smol ma'ar
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The same hertasi is back. And holding out her wedding ring. "Urtho commends you on your determination in finding your way to his Tower." 


" - wow. Thank you. Um, was the lady at the inn compensated?"


"- Of course, Urtho was not going to steal it from her." 


"I apologize, if it was a rude question."


He seems nonplussed at the concept that anything would be a rude question. "Do you need anything else right now?" 

(Ma'ar wakes to the voices at the door, and sits up, yawning.) 


"I was curious if you have people here with Healing Gifts."


"- Oh, yes, of course. Do you require a Healer's services?" 


"I would appreciate it, if it's convenient." She has no idea whether she is spending invisible credit or has a large stipend of invisible credit or what and obviously powerful mages can do whatever they'd like but it's VERY STRESSFUL. She's not going to mindread Urtho's servants but she's not above asking Ma'ar whether he did, he'll presumably get in less trouble for it.


Ma'ar was totally reading the hertasi's mind and will happily tell her about it once they're alone. "He was wondering where your husband was and whether he's - handsome? And if you're pregnant? And if I'm your son with the same husband but he didn't seem fussed what the answer to that was." 


What a bizarre thing to fixate on. "Huh. I'm going to check with a Healer soon, about the pregnant question."


He nods, yawning again. "They've heard of Healers here, then." 


"Apparently. They might know a lot less than they will know two thousand years in the future but...honestly, they might not know a lot less. A lot is lost in the Cataclysm."


Ma'ar nods. Shivers a little. 


"We should start practicing the language. You'll need it for school."


He nods. "I didn't like not understand what Urtho was saying. Does your translation magic mean you can just teach me, even though you didn't learn it?" 


"I should be able to talk to you in his language and then tell you what I said in yours. It'll all sound the same to me but maybe it'll help you."


He nods. “Okay. ...Are you still going to teach me how to put talking down on paper. That seems important.”


"It does but Tongues doesn't give me writing. I guess I have that letter I got translated, you can try to learn from that."


Ma'ar nods. "It didn't have very many different words though. You could just teach me your language from back home?" He looks thoughtful. "And then no one here would be able to read anything I write down. I think I would like that." 


"-yeah, all right." And she will write down the Taldane alphabet for him and start teaching him her language until they're interrupted for a meal or a healer or something.


They are interrupted by a polite knock on the door about an hour later. "You asked for a Healer?" 


"- yes. Thank you for coming."


The young man steps in, smiles brightly at her. "Healer Tamsin, ma'am. What may I help you with?" 


"I want to know whether I am pregnant."


"Ah." A brief pause. "May I?" He reaches for her hand. 

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