to your brain when you're not even going to be in trouble for thinking. I guess maybe he would've been in trouble for thinking the wrong things at some points.

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<Maybe? I think it is less that there are thoughts he is afraid of getting in trouble for, and more - he is trying not to fall apart despite the unreasonable number of scary and confusing things that have all happened in such a short length of time. He is very traumatized.>

Mhalir finds himself thinking that what Ma'ar really needs is a mother bird, but he is not at all sure he knows how to be that, or that it would work if he tried, they're too similar in a way. And he doesn't feel any older or wiser than Ma'ar, not really. 

He remembers being that confused. Remembers handling it with far less grace and willingness to update quickly on new evidence, actually. He remembers recognizing mistakes he'd been making all along, and how deeply it shook him, and how he had to keep moving anyway, because the world wouldn't hold still and things kept happening to them...

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Carissa feels extremely unqualified to do the Nirvana thing at people. I could literally turn him into a bird but that seems like it'd make everything worse, really.

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<I imagine so!> 

"Ma'ar?" he says quietly. "How are you feeling?" 

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"Mmm?" That's unfair, it's not a question about magic, why are they expecting him to answer questions that aren't about magic... He shakes himself a little. "M'alright, why?" 

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"You do not seem entirely all right." Petpetpet. "There was a time on Golarion where I - had to change my mind and my plans in a hurry and when the stakes were very high. It was hard, and it took a lot out of me. I did not even realize it at the time, because I was alone and in charge and did not feel I had the option to stop and rest. But... You are not alone." 

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...Ma'ar eventually manages to eke out the thought to himself that this is clearly meant to be kind and reassuring, so why is he here feeling worse instead of better, how rude of him. 

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...probably at some point she should stop bucketing an entire angle Mhalir has on the world as 'the Nirvana thing' and ignoring it as irrelevant to her and as mostly constituting patiently saying obvious things until people cry about them. But it really does seem to involve that! And there's no - hook, it doesn't seem like she needs it, in fact she'd be annoyed if Mhalir were to try it - which is probably why he hasn't - 

She pets Ma'ar and can't really think of anything to say and doesn't say anything.

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Ma'ar isn't thinking at all that he wants to cry. He wants to...get in a fight? Except that's clearly stupid, he doesn't like fights, they're bad, and only sometimes justified as the best or only or fastest way to achieve your goals - 

- he wants to win. None of the last few days feel like winning. They feel like the ground vanishing out from under him and - trying to piece together a sail out of scraps and fragments falling around him - like constantly having to make one high-stakes urgent judgement call after another and not having time to step back and check if they worked. He doesn't know what the future is going to look like at all, and yet has spent most of the last day trying to convince everyone important in Predain that he has a plan and is in control and knows what he's doing here. Because if he doesn't this is all going to explode out of control around him and it'll be worse, but it still feels like lying and he's never liked that and especially doesn't like feeling like he's sort of trying to deceive himself about whether it's a lie at all...

He is, in that moment, desperately wishing that things were simple and he could see a clear path to victory even if it was a very ruthless one, which is probably the thing his emotions mean by 'wanting to get in a fight', except that remains an incredibly stupid plan and so instead he's just lying here very still. 

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- oh, that's more relatable. Though she still hasn't got any idea how to help with it.  Things ahead ...are going to be complicated, probably. It seems like it would probably not meet this emotional need to, uh, play Kings, even if the replicator can spit out a set. 

"You....know you...don't need to think of this as diplomatic contact with Golarion, right, you don't have to do anything particularly, Mhalir's you, we want good things to happen and not bad ones... -"

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"I know." 

He sits up, finds that this is slightly harder than he expected, leans on Carissa's/Mhalir's shoulder. "I am - grateful to you - for being here. I - apologize that I am not better company." 

He's thinking that the way Carissa feels toward him is still confusing; he gets Mhalir better, it's not hard to imagine how he would feel about allying with another version of him; Mhalir isn't going to judge him for having made mistakes because that won't help.

Mhalir would understand how it feels, to grow up in a world where almost nobody was evil and yet almost everything was broken, because it doesn't even take enemies to break the world, all it takes is no one clever and brave and learned and ruthless enough to rebuild it, day after day, year after year. And then to see the Tower, and feel for just a little while like there's all the space in the world for him and for everyone to grow and flourish, and to spend decades in the endless thankless grinding project of shaping Predain toward that dream, when he had so few materials to work with, and then for it to end in war - 

It did feel a lot simpler when his plan was just to win. He's incredibly grateful that instead Mhalir and Carissa wrenched this world's history onto a different path, there was so much he didn't know - 

- he's so angry with Urtho for not telling him, for not telling anyone, who in all hells invents magic that could destroy the world, when there are so many ways of fixing it still unexplored... 

He remembers being fourteen years old, illiterate and underfed and chasing a rumour, a dream, fighting his way through all the bandits and corrupt city Guards who wanted to stop him, with his knife and his fireballs and levinbolts, remembers shrieking and kicking and biting and sending magic crackling everywhere, that one - no, it was at least two different times that the mercenaries on caravans he'd joined with tried to surprise him in the night and - hurt him - and their startled eyes when he had the temerity to fight back... And he doesn't actually want to go back to that, it was horrible, but in some bizarre inside-out way he's feeling nostalgic for the simplicity. He always won. Sometimes he was limping for weeks but he won. 

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Mhalir is thinking that he does understand, mostly, but that doesn't mean he knows what to say or do. 

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" - we could spar but you're very drunk." And she doesn't really prepare combat spells but it seems unsporting to fuss about that; someone could have tried to kill her today and she would've made do with what she does have.

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He's never tried to fight while this drunk. "That is - probably a bad idea - would be sloppy, might hurt you... Maybe later?" He's also feeling very tired. Standing up is unappealing. 

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"You could sleep here tonight, if you are tired now," Mhalir suggests. "I know I feel safer and more able to rest when someone else is there who can..." He doesn't know what word to use so he just sort of trails off.  

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"If you are sure you do not mind?"

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"Course not." In fact she kind of wants to sleep too.

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"All right. You should drink some water before we sleep." Mhalir gets up to get him some, and for Carissa as well. 

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Ma'ar drinks his water and then looks around uncertainly, checks the wards a final time and lies down. 

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...He should be under the blanket, that'll be more comfortable. Mhalir fixes it for him, and then crawls in next to him. 

It's not really what he was expecting but it seems - all right?

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Carissa feels like there was a correct thing to do there and she didn't know what it is. But maybe this isn't a bad thing to do.

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Mhalir snuggles up with Ma'ar. He misses snuggling with, well, someone who doesn't share a body with him. That was a nice thing in Nirvana. 

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Detect Thoughts has worn off, but Ma'ar makes a soft sound that probably indicates he appreciates this. 

They go to sleep. 

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They wake up sooner on account of the ring of sustenance. She prepares Teleport and still finds that exhausting and goes back to sleep. Sorry, she thinks at Mhalir. Gets easier with practice.

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Maybe they can get her a better source of magic to use, he thinks. 

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Even after napping again for another few hours, they're still awake before Ma'ar. It's possible that he hasn't had enough sleep in a while. 

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Wars will do that. She prepares a bunch of nonlethal stuff for sparring and then reads a book about teleportation accidents and how to not have them happen to you.

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Nobody interrupts them, even though it's now properly Velgarth-local morning and Mhalir's staff who do not have Rings of Sustenance are now up, and presumably there are messages for Ma'ar coming in on the communicator. 

Ma'ar sleeps nearly ten hours and eventually stretches and rolls over. "Morning. I - probably should return to Predain for the day. Do you have more meetings with Urtho?" 

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"I do not think he has asked for us. I suppose we could contact him, but I am inclined to give him some time to focus on his political responsibilities, much as he may prefer to ignore them, rather than occupy his attention with exciting magic." 

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"Do you want us to come back with you and be powerful aliens at your side of the politics?"

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He seems a bit surprised, blinks at her, then smiles. "Yes, I think that would help." 

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It seems less fun than reading a magic book all day but obviously way more important.

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Ma'ar makes arrangements via the comms, and then they can take the shuttle down to the capital of Predain!

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Some officials have come out to meet them. They are very polite, and visibly nervous, and bow to Carissa and tell her it's an honour to meet her. 

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Oh see this is completely legible! She likes Predain much better than Tantara already; she suspects that people will make sense, here. She tells them that their world is lovely and its mages will be the envy of Golarion, once trade routes are established. She reads their minds once they turn their backs.

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One of them is thinking that she's hot, and wondering how the aliens chose their diplomatic representatives - or the bodies their leaders wear? Ma'ar explained it but he's a bit unclear on details - based on attractiveness, it'd be pretty reasonable to. Also the shuttle coming down and un-cloaking fifty yards up was a very good dramatic entrance, he wonders if they're doing that on purpose. He doubts she means it that their world is lovely, given that hers has spaceships, but he can believe it about the mages. Especially Ma'ar's mages - fine, Urtho can put on a shiny display too... (He has some national pride and soreness about Urtho and everyone thinking he's so great.) 

Another of them is musing on how trade routes would even work in space, do spaceships need to establish shipping lanes or is space, heh, spacious enough that it doesn't even matter... He wonders how Ma'ar got the aliens on his side and whether it involved compulsions. Probably not, they've got magic, seems too risky they'd detect it which makes it stupid and Ma'ar is never stupid.

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Carissa immediately decides she likes all of these people immensely. She never really asked why Mhalir chose her in the beginning, and now finds herself idly curious.

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Ma'ar ushers them toward a meeting with the King's top advisors; they'll meet with the King himself afterward, over supper. 

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Mhalir is trying to remember! ...He thinks they went back and forth a lot on whether to try kidnapping her or another of the wizards just returning from the Worldwound; he liked her as a candidate because she was younger than most third-circle wizards, which probably meant she was unusually clever and ambitious, but he worried this would make kidnapping her a riskier affair. In the end he thinks it's the fact that her living quarters with her parents were less well-protected that decided it for them? And then, of course, he knew much more about her, and - had a sense, already, that they were people who could work together even from the fairly hostile starting point of his having kidnapped her, because she would do what was in her own interests and he could promise her SO much spellsilver, and she was a wizard and clever and both of those things made her a more appealing replacement for Alloran than his other prospects. 

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She remembers that part. She remembers being scared, and waiting and waiting for punishments he didn't seem to consider it worthwhile to deliver, and buying all the expensive things she could think of....


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<I wanted you to be less scared. I - did not know how to convey that I in fact preferred to work cooperatively - it is not actually fun sharing a brain and body with someone who is afraid of me, and of course you are of far greater value as an ally than - as a puppet whose body I wear.> 

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They sit down in a meeting-room and are offered tea. Ma'ar makes introductions. His body language is calm, his face nearly impossible to read; here, it seems to make people intimidated by him, trying to guess what he's thinking and who he feels favourable toward.

Based on her mindreading, they - it's not exactly that they trust him, trust was hard to come by in Predain before and a country can only change so much in fifteen years even with copious use of mind-control - but they, in general, expect him to win. He has a proven track record of being right about things, and he has the King's favour. People are deferent with him. 

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It makes sense to her. She's - proud of Ma'ar, for it, in a weird way, he is showing skill at something she can actually recognize now and it's nice. 


She can explain how Golarion works and how travel between worlds works, though it's possible that a sufficiently powerful caster, like Aroden, could just do a Gate now that this place is known interesting.

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They listen and ask careful questions and sneak speculative glances at each other. Overall this - seems hopeful, in terms of ways the war could end, even if it's not what they were expecting and was terrifying at first and they still feel like Ma'ar must have been making some very risky and delicate gamble, in choosing to surrender. (Though he's right, it's not like they actually wanted to conquer Tantara; Tantara is an excellent neighbour to trade with, and never causes problems with border security since their internal rule of law is solid.) 

The King meets with them afterward, over a meal which is fancier but not quite as delicious as the food in Urtho's Tower. He's a little older than Ma'ar, and he gives the impression of someone who constantly has to prod himself into speaking more and who would really prefer to sit back and listen, or possibly read a book by himself in a quiet library. He seems sensible, though, and is also pretty legible to Carissa in his thinking. He presses her carefully, not too hard, on the question of setting up trade agreements with Golarion (in his mind, but unsaid, he means trade agreements that are more beneficial to Predain than to Tantara.) 

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Carissa suspects that they'll want to investigate the Gate question and whether the gods of Golarion can operate here, which significantly changes who all will want to come and how much of Golarion's infrastructure for trade agreements can be straightforwardly imported. Regardless of how those things work out, they'll be able to sell the things their magic can do and Golarion's magic can't, like Mindspeakers seem better than Golarion mindreading and compulsions better than Golarion's systems for convicts and Healing maybe useful for the cases where Golarion magic healing doesn't help and no one has any idea why not. Yeerks are also generally willing to pay people to be hosts, and depending on local political situations sometimes willing to replace prisons and executions, and they're very convenient, she has one if Ma'ar didn't mention.

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Ma'ar did! (The King has been feeling awkward about finding it hard to tell which of them was talking.)

They certainly do sound convenient and also - helpful? (The King is thinking that it would be great to have a Yeerk who liked big meetings and giving fancy speeches in front of crowds do all of that for him, he doesn't mind talking policy with his top advisors but he really doesn't enjoy the crowd-pleasing stuff.) 

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And eventually the evening is over and Ma'ar politely excuses them and tells Mhalir and Carissa that they can request a ride back up to the ship. 

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Mhalir can do that! 

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"Possibly if we're going to spar we should do that first and not on the ship."

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"- Oh, would it be bad to do it on the ship? All right. We can use a shielded Work Room if that is better for safety."

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"I could probably damage the ship if I were trying and I suspect you can do more things than me."

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"We can use a Work Room. Follow me." 

He leads her to a bare stone room with a very sturdy door, which if she uses Detect Magic will display many, many layers of multiple kinds of Velgarth shielding. 

"- How good are your shields?" he remembers to ask. "Velgarth Adept mages can generally deflect fire and levinbolts without any difficulty, even in here without nodes to draw on, but we should discuss in more depth what is allowed here." 

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"I can do energy shields but I don't go around with them, they don't last all day." She casts them now, though, Protection from Energy (Lightning) and Resist Energy (Fire). They're going to last NINETY MINUTES because she's a FIFTH CIRCLE CASTER. "My shields that last all day are probably worse than yours but I'm harder to kill because it's a side effect of Golarion magical healing. Maybe it evens out." Shrug. "Can we both fight, can we use our energy weapon -"

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"My shields can handle the stun settings - can you demonstrate the highest setting at the wall, the room shields can certainly take it, and then I will be able to tell you if mine can."

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"Sure." She kicks the Dracon beam up to its highest setting and fires on the wall.

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"Yes, you can use that. If my shields end up weakened enough that I am not sure, I will yield." 

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"Sounds good."

You should use that while I cast, then, she tells Mhalir. I can't shoot and cast at the same time and it takes me longer than Velgarth mages to get spells off.

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<I can do that.> It seems like an unfair advantage, but then again, cheating is just strategy. 

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Ma'ar checks all of his shield-talismans, and raises all of his additional personal shields. "Ready?" 

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Whatever Ma'ar is hoping to get out of this it feels cheap to try to give it to him by not trying. Also she really hates losing. 


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"Now–" and he flings up a disk-shaped shield of raw energy in front of him, which presents no barrier at all to the bolt of lightning he flings half a second later, at the same time as he dodges to the side - the shift in momentum is unnaturally fast, he's probably cheating with magic on that too somehow -

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Mhalir trusts Carissa's shields to catch that, and rather than dodging, focuses on firing at Ma'ar with the Dracon beam at its maximum setting, unless and until Carissa needs her hands to cast. 

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The shield catches this but it's a strain. 

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- well, she can speed reflexes too, with Haste, it should help Mhalir out with the shooting, though her casting is unbearably slower than Ma'ar's, she has to tie things together while he can just think it...she's so jealous -

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Ma'ar holds off the Dracon beams but has to redirect to reinforcing his shield rather than attacking more - he has several more layers of shield behind it but doesn't want to start counting on them in literally the first five seconds.

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His shields are far better than any Golarion shield she's ever seen except maybe on Aroden, but his shields take effort to maintain, whereas her energy resistance will be there for ninety minutes  (!)  with no effort on her part.


She alerts Mhalir so he can turn away and shield their eyes, and Fireballs the room. Aiming behind Ma'ar but without any particular attachment to hitting that, it's a twenty foot radius, it should hit them both.

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It seems to completely go around Ma'ar's outer, directional shield! His shield-talisman takes the brunt of it, burning down some of its stored energy, and he's unhurt but very startled. 

He throws a ball of raw force, shaped less to pierce or crack her shields and more just to bodily shove her off balance and if possible knock her down, while he takes the second or two of concentration he needs to prepare a more complicated spell. 

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Mhalir fires the Dracon beam at him some more, but Ma'ar's outer shield is still up even if it didn't do much against the Fireball, and it strains but catches it without needing Ma'ar's further attention. 

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She Teleports mostly to fix the having been shoved to the ground but also in case it throws off whatever complicated thing he's trying - she's so jealous, even Magic Missile takes her longer than whatever that is -

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It slows him down by a couple of seconds, mostly because he's very distracted by how her magic looked, it was - beautiful, so complex and elegant and neatly put together - it takes his mage-sight and Thoughtsensing a quarter of a second to find her again, well before his eyes do. 

He flings a compulsion at her. It's not a complicated one but it's neat, he won't be sloppy here, and significantly more powerful than it really needs to be, in case her shields are tougher than what mages and Thoughtsensers here can manage - most of them don't easily shield from all angles, you can slip in sideways if you're doing something simple, and this is simple, he wants her to STOP MOVING NOW. 

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She notices something and then tries to speak the next Fireball and it fails and she guesses what. 


You Fireball him, she tells Mhalir.

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This means he has to stop firing the Dracon beam and focus, which is going to give Ma'ar more time to get his bearings and try a second time to compulsion him, but he's pretty sure that first Fireball taxed him significantly. 

Ma'ar does not manage to inconvenience them further before he casts it. 

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- Okay he felt that one. He's still not hurt but he's getting very low on reserves, and his outer shield is fragmented so he has only his personal shields and the half-drained talisman which will hold off Dracon beam fire for a minute at most. 

He throws another unformed force-ball and knocks them sprawling again, just to buy himself a moment - maybe - to catch his breath. 

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And now he's on the floor and scrambling to get up and figure out where to aim the Dracon beam. 

<Carissa what spell should I–>

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Just shoot him, I think - They're awfully low on spells.

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He will do that! 

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Ma'ar at this point needs to trust his shields to take it, and yield if it's getting too close, he needs to focus - shove more power into his Thoughtsensing, focus through their odd otherworldly-magic shields to get a clear view of the mind, the two minds, and this time he wants the other one... 

He casts the compulsion on Mhalir to STOP MOVING– oh, and also STOP CASTING SPELLS. 

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Mhalir notices this immediately, when Ma'ar sidesteps and he's unable to move his weapon to aim at his new position. <...I think he has me too.> 

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Presumably one is not expected to yield while unable to move one's lips to do it - well, there's the Mindspeaking. She attempts to mentally shout at Ma'ar.

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"Oh, all right, if you are sure you cannot surprise me with anything else." Ma'ar straightens up from the wall, where he was leaning, breathing hard. He's smiling, though, as he walks over. 

He takes Carissa's hand and - just stands for a second or two, holding it, looking into her eyes. With what is fairly obviously the expression of someone who has suddenly noticed that she is very attractive, and is appreciating that fact while she can't actually move away. 

He undoes the compulsion; just on her, first, not Mhalir. "That was a very impressive fire spell." 

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"It's an adventuring staple for a reason. I think, I never actually did any adventuring." She should tone down the smiling probably before he gets the wrong impression but that was thoroughly exhilarating. "Your magic looks so - natural. I'm very jealous. I wonder if there's a Wish wording."

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"Wish is the ninth-circle spell that lets you do almost arbitrary magic if you know the right instructions, yes? ...I am so curious how that works. It sounds - well, powerful enough to be very dangerous." 

He un-compulsions Mhalir. 

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"Yes, but Aroden knows lots of safe wordings. If there's a way to become a sorcerer he'd probably be one, but - he hasn't heard of Gifts, yet."

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"I am sure he will be delighted when he learns of it." 

Ma'ar walks her out of the Work Room. He - has not, yet, let go of her hand. Possibly this is because he's tired enough from the fight to be a little unsteady on his feet. "Should we call for a shuttle ride back?" 

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"I think so! I can't do that again today. Or, well, I could but it'd be less good, I don't have more Fireballs prepped so I can cast them while Mhalir is moving."

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He laughs. "I certainly cannot do any more, at least not right now! With a candlemark to rest and draw on some nodes, perhaps, but it would be less fun. I have not needed to shield out that much sheer power in - well, a very long time. What is the difference between a Fireball you can cast while Mhalir is moving versus not?" 

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"Still spells - ones that I don't have to move my hands to complete - are a variant of the base spell but a circle higher. It's an added technique you have to learn, I didn't know it before I met Mhalir but I picked it up after so I could, uh, mindread people while he was piloting without us having to sneak out of the room to cast it."

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"I see. Very handy. I suppose we are lucky that way - it is certainly easier to cast many spells with gestures, but this is really just a concentration aid, it takes practice to do without but not greater power." 

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The shuttle comes down to pick them up and they get on. 

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"Maybe it will be popular for Velgarth mages to have Yeerks, then. Magic mitigates a lot of the downsides. I can work on artifacts while he does his government things."

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"Oh, and it is quite remarkably useful in a fight! As you just demonstrated." 

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"That too. I don't know how many Yeerks are going to want fight-y jobs here as opposed to in Golarion where they can get raised if it goes badly."

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"Fair enough. What range of jobs do Yeerks in Golarion have?" 

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"The Andalites are holding it up for political reasons so it's just a pilot group helping with industrialization and so on. And me, I think I got grandfathered in by being dead when the treaty was signed."

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"Oh." He ducks his head, briefly. "What - was it like, being dead? And...coming back?" 

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"It was.... all right? Mhalir was in Nirvana where they do - healing and understanding your trauma and things. I was in Heaven where they - were cleaning up the aftermath of the -"

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Ma'ar doesn't need to be reading her mind to notice that she doesn't, especially, want to talk about the aftermath of the - war, he assumes, the one with Hell. (Cities turned to glass-and-ash...) 

"What determines where a person goes when they die?" 

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"There's a trial. Where you're sorted based on your conduct in life. Our gods - see the world through two - angles, I guess, that sort of translate to human things and sort of don't, Good versus Evil and Law versus Chaos. So there are nine afterlives for all the combinations of those. Heaven is Lawful Good, and Nirvana is Neutral Good. Hell is Lawful Evil."

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"I see. I wonder how I would be sorted?" He shakes his head. "I doubt your gods would approve of my life." 

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"Probably not. Mhalir was Evil, when he reached Golarion, but Aroden is Lawful Neutral. It's not necessarily as simple as ...killing lots of innocent people is Good sometimes if you have a reason." She sounds somewhat bitter about this.

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Ma'ar is quiet for a moment, eyes downcast. Then he reaches out and puts a hand on her shoulder. 

"I do not think it is ever good, though, in the human sense of the word - the one I use, at least. Even when it is a - tradeoff worth choosing - it is always a tragedy." 

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Carissa's belief is that powerful people can do whatever they want and it's stupid even where it's inexplicably not dangerous, to go around wishing for them to do something else. 


She leans into him, nods. 

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Ma'ar slips his arm around her, without thinking about it. He's reading her mind - he figures she's already given him blanket permission - enough to pick up on that thread. 

His thought is that you don't go around wishing. If you notice that you would prefer the world a different way, you list your resources - acquire more if necessary - and you make a plan and you change it. Which often requires becoming powerful oneself, and that takes a long time and is gruelling and frustrating and, yes, dangerous. But he can't say that he's every considered doing it a different way. 

He doesn't know how to say it, though, not in a way that actually translates; he never has been able to communicate it very well, and in this case surely Mhalir has tried already.

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Mhalir gives him a minute of silence, but it doesn't seem like Ma'ar is about to say anything, and now Carissa is sad and he would prefer a new topic. 

"We could watch an Earth movie?" he suggests. 

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"Let's watch another one of the ones about the Earth adventurers."

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Mhalir has a poke around the computer database of movies. "Oh, I recognize this character!" <Carissa, have you heard of 'James Bond'?>

And for Ma'ar's benefit: "James Bond is a very famous fictional adventurer from Earth media! I think there were many books about him and then many movies made over decades. I suppose we can find out why he was so popular a character." 

The movie is called 'Goldfinger' and the plot summary claims it's about James Bond fighting a villain called Goldfinger, who is living up to his name by...trying to mess with vaults of gold and destroy the world economy or something? 

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"Why? - I guess we learn that by watching it."

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Mhalir puts it on. 

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Ma'ar is looking forward to it! He showed some movies to the leadership of Predain, but mainly fiction about space and other made-up-futuristic things, or fiction about worlds with magic (which Earth apparently never had!) He's curious how this genre differs. 

He sits down with Carissa. Leans against her a little, again. 

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James Bond, after his last mission, is on vacation! However, his handler nonetheless tells him to spy on a fellow guest at his hotel! He sees Goldfinger, a gold-bullion merchant or trader of some kind, cheating at some sort of betting card game! Bond blackmails him into losing on purpose and then seduces his employee! However! The next morning he's knocked out by Goldfinger's manservant, and wakes to find Jill dead and also painted gold! She is supposedly dead because of having been painted gold, though it's unclear this medically follows. 

The scene skips to London, where Bond learns that Goldfinger is somehow smuggling gold across country borders in order to profit from selling it internationally! He is tasked with finding out how. This involves meeting Goldfinger at his country club (some sort of retreat where rich people spend time) and playing a game called golf with him, also with a bet made. 

More things happen. Many more characters are introduced. A nuclear physicist from a faraway country called China is involved, and Bond discovers that Goldfinger plans to release toxic gas to kill everyone in the US gold-bullion vault. There is also a bomb involved. Bond and some others are locked into the gold vault! There is a dramatic showdown where multiple people attempt to defuse the bomb and Goldfinger's manservant fights them; Bond wins but is still unable to disarm the mechanism, until seconds before the countdown runs out, an atomic specialist is rushed in and...flips the off switch on the device.

This seems like the climax, really, but the movie inexplicably ends with Bond being flown to have lunch with the US President, which is interrupted by Goldfinger hijacking the plane! However, when in the struggle his gun accidentally fires at a window, the pressure difference sucks him out the broken window! The plane crashes into the sea but Bond and the pilot parachute down to safety. And then hide from search helicopters??? The reason why is unclear and the movie ends there. 

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Carissa leans against Ma'ar and assumes they've established common knowledge about everyone's state of seducedness because it's not a very complicated thing to convey and if Ma'ar is not gay then he's not, given the being twice her age, going to be inexperienced. 


She is not very impressed with James Bond. "I feel like they could have assassinated Goldfinger much sooner!"

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"I do not really understand the decision processes used by anyone in this movie!" 

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"I feel as though they were supposed to be portrayed as ruthless but that...sort of only works if your ruthless strategies are competent? It still managed to be quite gripping, though." 

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"They're good at storytelling. And the music's lovely. And I guess if it's propaganda you've got to appeal to the average person, and the average person can't read or write or count past thirty and doesn't know how to evaluate an assassination plot beyond whether you came out on top."

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"I think the average American, which would have been the main target population, could read or write in..." Mhalir peruses for the film's date. "In 1964. I can absolutely buy that most people cannot evaluate assassination plots beyond who won and how fancy their fight moves and technology and explosions were." 

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"It seems the right level of complicated for schoolchildren, anyway. - Though possibly it is not aimed at schoolchildren, given the seduction depicted, many places frown on that." 

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"- Also the violence, I have not actually spent time on Earth but my sense is that rich societies there do not think children should be exposed to violence, in real life or in media." 

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"What, why not? Do they think they won't do it if they haven't seen it? Does that work?"

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"I am not sure anyone ever did high-quality studies on it, so it is hard to tell. My recollection is that violence has decreased in the rich countries over the last century or two, but it may just be from - better nutrition, or the fact that lead exposure was discovered to correlate with lower intelligence and worse impulse control and so it was phased out." 

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"- Wait, what?" 

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Carissa knows this because it came up while they were replacing lead with osmium for divinations. She lets Mhalir explain, though, while she scrolls through the list of Earth movies to see what the other James Bond ones are.

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This is fascinating and also pretty alarming! Ma'ar mostly isn't alarmed about lead specifically, Predain doesn't use lead in many applications, but in general this is an entire area that no one in Velgarth is very aware of, even Urtho, and that in itself is terrifying. 

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There are sixteen different James Bond movies, published between 1962 and 1989, including the one they just finished. She can look at whichever of those she wants! The titles are all listed conveniently.  

Dr. No (1962)
From Russia with Love (1963)
Goldfinger (1964)
Thunderball (1965)
You Only Live Twice (1967)
Casino Royale (1967)
On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969)
Diamonds Are Forever (1971)
Live and Let Die (1973)
The Man with the Golden Gun (1974)
The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)
Moonraker (1979)
For Your Eyes Only (1981)
Octopussy (1983)
A View to a Kill (1985)
The Living Daylights (1987)
Never Say Never Again (1983)
Licence to Kill (1989)

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"Do you want to watch more Earth movies? If so I am most intrigued by On Her Majesty's Secret Service. I want to know about the Queen of - Earth? America? London?" 

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Mhalir tries to retrieve his memories of Earth history that he read up on once. "- I am guessing of England, the country that London is in. America is sort of the centre of the global economy, in modern-day Earth, but England had a large world empire centuries ago and so has a certain old-fashioned mystique, or that is my understanding anyway. England still has a Queen though I think they are mostly a figurehead? America became an independent empire a few hundred years ago." 

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"I would enjoy watching another Earth movie." Ma'ar, again almost without thinking, reaches out to take Carissa's hand. (He has the impression that it's mostly Carissa, right now, and Mhaliar is having thoughts in the background.) 

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Carissa raises an eyebrow at him and puts on On Her Majesty's Secret Service. She is very curious what Her Majesty is the Queen of and whether she's a powerful caster in her own right or just has a lot of genies and geases keeping her in power and whether the Secret Service is internal security or what.

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James Bond saves a woman who is trying to commit suicide by drowning! Then he meets the same woman again in a casino (a place where Earth humans make monetary bets on many kinds of games.) He goes home with her but is attacked! He fights back and then goes back to his hotel room and - the woman he saved and later went home with is waiting! She claims ignorance about the attack.

However, the next morning Bond is kidnapped! 

His kidnappers take him to meet the head of another polity's crime syndicate. The head of this organization reveals that the woman Bond rescued is his only daughter! Who has a troubled past, which her father/the crime boss tells Bond about, and offers Bond one million pounds to marry her! Bond refuses but agrees to court her in exchange for intel on the location on the head of an organization apparently called SPECTRE? 

[Scene skip] Bond...tries to resign to his boss? Then he heads to the crime boss's birthday party, where he begins a whirlwind courtship with the rescued woman/crime boss daughter. He obtains some information here and investigations on it follow. Bond then goes undercover to a medical clinic, where twelve women have been....cured of allergies??

Bond inexplicably decides to seduce a particular patient, but he notices that at midnight she and all the other allergy patients go into a hypnotic sleep and then receive instructions from the head of the organization called SPECTRE! Bond discovers that these patients are actually being brainwashed to distribute biological weapons!

Bond then tries to trick the head of SPECTRE into leaving Switzerland so he can - be arrested without their respective countries violating each other's treaties?? However, Bond is captured by the leader's agent! But he makes his escape by skiing down a mountain while others chase him! However he escapes! Bond finds the rescued-from-drowning woman he was courting and then it's suddenly a car chase! However, a blizzard forces them to take shelter, where suddenly Bond declares his love and proposes marriage to the rescued woman!

The next morning the head of the bioweapons syndicate SPECRTRE triggers an avalanche on top of them! Bond's fiancée is captured but he escapes. The head of the bioweapons organization wants to hold the world ransom with his brainwashed women/human weapons who can destroy it at his will; the ransom he wants paid is, rather than gold, being recognized with a particular British political rank. Bond's boss agrees to pay the ransom and forbids Bond from intervening. However, Bond recruits allies to destroy the base and rescue his love!

Bond and his lover are married in a country called 'Portugal', very romantically. However, when Bond pulls their car over as they drive away, one of his previous onscreen enemies (it's hard to keep track) shoots at them! 

Bond survives. His lover doesn't. Bond cries while holding her lifeless body. 

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The plot frequently makes no sense whatsoever, but nonetheless, it's very vivid, and Ma'ar finds himself having emotions about it. He squeezes Carissa's hand as it begins to get tense, then pulls her into his arms as he watches. 

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The woman is an idiot. James Bond is nowhere near competent enough to stay on top of all of the enemies he has, and while he clearly has magical evasion abilities that doesn't mean it's safe to be near him. On the other hand she started the movie meaning to die and then she died so maybe rather than being an idiot she was just trying to arrange for it to not count against her in the after- no, Earth doesn't even have one of those. She hopes that the woman's father doesn't pay Bond for the marriage even though it lasted two days, that'd be terrible incentives.

...despite these complaints she has a lot of fun. There's background music! And dramatic moments! And lots of impressive feats of acrobatics and violence! And Ma'ar being affectionate is...sweet? Slightly disconcerting, honestly, but sweet. She presumes she does not specifically give off the vibe that she expects people to be affectionate, and so he must just be doing it for his own enjoyment, which is cute.

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Ma'ar's opinion is that nearly everyone is this movie is an idiot, but - that's not really the point, it's a story. 

He's never been good at stories. Winning in actual reality takes a different skill and he would've had to be stupid not to focus on that. Still, he's enjoyed noticing (if only via Carissa's thoughts) that the music and pacing and lighting and all of those artistic elements are well done and well incorporated into an overall arc. 

...He notices her discomfort, and tallies it up, to return to later. Carissa absolutely does not give off the vibe that she expects this; the opposite, if anything. 

"- What do you think James Bond should have done?" he says, when it ends. "If he were - actually trying to win...?" 

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"I'm not an adventurer, most of the things I'd do would be...have institutions that do things...but if he were actually trying to keep the girl alive, in particular, he'd be in disguise when he saw her, and hire her some discreet bodyguards, and once he knew his enemies had discovered he was involved with her he'd change both their identities and have a wedding somewhere much farther away and travel in a carriage with a top. And maybe a body double."

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Ma'ar runs his fingers through her hair. "- I mean, he was supposed to have an institution that does things, right, he theoretically worked for the - Queen of England, or of Britain, or whatnot. I am unclear to what extent he decided to protect her within the bounds of his standing orders, or against orders, or..." Shrug. "Either way, he was not especially strategic and neither is she - though the story made it less clear what either her goals or her resources were, so it is harder to judge." 

(Ma'ar does not especially understand or sympathize with the goal of committing suicide for any reason, but that also seems besides the point, here.) 

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"He seemed very reactive. Things kept taking him by surprise. In real life if half that many things take you by surprise, you die."

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"That is what I have always believed." Ma'ar turns, looks into her eyes. "- But you caught me by surprise, and - I considered running or fighting or doing any of the generally sensible things, and then I did not do any of them, and - I am not dead yet." 

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"Well, see, Yeerks can afford to be nicer since it's pretty much always to their advantage to take people alive. ...that's how I figured it for the first couple of months, after Mhalir kidnapped me. Eventually I figured out there's ...something in addition to that, too... but it's more confusing."

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"I am still confused by how - what - you and Mhalir...?" Ma'ar isn't even sure what the question is that he's asking. 

He takes a deep breath. "There is a way that you feel about Mhalir, that you - think ought transfer to me because I am the same person in some sense... And, that feels important, and - I am not sure how to put weight on it when I still do not understand what you..." 

He trails off, and just squeezes her hand, his other hand trailing through her hair. 

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I mean... I trust Mhalir. He's nice to me. His people raised me from the dead. I'm - safer, here, even if sometimes it's very dangerous, because there's someone motivated to get me back. And I - like him, I like the things he cares about, I like how he's nice to me - I'm not naive, I know he'd be terrible if that was the way to win, but - but that's what it was like at first, and he still tried quite hard, to give me something I could work with, and anyway it makes less sense to be terrible if I'm his, and trying to work with him -

...and when you're - scared, or on edge, or trying to size up a situation, or being scary, I know what it's like to be you, because I know him, and I - want you to be happy instead, and I - want to establish that same thing that I have with Mhalir... partially because it's safer for me, if you see me the way Mhalir does, if you feel sure that it's better for you for me to have more resources, more options..."

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Ma'ar feels like this is half something that makes perfect sense to him, and half - not the thing he's been searching for at all - and he isn't sure which is right or how he could even explain the difference - it seems like there's a coherent-whole she's gesturing at, a picture of how people can find their shared interests and work together, and that isn't at all the same thing as her wanting Mhalir to be happy...

"What would you do if you were me," he hears himself saying. "What do you want. If - if you were the leader, the most powerful, and could shape the world how you thought it ought to be..." 

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" - I tried thinking about that. For a bit. A while ago. I decided everyone should be wizards and no one should ever die. And then - Mhalir - Aroden - everyone -"

- cities incinerated -

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"I am sorry." The words come in rote and he isn't sure what else to say. He breathes quietly for a minute, thinking. 

"...I - I think you experienced a world where very powerful people with opposed goals were - competently trying to achieve them, and - and there was vast collateral damage in their fight - regardless of which of them you found more sympathetic, what was lost in the cracks between them is the most salient. And that is not the world I have experienced, and so - I am not sure how I would be, what it would be like to be a person who had been formed by your experiences..." 

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"Aroden is a you. And he was a god, and will be again, once Pharasma's not mad at him. So that's - how you'd - deal with that, I guess. But I'm no Aroden."

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"I do not think that I am either. Not–" His arm tightens around her.

( - cities turned to glass - Urtho, burning down the whole world to stop his former student - )

"Not yet." 

( - the chief's club slamming down on his newborn nameless not-sister's head - )

He turns so his face is inches from hers, his hand clenched tightly on her arm, and looks into her eyes again - 

- and kisses her, gently at first, barely a kiss at all, but opening his Thoughtsensing fully to see how she reacts...

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She is startled, at first, which is - incredibly stupid, in hindsight, she told Mhalir she thought he was gay but she revised that, today, when they sparred - maybe he just needed to feel like he'd earned it, which would actually be very cute and - kind of Mhalir, if you extrapolate him human. 

She kisses him back, while all this flickers through the back of her head, because whatever feelings she's having she can have them just as well while not making mistakes that'd be dangerous. (She does not specifically believe Ma'ar to be dangerous, they're on Mhalir's spaceship right now, he could maybe pull something off with the mind control but it'd be an incredibly astoundingly stupid thing to pull just to have Carissa and she's sure he wouldn't. But her instincts about this are not at all tuned to being powerful or having options, practically none of her instincts are tuned to that, her instincts are entirely tuned for situations she might've gotten into in the army or in school and in every conceivable situation the thing to do would be to respond, nicely, while she considered what she was going to do.)

(She finds him attractive, she likes it when he touches her. She is all but considering this irrelevant; it is definitely secondary to a dozen other things.)

Last night, what was the plan? The plan was to see if seducing Ma'ar cheered him up, which would've been a pleasant turn of events, though not one she wanted in the kind of fashion where she was willing to actually herself take actions towards it - it's safer, right, if Mhalir is doing it, though right now he's quiet in the back of her head, presumably considering this to be mostly between Ma'ar and Carissa - unless Ma'ar used magic to hold him back, like during the sparring, but - no, she evaluated the odds of that and concluded it'd be ridiculous, she doesn't need to revisit it five times. He's not stupid.

What's the difference between telling Mhalir it'd be neat if it worked to seduce him, and - doing it herself? Doing it herself- betrays more, exposes more vulnerability - there are more possible girls who give in, here, than girls who seduce him, it's offering him more surface area, it's giving him things she wants, it's dangerous to give people a picture of what you want, it's far more intimate than merely sleeping with them -

- this doesn't have to have a lot of surface area. It can be nice, and safe, and fun, and she can know what it'd be like if Mhalir were human and she doesn't need to have any feelings, and if she decides to tomorrow then that's tolerable, it's less vulnerable if he's not right here. (And she ticks down a list of possible feelings, to screen out the stupid ones. She is not going to care if he's had better, he has an army and he has a mage breeding program and he's twice her age, of course he has, it'd only matter if she were trying to locate her self-worth in this, and she knows what she's good at; it's magic. She is not going to care if he doesn't, actually, like her; Mhalir needs her, she doesn't have much information about what he'd think of her otherwise; it would be interesting to know, and there isn't an answer that's scary. Maybe he ...wants to hurt her? That's fine, sometimes it's fun and if it's not it's good to know where the lines are. What even feels, here, like she might have feelings about it tomorrow?)


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She draws back from Ma'ar, and beams at him, and then kisses him again.

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He looks into her eyes, her smile, and - it's dizzying, exhilarating, almost painfully so - there are so many layers, there, so much intelligence, directed into careful strategy. Strategy appropriate to a world where she is - powerless, a non-agent, blown about by the winds of greater powers, and once she tentatively tried to grow, and - 

( - glass and ash and the lacy outlines of what were once people - ) 

She's so beautiful, smiling at him, and he's so angry, and so - thirsty, reaching for - 

Ma'ar seizes her shoulders, hard enough to leave bruises, and shoves her back against the sofa, pinning her, looking down at her. 

:I want you: he says in Mindspeech; it's more honest, that way, he can't lie about his feelings. :I want you to tell me what you want, right now. I want you to admit that you have the power. To decide that. For yourself: 

His mindvoice is unyielding. 

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- which is hot. And frightening, and - a flicker of impatience - it's not very nice, to be hungry for her like that and then have some game in mind first...

She doesn't - know what to do with it, though. He is - presumably reading her mind, and presumably not just looking for her to beg him to fuck her, that's a script and it's there but she doesn't actually think it's right, she suspects he'd be frustrated - he wants something from her on a deeper level than that - 

- a flicker of rebelliousness, it's not his, she can float through the world carefully staying too small for any currents to actually sweep her up, if she wants to -

- she's been pretending to be qualified to negotiate diplomatic relations between Predain and Golarion, she went to Urtho's Tower to rescue Mhalir, she's fifth circle, now, not really all that small anymore, hasn't been for a while -

- she still doesn't know what to do with - it's too much to ask, when he met her a day ago, even if he's Mhalir, even if she wanted to imagine that there was more, to this, than tonight, and she's not at all sure she does -

- well, fine. 

"I don't want to tell you yet. What I want from life. I don't want to figure it out where you'll overhear it. I trust you - a lot - I don't trust you enough for that. I am only sort of convinced people can trust people enough for that. You'll have to - earn it. But - if you did earn it - that'd be very impressive. And it's probably make me very happy. And I'm - what I want, right now, is to see whether -" It made more sense in her head. "I think, when you do what you want, it's clearer, instead of being less clear. And I'd be awfully disappointed if you walked away."

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He seems satisfied, anyway. Like what she said is the thing he wanted or at least close enough. Something eases behind his eyes, and he pulls her in and kisses her. Less gently this time. 

:It is not mine to ask for: he says in Mindspeech, at the same time, Mindspeech is convenient that way. :You are not mine. I - wanted to see - wanted you to see - that you know that. And - I want you. As you are now. ...I want you to become stronger and - get the things that you want - build the world that you want:

Kiss. :But tomorrow is tomorrow. And now is now: 

And at this point he stops saying words. 

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Carissa has not hooked up with a guy since she was seventeen and had to worry about getting pregnant and she is very delighted that she is now a fifth circle wizard and absolutely does not and also Ma'ar is not a seventeen year old boy which turns out to be a shockingly sizable improvement. She is very set on not getting attached, that being the kind of naive stupid mistake one is warned against and which it would therefore be utterly humiliating to make, and she is very set on not having feelings about whether he likes her as much at the end as he did at the start, and she can feel those two things sitting in the way of a whole host of feelings not all of which would be unpleasant ones, but -


It's nice. And she wanted it, and he wanted that, in the same recognizable (cute) fashion in which Mhalir wants nice things for her...because he's very sweet, which is not feelings about how he'll feel about this, she is realistic and reasonable and aware that a man in his position can have whoever he wants and that the traditional thing to want, for all the obvious reasons, is lots of variety.

Carissa is not maximally satisfied with her feelings management here but she's aware it is hard mode, when you have just had a really lovely time.

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It's nice. 

Ma'ar is reading her mind throughout, because that's the obviously smart thing to do when you are trying to please a person you haven't known for very long, from an entirely different culture with different expectations, and - the thought-patterns in her mind are familiar and unfamiliar at the same time and on some level he wants more, and on another he can take this moment for what it is, e.g. a lot more pleasant than most of the sex he's had with women - and if he wants more of her he has to earn it. He'll leave it to his later self whether that's something worth trying. It probably isn't, the entire category of relationships and love and actually-fulfilling sex is almost never a strategic priority. 

Afterward he cuddles her and sends a wordless waft of respect-fondness with Mindspeech.

(He wonders what Mhalir is thinking.) 

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Mhalir is mostly thinking that this is a fascinating anthropological study in how human sexuality works; he's never actually ridden along in a host's head while they had sex with another human; and how a human version of him does. He's still not quite sure he understands it. It feels like even though he was there the whole time, he's still missing some sort of key context. 

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She has never known Mhalir to be confused about a thing she doesn't herself feel confused about before. Do you want me to try to explain something? She's in such a good mood and it seems like it'd be funny.

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<...If you think you understand it, I am curious? My confusion is more about him than about you.>

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- what about him is confusing? I won't necessarily have more than an informed guess for you, though. 

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<I am confused why he was not at all interested in this yesterday but was today? And - why he said the things that he said to you. What generated them as something he wants in the context of - doing sex things - which does not seem necessarily related to strategic alliances, but I cannot quite imagine a me doing things unrelated to that...> 

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I dunno why he wasn't interested yesterday but my best guess is that he has his pick of pretty faces and I come with unusual complications and so on net I wasn't interesting until we fought, and then girls that can fight him are unusual enough than then I was more interesting.


I don't know exactly why he wanted to talk about my feelings. That part's not usual. I would've expected it to make more sense to you because of the similarities in personality. If I cared about that it'd be - not particularly enjoying being acceded to, rather than being chosen, but I don't think men typically care about that much. ...men typically have a wider variety of situations in which they're motivated to have sex because it can't ruin their life.

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<...My guess extrapolating from myself would be that he - wants to engage with you as an equal? That this is...something he needs, in order to feel any actual closeness or intimacy, and...that that is something he needs to enjoy sex?> 

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- huh. That seems like it'd be hard to come by, in his position. Equals, I mean. Especially if you mostly want girls who aren't yet 30, and my understanding is that powerful men mostly do.

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<...I am not sure why powerful men mostly want that, or whether those reasons would apply to a me. I...do expect that the thing he wants is hard to come by, for him. He seems lonely.> 

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Uh, I think men are attracted to women who look likeliest to get pregnant. Since that's what attraction is about, right, even if Ma'ar and I both know I won't carry a child for him, at the core it's about getting women pregnant.

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<Huh.> Mhalir isn't sure what to think. 

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Ma'ar is not currently reading either of their minds. He's holding Carissa, and thinking that he's glad, and this was nice, and also something still hurts and maybe it even hurts more, now, than it did before. 

( - starship fire on cities - fragments of memories held in ashes - ) 

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It is sweet of him, to be snuggly; she'd have more feelings to manage if he'd left right away. She holds him, and pets his hair, and doesn't say anything, and eventually falls asleep.

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Ma'ar falls asleep holding her. 

- he has nightmares, over the course of the night, but he isn't that loud about it. 

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She's awake by then, and studying magic, but there's nothing obvious to do for him and she might get blasted in the face for trying, so she leaves him to it.

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As usual he sleeps a lot longer than them. Eventually he wakes up, rolls over. Slips his arm around Carissa. (Reads her mind to see how she feels about this.) 

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In between books on magic she has catalogued all her feelings so she won't make the really stupid mistake that every woman is warned against, of slipping into living in a love story instead of in reality. There are lots of things that might happen in the morning; he might charge off home and be distantly courteous should they ever meet again, he might want to go again and then do that, afterwards, he might stay affectionate, he might want things. All of those situations would be okay. She does not need anything from him; she will not get slipped into providing whatever looks likeliest to prolong the nicest illusion. 

She leans into him, when he wakes up, and keeps reading her book, and crosses some scenarios off the list while trying to be pretty indifferent between the remaining ones.

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This is all right. It's not really new information, in one direction or another; she's being appropriately careful, given her priors, and he can appreciate the skill going into that, even if he wishes the environment that created those priors had been different. 

He kisses her, and then says apologetically that he had better go check in with his people now. 

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Of course. The ship is probably too far out for a Gate now but Mhalir can tell it to go in. She should probably also ask if they're needed, today, but she'll let Mhalir ask that so she doesn't sound desperate.

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Mhalir can direct the ship in close enough for Ma'ar to Gate down, or just send a shuttle down for him if that's easier, and he'll ask if they're needed today. 

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"Later tonight, I think," Ma'ar says, absently, his mind already moving ahead. "We can arrange a dinner reception for you to meet and talk with various people." Pause. "If that is all right, of course." 

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Mhalir will check for Carissa's feeling on that before answering for them. 

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That sounds good to her.

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Ma'ar nods and gives them a time and then Gates himself down once the ship is in range; it's simpler than the shuttle, since he doesn't want to make a dramatic entrance. 

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<Do you want to contact Urtho again?> Mhalir asks Carissa. <Or we could just read about magic until tonight, and wait for him to reach out to us.> 

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I bet he'll forget he can do that. 

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So Mhalir contacts Urtho to ask if he has more questions for them and would like them to come by during the day. 

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Urtho would like that! He wants to ask about how starships work, actually, he's very curious what the relation is between hyperspace travel and Gating, they seem to have some similarities? 

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Mhalir arranges them a shuttle ride down to the Tower. 

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Carissa actually knows almost nothing about hyperspace jumping but she's interested in their Gating, since they can make those arches.  Golarion requires two powerful casters to do that with a teleportation circle, and it doesn't last long.

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Urtho invites them into his office again, where the hertasi rescues him by finding his tea set when he wants to offer his guests tea, and he immediately starts asking Mhalir questions. 

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Mhalir does know quite a lot about hyperspace jumps, and especially the drive he helped design and build for the ship that took them first to Golarion and now to Velgarth. Unfortunately there are a lot of prerequisites in the way of explaining it to Urtho, mostly math that as far as he can tell Velgarth has never invented, but he does his best to convey the generalities and then asks Urtho about his permanent Gate network. It seems like Gates more broadly are known in most of the world, but the network of archways he has is different? 

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It is! Permanent Gates are a very advanced technique; he wasn't the first person to tinker with the idea, but has been the first one to build a large-scale setup like the one in Tantara. The difference is that permanent Gates have their own power source, so that even the weakest of mages can activate them, and they include a complex permanent set-spell that does a lot of the routing-between-places. His network is also locked, meaning that not just anyone can walk up and use it, it needs to be a mage he trusts who is keyed into the system. 

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Probably Carissa will have better questions than Mhalir does, here? 

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Carissa is fascinated. It doesn't sound like the kind of thing that'd be impossible to do with Golarion magic - Golarion artifacts actually do more having their own power source than Velgarth artifacts, for the most part -  but no one's done it so probably the first ten things that come to mind won't work. Would it be possible to watch one get made sometime?

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It should be possible to arrange that at some point, Urtho agrees, though it'll need to be later once things are settled, because making a permanent Gate is the work of weeks for a team of a dozen elitely-trained Adepts and he doesn't have the bandwidth to commit to that right now - not to mention choosing the location for such a Gate is a pretty major decision and he doesn't have a pending on lined up. 

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That might be why Golarion never invented it, high-level wizards used to be scarce and ones that'll work together still are. She doesn't think they're in a great hurry to return to Golarion and even if they do they'll probably come back after that, so there's no hurry, but she'd be really excited to see it someday.

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Urtho would certainly be delighted if they did! 

The rest of the afternoon is easily filled with more meandering back-and-forth on both transport magic and hyperspace travel. Urtho is so curious how the Golarion 'Gate' spells compares to the one he knows, it seems like a massively unnecessary jump in difficulty but also like it's a lot more powerful than standard Velgarth Gates? He's still curious about the implications of Gates showing up to hyperspace sensors and wants to know if Mhalir can have his ship's sensors take measurements for some experiments he'd like to run. 

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Mhalir keeps track of the time, and apologetically excuses them a half-hour before their scheduled commitment in Predain. 

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Urtho seems on much more comfortable footing learning about magic and technology. She wonders whether maybe Tantara should appoint another King - what's even the process for that? How were there not ten claimants who could outmanuever Urtho? -but it seems like a risky thing to bring up.

In the evening they can head over to Predain where people make sense.

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<I suspect there would have been, if not for Ma'ar's fear-spell sending nearly all of the nobility fleeing into the wilderness? I expect Urtho would like there to be another King and has no idea how to cause that to happen, perhaps we should bring it up next time.> 

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Ma'ar comes out to meet them, along with some of the other officials they met the other day. He greets her in an entirely professional, courteous manner, but reaches out with Mindspeech at the same time, and his mindvoice is considerably warmer. :It is good to see you: It feels like maybe he would like to say a long more things than that, but isn't sure of what. 

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(Did the fear-spell cause...long term brain damage? Did they all get eaten by trolls in the wilderness? Probably asking Ma'ar that would be awkward).

She greets him back, out loud and in Mindspeech, matching how friendly they apparently are while trying not to form any particular expectations about it, and then they can go on in to dinner.


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Dinner is in a big high-ceilinged hall, which looks like it would normally be drafty and hard to keep well-lit, but this is currently being routed around by the extensive use of heat-spells and mage-lights. There are musicians playing, and servants circulating offering drinks and canapĂ©s on trays, and little tables with pretty tablecloths for people to congregate around, both at standing height and with chairs to sit. 

There are about a hundred people there not including the servants, of varying ranks and positions in the government. All of them are very eager to make a good impression on Carissa, and are various levels of anxious and scared about this, and are confused and curious and exchanging gossip in corners with their acquaintances and allies of varying closeness. 

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Predain makes sense to Carissa. It is nice how her not really knowing anything about how important government events work can be attributed to her being from a different planet. And...it's kind of fun? It's not as fun as magic, of course, but it's a kind of game where (by mindreading) she knows the rules and can win, and people want sensible things like an understanding of what would be valuable to Golarion and the Yeerks and what those entities want from Predain and other things it'd be scary to not know, if she imagines herself here.

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Mhalir appreciates that Carissa is good at this, and it's fascinating to observe even if it's vaguely disconcerting; he's not sure why, this is a way reality is, Yeerk politics was like this too. (Taxxon politics wasn't, it was very refreshing, maybe there was just too much background pressure of 'either your ally or your enemy might suddenly lose control of their hunger and eat you' for it to ever build up much complexity. Hork-Bajir politics such as it was wasn't either, it had its own cutthroat simplicity, they were so childlike in a way; he found that sad, feeling like he could see all of their schemes miles ahead of them, but also straightforward to interface with.) 

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There's a LOT of alcohol served; people in Predain seem to drink a great deal. It's mostly wine, sometimes littler cups of fortified sweetened wine for toasts, they don't seem to have much in the way of distilled liquor. There's a sort of game going on in the background, of people angling to get their conversation partners more drunk than they are, faster, but there's also a genuinely jovial, friendlier atmosphere that emerges after a while, as the snacks on trays switch to decorative sweets and desserts, the mage-lights dimmed and the big fireplace lit for atmosphere.

There's a feeling that this is something people look forward to, a time when their world feels softer and more plentiful and - like there's plausible deniability, maybe, for toasts to the country they've built, toasts to each other's work and health, flowery speeches on Predain's accomplishments. No one, or at least almost no one, is fully relaxed and letting down their guard; there's definitely still a dynamic of trying to learn more of a drunk rival's secrets than he can learn from you. And there's a vague sense that none of this will be quite real in the morning, that the declarations of friendship and flowery speeches made here aren't the sort of thing you can put weight on. It has the feel of a game that people look forward to the opportunity to play. 

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- huh. That makes sense too, in a way, if declarations of caring about things are normally anywhere near as - naive, and accordingly contemptible, as they'd be in Cheliax - but allowed as part of a game, so that you get to say them at all...she wonders if Ma'ar differs from Mhalir in liking all of this more, finding it beautiful the way she does, or if he's on edge and wishing humans were different the whole time.

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He's not visibly on edge, though he's also not playing the game as visibly as most of the people present; he moves around the room, mingling, proposing some toasts of his own, accepting heartfelt toasts and speeches from others with good grace. His body language is as controlled and level as always, his smiles gracious but not at all like the way he's smiled at her. 

A few times he Mindspeaks her from across the room, meeting her eyes briefly. :You made a good impression on Lord Ekar: he'll say. :The young man in red over there - that's Councillor Janes, in charge of city planning - is hoping to talk to you later: 

And there's a smile in his mindvoice if not on his face, and the sense that he likes this element at at least; that he's noticing her skill at the dance, planning how he can wield it, and not expecting that he needs to hide this from her at all and appreciating this fact. 

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Huh. Well, she can work with that. Less effectually as she gets more drunk, but still. (To do: look up spells for cheating at drinking without getting drunk.)

It is slightly surprising and off-model for Ma'ar to be ...nicer to her because they hooked up? Presumably either whatever amount it was advantageous to be nice to her either still applies, or part of the incentive to be nice to her no longer applies because some of it was about an objective that has since been achieved. Is it possible he actually is confused about whether she'll have his kid - no, that'd be stupid, which she isn't. 

She is going to have to add to the downsides of hooking up with people who she'll ever see again a serious layer of mental overhead figuring out what they're doing.

She takes his cues and meets with people and has a lovely time. Their lives make sense and she wants to make sense in exchange and she's drunk enough it's mostly fun to talk to them.

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Mhalir hangs back, mostly, though he can help out with the drunk-ness, lending his brain to help her phrase replies and track her surroundings. 

He's not sure if he shares her confusion about Ma'ar. It does seem surprising if the hooking up is why he's warmer toward her now - though that could just be because he's human, and humans have biological circuitry around that which affects their emotions afterward, which Mhalir lacks. He thinks vaguely it might not be that, though; that it might instead be related to whatever caused Ma'ar to want to hook up with her, when he showed no interest before. Is he nicer to her because they sparred and she was impressive and gave him a good challenge? That feels - less confusing to him, but still some amount confusing. 

Mostly he's enjoying seeing Carissa happy, and doing something she's good at. 

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The party goes until well past midnight, at which point it looks like some fraction of people intend to stick around even longer, but some sort of consensus is achieved that it's no longer embarrassing to leave now, and about half of the people give their goodbyes and trickle out in clusters. 

Ma'ar heads to join Carissa. "Back to the ship, tonight?" 

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"I can call for a shuttle pickup." Mhalir is guessing that Ma'ar would prefer not to Gate, though he bets the man can Gate even when he's got to be pretty tipsy. He seems less tipsy than Carissa, at least from the outside, maybe he has some trick for appearing to drink more than he actually is. 

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"Thank you."

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Carissa wonders vaguely if Ma'ar feels safer on the ship than among his own people. He very well might, the ship's very safe. ...or plausibly being known to his own people to be hooking up with Carissa would undermine her, so it's more useful to be on the ship for that? Maybe she could make more sense of things sober. She should ask him what his trick is.

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Maybe it's that, since he doesn't touch her at all as they head out into the courtyard for the shuttle, even though he seems like maybe he'd like to. The courtyard is chilly, this late, and dark; Ma'ar gives them both heat and light for the couple of minutes they spend waiting. 

He doesn't initiate conversation until they're on the shuttle. "So, how did you find that?" 

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"Nice! Do you have a secret for not drinking as much as you'd - like to appear to be -"

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He looks amused. "If you take the silver cups rather than the crystal ones, and then hold onto your cup and make sure you are the one to pour as often as possible, you can frequently appear to drain your cup while having only a sip, and then refill it only halfway." A chuckle. "Also the wine here is not as strong as whatever it was you were giving me on the ship. And it helps to make sure to eat the canapĂ©s too, and every time I excused myself for the privy I would drink several cups of water in the hallway. I have...a lot of practice with this sort of event." 

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"'s a nice kind of event. Everyone was allowed to act like they cared about things without people holding it against them, right, isn't that the idea -"

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Something complicated flickers across his face, and then he smiles a little. "Yes, I think that is right." He slips his arm around her. "You made a good impression, I think. Exotic, but not so much as to be incomprehensible. You are - hmm, you are good at figuring out the rules of the game and then playing it, I think? It took me years to do that." 

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"I think Predain isn't very different from Cheliax, in some ways. What people are expecting, what they want to see. ...I guess I miss Cheliax. I haven't been back since the war, except to meet Aroden."

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"Mmm. You were living in - Absalom, right, one of the places where many wizards live and work? What is it like there?" 

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"It's a good place to be a wizard, there are lots of other powerful casters around. It's rich, for a city in Golarion, and - it's got more kinds of people than Cheliax, it's safe to want all kinds of things. The Starstone's right there. Even if you have no intention of going for it, I think that - changes how people see things."

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"That makes sense. It sounds– hmm, not really like Urtho's Tower, but...maybe like what I thought Urtho's Tower would be, when I was fourteen." 

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"I don't really feel comfortable in Urtho's Tower. It's - nice, but Absalom is more a place where everyone can be relied upon to have - reasons for what they're doing, and for it to have been stress-tested against bad actors, and - it's not as Lawful as Cheliax but I think it's more Lawful than Urtho's Tower."

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Nod. "I think that Urtho means well, and was - trying to build something good - but there are many aspects of how people work that he did not try to understand. And I think his sense of what he means by 'something good' is...not one that he questioned extensively, or tried to test against the world." 

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"I got that sense. He seemed very sure that the things he personally was motivated to do were good and that other things would be evil, even if they were just - responsible, or common sense, or would end up reducing bloodshed -"

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Ma'ar sighs, and leans against her in silence for a moment. (He doesn't especially want to talk more about Urtho right now; it feels like an old, worn road, one he's retrodden so many times, without ever finding the clarity he hoped for.)

They reach the ship. 

"Your room?" Ma'ar says quietly. "...If you would rather not, that is fine, I still have the guest-room they offered me." 

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Maybe that's why the friendliness, if he had a very nice time and wants to keep it up for as long as they're on the planet. She thinks she is competent to do that and not catch feelings, and anyway she wants to. "It's late for a movie," she says noncommittally, but tugs him towards her room.

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"Yes," he agrees, his voice distant. 

He sits down on the bed with her. "- I want to ask you about something. I - am sorry, I know it is a painful topic, I promise to distract you afterward if that will help. But - what happened, with the war in Hell? I - keep having nightmares about it, what I saw of it in your mind, and...I know it is none of my business, but I am missing nearly all of the context and I would - like to understand." 

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" - Oh. Right. It's - not very complicated. When the Andalites and Yeerks showed up with starships who could destroy worlds, Aroden and the Good gods wanted to - use them to fight Hell. And then Asmodeus, who rules Hell, found out about Aroden not being dead and tried to kidnap him and did kidnap his wife and that - set off the war. And they jumped the ships in and destroyed things until Asmodeus offered them terms they liked better than destroying all of Hell, which was - after a couple billion people were dead. Outsiders, so they don't - get another afterlife - they're just gone."

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- That makes sense." 

He's quiet for a long time, holding her, breathing. 





"....I am not sure why I thought that - it making sense would - make it seem any better." 

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"I feel - betrayed, I guess, about it, which is stupid, but - Good people kept being nice, and compassionate, and saying that they wanted things to be better for everyone, and - it was starting to feel like it wasn't symmetrical, it wasn't just a war between two inhuman things that wanted things I didn't care about, and then they had the chance to destroy Hell and suddenly they were instantly willing to kill billions of people, and -

- it was stupid to ever think they might not have been."

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"Mmm." Ma'ar is very still for a long time. "...It feels - dishonest, in a way, I think? Or - there is a way it can. The way it - feels dishonest for Urtho to claim he wants to help people, to make things better, because - he is not upfront with himself or anyone else what tradeoffs he would make, what costs he would choose to impose on innocent people for his goals. How could he be, he never thought about it." 

His arm tightens around her. "I am not Good. I do not think I have ever pretended to be, to myself or others. I can imagine a world where I would do what Aroden did, Hell is horrifying and billions more people would have gone there, and -" An uneven breath. "I am not surprised by what Aroden did. But - I am disappointed, I think, if it felt like a betrayal to you - if you thought he was someone who would not do whatever it took to shape the world into what he wanted for it. I - I want my allies to know what I am. It feels dishonest, to - pretend I will rule out plans if they are not nice enough." 

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"I didn't think Aroden was something different than what he was. I don't know. It's perfectly coherent, for Good to mean being nice to random people most of the time and also destroy everyone in Hell if you get the chance. But - but when I was thinking about whether Good was different than Evil I was thinking about - little superficial surface detailing, I think, that wasn't who they were when it really mattered..." Shrug. "It's not really about me."

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"Honestly I am more confused about why Evil would mean being cruel to random people most of the time! Most of the time there is little if anything to be gained from that, it - just makes your own life more unpleasant too. I do not prefer that people hate or fear me, it is very tiresome! I - can decide not to be troubled by someone's pain, if for strategic reasons I need to hurt them and watch them suffer, but that takes work. And...I am trying to make the world less broken, and perhaps the difference it makes to be kind to strangers when there are no strategic considerations not to is negligible, but it is also cheap." 

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"Hmm...Aroden kidnapped me. When I was recruiting for Mhalir. And I was uncooperative with questioning and he didn't hurt me. And - that cost him something? I'd have been cooperative faster if he had, and I wouldn't've attempted to escape, which I did, because I would've assumed that it wasn't worth it knowing what he'd do to me if it failed. A Chelish person would've hurt me and I think that's just sensible." Another shrug. "Having people hate you is usually a disadvantage but having people believe that if they betray you they will die very slowly just seems strategic."

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Nod. "I have not personally used torture in interrogations before, but that is mostly because it is quicker and easier to use compulsions and mindreading; I did not try to change Predain's existing broader policy on it, which does involve - hurting prisoners who are uncooperative with questions."

Shrug. "I find it useful if people choose not to fight me because that I am better than them at it and will win, and that even if at first they come out ahead, I will not let them keep their victory. It...is valuable to be known as very ruthless and as - someone who will take action against anyone who makes themselves my enemy, even if at the time that action is costly to me and of little benefit. But I have not found it helpful to make it known that I will kill them slowly after I defeat them." 

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"It is possible that a lot of my context on what commitments are strategic are very - shaped by Cheliax, which was designed to make people evil."

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He squeezes her. "That - makes sense. I...think that suffering is bad, and death is bad, no matter who they are happening to - and sometimes I will cause more of both in the short run, because I care about the future too, and...I try to do math... And I much prefer operating in a setting where it is not in my strategic interests to hurt people or be cruel to them. I have been trying for decades to make Predain less - like Cheliax, I suppose, though I think it was never deliberately shaped to be Evil, so much as...very, very broken." 

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"I think you did a good job. I liked it, there."

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"I am glad." He strokes her hair. "- I think that answers my question. I am sorry for ruining your good mood - would you like me to distract you now, and make it up to you?" 

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It would be easier to just say yes, because then she'd be distracted, which does sound very appealing, but - "I kind of want to know what you want? Here? You can read my mind but I can't read yours so I am very unclear on -" Shrug. "Why you're being nicer. Whether you're expecting anything."

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He makes a soft sound, half a chuckle but without enough air in it to really work. "- You know, this is probably embarrassing or something," (he doesn't sound embarrassed, particularly), "but...I am not really sure how to parse that question or what kind of answer you want. You could just read my mind too? It would be simpler." 

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"Uh...sure. You don't have to answer it, I'm not going to lie to myself because I don't know or anything."

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"No, I - want you to know. It is just hard to explain, it keeps feeling as though there is some different framing that I cannot understand even with reading your mind." 

He lowers his shields, since that'll presumably help even with non-Thoughtsensing mindreading, and deliberately relaxes and intends not to resist her spell. 

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She casts Detect Thoughts.

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Ma'ar's thoughts are a tangle of half a dozen different threads; insofar as he's a bit tipsy, it mostly means that he's less focused on a single one, and there are more emotions floating around with unclear connection to the rest. 

He hadn't realized he was being nicer to her? He supposes he feels more relaxed around her, which is maybe a little about sleeping together, but is more about the sparring, and more than that about...something subtler, something upstream of all that, which he has a hard time pinning down. It's whatever made her able to notice that sparring would help his mood, and motivated to offer it, and it felt like that was the first time he really started to see what it meant, that her caring about Mhalir transfers to him. And what 'caring about someone' means, for Carissa, who's so cautiously guarded in all of her emotions and attachments. 

He doesn't think he has expectations here, not of her. She could at any time decide to leave, or be pulled away, or decide she isn't actually interested in him that way, and - it would be fine, he's an adult, he won't get stupidly upset no matter what happens. 

The thing he wants is - very specific and even he isn't quite sure what it is, except that he wants it more, rather than less, after yesterday. It has as much to do with how the party felt, Mindspeaking her at random to share his commentary, as it has to do with sex. Though the sex was very good. He's been with a lot of women and sometimes it's good in that way and usually it's boring and he thinks about magic during, and he's never really understood what makes it one way or the other. Either way that's something he's fine with or without, it's nice but he's not really planning to chase it, especially not at the expense of his strategic aims. 

...but there's something else that he wants, he's starting to think that maybe he wants it very badly actually, and it's - related, at least, to how Carissa is with Mhalir. Partly how they share her body and magic in such a beautifully effective, efficient way, but it's not exactly that he wishes he were a Yeerk and could do that, it's - there's a thing there...

(Ma'ar is feeling vaguely apologetic that his thoughts about this are so murky, it'd be easier if he were sober. Though possibly if he were sober it would feel too self-indulgent to dive into his confused emotions at all.) 

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- huh. She doesn't think she can figure it out for him, she is not sure what people usually want when they want a mysterious thing? What Mhalir has is - Carissa, they plan together and do things together and take risks expecting the other to help, her body and her mind are his to use, he has to take care of her in exchange but she is his, which seems like a thing you could want if not a Yeerk, but not a thing you can have if you're not a Yeerk.


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Ma'ar doesn't seem to be thinking of it as quite that out of reach, though that may be partly because his mind is clearly not in the habit of considering anything out of reach. 

( - not even a nameless infant killed before she was ever a person - or a man's body carried back to camp, dead, his neck broken from his assailant's club - or a woman's screams from the tent he was forbidden to enter... Probably those are beyond anyone's reach to fix, ever, no matter how many thousands of years he has, but he hasn't, actually, resigned himself to that.) 

He's not expecting her help in figuring this out, and he's under no illusion that he has any chance of getting what he wants unless he pins it down precisely enough to plan, and then finds a way to lay it out and shape himself so that it's in her interests too.

The thing he's trying to show her is - just, he doesn't understand what sets of wants or expectations on his part would be a dealbreaker for her, and he's not going to try to twist himself into the shape she wants, that's stupid. He wants to show her what's there, and she can decide if she's still interested in having him in her bed. And - that's deeply woven in with what he wants, here. For it to be her choice, as an agent in the world, with the power to have goals and make plans and achieve her preferences, and the world where her preferences include being in bed with him would make him very happy, but he can't get that by manipulation and so he isn't going to try. 

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- it's not really that there'd be anything on his end that'd be a dealbreaker for her, except obvious things like if he were planning to murder her or imprison her or something, and it's also on her to make those not good ways to get things he wants. Whether he wants to imprison her feels like much more a verdict on her weakness or strength than on his character; obviously anyone with goals would want to under some circumstances and if she doesn't care for it she should do something to make sure those circumstances don't obtain. ...it also might be a dealbreaker if he were doing this specifically with the intent to diminish her credibility or have leverage over her later (she shoves at him his earlier uncertainty about whether they were being discreet in Predain in order to avoid undermining her), even if she didn't think it'd work, because it seems like a stupid bet to take that you're right about the consequences of something you don't stand much to gain by. But she wouldn't feel betrayed. Sleeping with people for leverage over them is a fair move; she has never been under the impression he wouldn't, if it were a good idea. Almost everything is a fair move, here, and that feels like - an important thing to convey - that she is navigating under the assumption that he'll serve himself, and she doesn't need anything from him, but if she knows what serves him then there's lots of wasted energy on countermoves that could be reallocated. She doesn't really feel like she knows enough to reallocate it yet. 

Permalink Mark Unread

Huh. Well, there's a certain straightforwardness in that explanation that he appreciates. 

He's not trying to undermine her. That would be stupid and not achieve his goals at all; he's put massive effort into convincing all the political actors in Predain that he was being clever and showing foresight, when he surrendered to Urtho at her request, that becomes way less convincing if they see her as less powerful. (...He admits there's also a coherent story to the version where she's favouring Predain because he seduced her, but he thinks it's overall a story that he would find much harder to work with.) He was being discreet at the party partly for her appearance, and partly because he has to - inhabit the right mode, for that sort of event, it's like putting on a mask, and it'd make it weird to also be trying to do the thing he actually wants to do with her. 

He's not going to change any of his strategic priorities based on whether she sleeps with him or not, because that would be incredibly dumb of him; it won't change any of the facts about Golarion magic or Yeerk technology or their relative bargaining power, maybe it would if he expected her to make strategic decisions based on emotional attachments, but she won't, which honestly simplifies things a lot. It means this can just be...whatever it is, for whatever length of time it makes both of their lives better on the margin to do this. 

Ma'ar suspects most people would have a hard time meaning a claim like that, even if they were making it, but he's spent decades balancing that tightrope. If he can sign off on a policy that involves torturing prisoners suspected of treason, because it still makes sense in the current environment of Predain even though he hates it, he's pretty sure he can keep his judgement on what trade agreements to agree to separate from his personal feelings about Carissa, whatever they may be. 

Permalink Mark Unread

That is very sensible. She would in fact be confused and slightly disconcerted if she had somehow acquired leverage by doing this; she knows how to not fuck up and make yourself vulnerable where you didn't intend to be, but she's not actually good at this, she would've been startled for it to have worked at getting her something she wasn't aiming for. 

With that established - she enjoys sleeping with him and they could do it again.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh. Excellent. Ma'ar is very pleased with this outcome. 

Permalink Mark Unread

Carissa is glad she's enough of an adult to have nice things without having feelings and making everything complicated. Sometimes it takes some work, but, well, she's not as practiced at it as him, and she has to learn eventually. When they've done all the diplomacy that seems to urgently need doing they go back to Golarion, to share the news, and she wishes him goodbye very politely, and has a whole ship's journey back to work on not missing him, which would be especially contemptible since Mhalir is right here, and the same person, if not possessed specifically with a face she can touch.